New Alpha-New Rules (10 page)

Read New Alpha-New Rules Online

Authors: By K. S. Martin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance

BOOK: New Alpha-New Rules
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Chapter 14

Breakfast was in
full swing by the time she arrived. Ryder had stopped at the bathroom to finish
getting dressed after the wildlife attack so she came down on her own. Cindy
and Lucy were eating side by side. Pancakes and bacon was the selection today.
Harper sat on the bench next to Cindy without getting a plate. “What time do
you get up to do all of this?” Harper asked. “I want to help but I seem to sleep
too late.”

“Don’t worry hun,
you’ll get the hang of it. You just got here so you need to give yourself a
minute. I will start making lunch around ten, be here, or be square.” Cindy
grinned at her. “Now get yourself something to eat.”

“Why are you
sitting here and not eating breakfast?” Ryder’s voice growled behind her. She
turned. His hair was wet but brushed back over his head. He was in faded jeans,
and a tee shirt that said Timberwolves. She grinned at the shirt. “I asked you
a question.” He growled again.

“Go get a plate.”
Cindy urged patting her hand but she was frozen in place. The Alpha was not
pleased and just moments ago he’d rescued her but now it seemed like a whole
different wolf was with her. Harper bit her lip. Suddenly everyone was angry
with her, she could feel the tension and anxiety. Ryder lifted her by the
elbows and all but carried her to the stove. Tears pricked her eyes. He was mad,
really mad and she couldn’t handle that. He rejected her earlier, then rescued
her and now he was shoving her around the kitchen. It was too much. Her wolf
was prancing anxiously with her hackles up. She needed to get away.

 “Ryder.” Cindy
said sternly. “Look what you’re doing. Easy. She just wanted to ask me
something, she wasn’t skipping meals.” Harper’s eyes darted around the room
looking for escape and she tried to wiggle herself free.

Ryder wrapped her
in his arms then and kissed the top of her head. “Easy girl.” He soothed her
with his hand warm on her belly. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He murmured
against her ear. She let her eyes drift closed. This was what her wolf needed.
She needed the Alpha’s constant reassurance, for now. The anxiety fled and she
relaxed. “I want my wolves to eat.” His lips touched her ear when he spoke only
for her to hear. “I don’t want…never mind, come and I’ll make you a plate.”
Harper still nibbled her lip and Ryder bent suddenly to kiss her lips. “I know
that tastes incredible but right now have some pancakes. Okay?” She nodded as
he handed her a plate then piled it with pancakes and bacon. “Grab us some
coffee?” She nodded and carried her plate to her seat then went back for
coffee. She’d noticed the morning before that he took it black. She put cream
in hers then carried both mugs back to the table. He sat down next to her.
“Turkey for dinner tonight,” He announced after chewing his bacon, “mashed
potatoes, gravy, green beans, and salad. Cake for dessert, any requests?”

“Carrot.” Lee

“Carrot cake for
dessert.” Ryder put a big piece of pancake in his mouth. “Very good Cindy,
fluffy and sweet. Great job.” She smiled over her coffee cup. Harper was still trying
to figure out the menu. Was he requesting or demanding? She was supposed to
prepare the turkey, did he want her to make dinner for the whole pack? She’d
never cooked for so many people before. Her brows furrowed considering it.

“Don’t worry, I’ll
help you.” Cindy offered. Harper gave her a bewildered look, that question was
answered. “I heard that you caught a turkey and that you are making dinner with
all the trimmings, no better way to endear yourself to these gluttons.”
Protests sounded from around the table and Cindy smiled. Her eyes were full of

Lucy got up then
and carried her plate to the sink. She hopped up to sit on the counter next to
sink and washed her dishes then hopped down and put them in the dishwasher. The
pack watched her. When she came around the end of the counter, they all clapped.
Lee grabbed her and threw her in the air.

“You’re growing up
so fast baby girl. I am proud of you!” Lee shouted. He tossed her to Curtis who
turned her upside down and tickled her. She was laughing. Jack took her and
hugged her.

“You are an
awesome little chick.” He said then passed her to Mathew who kissed her cheek
with a very loud smack. She giggled uncontrollably. Mathew handed her to Ryder
who sat her down on his lap and looked at her seriously.

