New Alpha-New Rules (9 page)

Read New Alpha-New Rules Online

Authors: By K. S. Martin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance

BOOK: New Alpha-New Rules
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Chapter 12

“Wow.” She said
when she saw the room.

“Wow is right.” He
pressed his fingers softly into the small of her back. “They’ve been busy. Good
work.” Ryder bent to examine the floor. They’d finished the wood floor in one
end of the room and set up his bed. The drywall was in place and it was already
taped over the bed. It still needed sanding and painting but it was much better
than last night. “They want you to stay.” Ryder said into her hair. “They need
an Alpha female.” Harper shook her head. “I know you don’t think that you are
capable but I say you are. You are more powerful than you think, more important
than you think and if you can get him out of your head, you will accept it.”
She went to the bed to look at it.

It was big and had
a brass headboard and footboard. The balls mounted on the four corners were
larger than cannonballs. She noticed that one of them was dented and studied
it. “Nightmare.” He offered and smirked. Harper smoothed a finger through the
crevice and smiled.

“Did it hurt?” He
nodded and kicked his shoes into a corner then pulled his shirt off. Harper
watched him for a moment then went to the window. The pack was coming back to
the house now. They were dragging their kills. “Damn.” She hissed.

“What?” He was
beside her now looking down at his hunting party. “I don’t have the freezer
space for all of that. They are going to have to cure that old-fashioned.” He
leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Get
ready for bed.”

“Ryder, I’d like a
shower and I want to brush my teeth.” He held his hand out and she went to her
suitcase to grab clothes and her toiletry bag then joined him at the stairs. He
led her back down and showed her the bathroom then closed the door. She heard
him go down the stairs and leaned against the sink to look in the mirror at her
reflection. One day made all the difference. She smiled.

Harper brushed her
teeth then hopped in the shower and scrubbed her hair and body. She felt
better, as she washed her old life and her old self away. She washed Bronson
and his abuse away. She scrubbed the insecurity off her, the fear, and the
insignificance. Bronson may have thought she was insignificant but Ryder
thought she was everything.

They met just a
day ago and already he meant the world to her. She dried her skin then applied
lotion. She wanted to be soft for him, to be everything for him because she’d
already decided that he was the one. Her wolf already adored him and already
thrived under him. Harper wanted him. Muscles low in her belly clenched sweetly
and a blush spread over her cheeks. She pulled a brush through her wet hair
then tidied the bathroom. Harper gathered her things and went back upstairs.

She expected to
find him waiting but the room was empty. After peering down into the yard and
finding it empty, she climbed into bed to wait. It was late and the moon was
high now. Her eyes were heavy because of the long exhausting day she’d endured.
Would Ellis give it up? He’d never shown any interest before today in her and
she wondered what brought the change. He’d always been cordial but never
interested except to leer at her. They all did that though, all males checked
out the females, mated or not. Sidney got hot stares everywhere she went. She
wondered was her best friend was up to but then decided she was probably at

Harper sank down
into the pillows and pulled the quilt up to her chin. It was getting a little
chilly up here with the unfinished gaps at the other end of the attic. It
caused a cool draft. Soon though she could hold her eyes open no longer.


This day was
murder. Ryder scrubbed his hands over his face. The boys were gutting and
preparing the game they’d brought in. Tomorrow they would have to get a smoker
and he needed to order that damned freezer. “Ryder? Need help with anything?”
Cindy offered from her place on the couch. Lucy was lying in front of the TV
and her mother was reading. Mathew was probably already asleep. His mated pairs
needed housing so the pup could have her own room. He scrubbed his face again.
“You look tired, go to bed. They can handle it.” She said and winked. He
smirked. “She’s alone up there Ryder.” Cindy grinned and went back to her book.
The sneaky smile still curved her lips. Ryder waggled his eyebrows and took the
stairs two at a time. He’d congratulated the pack on their magnificent work in
the attic and told them how thankful he and his mate were for their efforts.
They’d all swelled with pride. Now he stood just outside the attic door. She
wasn’t in the bathroom when he passed it and he wondered how long he’d been
gone. The bathroom wasn’t humid at all so it was longer than he’d thought.

The room was dark
and he scented her freshly showered scent across the room. She was in his bed
and under his quilt, the quilt he’d had since he was a pup. The quilt his
grandmother made for him. Her small hand rested on his pillow as if she was
looking for him. He hoped so.

Ryder tossed his
jeans and climbed into bed beside her. Lifting her hand gently he held it in
his close to his chest. She moved closer and nuzzled him. He loved it when she
did that. She was asleep and he wouldn’t wake her but he liked to watch her and
to listen to her. This woman was his. No matter how long it took to put his
mark on her, she was his. He pulled her closer and held her tightly while
breathing in the scent of her damp hair. Her breath was minty and her skin
smelled of flowers. Lotion he suspected because she didn’t seem like the
perfume type.

