Possession (Dark Possessions Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Possession (Dark Possessions Book 3)
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Gerald fired his crossbow. Yasmin, a slight flicker of annoyance flashing on her face, instantly blew on the incoming bolt, like some hair had slipped down over her eyes. The bolt disappeared into smoke.

Then she continued to speak, not paying any attention to the shock on Gerald’s face. “You ought to let her please you. Even if you do not want to do it my way, the eternal way, where she sucks you off for centuries to come, you still ought to at least let her taste your seed. That would only be nice of you. She wants it so very badly, after all. Don’t you, little darling?”

Olivia was stunned. “I...I...I...”

Yasmin smiled, snapping her fingers at the redhead at the back of the store. She could have passed for Olivia’s sister, and Olivia was beginning to think that was no mistake.

The redhead approached Yasmin at her command and knelt down in front of her. Yasmin smiled and, with a wave of her hand, dismissed the lower part of her gorgeous gown as it had been some kind of illusion. The redhead obediently moved forward and began licking away at Yasmin’s delicious pussy, her face soon covered sprinkled with hot juices.

“Come,” said Yasmin, breathing hard, a magnificent flush creeping up her pale breasts “Join us. It is so very wonderful here. You both will be wrapped in pleasure, always. It will be so very perfect for you. Please?”

“We have to get out of here,” said Gerald, grabbing Olivia’s hand.

Within ten seconds, they were completely out of the store. And Olivia could not help but feel a strong, palpable sense of disappointment—as well as a thoroughly hot sense of arousal from Gerald grabbing her and bossing her around.

* * * * *

hank you for opening up a room,” said Olivia. “You don’t know how hard it is in this town to find a hotel that isn’t just a thinly disguised brothel.”

The proprietor of the hotel smiled and waved a hand. She was middle-aged and lovely, with gorgeous blond hair, her body kept in terrific shape. This hotel was on the other end of town from the antique shop, outside what Gerald hoped was Yasmin’s area of effect. All they had available was a single-bed room...for which Olivia had many hopes. Gerald had her handle things like this—finance activities, like arranging rooms and buying groceries. She used his credit card.

“Oh yes, I know all about that.” She handed Olivia the receipt. “Why hire other girls when you can just do all that work yourself?”

“I’m sorry?”

“No need to be sorry, dear. Now, what time would you like me to swing by and eat you out?” Her smile was seductive, her tits practically popping out of her tiny suit.

Olivia stepped back toward the door of the small office. “Oh, there’s no...no need for that. I mean. I’m with my man, I mean, a man, so, it’s...”

“I see,” the proprietor smiled. “You’d rather us both please him together. I’m sure he deserves it. He is a man, after all, and the needs of men are far more important than our own, aren’t they?”


The proprietor had a clipboard in her hand, clicking at a pen. “Okay, let me see here...” she traced her finger down the clipboard. “How about if I came over in an hour, so you can have made him cum already, and I suck him off until he fucks your mouth and treats you like the dirty cockslut you are? Does that work for you?”

“No, I think...I think we’re fine by ourselves.”

The proprietor tilted her head, as if she had just heard an oven barking. “Oh. Really?”

“Yes. We just got here, you see, and so we’re very tired.”

“Ah. You were slipping him handies all day in the car, I bet. I understand. Shall I pen you in for a morning fingering?”

“No. No, nothing like that. I think...I think we would prefer our privacy.”

The woman’s nose wilted a bit. Clearly, she was offended.

“Well,” she said, an exasperated lilt to her voice. “The phone is in your room should you need me.”

Olivia rushed out of the office, crossing the parking lot to her room. What was wrong here? What was happening? From what Gerald had told her of enchantments, they could only have a small range of effects at one time. Unless Yasmin was somehow pumping the town full of multiple enchantments...

Of course.

She opened the door, smiling at having figured it out. The room was small—a bathroom directly on the right, a queen-sized bed with a television set a little bit further in. In one corner was a short pale blue barrel chair. Gerald rushed to her, probably the most excited she had ever seen him.

