Possession (Dark Possessions Book 3)

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Dark Possessions, Volume 3

Nadia Nightside

Published by Midnight Publishing, 2015.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. April 23, 2015.

Copyright © 2015 Nadia Nightside.

Written by Nadia Nightside.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Possession (Dark Possessions, #3)

Author's Note: All Characters Depicted Herein Are 18 Years Of Age Or Older.

Your opinion influences other readers and matters quite a bit to me! If you enjoyed this sexy story, please leave a review on Amazon and let others know what you thought. I want to write what you love!

Further Reading: Bimbo Outfits 2!

About the Author

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* * * * *

Author's Note: All Characters Depicted Herein Are 18 Years Of Age Or Older.

* * * * *



ou have to be very careful,” said Gerald, driving through the town. “From all accounts, this woman, if that’s what she is, is highly seductive. Knowledgeable. You might even find her friendly, easy to laugh with or agree with. Do none of these things. If she says the sky is blue, affirm that it is red. Any agreement she makes with you, she will use to build another, and another, until you are very far along on the ladder to damnation. Do you understand, girl?”

“Yes sir,” said Olivia, looking at him solemnly.

“I know you don’t believe me all the way. That’s fine. But you have to trust that I know what I’m doing a little bit.”

“I do trust you,” she said. “And I believe you, too.”

He didn’t seem to believe her, though. He never did. That hurt more than anything, that she put so much of her trust and life and effort into this man who repaid so little of it.

Gerald was a demon hunter by trade, tall and bearded with dark eyes the same charcoal color as his hair. Olivia had been working with him for a little over a month now, helping to prepare his tinctures and sharpen his stakes, that sort of thing. It was not well-paying work, but Gerald seemed to always have money when he needed it and he was not shy about sharing when it came to necessities.

There were worse situations, Olivia knew, than traveling from town to town on the road with a completely handsome bearded hunk.

They drove into the parking lot of the antiques shop known as Possessions. Inside, Gerald assured her there was an evil greater than any he or anyone else had ever encountered or experienced.

Olivia had met him hitchhiking on her way out of her hometown of Little Hill, which was neither little nor had a hill. She hated the town, everyone in it, and everything it did, and wanted no part of the life it offered. Everyone was either a miner or the wife of a miner, and she saw no future for herself there.

Olivia wasn’t quite sure what she wanted her life to be about yet. Much like the denizens of her hometown, she was hardworking and practical, but her practical streak went beyond just seeing the opportunity for work right in front of her.

Practically, she knew that a career in modeling wasn’t out of the question—certainly she didn’t imagine being a lingerie model walking on runways on network television or gracing the covers of big fashion magazines (although the thought of that did send thrills down her spine)—but she was certainly beautiful enough between her lovely face and delightfully sexy figure to get a little glamour work done on the side to pay bills while she was figuring herself out.

That’s all she really wanted—some time to figure herself out. And then, she had found herself alone with a self-professed demon hunter.

It had been dangerous, hitchhiking out of her town as a beautiful nineteen year-old girl. Olivia knew this. She knew that with her beautiful auburn hair and short, slender body, her big breasts so firm and bouncy on her tight frame, that she was a particularly vulnerable target.

Her face got her in the most trouble—big brown eyes that held a beguiling spark, always making guys think she was flirting with them when she was just angry or annoyed, in combination with the soft tilted pads of her lips and the lovely turn of her nose, sent most men into slathering beasts around her.

Most men, of course, except for Gerald. For whatever reason, he seemed immune to her charms of happenstance, and when she tried actively to flirt with him, he was non-responsive.

When he had picked her up, all he said was, “I’m going this way. Are you?”

It wasn’t long before he told her what he was and what he did, and it wasn’t long after that before she volunteered her services, hoping to gain his favor.

Of course
, Olivia would think often,
the one guy who doesn’t want me is the one I’m so unstoppably turned on by

She wasn’t sure what it was about him. He was awfully gruff with her, barely saying two words at a time while he drove.

Perhaps it was his beard, so thick and unattended and wild, as black as his eyes. Or maybe it was those eyes, dark and always burning with a zealous fire that she was just completely desperate to see attuned to her body.

Maybe it was the vast inventory of weapons and totems and fetishes he had collected over his many years of hunting. In the back of his modified SUV, he had four types of crossbows, a stockade of silver bullets, plenty of silver stakes, loads of silver rods and iron rods, a chest full of crosses, three gold-plated nets, and a plethora of vials, each containing its own special serum or herb that he assured her would take care of whatever assailants came his way.

He was on the hunt for one demon in particular, he told her. An ancient evil force, one of the oldest—so old that its name had never been recorded. And he had been hearing many strange tales about an antiques shop in this particular town that matched up with tales in the past.

Every several hundred years, this big evil would try to gain ground in our reality, he told her, to unleash its own hell on earth. And someone like him would drive it back.

