Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady (11 page)

BOOK: Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady
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If Skunk wanted the new bitch, she’d deliver her to him no matter what she had to do. After all she’d been with Skunk when he had been in the Bound for Hell MC. They’d gone through thick and thin together. Maybe he’d forget about that bitch Jo, Nailz’ ol lady if she gave him Roberta. Skunk had never been the same after that Jo had bashed his head in with a rock and Nailz had beaten him so badly. This new blonde might get his head together enough that he’d start thinking straight again.

When Skunk found out she killed that dancer he had his boys get, he’d beat or maybe this time kill her. She didn’t know why she had choked the girl. She had just wanted her to stop crying for her son, Jason. Her cries made the blackness get worse. It was an accident, but she’d be getting her ass kicked. Nobody should have made her feed the girl, she didn’t like going into the basement. Everyone knew that! Now she was in trouble with the whole club and Skunk might not save her. She was well aware of what life under Wolf would mean. She’d be tossed out and had nowhere to go.

Stupid young girls thought this life was so exciting until they reached her age. At least Skunk seemed to love her in his own sick way and depended on her to keep him fed. She grabbed a semi warn beer for him from a cooler needing ice and wondered if he’d give her a bump of speed.

Absently she picked at a scab on her arm as she plotted Roberta’s downfall. Wolf needed to go too; he wanted peace, something Skunk would never agree on. Skunk thought she was crazy when she tried to warn him about Wolf but somehow she’d make him see the truth.

She opened the beer and drank it before realizing it was meant for Skunk. Damn what had she been just thinking of…? Oh speed, she needed some desperately. That blonde girl, she reminded her of herself when she first met Skunk. What a pretty girl she was.

Shame she came out here, nobody stayed pretty in this dump. She hoped the girl would go home, nobody deserved to end up here, like the poor dead dancer from the basement, she thought to herself.

It hadn’t been easy to drag her body to the woods and stuff her into a metal drum. She had to pound the lid down and her arms ached from all that work. Then she’d had to roll it down the riverbank and watch the drum go into the water. However she’d made sure she was gone for good.

She watched Wolf talking to Skunk, how handsome he was. Maybe she could get him into the woods, she still gave good head but Wolf wouldn’t look her way. She went back to the cooler for another beer. 

Somewhere in the back of her mind she had been thinking of something she needed to tell Skunk but it had drifted out of her head again. She needed her medicine and wondered if Skunk would give it to her.

She wasn’t functioning again and it seemed to amuse her ol man to see her suffer. God, she hated him. Somebody should kill him she thought to herself, maybe she would end up doing it when the black thoughts came into her head again. They were taking over her mind more frequently but nobody cared. Nobody paid any attention to her anymore.

She popped open the can of beer and sat on a log watching everything around her as the buzzing got louder in her ears.

The blackness was coming at her again and she fought hard to keep it down. It was so hard to control it and she was so angry at that damn Skunk. It was his fault she had choked the life out of that girl too.

There was an axe lying near the log and she picked it up and hid it behind her back as she walked through the trees until Skunk’s back was facing her. Wolf had walked away and Skunk was standing there alone as she ran forward and brought the axe down into the back of his head as hard as she could.

She felt the warm spray of his blood hit her face and she screamed madly. Bikers came running toward her from all directions. She watched as Wolf pulled out his gun and she thought he was going to shoot Skunk, good he deserved it for ruining her life. Lulu never felt the bullet hit her head; she was dead before she fell on top of Skunk’s body.

Roberta heard that God-awful scream and went to run to the window but Mercy and Careen grabbed her. The sound of a gunshot followed shortly after. Then it was still and Roberta twisted to get free. Bikers were talking and she wanted to see what was going on out there but the women held her firmly away from the window. She needed to know Wolf wasn’t hurt and told them so.

Careen was closest to the window and looked down into the front yard. She moaned, “She finally did it, crazy Lulu killed Skunk. Robbie, you don’t want to see this and Wolf wouldn’t want us down there. Come sit on the bed, when it is cleaned up, he will send for us. You do know what this means right?”