The girl in the
bar, the one whose swaying hips called to him from across the dance floor, that
girl may have worn perfume. She’d had a short skirt, long legs and a beautiful
face under too much make up. This girl though, the one that hid under all of
that nonsense was the girl that he’d been after. She still had great legs and a
beautiful face but what he couldn’t see in the bar was the beautiful soul that
he’d found under all of that. This female was meant for him. He knew that with
his entire being. She was everything he’d ever longed for in a mate. There was
a quiet reserved strength, compassion, and heart. He’d already fallen in love
with her, but truth be told that happened when she ate the pretzel after he
said not to. That spark of defiance in the face of an Alpha of his stature, for
some reason, tickled him. She’d stared right into his eyes and stuffed the
pretzel into her mouth. He smiled now thinking of it. Where most wolves would
have cowered she did not. When most she-wolves would have let him dominate her,
Harper did not. She was different and she was exactly what he needed.

Chapter 13

Harper heard birds
tweeting outside and listened to the quiet around her except for their chatter.
Morning was her favorite time of the day. The quiet stillness before the world
got up and started its dizzy dance of frenzy. She’d waited as long as her tired
body would allow last night, for him. He must’ve come in much later when she
was already in the depths of heavy slumber. Damn it. She breathed in his scent.
He was so close. He was wrapped around her, his arms like a vice and his nose
buried in her hair.

She’d decided last
night that she was ready to move on. Her wolf already adored him and she was
mostly what Harper had feared. If the wolf didn’t like him, it would be a
struggle like it was with Bronson. Her wolf hated him but Harper had been too
young to trust its instincts. She knew better now. Bronson and his wolf hadn’t
liked her wolf and the three of them caused Harper nothing but stress and pain.

Ryder moved, the
warm skin of his bare thigh slid up hers then back down but he was still
asleep. His breathing was deep and even. She chanced a look up into his face.
His lips, those beautiful sculptured lips parted just slightly. Her eyes burned
a trail down over his stubbly jaw and chin, her fingers aching to touch it.
Past his strong neck and throat, oh she needed to kiss the bulge of his Adam’s
apple. It looked delicious.

His chest was
tanned and strong with large pectorals. Her tongue moved about inside her mouth
when her gaze traveled over the small perfect nipples. She’d never paid much
attention to men’s nipples but for some reason she wanted to lick these. Harper
wanted to kiss the sweet skin to just taste it and she didn’t think he would
mind. Her lips puckered and found the softness they sought. He stirred around
her again, his leg skimmed up hers until it wrapped around her hip. This
powerful Alpha wanted her, even in his sleep, he wanted her, his strong leg
pulled her closer. His erection pushed against her thigh. It felt large.  She
glanced back up at his face. His eyes were still closed but his breathing was
lighter now and she wasn’t sure if he was awake or not.

He was so good looking;
magazine cover good looking and she knew when he opened those glorious dark
brown eyes that they would glitter with amusement at her. He was so sure of
himself but not in an arrogant way just self-assured. It was sexy as hell. The
pack respected him too. They wanted to please him and she admired that.
Bronson’s pack never acted as if they wanted to please Max.

They probably
didn’t follow because he didn’t really act as if he wanted to lead. Harper
traced a finger lightly over the valley between his abdominals. He was so
strong and fit, so nicely built. He had the sexiest belly she’d ever seen. The ropes
of muscle formed hills and valleys almost as if a baker lined up rolls except
she knew rolls weren’t this hard. Even relaxed, warm velvety skin covered hard
steel. Her finger dipped into the next valley while her mind wandered.

What would it be
like for this to cover her? When he mounted and claimed her, when he marked
her, would he be gentle or would he slam into her like Bronson had? Would this
wolf bother with her feelings? He seemed like he cared. If he didn’t, he
deserved the Oscar for best actor in an action film. She smiled at that, an
image of this man who ran around in jeans and shirtless half of the time, in a
tuxedo. A black tuxedo with the sleek white shirt and the bow tie, he would
wear a crimson rose in his lapel. Sexy. Very James Bond. Her smile broadened.
His finger came up under her chin and lifted it until her gaze met his. He was
grinning at her and she was still smiling stupidly at the tuxedo image. This
look was definitely sexy too. Mussed up hair and glittering brown eyes, he
could melt any female looking like that, tuxedo or not.

“You have a lovely
smile little one. Good morning.” His head dipped to kiss her softly. When he
pulled away, Harper grabbed his head with both hands and kissed him. She pushed
her tongue into his mouth and tasted him. He was as delicious as she knew he
would be the instant before she did it.