“You are the
smartest little wolf Lucy. You did a very good job and you’ve made everyone so
proud especially your Alpha. I look forward to you clearing your own dishes
from now on. Excellent work.” He looked at Harper.

“Can you help me
later in the kitchen Lucy? I need to make dinner for everyone and I will need
your help setting the table and tasting my frosting.” Lucy grinned and licked
her lips as her head nodded furiously. Harper smiled. “Good and you did a very
good job.” Lucy reached for her. Harper leaned over and took her. Lucy kissed
her cheek softly.

“I’m glad you’re
here.” Lucy hugged her around the neck. She hopped down then and went to the
living room to watch cartoons. Harper held her cheek blushing furiously. Ryder
leaned over and kissed her other cheek.

“Finish your
breakfast. No wolf will waste away on my watch.” Ryder got up and carried his
plate and mug to the dishwasher. The rest of the pack lined up behind him. When
they all filed out the back door, Harper asked Cindy what he meant. Cindy
swallowed hard.

“Ryder had a
sister who was mated in an alliance barter. You know how well those turn out.”
Harper grimaced then nodded. “Well, it was a terrible match. She was extremely
unhappy but her old Alpha wouldn’t hear it. He told her to stick it out and
what was done was done. You know the type?” Harper nodded.

“Anyway, she was
desperate. Her mate was horrible. He beat her and kept her chained sometimes.
She stopped eating and had nearly wasted away before anyone noticed but by then
she’d stopped drinking anything too. Even though she was once a strong wolf, it
didn’t take long once she did that.” Cindy swiped a tear from her cheek and
sipped her coffee. Harper watched as she swallowed the emotions that threatened
to pour out of her.

“Ryder is very
sensitive about eating.” She said after she’d pulled herself together. “He will
get upset if he thinks anyone is unhappy especially his females. He doesn’t
want anyone to feel that desperate again so if you have a grievance, don’t let
it stew and make sure you eat. He pays attention to that stuff even when it
seems like he doesn’t.” Harper sat and thought about that awhile sipping her
coffee then finished the food on her plate. Cindy gave her a half smile.

Once the kitchen
was cleaned and everything put away, Harper went to the fridge to look around.
It was well stocked but she didn’t see anything to make salad with. “He said he
wanted all of that stuff for dinner. Do we have all of it or should we go

“I was going to
ask if you wanted to join me. There are several things we need and I have a list.
If you have anything in mind for yourself, just add it to the list.” Cindy
pulled it off the fridge and Harper saw that there were several different
handwritings on the list. Her brow furrowed. “The red pen is Nicole’s, green is
Lee, oh and purple is Curtis.”

“Why do they all
use different colors?” She smirked.

“Nicole started
using a different color to distinguish her items and the boys are making fun of
her.” Harper chuckled. “Do you need an orange pen?” Cindy raised her eyebrows.

“No, I just need some
salad, green beans, and carrot cake ingredients.” Cindy took the list around
the kitchen looking in cabinets then scribbled on the list.

“Grab your sweater
if you need one and I’ll meet you outside. When we get back we will fix lunch.”

“I’m good. Let’s
go.” Harper headed for the front door.


The ride to the
store was uneventful. Cindy didn’t shop in the grocer near Harper’s old pack so
she enjoyed checking out their offerings which differed from what she was used
to seeing. Cindy’s phone rang while Harper examined some pears and loaded them
into a bag. She was talking to someone but Harper kept looking at the fruit.
Harper looked up when she felt eyes on her. Cindy was ashen. She tied the pears
while she walked and put them in the child’s seat of the cart. Cindy handed her
the phone. Harper took it. “Hello?”

“Are you okay?” It
sounded more angry than inquisitive.

“I’m fine.” She
answered. “Are you okay?”

“Not really no,
I’m not. I came looking for you and you were gone. I thought you’d bolted
because of breakfast.” He exhaled. “I’ll see you soon.” The line went still.

“I messed up.”
Cindy took the phone and shoved it in her back pocket. “What can I do?” Harper
felt like she was about to cry. Cindy put an arm around her and gave her a
squeeze. “I just can’t seem to do the right thing around him.”

“This is all new
to him. He isn’t used to having a mate.” Cindy put up a finger signaling to
wait a second when Harper started to interrupt. “I know you aren’t mated yet
but as far as he is concerned, it is a done deal. If you want to put his mind
at ease you need to finish it.” Harper nodded. “He’s worried about your old
pack coming after you. I should’ve brought one of the men with us. It was
stupid of me to bring you out alone.”

