New Alpha-New Rules (4 page)

Read New Alpha-New Rules Online

Authors: By K. S. Martin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance

BOOK: New Alpha-New Rules
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 Ryder released a
long breath. This she-wolf was amazing. When she’d walked across the nearly
deserted dance floor in the ridiculous high-heeled shoes with her hips pumping
like she was fucking the world, he’d nearly cum in his pants. The look of her
made him feel like a pup, an out of control, hormonal pup. So beautiful.

He’d only wanted a
roll in the hay when he’d crossed the floor to get to her, it had been his
mission tonight, but when he got there he found more than he’d expected. He
knew right then that she was it. The one. His mate. It had slammed into him
with the force of a train. His mate and she was eating crap snacks from a dirty
bowl. It made him angry that no one was taking care of her. Where was her
damned Alpha?

She was hungry, he
heard her stomach growl and that was unacceptable. She was alone and hungry. His
temper had nearly gone nuclear especially since there were other wolves in that
bar that were obviously in her pack. She’d waved at them when she came in and
they’d acknowledged her but didn’t bother to see to her needs. Unacceptable!
The she-wolf she was with was picking up Curtis. That one was a piece of work.
Sexy as sin but not his style. She was too brazen, too bold, and too obvious.
Curtis seemed to like her though. If he wanted to mate her, he would have his
Alpha’s permission. Mated wolves were better pack members and made for a
stronger pack. If he had his way, all of Ryder’s wolves would be mated. He
hoped that the bold she-wolves had many friends.

Then one of his
mate’s pack members tried to interfere, scolded her in public after he hadn’t
bothered to take care of her. It was bullshit and Ryder wasn’t having it but
then she’d jumped off her stool and got right in his face. Ryder liked her
before but when she did that, she got his respect. She’d confronted a full
grown male, one nearly twice her size and read him the riot act. Ryder had
nearly laughed out loud until the piece of shit grabbed her hand and jerked her
around. His wolf pushed to make an appearance and Ryder had to act or let him
loose. The perfect opportunity presented when the son of a bitch called her a
whore. Ryder couldn’t have stopped his fist if he’d put all of his will into
it. It sought Jake’s stupid mouth with a will and force of its own.

When she offered
him a bite of her burger a few minutes later, he’d nearly climaxed again. Did
she know they were mates? He didn’t get the feeling that she did, she had too
much on her mind and wasn’t open to the feelings that her wolf was probably
sending her. She was hungry and being scorned by her pack so it wouldn’t be as
obvious to her as it was to him.

Holding her on the
dance floor was magical. His whole being came alive, more alive than he’d felt
in his entire existence. Every part of him wanted to claim her right then and
he didn’t care who saw them. He would claim her, sooner rather than later. She
sighed and wiggled closer to him. He’d been hard most of the night and now he
was granite. Even it knew she was the one. He couldn’t wait to slide into her
heat and sink his teeth into her neck. He wanted to mark her as his but he’d
wait for her consent. He wanted a mate not a victim.

The little piece
of shit that tried to throw her out of her house actually did him a favor. He
was the catalyst that brought her here with him but he would still tear that
little monster limb from limb without a second thought. To think for a second
that he would have this beauty for himself in a year if she ‘behaved.’

Where had they
gotten that stupid rule? That was not law, not where he was raised it wasn’t. A
she-wolf was a prize to be cherished. If she was recently widowed and needed to
work out that grief with another, why not? It was up to her. Only she knew how
she felt. It wasn’t uncommon for a mate to die shortly after the death of a
mate. If seeking another prevented that, well the world was a better place with
happy she-wolves. Ryder wrapped his arms around her pulling her flush against
him. He rested his chin on her head tucking her face safely against his chest.
He let his eyes close and rested.