Just driving into the town, they had seen quite the display of odd behavior already. Gigantic naked musclebound studs fucked gorgeous teenage girls on the sidewalk, cars askew in the street, as if the chiseled hunks had stopped driving purely to start fucking some hot babes they saw walking about.

On the other side of the street, a man came out of a shoe shop—advertising half-off all heels over five inches tall and doing booming business—with a trail of amazing beauties dressed in hot evening gowns and minidresses led along with a long rope attached to their bound wrists. Vapid, happy smiles seemed permanently affixed to their faces. Each of them, of course, wore very high platform heels in a matching shade of green.

Olivia found all of this eerie and disconcerting. It was more than enough proof that something fantastical and horrifying was happening in the town. She was somewhat concerned that she would stick out, that her comparatively nondescript appearance would draw attention to herself. She wore tight jeans, a loose blue t-shirt with her old high school wolverine logo on it, and stocky black boots that thudded as she stepped out of the SUV and toward the antique shop.

Gerald, tall and imposing, had utility belts criss-crossing over the plain white shirt on his torso, black jeans on his legs. He carried a small mechanical crossbow openly, apparently not caring if any police officers happened to see.

They entered the shop. A little bell rang. At the other end of the store stood a tall, pale, big-breasted woman dressed in a black, almost sheer gown, the straps lacy, her hips and legs totally exposed along with an enormous, narrow v running down the middle of her torso. The massive, hot flesh of her gorgeous tits so easy to see. Beautiful black locks of hair that ran down to the curve of her amazing ass. Her gorgeous face made Olivia instantly and irrationally jealous.

The pale beauty was attending a younger woman—a redhead who looked an awful lot like Olivia—and leaning over, one of her large heavy breasts resting on the redhead’s shoulders. They were both looking into a mirror together.

“You see,” Gerald whispered. “That’s her. Yasmin, the demon’s familiar. This is what I’m talking about. That’s a spell she’s casting, right now, at this very instant! That redhead has been completely entranced by her.”

Olivia considered. The redhead’s gaze
seem to be rather vacant. And her hands...oh wow.

The redhead’s hands were slipped all the way down her tiny, tight jean shorts as she stared emptily into the mirror, frantically pulsing in her pussy.

Oh, gosh. Oh,
. It was like the redhead was seeing the object of her every desire and could not help but finger herself in response.

Olivia could not explain the instant heat she felt at the sight. She knew it should have caused her revulsion or fear, but instead all she felt was a distinct hot flash running up through her body.

There was real, distinct power here. Power over the wants and needs of the flesh. And that was thoroughly, absolutely arousing.

“Let her be, witch,” Gerald called out, bringing up his crossbow with one arm.

The shop owner turned, but not before planting a small kiss on the redhead’s cheek. She smiled seductively at Gerald, and then doubly so at Olivia. Olivia did not know why, but she suspected that Yasmin could sense her arousal. The redhead stayed in front of the mirror, moaning and cooing vacantly as she continued to attend her shining wet pussy.

“Ah,” Yasmin said. “I thought it may be a customer, and so this vocabulary used, this ‘witch,’ it was so very confusing.”

Her accent was rich and exotic, coating every word she said and making it even sexier. Olivia felt it sliding against the corners of her brain, licking and massaging dormant acres of lust there.

“Stay where you are!”

Gerald held up the crossbow with one hand, another grasped firm on a vial of holy water pulled from his utility belt..

Yasmin kept approaching through, her walk sexy, deliberate, and slow. Every foot in front of the other, her hips swaying enticingly.

“But no, I see it is some evil-fighter. How good this is! I am no fan of evil myself. Evil is always so much trouble. Cutting, hurting, slicing, breaking.” She tsked, shaking her head. Her lovely dark locks slid around her shoulders, her back, like blanketed midnight. “I am much more a fan of delight. Are you not fans of delight then, that you would come into my shop to threaten me?”

“I am not threatening you, witch. I am

And with that, Gerald threw the vial of holy water at her. Yasmin snatched it effortlessly before it could shatter, grinning, and then stared at it for a moment. Then she flipped the top off and swallowed it down. As Gerald watched, his eyes growing wide, Yasmin licked the vial clean, sliding her tongue around the long tube like it was a phallus. Her green eyes sparkled.

“Thank you, darling. It is so nice of you to give me a nice little drink like that. You are very kind for someone who wants to hurt me, yes? I think I shall suck you off for quite some time after I remove all these silly ideas about hurting me.” She smiled at Olivia. “Or perhaps I will encourage your little helper there to do it for me. Clearly, she wants to see what you taste like. Isn’t that right, little dearie?”


“Don’t answer that, Olivia.”

“Don’t...don’t answer?” Yasmin laughed. “Oh, my dear man. You are just caught in a flood of denial, are you not? Can you not see how she wants you? How she would do anything for you?”

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