Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady (7 page)

BOOK: Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady
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Never would he have thought Willie Reed would be with Black Dog or become a dancer. Her parents must be losing their minds over that he figured. Little did they know her sister Teddy was well known around his club and had been for quite a few years, from he’d heard. He wondered if Willie knew her sister was a dancer, Teddy tried to hide her life from her family from what he knew. Willie would be finding out since she was now a dancer at Dirty Deeds club, too.

So far he liked everything about Deidra from what he’d had seen of her. After taking her from the meeting at the Bound for Hell clubhouse in Sea Woods, he had brought her to his sister Kima’s house while the three clubs had declared war on the Filthy Fiends MC. He still couldn’t understand how the vice president of Satan’s Attitude MC, Whiskey, had let his daughter be basically traded to appease his new ol lady.       

Deidra was a beauty, blonde hair, hazel eyes and didn’t talk a whole lot. She slept in his bed but he didn’t feel comfortable touching her yet. She was young and he really wanted to get to know her better. His mother had tried to protest about it but one look from him had shut her up. She should be happy he was even considering settling down. His sisters weren’t the only ones that wanted children; he wanted sons to carry on the Regan name.

Deidra had been taken on a shopping spree and his family was spoiling her as they had when they adopted Jo. He pulled up to Black Dog’s bike and cut his engine, wordlessly Deidra climbed off as he got the bike settled. Damn crushed shells made parking hard and he was surprised when Deidra handed him a square patio block. At least she used her brain he thought.

“Thanks Dee, I was thinking it was gonna be an issue parking in this shell crap. Where did you find that?” Mad Jack got the block set firmly in the crushed shells and was assured his bike wasn’t going to fall over.

“I saw his bike had a block so I just looked around for another one. They need to have better parking for motorcycles here. There are enough of those patio blocks to make a pad for bikes in that pile.” Her voice was matter of fact and she had a slight southern accent.

“Yeah? I’ll have to tell Black Dog you said that. Not sure he will make one, unless it’s true that he is hooking up with Willie. I think you’ll like her; she is into horses and art. She just started dancing and she doesn’t know anything about club life, maybe you can kinda help her out?” Mad Jack looked at Deidra to gage her reaction.

“Jack, I know my dad’s club’s rules, not yours. I can try to tell her the basics but until I know your club, how can I tell her what the rules are?” She smiled shyly at him.

“Good point, I’ll have to take you around the club more now that my mother has finished taking you shopping. Are you ready to meet my bro and Willie?”

Deidra simply nodded and they climbed the stairs to the apartment. Mad Jack spotted Black Dog sitting at the kitchen table through the screen door.

“Black Dog, you gonna let us in?” he yelled.

Black Dog looked up in surprise; he hadn’t expected that anyone would be stopping by Willie’s apartment so soon. There went his plans to go down on Willie and he hoped she wouldn’t be mad about having to wait or that they had company who just dropped by. Willie was going to have used to his bros showing up all hours.

“Yeah, just a sec, Willie, we got company, get your ass dressed, and come out here.” Black Dog unlocked the screen door and let Mad Jack and Deidra in.

He motioned to the table and chairs for them to take a seat. Jack sat and Deidra sat close to him. Black Dog went to make sure Willie had heard him and was changing.

“She must be a good artist,” Deidra commented as she looked around the open floor plan of the apartment and saw all of Willie’s paintings.

Mad Jack agreed, “Willie is the art teacher at Saint Rose’s Catholic high school. She donates some of her paintings at the hospital too. You’ll like her; she isn’t as nosy as Kima and Jo. I’m not sure what she and Black Dog got going on yet. I heard he was here, so I thought we might as well hang out for the day. Maybe they’ll want to take a ride or something. Are you good with that?”

Deidra nodded again and smiled at him. Mad Jack felt a bit of his usually hard heart soften. This chick was really getting to him since the night he had seen her. Zero had said she might be a virgin so he hadn’t wanted to push himself on her. He needed to find out if she was and neither of his sisters would ask her. Maybe Willie could find that out for him. Jack knew he was a son of bitch to most chicks he dated.

However, Deidra, she was special and she was his. If she didn’t know anything about sex, then he was going to be gentle and make sure she enjoyed her first time. Jack made himself wait until she was asleep before getting into bed next to her. He liked the way she molded herself around his body and she smelled so good. He watched her as she slept, he held her when she had bad dreams and he wanted her to love him. That had never seemed important to him before. He had never wanted any woman to love him as much as he wanted and needed Deidra to.

“Dee, do you like New Jersey, is my family being nice to you? I was thinking maybe we should move out, get our own place.” Mad Jack wanted to know her thoughts on the matter before making any changes.

“I’d like our own place, I never had much of a say in my life before and while your family is real nice to me, I’m not really comfortable living there. Your sisters are with bikers from a different MC. That makes me uncomfortable in some ways. My dad’s MC, stays pretty much by themselves, unless one of your clubs comes around.

