Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady (14 page)

BOOK: Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady
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illie, need ya in the bedroom now baby.” Black Dog stood waiting as she got off the couch. Willie was wide eyed and he didn’t want to scare her. “I gotta go see my president for a little bit. It’s about club business so don’t ask. There are gonna be two of our brothers in the apartment because I need you and Deidra safe. If I felt it wasn’t necessary, they wouldn’t be here. I want you to go to bed and not worry your head about anything. I’ll be back as soon as I can, you’ll be fine, understand me?” He reached out and pushed her brown hair away from her face as he looked into her eyes. He didn’t see any fear and he relaxed a bit. “You’ll go to bed and wait for me baby?” They headed to their bedroom leaving Dee on the couch.

Willie, drunk off her ass, seemed ready for bed as she yawned widely.  “BD, if that is what you feel you have to do, it sounds good to me. Just make sure they don’t touch my paintings and stuff.” She walked to her dresser and pulled out a long tee shirt.

Black Dog grabbed her and kissed her, “Go say good night to Dee and get a can of soda, you’re gonna feel like shit in the morning.”

He watched her undress and pull the mid thigh tee shirt over her body. “No panties, I’ll be wanting you ready when I get back.”

Willie only heard the no panties as she walked out to say good night.

Mad Jack introduced her to JJ and another guy but she paid them little attention as she grabbed her soda and headed back to her bedroom. Black Dog tucked her into bed and kissed her lips. “I’ll be back soon, get some rest, ‘cause you’re gonna need it.” Willie didn’t answer him and he watched as her eyes fluttered shut.



ee was sitting at the table playing cards with JJ and his prospect. She was used to this and had beer and a bowl of pretzels out. She looked at Black Dog, “Willie passed out, I bet? She was pretty drunk and it was a long day. She’ll be fine; I’m wide awake and barely drank. Go ahead, do what you gotta do, I plan to clean these two out of all their money.”

Black Dog nodded at her and she went back to studying her cards.

Mad Jack kissed her goodbye and warned his bro’s to keep the chicks safe. As they left the prospect walked down to lock the garage after them. Willie never heard the two motorcycles roar to life, she was out cold. She didn’t wake up at all and Deidra was true to her word, she beat JJ and the prospect out of their money but she was smart enough to give it back so they could keep playing. She didn’t even wonder what Mad Jack and Black Dog were up to and never tried to ask JJ for any information. She knew enough from what Jack had said and that was good enough for her.



hen Black Dog and Mad Jack arrived at Darko’s bar, Dirty Deeds, they were told to go into the back room. The president of Nefarious was seated with a black haired woman who was eating as if she hadn’t had a good meal in days. Darko had sent someone to the diner to get her food it. She was also quite drunk and in a very talkative mood. The two bikers moved closer to hear what she was saying.

“I’m telling you, Wolf doesn’t want what Skunk did, he sent me here to tell you he wants to sit down and talk. I don’t know any details; he wants to know if you’ll agree.  I did see Skunk with an axe in his head and Wolf didn’t kill him, crazy Lulu did it. Skunk was dead, I saw him dragged away with the axe all bloody after it hit him. But here is the thing; Skunk took one of your girls, a dancer earlier today.” She stuffed more French fries into her mouth.

Darko left her to eat and walked over to Black Dog. “Fucking Skunk, what dancer is she talking about? We had everyone covered didn’t we?”

“Ask this bitch the girl’s name, as far as I know we do. Maybe she can tell us who it is and how Skunk got her?” Black Dog was thinking hard and wondered if all the girls had showed up for work. “Did you ask Dusty if anyone didn’t show up tonight?”

“No, as soon as she wandered in, we got her back here. Jack, go ask Dusty if anyone called out. You wanted to talk to this chick about Willie’s sister? I need to get away from her before I wring her damn neck.” Darko walked toward the door, he needed fresh air.



lack Dog pulled the chair out across from Careen and sat down. “Do you know the name of this dancer, hun? What did she look like? If you want us to believe you then you gotta give us some hard facts. You gotta a name, spit it out.”

Careen looked at him crafty like. “I’m Careen and I’ve been with Wolf the longest. I want another drink. If I can have one I’ll you tell what I know.”

Black Dog motioned to Swiper to give her a drink. He studied her as she was waiting for her drink. She was a pretty girl but looked tired and hard ridden.

Swiper placed the drink in front of her and looked at her with disgust. “Here ya go bitch, now tell us what you know or I’ll fucking pour it over your head. We’re done being nice, starting talking.”

“They grabbed her on her way out of the grocery store in the morning. I know she had a kid because they took her groceries too and there were diapers in one of the bags. Wolf wasn’t in on that. He wouldn’t take a woman who had a child. He may be capable of a lot of shit but he doesn’t kidnap mothers. He doesn’t know about that girl, because Skunk’s boys grabbed her. I saw them take her to the basement but I really didn’t get a good look at her. I didn’t tell him so he doesn’t know about that dancer yet. Skunk did let her make a phone call; I guess it wasn’t to any of you.

“I heard him screaming at her that she was supposed to call Darko and she didn’t. There are four chapters at the clubhouse right now, which is why he sent me. He said to tell you he didn’t like what Rabid did, whatever that means. It wasn’t like he could walk in here—hell, you would’ve kill him on sight. I don’t know the dancer’s name ‘cause crazy Lulu had to watch her. I heard she was a dancer though and something to somebody in one of the MC’s. Can I have another drink, please?”  She looked at her empty glass and focused on it while waiting to see what would happen next.

Swiper let out a roar and headed toward her but Black Dog held him back as Mad Jack and Darko came forward.

“Swiper, get away from her.” Darko looked at his other SAA and glared at him. He turned to Mad Jack. “Jack, which of the dancers didn’t come in tonight?”

“Dusty was dancing and Tina said Honey called earlier and said her and Jules had to go home, some kind of family emergency. Dusty talked to her but she is on the stage dancing still.” Mad Jack felt his stomach bottoming out. Everyone loved Jules and she was under the protection of the club. She also was the mother of their sister club, Bound for Hell’s national president’s son. All of this was going to blow up into something huge.

Darko looked extremely upset and told Mad Jack to get Dusty off the stage.

“Prez, we don’t know if this is true, they’ve been watching our girls, we knew that. It could be all bullshit. Send somebody to Jules’ and Honey’s place and see if they’re there. But if you touch this chick we won’t get any solid information from her. She is sneaky and she is drunk. She needs to sober up so we can figure out if any of this is truth.” Black Dog wanted to wring Careen’s neck but what he said made sense.

Darko tossed his hands into the air. “Fine, talk to her, get her coffee; I’m going to find out what Dusty knows. Just don’t let Swiper put his hands around her neck. Tramp is gonna be freaking out. I told Jules she should have taken what he offered her. IF this is true, we’re gonna have issues with them too. Fuck me!” he stomped toward the bar.

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