New Alpha-New Rules (5 page)

Read New Alpha-New Rules Online

Authors: By K. S. Martin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance

BOOK: New Alpha-New Rules
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Chapter 5

They went up the
stairs and inside. She smelled bacon, sausage, and coffee. Her three favorite
things for breakfast and if she added an egg it would be perfect. Ryder led her
into the kitchen where the little blonde girl Lucy, from the night before sat
with toast, jelly, and milk.

“Sit with me.”
Lucy said grinning up at her while patting the bench she was perched on. Harper
smiled and sat. She looked around the table at the faces from the bar last
night and some that she hadn’t seen before. She hoped that she could learn
everyone’s name quickly instead of having to say ‘hey you.’

“Everyone, this is
Harper. For those of you just waking up, I have claimed her for courting. She
is from the Mountain View pack and with her Alpha’s blessing she is joining our
pack.” Ryder looked around at everyone. The she-wolf who’d been tending the stove
came over to where Harper sat, leaned down, and hugged her.

“I’m Cindy, I’m
Lucy’s mom. Welcome.” She smiled warmly. “How do you take your coffee?”

“Just cream.”
Cindy went over to the pot and filled a mug with coffee and cream then brought
it back.

“It’s good to have
you honey. You can relax for breakfast but after that I will put you to work.”
She winked at Harper.  

“I’m happy to help
but I have two shifts today.” Ryder growled deep in his chest.

“You’re done with
that if you want to be done with it. You have no rent here. No bills. Everyone
pitches in to the common cause. Do you have debt to settle from before, from
him?” Harper thought a moment. There was Ellis’ rent and her unpaid utility
bills sitting on the kitchen table. Other than those, she had no obligations.

“I have a few
bills, my rent, the electric, the water, and the phone bill.” She nibbled her
lip glancing up at him.

“You can keep your
rent money, you won’t be living there. We’ll see about the rest later. Cindy
has prepared a gorgeous meal so let’s do her the honor of eating it. Lucy, I
want to see some bacon and eggs on that plate.”

“Yes sir.” She
said automatically watching her mother give her a spoonful of scrambled egg and
a strip of perfectly crisp bacon. She took another bite of toast with grape
jelly smeared all over it. Harper stifled a grin. This pup was bright. He said
on the plate, not that she had to eat it. Harper watched to see if she would
eat or if she would try to top her alpha.

Everyone filled
their plates once Cindy and Harper had taken their food. Harper thought it
strange. She’d always been told that the males ate after the Alpha and females
ate what was left. “What’s wrong?” Ryder said quietly.

“You guys eat in a
different order than my pack did. Females always got scraps.” His eyes flashed.
“Did I say something wrong?”

“Ryder is
old-fashioned and he tends to put us on a pedestal.” Cindy said biting into a
sausage link. “He thinks that women are delicate flowers and should be treated
as such. It’s sweet.” She smiled. “He always makes you feel appreciated.”
Harper cringed inwardly. What did that mean? Was he one of those Alphas that
had a selection of bitches that he slept with? He said that there were two
mated pairs, where was the other female? Was she waiting for him?

“I see some
serious wheels turning up there.” Ryder murmured and nodded toward her head.
“Don’t get out of sorts. Any questions that you have, I will more than happy to

“You said that
there were two mated pairs, where is the other pair?”

“Well, Nicole is
still in bed.” Harper watched Cindy roll her eyes dramatically.

“Her mate and
Cindy’s mate are in the south field plowing already. It will be time for
planting soon and we want to see what this old farm has in her, if she will
provide food for next year. Nicole and Will’s pups are probably still asleep because
they figured out how to get the video game to work yesterday and they were
still up when we came home.”

“How many pups?”
Harper speared some sausage.

“Oh they’re teens,
three of them, fourteen, sixteen, and eighteen.” Cindy offered. The men started
getting up one at a time and carried their plates to the sink. Each of them
scraped, rinsed, and placed the dishes in a dishwasher. Harper smiled at that.
“I still have to clean the pots but that little trick that I taught them, saves
me time.” Cindy grinned at her. Harper already liked her and knew that she
would do anything that this female asked.

 “That’s a good
trick.” Harper grinned back and finished her plate. Cindy reached over and
tapped Lucy’s plate. The eggs and bacon were untouched so far. Lucy glanced up
at Ryder who sat watching her with one brow raised. Uh-oh. Harper thought, I’d
eat that if I were you little one. Lucy’s jaw worked while she sorted out what
to do and finally picked up the bacon. She shoved the whole piece in her mouth
and chewed.

Ryder was the last
man at the table but soon he tended to his dishes too. Harper liked that they
all helped each other. Bronson always left his plate on the table and went to
watch TV after meals.