“I don’t ever want to slip up and say the wrong thing. I like your parents a lot but it feels strange to be sleeping in your bed under their roof.” Deidra answered him truthfully. “I think if we’re going to be in a relationship, we need our own place and I can work to help pay the rent.”

Mad Jack put his knuckles to his lips to hide his smile. He would be talking to his dad about getting a house right away. Deidra had no clue about the Regan family and their assets. He liked that she didn’t, because too many women had been after his family’s money over the years. Maybe that was why he’d never wanted to settle down until he saw Deidra sitting all alone in the Bound for Hell MC Clubhouse waiting to see if anyone wanted her.

“So when you say relationship, do you mean in all ways you plan on being my ol lady?” This might be the chance to find out if Deidra was experienced or not.

Deidra softly sighed, “Jack, I know what is expected of me and yes I plan to fuck you, but I’d like to be under our own roof. I never had sex before which I think is what you’re really trying to find out isn’t it?”

She looked directly into his eyes as he nodded yes. “I thought so; I hadn’t planned on a life like my mother had. We both wanted more for me but that wasn’t in the cards for me. I’m glad I’m here with you. I know better than to expect that you’ll marry me or fall in love with me.

“I am very thankful you picked me and I’ll do my best to be a good ol lady. I hope you won’t hit or abuse me because I don’t ever want to hate you and I think I’d have to run away.” She wiped at the stray tear rolling down her face. “I promised my dad, that I’d do what he expected of me. Maybe you’ll let me go to school at night someday? I really wanted an education and I don’t want to be a dancer.”

Mad Jack grabbed her up and pulled her against his chest. “Honey, you’ll never have to be a dancer and if this does work out between us, you’ll get the ring and the wedding. You think my ma wouldn’t love to plan another wedding? You want to go to school; we’ll look into fall classes for you. I’m glad I saw you sitting there too Dee and so very glad you let me pick you. I just want to make everything good for you and I want a family someday. I’ve got to carry on the name and all that shit, you know.”

Deidra smiled at him and her face glowed with hope and happiness that made Mad Jack smile back at her.

“I’m a pain in the ass Dee, I ain’t easy to live with probably, but I’m going to try really hard for you. We’ll fight but we’ll always go to bed with a kiss no matter what. Do you know how to cook?” Mad Jack was hoping she did or they’d have to live near his parent’s house so his mother could feed them.

“Jack, I was taught to cook and I’m sure you mother will show me how to make all your favorite meals. Your parents spoiled you rotten according to Kima and Jo. I can’t wait to meet Shelly, your mom says she collects husbands, is that true?”

Mad Jack frowned slightly, “Shelly used to collect husbands, and I think this one is it for her. She wants babies but so far, it hasn’t happened. For her sake, I hope it does. What else has my mother and sisters been telling you?”

Deidra winked at him and motioned toward Willie and Black Dog coming into the kitchen. “Wouldn’t you like to know, but I’m not telling you.”



illie stood in the bedroom with her hands on her hips glaring at Black Dog. No, she wasn’t happy because she had been looking forward to BD going down on her and doing all the things he had promised. She decided that if she was going to roll with Black Dog she needed to get herself dressed and be nice to his friends. BD had made it clear no bitching, so she pulled on a pair of jeans and a tank top and walked out of the bedroom with a smile on her face and Black Dog behind her.

“Hey Willie, hope you don’t mind us dropping by but I wanted you to meet my ol lady Deidra. She doesn’t know anyone but my sisters yet. By the way Elena had her baby, last night, a girl, thought you’d want to know.” Jack grinned at Willie and Deidra smiled.

“Hi Deidra, I’m Willie and I guess you know Black Dog? I’m so glad Elena had a girl, she wanted one so badly.” Willie wasn’t sure what she was supposed to say.

Black Dog pulled out his wallet and grabbed some bills, which he held out to Willie. “Haven’t met her yet, nice to meet ya Deidra. Willie, you and Deidra can go do a beer run while Mad Jack and I talk. If you wanna drink something, get it.”

Deidra stood up immediately and looked at Mad Jack for permission to go and he nodded. Willie grabbed her car keys and pocketbook. Both girls silently walked out of the apartment and down the stairs.



lack Dog sat down across from Mad Jack who was rolling a joint.

“So what’s up bro? You must have tracked me down for a reason, Jackie boy other than to tell us Elena had a baby.”

Mad Jack lit the joint and inhaled before answering. “I need somebody for Dee to hang out with, heard you were hanging with Willie so I thought we could take a ride or do some shit, I don’t know. Dog, why are you even with Willie Reed? She isn’t the type of chick you usually go for. Unless you’re corrupting her morals for the bros to take advantage of.” He passed the joint across the table and Black Dog took a hit. “Don’t be fucking Willie around for shits and giggles.”

Black Dog choked on the smoke. “What the fuck does that mean? The kind I usually go for? Maybe I just like her company and Darko made it clear she isn’t to be passed around. You’re one to talk, you got an ol lady just because you saw her sitting there all sad and you wanted to be a hero.” His voice was gritty sounding and he had a frown on his face.

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