Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady (6 page)

BOOK: Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady
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“Give me the key, and get the fuck out. Willie doesn’t need you in her life; I’m here for her.” He snarled at them and ripped the key out of her mother’s hand.

“How dare you touch me, I’m calling the police on you. Get away from my daughter! Wilhelmina Ann Reed, what are you wearing? Have you lost your senses? You were raised better, shame on you! What if Father Paul heard about this? Think about your job. I knew you shouldn’t have moved out of the house. Well, you’re moving back home now. Tell this filthy man to get dressed and to leave. Your father is going to be so disappointed in you again.” Mrs. Reed looked at Willie with disgust on her face.

Willie sat on the bed and tried to pull down her shirt but finally gave up and just tied it under her boobs. She moved off the bed to face her mother and sister, pulling her short skirt down as far as she could.

“I think you need to leave mother, and take that tattletale with you. I’ve paid my own way for a few years now. I have a new job and I will tell Father Paul whatever the hell I want to tell him. As for daddy, fuck him too. You never say a word to Roberta, never a word to Teddy about her life; it is always me that you come down on. I’m done; I am living my life as I want and there is nothing any of you can do to stop me.”

Roberta looked down at her sister with malice in her face. “I think the school board would fire you for consorting with filthy bikers, don’t you?”

Willie was on Roberta in a flash and slapped her hard across the face. Roberta reared back from the impact. Willie advanced on her as their mother looked at the two sisters.

“You bitch! All my life, I’ve had to deal with your threats and do whatever you demanded. No more Roberta. If you want to tell the school board, go ahead. I don’t think they would believe a known whore. I think the only two idiots that don’t know you’re a whore are our parents. Even Father Paul has spoken to me to me about you sleeping around. I told him you were a nymphomaniac who was getting treatment! How do you like that? I had to cover for you again.

“Why don’t you tell mother how you’re behind on the rent and how you drink and do drugs now? Or how you change the books on the store? Mother, you had better call John Regan because your perfect daughter Roberta is losing the store! I doubt Jack Regan wants to take the rent out in trade either, Roberta. Now get out, both of you.” Willie yelled louder and louder as she thought of how Roberta had treated her growing up. She was also getting ready to slap Roberta again when Black Dog grabbed her from behind and held her against him.

He grinned at the two stunned women. “I think she made her point, now get the fuck out of here. Mrs. Reed, you had better call the landlord, I was there when Jack came for the rent. I don’t know who owns the store, Roberta or you but that rent needs to be paid. I’ll take care of Willie, trust me.”

Mrs. Reed looked at her daughters and moaned a bit. “Roberta, our priest thinks you are a nymphomaniac, oh my God! I raised you girls better. People must be laughing behind our backs. What is wrong with you girls? Wilhelmina, I’m not happy with you or that man! I will be talking to your father about this situation, count on that.” She grabbed Roberta who was standing with her hand against her cheek glaring at Willie. “Let’s go before either of you say another word. I am mortified.” She tugged Roberta to the door as Black Dog and Willie watched them leave.



o wonder you quit, I don’t think I like your family much, Willie. Get up and make us breakfast. Keep the skirt and top on, I gotta do some thinking.” BD sounded a bit puzzled.

Willie was aware he was watching her as she made them breakfast and she was glad he was there. She was a little sore from all the fucking they had done during the night but she really liked him. She poured him coffee and brought him eggs and bacon. He looked her over and gave her a wicked grin as he ate the bacon and eggs she had made him.

“After we eat, you’re getting your tattoo. It was on that list and I think I’ll be sticking around for more than the weekend. Are you good with that Willie? I ain’t ready to leave you yet.” His voice was soothing to her ears and mind.

Willie’s heart began to beat wildly. “Yeah, I’m good with that but I don’t know what design I want for a tattoo.”

Black Dog gave her that wicked sexy smile again. “I’m getting you a Black Dog approved tat, Baby. You’ll love it trust me.”

“I don’t know about getting a tattoo today either. I have to draw up something that suits me. By sticking around what do you mean?” Willie was curious about this man and his wild lifestyle.

“I was thinking about moving in for a while. I’ve been living with a brother but he has an ol lady now so I figure they’d like some alone time. That work for you?” Black Dog watched Willie’s face; her emotions were playing across her face as she gave thought to his proposal. He wasn’t sure yet if she’d agree to him moving in.

“You want to move in here and live with me? As in move your stuff in? Are you planning to split the rent with me?” Willie was far from a fool and watched his face now.

“Yeah, move my stuff in and I can make half of the rent. You should have some breakfast, you look hung over.” Black Dog turned away to hide his smile and got her a cup of coffee. “Go sit, I’ll bring you coffee and a plate.” He brought her over the coffee and turned to get her breakfast.

“BD, why do you call women old ladies? I don’t know too much about your world, I don’t do very much but work, paint and ride my horse. I guess I have a lot to learn, don’t I?” Her voice was soft and she sound so naïve.