“I figured it out,” said Gerald. “The antique shop. She’s been selling evil artifacts to whole town. Those roped women we saw? The Bindings of Aramac. Those big muscled guys, turning those women into amazons? I’d bet my life that was from Proteus’s Tincture. She’s been selling and reselling all these things for...for months now!”

Trying to hide her disappointment that she hadn’t finally been useful, Olivia nodded enthusiastically.

“That’s good! That’s really clever of you, Gerald. But what’s it leading up to?”

“There’s a ritual,” he explained. “A ritual that requires massive amounts of lust and decadence to be present in order to for the atmosphere to be just right for it to work. Usually, it never gets this far. But she’s been playing this very safe. Very smart. We need to be on guard. We are in enormous danger, Olivia. That’s why I want you to have this.”

He handed her a small, gilded box, the kind that jewelry was kept in. Instantly, Olivia understood.

They were in so much danger that he wanted to show her how much he cared. He had been keeping it a secret because he was scared one of them would die and would be hurt. But now, with so much on the line, he just couldn’t be silent anymore!

,” she said, sitting down on the bed, opening it. “I never suspected...I never thought you would...I never...”

She opened the box all the way. Inside was a clunky vial of something that looked like salt. It was attached to an ugly, lead-colored chain.

“It’s essence of fairie. It’ll protect your dreams,” he said.

“Oh.” Her head drooped.

“This place, there’s so much magic...you can’t be too careful.”

“No, right. You’re right. That’s right.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It’s nothing. I’m just...I’m tired. I’d like to go to bed now.”

“I was going to stay up for a while and work on some modifications. I think by combining spectre-wart and cauliflower, some really potent stuff could be enabled. I could put in the holy water, and bam! I’d like to see her swallow that, huh?”

The last thing she wanted right now as to be around him. If he started working in front of her instead of joining her in the bed, inside of which were contained all her hopes and dreams of snuggling next to him and stroking that enormous cock of his, she was going to scream.

“Could you do it in the car? I’m tired, Gerald. I’d like to get to bed. If you want to sleep, do bedroom activities, you know, then you can come in the bed too.”

“I’m wired.” His eyes were full of spark. “I’ll be outside, then.”

He left shortly. God, didn’t he see how
she was? How much she wanted him?

Ugh, men. They were totally fine until you gave them a problem to solve.

She supposed she shouldn’t be trying to shack up with a professional problem-solver, then. Maybe she should just leave town. Why would she risk her life when he didn’t even seem to care about her very much?

Her before-bed routine was short—changing into a just-sexy-enough nighty that she hoped he would notice and enjoy, brushing her teeth and washing her face.

Twenty minutes later, Olivia at last laid down to sleep, not bothering to put on the amulet. She did not expect for sleep to happen well, or soon, or truthfully at all. But all the same, within minutes of putting her head down, she was dreaming.

Her dream then was very strange indeed.

She was in her bed, still. The proprietor of the shop came into the room and slid her tits along Olivia’s lips, letting her suckle at her big, bountiful bosom. The nipples were the size of and even tasted like strawberries. It was lovely. She felt blessed, really, to be sucking on such big, lovely, beautiful breasts at all.

“Soon,” said the proprietor, “you’ll be able to suck these all day long. You’ll do anything you want. You’re so
, Olivia. We’ve been
for you. Won’t you come back to the shop? Won’t you make all our dreams come true?”

The proprietor was pressing harder, harder, harder onto Olivia’s mouth. She could hardly breath. Squirming, she stood up—and realized she had been dreaming.

She was sweating, but her body was covered with hot, sweet-smelling juices. Each sniff pushed the proprietor’s sweet perfume into her nose. It was a dream, but...but it seemed so very much like it had really happened! She teetered up off the bed and stepped outside, to go confront the older woman and discuss the situation with her like a rational human being.

And yet, when she stepped through the door, it rang in a friendly fashion...and she was back inside the antique shop.


The hard, audible clicks of Yasmin’s tall gorgeous ankle-strap heels on the wooden floor came ever closer. Every little click was like someone licking Olivia’s pussy. She only became more and more aroused.

Yasmin arrived, looking somewhat sleepy, holding a candelabra that emitted hot, blue flames. Yasmin’s gown was blue as well, and sheer, her nipples completely visible...as well as her hot, delicious pussy. Yasmin’s hand slid down her body to one perfect breast, squeezing it invitingly.