Mercy looked out the window and saw the axe in Skunk’s head and laughed. She turned away and began to going through Roberta’s pocketbook and found her hairbrush. “Shh Robbie, it is good news, it means Wolf is president and we’re the top old ladies now.”

She began to stroke the brush through Roberta’s hair gently. “Looks like maybe you’re our good luck charm, we’ll have to make sure you’re very happy here.” She looked at Careen, “I told you Lulu was going to do it one day. Always talking to herself, never on her meds and she was dangerous. It makes me wonder what the hell Skunk did to her.

“Robbie, if you’re good to Wolf, he will treat you good. When there is money, he does treat us well. Rarely does he abuse us, he likes to make us perform for him but we’ll make it good for you. After the first couple of times you’ll love it.” She dropped a kiss to Roberta’s neck before she continued to brush her hair. “I just hope Wolf can bring this club around, I don’t want to die in this dump.”

Roberta was in shock and hadn’t noticed the kiss to her neck.

Careen went gone to the dresser and handed a Roberta a pill. “Roberta, take this Quaalude, it will calm you down and you’ll feel great, I promise.” She handed her a bottle of Wild Irish Rose wine to swallow it with.  Roberta was shaking like a leaf and she gladly took the pill and downed it with the wine.

“What was that pill? I’m not going to fall asleep will I?” Too late she had second thoughts but she couldn’t get the sound of that scream out of her head. She grabbed the bottle of wine and began to chug it. Soon it was all gone and she felt odd and very unlike herself. The room was fading in and out but it wasn’t a bad feeling either.

“No, it will just relax you for what is coming next.” Careen assured her as she began to slip Roberta’s clothes off. Mercy just smiled as she tugged Roberta’s jeans off. “Wolf told us to get you ready for him so we’re just doing what he told us to do.”

“Just Wolf and me, I don’t want to be with you two.” Roberta was mumbling as she lay back on the bed.

Both women laughed at her and went through her pocketbook as they waited for Wolf to join them upstairs. Roberta was in for the shock of her life when she woke up. They weren’t sure what Wolf had planned but they were both enjoying the sight of Roberta’s naked body.

They went down the hall and jumped into the shower together trying to get as clean as they could with the small sliver of soap they had hoarded. Once back in the bedroom and allowing the warm air to dry their bodies, Careen sprayed them both with the perfume she had found in Roberta’s pocketbook.

They took turns brushing their hair straight and using what make up they had found. Finally bored they lay on either side of Roberta who was passed out. They wondered when Wolf would get his ass upstairs. He had told them earlier to get Roberta ready and to give her the Quaalude as soon as they could. Careen always played being mean and Mercy played the sweet innocent. Roberta had fallen for it just as so many women had before her. They both silently wondered if she’d last, if she had so many nice things it might be worth it to keep her around. Wolf was taking his sweet time and they fell asleep next to Roberta who was having the best dreams she had in a long time.



lack Dog introduced Willie to Moose and his ol lady Kelly who was also a dancer. Kelly had some almost new costumes she no longer fit into and Willie went to try them on.  Black Dog and Moose went into the garage to look at an oil leak Moose was having a problem with. As they were tinkering with the bike Willie appeared in the doorway in a red sequined skimpy outfit.

“Excuse me, Black Dog; do you think this one looks good on me?” Willie figured she had better get his approval before she committed to buying it.

Moose let out a loud whistle. “Shit, that never looked like that on Kelly; you’ll make a lot of tips in that costume, Willie.”

Willie stood there waiting for Black Dog to say something as his eyes roamed over her body. Finally he nodded his head, “It works, try the others on and see what fits.”

After Willie was gone he gave Moose a dirty look. “Do I whistle at Kelly? Show some fucking respect you moron. Willie is a nice chick and you’ll make her feel uncomfortable.”