The men convened
in the living room behind her. She heard Jack say that the mailbox was fixed
and he was ready for his next assignment. Lee was headed out to tend to the
stairs on the porch. The rest were headed to the attic. Ryder came back to the
table. “You got this Cindy?”

“Sure thing Ry.”
She took Harper’s plate and her own to the sink. “She’ll make it up to me
later.” She chuckled and turned the water on in the sink.

“You and I will go
to your place, pack up what you want to keep and come back here.” Harper nodded
and followed him out to the SUV. He put her into the passenger seat and closed
her door. She watched him round the truck and climb into the driver’s seat. She
buckled her seatbelt and waited.

“My shift starts
at noon at the store.” She said when he climbed in.

“Do you like your
job?” She scrunched her nose and shook her head. “Call and quit.” He started
the vehicle. “Any bills you have, I will pay. If you want to work though,
that’s fine and I won’t stop you. If you don’t want to work that’s fine too
because there is more than enough work around here to do. Like I said before,
we are running a farm, rebuilding this house then building six other houses
eventually.” She swallowed as he eased down the dirt road. “I want to pave the
drive too. Eventually, I want trees to line it on both sides.”

“That’s going to
cost a lot are you sure that I can quit my job?” She tittered nervously.

“We can cover any
expenses because we did well in our deal with the developers. This though,” he
gestured to the land, “this we are doing on our own. We aren’t paying anyone to
do it for us. Before, my wolves ran a little wild. They had no sense of
accomplishment. We worked, we partied, and we ran. I want more for my pack.
I’ve been Alpha for a long time and in that time I’ve decided that working
wolves are healthier wolves, mentally and physically.”

“Turn left up
there.” She pointed. “Back way into my place because I’d like to avoid the
hostile stares that I am bound to get when I pull up in this fine vehicle. Oh,
my car, I need to bring my car. I can load it and come back to your house after
work.” She volunteered.

“You’re quitting,
remember? Or are you having second thoughts?” She shook her head.

“I just can’t
remember a time when I didn’t work is all.”

“Oh you’ll be
working, don’t worry about that. You’ll work harder than you ever have but
you’ll enjoy it because it will give you a sense of accomplishment and that’s
much more important than a paycheck.” She thought about that. In all the years
she’d had a job, she had never enjoyed it. She was paid and she liked that but
going to work didn’t stimulate her. He was right, she’d never felt like she
accomplished anything.

“What will I be
doing at your house?” She asked.

“First things
first, it’s our house. All of ours, not mine. Secondly, there’s cooking,
cleaning…” Her face dropped. It was Bronson all over again. “What’s wrong? Ah,
I should’ve started with painting, paper hanging, floor sanding, plumbing and
electrical work. Are you a skilled plumber by chance?” She shook her head
grinning. “Would you like to learn? In Montana, we ran a contracting company.
Lee is a master carpenter and Jack is his apprentice. Curtis is a plumber, Alan
is an electrician, etc...”

“Et cetera?” Her
brows rose.

“All of my guys
have a skill, they can drywall and finish it, they can install wood flooring,
carpet, countertop, whatever is needed. We were good but not satisfied. Cindy’s
husband Mathew is an accountant but he has decided that he hates it. He is more
interested in trying to run a farm, so I have him doing that. Meantime, I am
learning accounting again.” She pointed to a road to the right and he took it.
“Now, do any of those jobs sound like something that you would like to learn? I
will put you with anyone that has a skill that you are interested in.”

“I’ll think about
it.” She pointed right again and he pulled to a stop behind a small mint green
house. Harper looked around not seeing anyone she hopped out before he could
get around to her door. She led the way up to the back door that she always
left open and went inside. Everything in the kitchen was here when she moved
in. The dishes, the silverware even some food. Bronson’s family had provided
their beginning. “I just need to pack my clothes. The house was furnished so
none of this is mine.” She went through to the bedroom and pulled her long
duffle bag and big suitcase out from under the bed. She took her clothes from
the closet and folded the whole bundle over once inside the big bag.

He watched her
from the doorway go to each drawer on the right side of the dresser and
transfer an armful of socks then underwear and sweatpants to the big suitcase
on each trip that she made. Taking the duffle bag, she knelt in the closet and
loaded her shoes into the bag. She pulled a box from the top of the closet next
and put it in the duffle bag as well. She looked around and spotting the laptop
on the nightstand, she shoved it in the duffle as well with its cord. Ryder
came over and took the duffle bag she’d snapped and zipped then picked up the
suitcase. “I can carry it.” She said.

