Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady (10 page)

BOOK: Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady
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Willie went to her pocketbook and took off four keys and handed them to Mad Jack. “You might want to ask your dad to lower the rent, he just bought this place. There are two empty lots I think he plans to build on. One key is for this door and the other is for the garage doors and the side door to downstairs.

“The door to the garage and room downstairs, is this key, I felt safer getting a lock put on it. I’ll stop at the hardware store and get more keys made for BD and Deidra.”  She didn’t even notice she had slipped on the name again until she heard Black Dog growl, “Rule broken, you know what that means Willie. We’ll deal with that later.”

“Oh no, that was never a rule, you said I could use it in private and it was never a rule. I think this apartment is private and you can’t go adding to the rules. That isn’t fair at all.” Willie was staring Black Dog down and he finally grinned at her.

“No BD outside of this apartment,” he glared at Mad Jack, “You don’t get to call me BD either, brother. I better not hear that name going any further then these walls.”

Mad Jack held his laughter in and Dee smiled. “Not a problem bro. I don’t want to be called MJ either, Willie”.  Mad Jack joked.

They all left together and Willie locked up. Life was certainly looking brighter than it had started out this morning for all of them.



oberta was shocked when Wolf had pulled alongside of Willie’s car. The last thing she wanted was her little sister catching Wolf’s attention and she didn’t want Willie to know about her association with the Filthy Fiends MC. Roberta knew damn well if that got out in Ocean View she would lose all respect she had with everyone she knew.

However Wolf provided her with thrills she had never experienced before and the speed and coke were so addicting. She had never meant to get so deep in debt with the club and now her best bet was to take Wolf’s offer to be one of his ol ladies. It bothered her that she wouldn’t be top ol lady and she planned to get rid of Careen and Mercy as soon as she could.

It also bothered her that Wolf had stared at her little sister for so long. She wouldn’t ever admit to Willie being her little sister and why in hell had the little fool waved at Wolf? She tightened her arms around Wolf’s stomach as they hit the dirt road that led to the old house in the woods where the Filthy Fiends MC called home.

She looked with distaste at the junked cars and refrigerators littering the place up. Barrels of trash overflowed, no garbage trucks came out this far and nobody seemed inclined to remove them and take them to the dump. She saw the burn pit and figured they must burn their trash when they felt they had to do and that didn’t seem to be too often.  Girls lounged out the saggy porch in various stages of undress waiting for the men.

The house was hot and the porch was about the only place where they got a breeze. Roberta didn’t understand why the women were so damn lazy either. If she was going to have any say, she planned to make this dump at least a decent place to party in. Wolf nudged her to get off the bike and she headed up to the porch.

She stopped a few feet away and waited for Wolf to join her. The stares the women were giving her made her feel very uncomfortable and she was wondering if she should have come out here. Her last visit the house had looked in better shape at least and people were partying or maybe she’d been so wasted she didn’t see all the decay and rot this place reeked of.

  Mercy grudgingly muttered a quick hi before she looked to Careen for approval. Roberta knew Wolf had told them she was joining his little harem. Careen looked at her with a vicious glare. Wolf had warned her that she didn’t like her and had been quite vocal about him adding her to their little group.

Roberta glared right back with her hands on her hips. Wolf came behind her and put his arms around his new toy. The other two women’s faces changed into smiles right away. So that was how it was going to be, thought Roberta, nice when Wolf was present but ready to stab her in the back as soon as he wasn’t around.

Well she was very good at back stabbing herself, and she shot the two women a glare that said she meant to be top bitch. This wouldn’t be too hard, both looked like hell and Roberta was fresh and clean. Wolf buried his face into her hair and stroked his hand across her breasts.

“I see the bitches came out to welcome you into the fold Robbie, better watch your back, they aint into you yet but they will be once they get a taste of you, they’ll love you.”He whispered into her ear.

Roberta stiffened up, a taste of her? Oh shit, he meant sexually, and that was not okay with her. She didn’t move as he continued to tell her what they would be doing to her. This was not what Roberta had ever imagined it would be.

Wolf laughed at her body’s reaction. “Robbie, don’t even think of trying to get out of this, you owe me too much. I could whore your ass out, but I think you can clean up Careen and Mercy real well. They could be as classy as you are. So suck it up bitch, because if you don’t, I got a club that would love to take you on. Or there is always Skunk; he offered to settle your debt, that stupid cocksucker.”

Roberta followed his glare toward Skunk, who was eying up her like she was candy. “If you’re as smart as I think you are, you’ll stick with me, Skunky ain’t gonna be long for this world, he’s fucking up too much. He was always a stupid fucker and never should have been allowed into this club. He should have sent somebody to make a truce with the other clubs. Once they get him, he’s dead for sure and I’ll be taking over. So what is it gonna be Robbie, you with me and my girls or are you going to be taking your chances with my boys or Skunk?”

Roberta heard herself whisper, “You and your girls please Wolf.”