Black Dog put her plate in front of her and got himself more coffee before sitting across from her. He picked at some bacon left on his plate and looked at her.

“Babe, you’re a fast learner, look how well you did last night. As for ol lady, it’s a term used for when you’re really with somebody and don’t cheat, biker kinda marriage. You don’t need to be thinking about that. I don’t settle in one place for long.”

Willie puckered her lips together and thought to herself; Black Dog protested too much but didn’t say a word about her thoughts to him. He liked her more than he was letting on and she knew that. “Good, because I don’t settle down with anyone either. Guess we’re two of a kind huh?” She put the fork with eggs into her mouth and concentrated on eating her breakfast.

“Have you lived with a man before? I don’t think so Babe. So we’ll set down some rules here.” He sipped his coffee thinking about the rules he’d like to make but couldn’t….yet.

“I should make the rules, I am a teacher, remember? I make rules for a living.” Willie couldn’t help herself, and winked at him.

“Rule number one, no talking back or I shove my cock in your mouth.” He shot back at her.

“I didn’t take you for a man who would make rules, BD.” Willie thought bikers hated rules.

“Rule two, don’t questions my rules or you get spanked.” Black Dog had on a very serious face. “Rule three you don’t fuck, suck or touch any man but me. Rule four, when you’re dancing, I go with you and you don’t talk to anyone but my bro’s or Willie, I swear you’ll have a sore ass. Rule five, if I’m talking to my bro’s you stay back, don’t ask me my club business. What you don’t know can’t ever hurt you. Got that?”

Willie just nodded, and wondered if she ought to be writing the rules down. She thought she’d see if there were going to be more rules before she gave him her list of rules. It was her house so she’d be making some rules for Black Dog too. If he didn’t like her rules than he might as well not move in but he wasn’t going to expect her not to have some rules too. She sat still and waited for him to continue.

“I’m on rule six, sex whenever and wherever, I say. If you’re on the rag, I’ll try to be considerate. Rule seven, you wash my bike. Rule eight, I come and go, as I please, no bitching. Rule nine, you cook, clean and feed me, rule ten, you obey me at all times and obey the rules.” Black Dog grinned, content that Willie would obey all the rules.

Willie shredded her napkin, thinking he had made eleven rules and he couldn’t count well. “I think you need to hear my rules and I think you miscounted, you made eleven rules or more. Rule one; pay your share of the rent, rule two, cleanup after yourself. Rule three, don’t bother me when I am painting, rule four no females in my house, rule five, if you’re living here I don’t expect to have to ask you to buy food, rule six, nobody goes into my studio…”

Black Dog rocked back on his chair and gave her a hard look. “Willie, you don’t get to make any rules. I will make sure nobody touches your art. But I make the rules and you obey them. End of story. Got me?”

Willie looked at the man sitting across from her. Her common sense was telling her to kick his ass out now but she also wanted to know him better. Moreover, he was her in with dancing and now she had to dance to pay her bills. Against her better judgment she nodded her head yes.

“Say the words Babe. I need to hear them come out your mouth.” Black Dog waited for her reply.

Willie swallowed and slowly looked into his eyes. “I agree to all of your rules BD, but I think I’d better write them down.”

Black Dog laughed at that, got up, and grabbed a pad and pen from the counter. “I’ll write them down for you, Babe. Now while I’m doing that, why don’t you take care of the hard on I’ve got with your mouth. I like getting off first thing in the morning. I’ll get you off when you’re done. I didn’t get to do that last night.”

Willie moved over to the chair where Black Dog was sitting, he had unzipped his jeans and was holding his cock in his hand for her. “You want this baby, you gonna suck me off and swallow my cum little a good little girl?” His voice was smooth and sexy.

She got on her knees as Black Dog fed her his cock, her lips closing over the tip. He moaned in satisfaction as he felt her lips close over the head and her wet mouth suck his cock in. Willie used her tongue and swirled it around the head as he pushed more of it into her mouth. Black Dog held her head steady as he began to thrust his cock more into her mouth. She relaxed her throat and soon he was thrusting deeper and harder until she felt the first squirt of his cum. She wanted to pull away but Black Dog wasn’t having any of that. He kept his cock in her mouth until he was spent and she had swallowed his load.

“Willie, damn you suck cock damn good.” He absently patted her on the head as she got up to run to the bathroom. She wanted her toothbrush and mouthwash to get that taste out of her mouth. As she was brushing her teeth, she thought about what he was planning to do to her and she felt herself getting wet. Black Dog was certainly getting under her skin and she loved every bit of him. She was taking a walk on the wild side and planned to enjoy every step of the way.



ad Jack pulled slowly down the path to Willie’s garage apartment, Deidra holding on to him. He had called around this morning asking where Black Dog was and thought his new ol lady and Willie might like to hang out together. He needed to get her away from his mother and sisters Kima and Jo. Deidra was not going to be hanging around the Bound for Hell MC ol ladies; she was now his property and needed to hang out with the Nefarious MC women.

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