“Get your bills
and anything else you want. I’ll load these in the SUV.” She nodded. Harper
grabbed the picture of her parents, the picture of her grandparents and her grandpa’s
Bible from the mantle. She gave the place a last look around and spotted her
grandmother’s quilt. After folding it neatly and placing the pictures and Bible
on top, she grabbed her car keys from the hook by the door and shoved them in
her pocket on her way through. She carried the bundle outside for Ryder to put
in the back.

“What do you think
you’re doing Harper?” Ellis said coming around the side of the house. He
reminded her of a fireplug with his stocky build, ruddy face, and red hair.
He’d been growing a moustache and a soul patch on his bottom lip that made him
even uglier than usual. She didn’t have the heart to tell him.

“Max told me to
pick up my things.” She continued walking to the back of the truck. Ryder came
around and Ellis who had been following her stopped. “I only took my clothes
and my personals. Everything else is still inside. There’s a little food in the
fridge if you want it. Thank you for your help over the years Ellis, you were
nice to me at one time and I want you to know that I did appreciate it but I
have to go now.”

“You need to stay
here and face your future.” His eyes flashed.

“I bear no ill
feelings or ill will to any of you. I know that you’re just being loyal to a
friend and I forgive you for choosing him over me. I get it, he was always in
your pack, and I’m just a female that tagged along. Someday you’ll get it too
once you’ve calmed down and considered everything.” She turned to Ryder. “I’ll
get the car. Do you remember the way out?” She asked. He nodded watching Ellis
over her shoulder.

“You’re not taking
that car. It was Bronson’s.”

“Really?” Harper
asked. “You think that it was his? My father gave me that car when I mated
Bronson. The title is in my name not his, but if it will make you feel better
to keep a gift that my dad gave me, a gift that was already fifteen years old
and falling apart, then you keep it Ellis.” She tossed him the keys. “Careful
in second gear, it sticks sometimes.” She climbed inside the SUV, buckled her seatbelt,
and waited for Ryder to climb in.

“This isn’t
finished Harper!” He shouted. Ryder started the SUV.

“This is done. Let
it go or I will end you.” Ryder said calmly out the window to Ellis then backed
slowly out of the backyard and turned the big black vehicle around. Ellis stood
watching them. She saw others coming from around the house to join him before
Ryder pulled slowly away. She gave them a small wave goodbye, and not one of
them waved back at her. She sighed.

“I’m glad we
didn’t go in the front.” She breathed. Ryder grinned.

“Max wouldn’t be
happy with their behavior, I’m sure. He seemed like a good guy.”

“He is a good guy
but since he mated he hasn’t paid attention to his pack like he should. They’re
all suffering in their own way. Some from lack of guidance and some from lack
of uh…accomplishment. There will be a coup if he doesn’t take control again. I
think you’re right about that accomplishment bit. I think that’s important to a
wolf. I mean they rarely hunt anymore. Bronson did because he enjoyed killing
and I enjoyed free meat but a lot of them just go to the grocery store now and
what’s the sense of being a wolf if you’re going to act like a man.” Ryder
quirked a smile and nodded.

“We’ll run
tonight, introduce your wolf to the pack. I think we should all get acquainted
just in case.”

Chapter 6

Harper pulled out
her cell phone and dialed. Ryder steered the vehicle in the direction she
pointed but kept his ears tuned into her call. “Mr. Stevens? This is Harper
Thibodaux. I can’t work there anymore so I won’t be in today.” She listened.
“Yes sir. I’ve switched packs and my new Alpha wants me at home for now. I’ll
pick up my check on Friday.” She paused again. “Yes sir, thank you.”

“You worked for a
wolf?” He asked.

“He’s the
assistant manager, the manager is a human, but he’s hardly there because he’s
in charge of three stores and the other two are having problems right now.” She
dialed again and waited.

“Hi Tisha, I’m
quitting. I need some time to myself. You understand right?” Harper pointed for
him to turn again. “Thanks, it was nice working with you too.” She pushed the
red button. “There.” She let out a pent up breath. “I like to paint.” His brow
furrowed. “You asked what job I liked. I like to paint and I know how to hang
paper, do laundry, cut grass, I can operate a tractor too.”

“Really.” It
wasn’t a question.

“Really. My
grandpa had a small farm and he had me in his lap as soon as I was big enough
to walk. I know about chickens, goats, and gardens. I can bake pie, cook,
clean, whatever you need. All I ask is that you’re fair and treat me nice, not
like a servant.” He grinned.

“I’ll treat you
real nice. I’m always fair and you can help Will and Matt figure out their farm
because neither of them have a clue. It took them all morning yesterday to
figure out how to run the tiller. I can imagine how crooked their rows will be
when the corn comes up.”