“I see this girl come into my shop, so late at night, and I say to myself, I say, ‘Yasmin, this beautiful girl. She is here with clandestine nature, coming here in the darkness. Surely this is either for one of two reasons. She is very dark in her intentions, wanting perhaps to hurt me or my beautiful shop, or she is very ashamed, wanting to ask for something that she does not feel can bear the light of the day.’ So which is it, my lovely little thing? Do you wish me harm? Do you wish to thrust some stake between my heart?”

Olivia gulped, closely examining the exquisite curves of Yasmin’s tits. She didn’t feel capable of ever touching such perfection, let alone hurting it. God, her pussy was on
. Something about Yasmin just made her
so fucking turned on
. Why couldn’t she turn it off?

Why did she even want to? It felt
. She felt like she was going to float away on her own cloud of arousal.

“Or do you wish to ask me for something? Something perhaps that your master would disapprove of?”

Olivia shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.

“He is not my master. He’s just my...my boss.”

“And you wish him to be more, yes?”

Olivia didn’t know what to say to that. But she could nod.

“I think this, I know this. My own heart is the heart of a girl, yes? I know the hearts of girls, pretty girls like you. We want the men in our lives to want us as we want them. With unrestrained lust! With passion that lasts for months at a time, with a need to be filled for weeks on end and to forget the rest of the world entirely! I know your heart, lovely girl. Do not doubt this.”

Olivia stepped closer, biting her lower lip. “What are you? How do you know all these things? Are you...a succubus? A demoness?”

Her knowledge of demonology was limited. She struggled to remember more from what Gerald had told her, but there was so very much...and Yasmin’s green gaze was so very lovely and enticing. It was hard to break her thoughts away from the gorgeous green eyes of the beauty.

Yasmin’s laugh was rich and lilted. If her laugh was ever put onto a stone, the stone would have to be marble, and it would have to be gilded with gold.

“No, my dear. Of course not. Such ridiculous things you say. I know both of those sorts of creatures. If they were here now, you would be quite dead, or well on your way. No, I am simply a woman, quite long-lived and well-versed in many subjects.”

Yasmin came close to Olivia, pursing Olivia’s arm between her big, wonderful breasts. Olivia, caught in Yasmin’s green gaze, barely noticed.

“But you’re...you’re so beautiful.”

“What is the purpose of being long-lived if you cannot remain beautiful? This was the deal I struck. Beauty and power for the pleasure of service. I begged my lord for the latter, and for my show of subservience to his will, he granted me the former.”

to be a servant?”

“Of course!” Yasmin nodded, her dark long locks stroking Olivia’s lovely face. “What could be better than knowing what you are supposed to do at all times? To have someone else decide that for you, to take away all pesky thoughts of anxiety and indecision?”

“But your will...your choice...”

Olivia’s lips were so very close to Yasmin’s now. It would be so easy to close that distance...so fun...

“Pesky, as I said. Unnecessary. My Master’s will is much more amiable to my mind. He is...” she stroked a lovely hand up the bountiful lands of her body, Olivia watching jealously. “...quite accustomed to being serviced. That way, when he tells me I do well, I know it must have been very well indeed. What possible better compliment could there be than to be praised by one who is constantly surrounded by the darkest, most sinful pleasures that this dimension or any other has to offer? I aim high for service...and the creativity I employ to serve is mine and mine alone. That is my choice. The vehicle of it, however, belongs entirely to him.”

“Are you...are you happy, serving?”

The thought bounced across Olivia’s head like a bowling ball. She had never really considered it before, serving like Yasmin was describing. Her idea of an ideal partner was someone who listened to her, who took in her input and valued her for who she was, not for the station that she filled.

But all of a sudden, the concept of kneeling, of being on her knees, seemed so very utterly hot. Yasmin kissed her neck. Olivia felt herself melting and flying away at the same time. Yasmin grabbed one of Olivia’s hands and slid it down to the lovely curve of her ass cheeks, so sparsely covered by the tiny hot gown the pale beauty wore. Olivia moaned.

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