Moose looked at Black Dog as if he had lost his mind. “Dog, hello, what the fuck is up with you? It’s just a chick that you’re balling. You didn’t make her your ol lady, she is up for grabs, bro. You think nobody is going to be hollering and whistling at her when she’s shaking her shit up on a stage? Bro, are you finally serious about a chick?”

Willie appeared back in the doorway in skimpier outfit that was mainly triangles of hot pink fabric held together with ribbons. Black Dog immediately walked over to her. “Get that shit off, you’re nearly naked. Don’t bother showing me triangles that barely cover your twat,” he barked at her.

Moose walked to the garage refrigerator and got two beers out and handed one to Black Dog. “You’re an asshole Dog, you made her feel bad. She is coming to you for approval and you nearly made her cry. Did you see the look on her face? Chick doesn’t know what to wear; she’s new at all of this.” He walked to the door to the house. “Kelly, don’t be giving Willie skimpy costumes, if Darko won’t let you wear them, don’t try and pass them on to Willie, you hear me?” He bellowed into the house.

Black Dog was back tinkering at the bike thinking about Willie and wondering if he really liked the idea of her dancing. She was an art teacher for Christ’s sake, not a go go dancer. He never should have gotten her into this but she said she needed money. He chugged his beer and made his way into the house brushing past Moose who was glaring at him. He went into his room and began tossing his clothes into a duffel bag. He’d come here to get his belongings not to outfit Willie for her new career.

“Black Dog, is this better? I didn’t mean to upset you; I don’t really know what I should wear. I wasn’t comfortable in that pink thing but Kelly thought you’d like it.”

Willie reached out to touch his shoulder. She had on another outfit and this one was a shimmery pearl white sequined one and with her long soft curls she looked like a sinful angel. He felt his cock getting hard.

“Shut the door, baby and come here. Look, I wasn’t mad at you, but I don’t want you wearing next to nothing. This one I like, so buy it if you want it.” His hands were pushing the straps off her arms and he unclasped the back. He pulled the top off of her and her breasts sprang free. He pushed her on to the bed and tugged the bottom off. Willie moaned softly as his rough fingers roamed over her skin.

“I owe you from this morning Willie, so spread those legs for me.” Black Dog had his face between her legs as soon as she parted them.

His tongue was tapping on her clit and his finger was exploring her cunt. He nipped at her clit softly with his teeth and she nearly popped off the bed. Black Dog added another finger and began pumping the two fingers in and out of her rapidly. She was soon dripping wet and his lips were sucking on her clit while his tongue made swirling motions.

Willie shook uncontrollably, and Black Dog knew she was getting off.  He added a finger and felt her cunt tighten as she gasped. With three fingers inside her, Willie began to cum and she used her muscles to grab onto his fingers. He took her over the edge and when he felt her release, he slowly withdrew his fingers.

He brought them up to her lips and ran them over her mouth. “Suck the juice off em, taste yourself, baby. I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’re gonna scream my name.”

Willie did exactly as he said and she had never tasted herself before but if Black Dog wanted her to do it, she was obeying. He stuck two fingers into her mouth and watched her suck on them. It turned him on to watch her sucking and he thought about how good his cock was going to feel pumping in and out of her.

He pulled them out of her mouth and began to undress, his eyes on Willie the whole time. He liked the way her body was flushed and he liked that she had obeyed him.

As soon as he was naked he stood in front of her with his cock in his hand, his knees touching the bed. “Open your mouth and suck it down. Get on your hands and knees for me.”

Willie scrambled to get into the position he wanted and her breasts hung down. As she took Black Dog’s cock into her mouth she felt him pull on her nipples. It was a bit painful and as she opened her mouth wider to gasp, Black Dog just shoved his cock in further.

He tweaked both nipples and she was learning to enjoy the times when he was rougher. Black Dog grinned as she tongued his cock while sliding her mouth up and down and sucking. He’d teach Willie every which way he knew to please him and she’d enjoy every bit of it.

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