Chapter 4

Someone knocked at
the door. That’s ballsy, Ryder thought. He’d claimed this female publicly last
night and they thought that knocking on his bedroom door at dawn was a good

He gazed down into
her peaceful face. God, she was beautiful. She had the prettiest skin, so fair
with the perfect flush to her cheeks. The flush on her cheeks only deepened to
a lovelier pink if he turned his gaze on her when dominance was on his mind. A
million sooty lashes fanned out over high cheekbones and her lips stayed the
deeper blush that sometimes highlighted her cheeks. Her skin was smooth and
flawless. When she’d turned to dress last night, he’d watched over his
shoulder. It wasn’t as if he would see anything inappropriate with her back
turned but her skin was flawless everywhere.

She had a few
freckles scattered over her back and a strawberry birthmark on the inside of
her right shoulder blade. He wanted to lick and kiss that mark, then make his
own. Her torso tapered down to her waist then flared out at the hips. The
mating urge rode him hard then seeing the natural cradle they would form for
him. Her legs were long for her height and shaped perfectly, they were the
nicest legs he’d ever seen, he thought now. His mate was gorgeous but she
wasn’t one of those women that knew it. That thing she mated when she was young
had been blind and stupid, obviously.

How could anyone
turn to another and risk not seeing that bright white perfect smile? He reached
up and let a loose curl wrap around his finger, all deep brown and coppery at
once, it surrounded his digit in lush softness. He wanted this female but he
wanted her the right way. Not like Fiona, not fast and hard then off for a beer,
not a rutting. This female deserved his meticulous attention. They would get
there. He would build a foundation that would last. He would wait; he was good
at waiting, stalking. Ryder was a natural predator. It must be her choice so
there was no doubt. She would choose him. She had to choose him. He had the
feeling that she was his last and only hope.

She’d agreed to a
courting by coming with him but she had not agreed to a mating, not yet anyway.
She growled softly and shifted closer to him. He inhaled sharply. If she did
that too often, there would be no stopping him or the wolf. He heard the knock
again. Take a hint! Ryder shouted inside his head.

 “Ryder?” The door
cracked and a low voice called to him. Jack. Ryder turned amber eyes on the
crack in the door. “Sorry, her alpha is downstairs demanding that you present
her. He’s got some of them from the bar with him.” Ryder nodded and the door
closed softly. The last thing he wanted to do was wake her. Laying here with
her in his arms offered his wolf comfort. This was the first time it felt so
content. Sure, it was content after a kill or a fight but not like this, not
this complete and utter peace. What a determined Alpha she had, up before the
damned chickens. Ryder could see his side. He had wolves losing control and a
she-wolf under the care of another Alpha that he did not know.

 He disentangled
himself and went to find her some sweatpants. They were going to be too big but
they would have to do. They were grey and said Virginia Tech down one leg in
bright orange. His roommate at the University of Montana had transferred to
Tech in their third year. He was from another pack and when they were thrown
together first year, they butted heads and came to blows within a few seconds. They
established hierarchy in a very short time though and from then on, they had
their own pack on campus and were the best of friends. Ryder was the Alpha of
course but Alex made a great beta when he wasn’t trying to get drunk. A futile
effort really.

Alex transferred
but they remained friends. Sometimes, they exchanged things through the mail. The
sweatpants were one of Alex’s gifts. Alex always asked for preserves and honey
from the fruit stand near campus. He had a huge sweet tooth. Now that they were
in Virginia, he would try to contact Alex, catch up. Maybe once he had the pack
and this she-wolf settled.  Perhaps he was still around. After graduation, Alex
was offered a job somewhere near Richmond, he could’ve taken it. Ryder never
heard. His mate was first though, first, foremost and most important.

Ryder brought the
sweatpants with him back to the bed and knelt beside it. “Sweetheart.” He
trailed his finger over her shoulder delicately. “Harper.” He murmured close to
her ear. Her eyes fluttered open and she gasped looking up at him. “Shh. It’s
okay, you’re okay.” He soothed her running his hand over her hair. “Your alpha
is downstairs. He is demanding you I’m told. I brought you these. They’ll be
too big but if you tie them then roll the top, they’ll keep you covered. I’m
going down. You come when you’re ready.”