“Do you have
livestock?” He shook his head. “Are you making moonshine then?” He shook it
again. “Then you won’t need a lot of corn. It sucks the nutrients from the

“Tell them that. I
have to relearn accounting and it’s been years.” He scowled. She giggled at the
face he made.

“You aren’t
running a business anymore so it’s just bill paying. I know how to do that too.”
She scowled down at the envelopes in her lap. “When there’s money.” Ryder
reached over and took them from her. He folded them in half while keeping his
hands on the steering wheel then stuffed them in his back pocket. He avoided a
hole then pulled to a stop at the highway. “You don’t have to do that.” Harper
said quietly. “I’ll have money on Friday.”

“You keep that and
buy yourself something pretty.” He winked at her. “I’ll take care of your needs
Harper, welcome to Green Valley pack.” Harper stared over at him and he grinned
then pulled out onto the highway headed for home. She wondered about the take
care of your needs comment. Did she want him to take care of all of her needs?
She looked out of her side window at the rolling hills.

Would she have to
wait long for him to make a move? She’d almost thought that he would last night
and she’d been surprisingly okay with that. It had been too long since anyone
touched her and she found herself wanting him to but he’d simply wrapped her in
his arms and they’d gone to sleep. That was nice too. She’d never slept with
anyone except Bronson and he never held her like that. She’d never felt that
safe or that taken care of before last night. Sleeping with a true Alpha was
very different from sleeping with your mate. Bronson was Alpha in the house but
outside of it, he was just another wolf.

Her wolf felt
different last night. At first she was nervous, frightened in the bar and ready
to spring. Then he’d wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to his
side where the wolf felt safe and protected. That close to an Alpha made her
feel special, giddy even. Now he was offering to take care of her needs. She
wondered if she told him what those needs were, if he would take care of them
right now. Her skin heated and she felt the flush spread over her face. A
pleasant tingle worked its way through her.

“Are you okay?”
His finger trailed over her arm and down to her hand where he gripped it softly
and squeezed gently. “Nervous?”

“A little. I want
them to like me.”

“They already do
darling. I’m sure the ones that you haven’t met will like you just as much.
You’ve won over Lucy so the rest should be cake.” Harper chuckled. “I’m
serious.” He grinned. He turned the vehicle down the long gravel drive toward
home. She noticed the mailbox was upright on a new post with a fresh coat of

“He did a good
job.” She pointed.

“Tell him that.
Jack needs all of the encouragement that we can give him right now. He is new
to our pack. We found him wandering alone, almost feral.” Ryder’s jaw tensed.
“I’m still not clear on what happened to him and his pack but we’re trying to
help him socialize again.” She nodded.

“I’ll try to help
him.” He glanced over at her. “I’m new to the pack too and he can help me get
to know them while he’s learning his pack skills again. Nothing loosens someone
up like helping someone else.” She smiled brightly. Ryder smirked. “We had a
similar situation when I was younger, don’t worry.”

“I think you are
going to fit in whether they like it or not.” Ryder parked the truck beside the
porch. Harper saw wolves going in and out of the large barn doors that stood

“I thought we
weren’t to go in there. Is it safe?”

“They know what to
be careful of but I don’t want you in there. You can stand outside and watch
but don’t go past the doors. If it falls, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“What are they
doing?” They were carrying stacks of wood that looked finished to the house.

“They are probably
laying the floor in your new room. I told them that I wanted it finished today
so you can have your privacy.” She watched one of them, Curtis she thought,
carry a window around to the back of the house. He’d danced with Sid last night
and tried to steal a fry. Suddenly, someone was beside her and she jumped. Lee
stood there holding up two buckets of paint.

“Green apple or
raspberry?” He said through the window.  Harper looked at him, confused.

 “The walls
sweetheart, what color?” Ryder said. She pointed at the green can. “Good
choice. We’ve painted Lucy’s room and Nicole’s room so far and those were the
colors they picked. As we go, there will be more of a selection and you can
change it later if you like.”

“Where is my

“In the attic of
course. It’s big so sectioning off a room for you was easy. You’re at the
opposite end from me.” He climbed out and hurried around to help her down.
“We’ll leave your things in the back until they’re done upstairs.” He lifted
her and put her safely down. Harper held onto his forearms. They were so warm
and hard beneath her fingers.

“Thank you.” She
said finally dropping her hands. She noticed a flicker of disappointment flash
behind his eyes. She curled her finger toward him and he bent down close to
her. Harper raised on her toes and kissed his cheek. “Really, thank you, for
everything.” He seemed pleased then.

“Go find Cindy, I’m
sure she can use your help with lunch, they’ll be starved. When they’re ready
to paint, you can help them, but that won’t be until after lunch.” She nodded
and hurried up the steps into the house. Wandering through cautiously, she
found Cindy in the kitchen.

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