“He said that, didn’t
he?” Cindy nodded. “We should’ve told him that you were going with me and you
should’ve brought your phone. He’s upset that you didn’t. From now on, keep it
on you and let him know where you are going if you leave the house.” Harper
nibbled her lip. “I know it sounds kind of…”

“No, it’s okay, I
understand and he’s right of course. It was stupid of me and inconsiderate. I
just didn’t think. I will from now on. I’m usually so much better at other
people’s feelings.” Harper said the last more to herself than to Cindy but she
smiled at her.

“This morning at
breakfast, you were looking to escape, we all felt it.” Harper nodded. “Please
don’t do that. If something is wrong, talk to him. Don’t make any rash
decisions. He won’t hold you here if you don’t want to stay. Your happiness and
safety are his biggest concerns. Give him a chance. Now come on, let’s get busy
spending some money.” Harper nodded then went back to examining bananas. She
put a bunch in the cart, Cindy put two more bunches in and Harper grinned. She
wasn’t used to shopping for an army. They started down the aisles and began
filling their cart.

The hair rose on
the back of her neck and she felt him there. She turned and Ryder was right behind
her. He grinned down at her and her brows knitted. Cindy was still talking and
reading from her list. She turned suddenly. “Damn it Ryder.” She spat. He

“For the record, I
don’t like apricots.” He said and Harper laughed. She’d only been half
listening to Cindy once she felt him behind her but she did hear her say
something about stewed apricots. Cindy stopped and picked up a commercial sized
can of green beans. Harper gave the can a skeptical look. “We’re growing boys.”
He rubbed his stomach.

“I’m sorry.”
Harper said suddenly to Ryder. She could see the worry in his face even though
he was grinning. “I should’ve told you where I was going. I’m sorry that I
didn’t and I’ll carry my phone from now on.” His arms came around her then and
he pulled her tightly against his chest then held her there.

“It’s all I ask
little one.” Cindy pushed her cart further down the aisle paying them no
attention. “You scared me. That’s all. I scared myself. I was rough on you this
morning. I didn’t mean to be, I just had a bad experience once, and I don’t
wish to repeat it.”

“Cindy told me. I
understand.” She nuzzled his chest and he hugged her again. Ryder kissed the
top of her head and started walking to follow Cindy.


Ryder followed
them through the store adding things to the cart and grinned when Cindy
protested. She did not want Twinkies in the house because Lucy was a nightmare
on sugar. In the end though, he got his way. He stayed beside them at checkout
and surveyed the other shoppers then followed them out to the parking lot where
he loaded their groceries into the bed of the pickup truck. “I have an errand,
go straight home.” He said more to Cindy than to Harper. “Come here little
one.” Harper went to him and let him hug her. “I like walnuts and raisins in my
carrot cake.” He murmured against her ear. A shiver raced down her spine and
her nipples hardened. She felt her cheeks heat. “You like that.” He chuckled
still in her ear. “Good.” His lips trailed from the hollow behind her ear and
down her neck. He finished by pressing soft kiss to her lips. “See you in a bit.”
He gave her another squeeze then let her go. Harper felt like she floated to
the passenger seat of Cindy’s truck.

“I hope Mathew
comes home for lunch.” Cindy whispered.  Harper covered her face with her
hands. Cindy blew out a breath and shook herself then pulled out of her parking
space. “I never knew that someone else getting petted could turn me on so

“Oh stop. It
wasn’t that big of a deal.”

“Ha! Could you not
scent the pheromones coming off that man? He wanted to eat you up right there
in the parking lot girl.”

“He wanted raisins
and nuts in his carrot cake.”

“Uh huh.” Cindy
grinned at her then pulled through the intersection and headed home. “If you
say so.”

Harper looked out
the window of the truck and saw a former pack member who didn’t see her
thankfully. She would rather they part amicably but if it had to be this way
then there wasn’t anything she could do about it. They couldn’t all feel the
way that Ellis did. Not everyone worshipped Bronson some of them had to
disapprove of his predilections. There were decent wolves in his pack like Max,
he was a decent man with values and morals. If he’d been a decent Alpha,
Bronson would’ve been disciplined for his deeds.

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