“Wise decision, Robbie, I knew you weren’t stupid. Now who was that girl in the car staring at you? I wouldn’t mind adding another chick to the mix.” Wolf’s breath was hot on her neck and Roberta made herself relax as she replied. “What girl?”  There was no way Wolf was getting her sister and it wasn’t that she had any sisterly feelings toward Willie, because she had none for her. She didn’t need Wolf adding another woman for her to deal with.

“At the red light where that cute brown haired chick waved at us, it seemed to me she knew you. I got Careen with her black hair, Mercy with her red hair; you’re a blonde so a brown haired chick is next on my list.” Wolf held her still against him.

“I don’t know who she was, just some girl I guess. Wolf, if your girls aren’t happy with me, do you think they might get more pissed if you add another woman?” Roberta felt him push her away and she fell into the dirt. His boot was very close to her face and she heard Careen and Mercy laughing at her. Wolf spit next to her head.

“Don’t ever question me. I got her plate number anyway, now get the fuck up and help those two bitches clean up the place. Maybe they can find some clean sheets to put on the bed if you ask them real nice. I’ve got business to take care of.”

Wolf helped her up by grabbing a fist full of her blonde hair and jerking her to her feet.

“Later on we’ll be going by your store; we need the money that you’ve got in the cash register and safe. You’ll want to bring some clothes too and my ol ladies all share so make sure you bring some nice stuff for the bitches, they might go easier on you.”

He pushed her toward the porch where his two ol ladies were waiting. Roberta felt like she was going to faint. She was in hell now, she was sure of it. But she’d come out on top, after all she always did. With a deep breath she walked up the steps and stood in front of her sister ol ladies.

“Later on Wolf is taking me to get some of my things. Is there any colors you both like or what do you need?” She tried her best to sound nice as she could manage.

Mercy smiled at her and reached out to touch her blonde hair. Roberta didn’t want her filthy fingers touching her but she needed to make a friend out of Mercy. She tried not to frown as Mercy touched her hair.

“We need everything; tampons, douches, shampoo, conditioner, soap and perfume would be wonderful. Usually we shoplift what we can but the only bitch with a car hasn’t been around lately. Any clothes you have would be wonderful. There is nothing to clean with. Careen and I try to keep order around here but it isn’t easy when you’ve got nothing to use. Do you have a car?” Mercy looked with hope at Roberta.

“Yes I do, but I won’t be loaning it out to anyone. However I will be glad to help clean this place up. As head ol lady Careen, don’t you think you can get the others to help?” Roberta would play Careen for all she was worth.

Careen looked with new interest at Roberta, “Oh, I’m not the one with the power you’re seeking. Skunk has ol ladies and they run the show. Not be rude to you Robbie, but why don’t you borrow the money to repay Wolf? You don’t want this life. Or are you as addicted as we are? Fucking speed is slowly taking our looks and Wolf is going to tire of you as he seems to be of us.” Careen tried to be honest with Roberta but she knew her wisdom fell on deaf ears.

“Well ladies, I think we’ll just have to shift the power our way. I have great plans and Wolf has decided that I need make you two as classy as I am. So he isn’t tired of you girls. And I don’t think we need to add another girl to our group do we?” Roberta was clearly impressing the two women who were now looking at her in new light. They shook their heads no.

“We’ll just have to outsmart Skunk’s women and the way to a man’s heart is good sex and good food, agreed? A clean bed and sweet smelling women can get their way. It has always worked for me before. So let’s see what we can do before Wolf takes me to get my things. If you make a list, I’ll try to shop for what we need and we’re not sharing with Skunk’s ladies either, even if we have to lock our stuff up. Now lead the way into this pit so I can see what we need.”

Holding her breath she stepped inside and decided that she would soon have the upper hand and Careen and Mercy would be putty in her hands. She’d deal with Wolf’s kinky sexual fantasies later. Or maybe she’d be so high she wouldn’t mind them if she got these girls clean. In the back of her mind she remembered kissing a girl in the gym locker room in high school on a dare. She never told anyone how turned on she’d really been. However that girl had been clean and these two women were not. She shuddered thinking about that but quickly got control over her emotions.



oberta hadn’t noticed the older woman who leaned against the porch railing, she was Skunk’s oldest bitch, Lulu and she now planned to make life hell for all of Wolf’s old ladies but especially for Roberta.

Did this new bitch think she was going to run her off?

Oh she’d let her cook and clean and make the other old ladies even help her. But once she got her alone she’d show her what a newcomer needed to learn. It wouldn’t be nice but Lulu wasn’t a nice person, she was as mean as a junkyard dog. She even had the scars to prove it. After all she had no soul; she’d sold that to the devil long ago.

She wondered what Roberta would have say if she told her how she used to work digging graves for a living, anything to make money to keep them fed, she’d done. She cackled to herself as she slowly made her way over toward where her ol man was standing.

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