“Okay.” She looked
disappointed he thought solemnly then felt lighter. She was disappointed that
she was leaving. He smiled broadly then schooled his face. Ryder slipped
silently out the attic door still wearing the jeans that he wore yesterday. He
was determined to prevent both of those things, her leaving, and her disappointment
in anything. This pretty she-wolf was his and he intended to make her very
happy to be his.

Ryder took the
stairs slowly. If you wake a man up be prepared to wait. Ryder stopped on the
second floor and listened. He didn’t hear anything so he continued. He saw that
the front door was closed as he came down the last steps. He could see people
outside in the yard through the small window at the top of the door. Ryder
watched for a moment peering easily out the small window. He recognized some of
them from last night.

He turned and went
down the hall into the first bedroom where two of his wolves were in various
stages of waking. “On your feet, we may have a situation out front.” They
sprang into action at once. Spotting a pile of folded tee shirts on the dresser
just inside the door he grabbed one and dragged it on. He saw that Lee and Jack
were missing. He was proud that they took ‘first thing’ seriously. Ryder
smirked and went to the second door and repeated the process then headed for
the front. He pulled the door open wide and stepped out onto the porch.

“Help you?” Ryder
growled low staying on the top step of the porch. It was chilly outside and his
toes curled under for a moment.

“Max Sommers.” The
older Alpha nodded introducing himself. He was shorter and older than himself
but Ryder took nothing for granted. You didn’t become and stay Alpha for no
good reason. This was a tough and formidable wolf. He had to be because he was
the Alpha of the largest pack in the area. “You have a she-wolf that belongs to
me. You said that she would be returned before breakfast.”

“If she chooses to
return to you, I am happy to deliver her. She’s just getting dressed.” The one
named Jake growled loudly but stopped when Max gave him a look. “She would’ve
been home last night if that one hadn’t tried to bully her. I don’t know what
is okay and what is not okay in your pack. But, yanking a female around in
public is not okay where I come from. He’s not her mate and I won’t stand by
and watch a display of disrespect like that.” Max nodded.

“He’s here to
apologize to Harper. It’s not okay with me either.” He gave Jake a look of
disdain. “Are these all of the wolves from the bar that were involved last
night?” Ryder looked them over and nodded. “Fine.” Harper stepped out onto the
porch, stepped around Ryder, and went down the steps to her Alpha. Max wrapped
an arm around her and turned away from Ryder. They took a few steps away from
everyone. She nodded while he spoke and Ryder watched. His wolves fanned out
across the porch behind him in various stages of undress. “Jake.” Max snapped.

“Harper I
apologize for my actions last night. It won’t happen again.” He said
mechanically. Insincerity rang in Ryder’s ears and a low growl rumbled through
his gut. Jake glanced at him sideways then went on. “Really Harper, I’m sorry.
I acted like an ass.” That was sincere, Ryder decided. She nodded. Max took
Harper farther away from the porch but Ryder could still hear most of what he
was saying.

“You know the
rules Harper. You mourn for one year. You are not allowed courtship for one
year either. Now, I know that is a fine looking wolf over there but keep in
mind that he isn’t pack. You should stay in your own pack. We have plenty of
fine males that will be willing to take you at the end of the year.” Harper
stiffened and Ryder’s wolf grew restless wanting to go to her. “We’re going
home now and Ellis has assured me that he will let you stay in your house for
the year of mourning. No one will hold last night against you. I realize that
you hadn’t had a good time in a long while so I’m willing to over look last

“Max can I speak
freely?” He nodded when she asked.

“Of course.” Max

“My mate was not
my mate. He may have lived in my house but we hadn’t…for at least three years.
He hadn’t worked because he was lazy, on drugs and screwing a bitch in town.
His time was spent on the porn sites on the internet and with her while I
worked. As far as I am concerned, I’ve been mourning him for the past three
years and I won’t do it a moment longer. I don’t know if you were aware of what
he was up to but I am alive and I have been doing the honorable thing all of
this time. I could’ve dragged all of this out in front of the pack as soon as I
knew it but I didn’t. I gave him the only ounce of respect his memory deserved.
Now, I’m done. If that doesn’t suit you, I’m sorry. You said that I should
stick with my pack? Well, Bronson Thibodaux ruined your pack for me and I am on
the verge of considering it not my pack. My pack would stick up for me. My pack
would take care of my needs, and my pack wouldn’t attack me in public. They
wouldn’t humiliate me any further than my mate has already humiliated me.”