“Good morning.”
She murmured. He watched her and she suddenly felt like prey. Should she not
have done that? Some Alphas were touchy about you trying to lead them. Some
felt that all decisions were theirs and that all of the wolves around them must
be submissive. She hadn’t thought Ryder was like that. He seemed sure of himself,
sure enough that he wouldn’t feel threatened at a little initiative but that
look bordered on predatory and something that frightened her a little. Cindy
said that he liked to keep the she-wolves on a pedestal. Perhaps that meant
they had their place. Shit.

“That bordered on
possessive little one and now you look like you regret doing it.”

“That depends.”
Her throat was constricting with fear. He cocked an eyebrow. “On whether or not
you liked it.” He smiled.

“I liked it a lot.
It just makes me wonder what’s up. Yesterday you were very timid and this
morning bold. What’s changed?”

“I, um…”  She

“Take your time.”
His finger trailed softly down her bare arm and back up leaving a wake of
tingles behind it. Harper glanced down at it and bit her lip. “Whenever you’re
ready.” He said gently.

“I’ve thought
about everything. I was afraid she wouldn’t like you. She doesn’t like anyone
and I was afraid that she would hate you like she hated him. It was hard living
with that but she doesn’t and I…”

“Your wolf?” She
nodded. “She’s a sweet girl, almost as sweet as you are Harper.”

“Will you hurt
me?” It was out before her brain could catch up with her mouth.

“I will never hurt
you. I’m not him. Forget him. I know that it was a long nightmare and difficult
to endure but it the end it turned into a very nice dream. You ended up here
with a pack that likes you already and an Alpha that adores you. You have an
Alpha that will care for you, for your every need and desire, one that will
protect you.” She nodded. “Are you agreeing or are you saying you are ready?”

“Both. I think.”
He lifted his nose and scented the air. Harper breathed deeply. “Coffee.” He
leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“Get dressed. I’m
going to shower and I will meet you downstairs.”

“We’re not going
to, um…” He smirked and rolled out of bed.

“Not yet
sweetheart. Soon, but not yet.” He winked at her then grabbed his shaving kit
and left her alone. Harper scoffed. ‘Not yet?’ Why not? She rolled onto her
back and crossed her arms over her chest. Her brow furrowed low over her eyes
as she stared at the ceiling. She pursed her lips then scowled. She clenched
her thighs together. She’d wanted him, actually felt desire for him, unlike any
she’d felt before and he’d left her laying there unsatisfied. What kind of
Alpha did that? A willing aroused female left behind for a shower and coffee.
It didn’t make sense. She flipped the covers back and hopped down from the high
bed then went about straightening it. She tucked and pulled until it was neat
and the corners sharp.

Harper grabbed the
broom and swept up dust and dirt that was missed by this brooms previous
operator. It was probably a male. The corner of her mouth lifted with humor. A
female would’ve done this better. She pushed her pile into the corner with the
other when she found no dustpan. That explained the pile anyway. Harper went to
her suitcase and pulled out a pair of jeans, a tee shirt, and a pair of
flip-flops, quickly putting them all on. It felt nice to be in normal clothes.
When she turned back toward the bed, a scream left her as she leaped across the
floor to the safety of the bed. A huge furry spider that seemed as big as a cat
to her walked across the floor as if he owned the place. She pulled both
flip-flops off and held them in her hands like weapons.

The attic door
crashed open then and Ryder stormed in with amber eyes, wet hair, and a towel
wrapped around his hips. Four pack members were behind him and losing control of
their shift. Ryder looked around then held up a hand to stop them. Their chests
heaved with labored breaths. “I’m sorry.” She squeaked.

“What happened?”
Ryder asked. She pointed to the offensive creature still taking his time about
exploring the floor between her and her escape route. His tongue pressed into
his cheek. “Huh.” He grunted. She saw Lee smile behind him and Curtis started
to laugh.

“You know you’re a
werewolf right?” Curtis said then laughed loudly. Ryder turned to look at him
and the smile fled his face as the laughter came to an abrupt end. They turned
and hurried away. Ryder stepped forward and scooped it up with his cupped
hands. It looked tiny now.

Bronson did that
once then he flung it at her. She was terrified and shook for hours. She
started to shake now expecting a repeat. Ryder turned though and went to the
opposite end of the attic. He elbowed the window open and dropped the spider

“Okay?” He said
when he was at the side of the bed where she was on all fours trembling. She
launched herself into his arms and buried her face in his damp neck. “Hey, hey.
It’s okay. You’re okay, it’s gone.” He held her tightly and rubbed her back.
“Come on. Let’s go eat breakfast so the guys can get busy on our room.” She
nodded but didn’t let go of him. “Easy girl.” He said into her hair and she
finally calmed. She released the breath she’d been holding and relaxed. He put
her down on her feet and held her elbow while she slipped her feet into her
shoes. “Coffee, come.” He kissed the top of her head and wrapped an arm around
her to lead her out of the attic. Not like Bronson at all, she thought and
relaxed further into his side.

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