“Your pack is
looking out for you.” Max said gently.

“Yeah? Where was
my pack the other day when Bronson’s drug dealer told me that if I gave him a
blow job we’d call it square?” She took a deep breath when Ryder growled.
“Instead I emptied my wallet. When Ellis demands his rent in a few days, do you
think he’s going to care about what happened? Will he care that I had to clear
up Bronson’s illegal debts? No. He’ll want his rent and knowing Ellis, he’ll
want a blowjob to square that debt.” Ryder’s growl deepened and the wolves on
the porch grew anxious. “My pack isn’t looking out for me Max. I haven’t felt
the love for years.” She dropped her head. “That wolf,” she nodded up at Ryder.
“He has treated me better than any of you. He has staked claim. He has defended
me, fed me, kept me warm and safe. I will accept his courtship, now. Not in a
year, and there isn’t one wolf in your pack that interests me in the slightest.
Not now, not then, not ever.”

Max drew a deep
breath and looked up at Ryder. “Do you have room? You look cramped for space.”

“We’ll make room
if that’s what she wants.” Ryder watched her. She trembled while standing out
in the yard. The grass was frost covered and she was barefoot. Fog rolled
across the field behind her. Ryder looked over his shoulder at Jack who stood
at his flank with his arms crossed over his chest. “Get her a jacket and some
shoes.” He murmured. Jack nodded and hurried inside. The screen door clacked
shut behind him.

“Harper, do you
want to join his pack? My rules won’t apply then. You can do as you please.”
Ryder watched her back stiffen and her shoulders square. She murmured a yes.
Jack came outside then. He had a hooded sweatshirt and a pair of rubber clogs
in his hands. Ryder took them and went down the steps to her. He dropped the
clogs at her feet and she slid her feet into them. He helped her put the jacket
on then zipped it up her front. She stuffed her hands into the pockets. Ryder
stayed beside her and wrapped his arm around her. His hand rubbed her arm
briskly to warm her. “I’m sorry for how you were treated.” Max continued. “I’m
also sorry that I didn’t know about Bronson. I’ll miss you girl.” He leaned
over and hugged her when Ryder dropped his arm. “Can you bring her by later to
get her things?” He glanced at Ryder who nodded. “Good. I wish you both the
best.” Max hugged her again. “No hard feelings.” He said to Ryder. “Take care
of her and if you need anything, give me a call, I’m a fair wolf, and she’ll
vouch for me. Welcome to Virginia.” He turned and walked to his truck where his
wolves now clustered.

They questioned
him about her staying but he simply ordered them inside. He climbed into the
driver’s seat then backed away turning around. Dust kicked up behind the white
rusty tailgate as he drove slowly down the bumpy dirt road. “Who’s hungry?”
Curtis clapped his hands and said from the porch then went inside. Ryder
wrapped an arm around her shoulders again and led her toward the house.

“It’s not too late
to change your mind.” He said looking down at her. She shook her head.

“It’s been too
late for a long time. I can go back to my original pack. I still know people
there. They have the space and you really don’t have the room here do you?” She
gazed up at him through her lashes.

“I said that I’ll
make room and I will. Don’t worry, we adapt. You’ll have your own room by
bedtime.” She looked disappointed at that but didn’t say anything. Did she want
to sleep with him? Could he be that lucky for once? He’d wanted a mate for
years but there always seemed that something was off and none of them were ever
suitable. He had a very strong feeling that this female was his last hope. If
he and the wolf didn’t find her acceptable, there would never be another that
was acceptable. He had to make this work.

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