Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady (9 page)

BOOK: Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady
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“Well, who else is carrying the beer up the stairs? I’m not, it’s their beer so they should come down and get it.” Willie was amazed Dee didn’t think they should help carry the beer and food.

“Oh Willie, I’ll carry it or we can make two trips, you’ve got so much to learn, girl. You’re lucky I’m here to help you.” Dee laughed at her.

Willie puckered her lips, “Maybe in Maryland your bikers are rude but here, they aren’t, watch and see.”

Sure enough, Black Dog and Mad Jack came down the stairs and began to carry the beer and groceries upstairs. Willie winked at Dee who stared at her in pure amazement.



nce everything was put away and the guys had beers, Deidra and Willie sat down. Mad Jack sensed something was up as he watched Dee looking at Willie. It seemed they were both uncomfortable about something and each wanted the other to speak first.

“Dee, did something happen when you went to get beer? Somebody say some shit to you?” Mad Jack was not about to let anyone bother his ol lady in his home town and he sounded pissed off.

“We didn’t have any issues at the stores, but when we were going to see Willie’s horse, at a red light we ran into the Filthy Fiends. Willie is sure her sister Roberta was on the back of one of their bikes. I think it was the vice president, guy with wild black hair and huge arms. He looked right at Willie too. I told her to turn around and come right back here.”  Dee left out Willie had waved at them but her voice was firm and she told the truth.

Black Dog pulled Willie out of the chair and tilted her face up to his. “Willie, you get a good look at this guy?” He too was pissed off, damn Filthy Fiends.

“I was too busy looking at the woman, I am positive it was Roberta. I thought maybe she got her drugs from Teddy but now I think it has to be those bikers. They were all around the car and I think they were headed toward Sea Woods or the road to the ocean. Do I have to be scared now BD?” Her voice quivered.

Black Dog over looked the fact she had called him BD and held her close to him. “Nah, baby, I’m here for you. But I think it would be good for you to learn how to shoot a gun.”  He looked over Willie’s head at Mad Jack. “Dee knows how to use a gun, I’m guessing?”

Deidra answered with a quick, “Yes, of course I do, with Whiskey as my dad I had to learn.”

Willie moved away from Black Dog and went into her bedroom and when she came out, she had a thirty-aught-six Springfield rife in her hands. She smiled at all of them and declared proudly, “I used to belong to a shooting club when I was a teenager. I won all kinds of awards, too. I love guns and I used to target practice with my dad. That was maybe the only thing I ever did that he was proud of, but it didn’t last very long.”

Black Dog grinned at her as she handed the rifle over to him. Mad Jack and Dee looked at Willie and were impressed also.

“Willie, you sure are full of surprises, I never would have taken you for a girl who loves guns.” Deidra looked at her friend with respect.

“My dad had wanted a son so I did my best to do what a son would do until I learned that nothing I ever did was going to make him really see I was worth anything to him. Teddy told me when I was little that I should stop trying. When I went to college, I finally understood what she meant. He didn’t even come to my graduation. I should have gotten a job far from here but I had to be close to my horse.

“Saint Rose’s needed an art teacher and I needed a job so I stayed in Ocean View. When I got this place I thought Teddy would move in with me but she had other plans. Now that Black Dog is moving in, it will be a lot easier and I don’t have to worry as much about money.”  She looked adoringly at Black Dog.

Black Dog looked at her, “There are two bedrooms here? Shit, I didn’t check that out.” He handed the rife back to Willie.

“Two bedrooms and the garage and with a recreation room downstairs with heat and there is another bathroom downstairs too. The washer and dryer are down there behind double doors. I only use that room when I do my laundry, but it is a nice room. I have the heated porch so I didn’t turn the guest room into my art studio. I was going to look for a roommate if you hadn’t decided to move in. At least you can have the whole downstairs for your use.” Willie sounded pleased as she thought of the garage finally having a use.

“Hey Dog, can we talk for a few minutes outside?” Mad Jack had gotten a brilliant idea that might solve some issues for both couples.

Black Dog wanted to see the garage and figured they could talk there. “Willie, you got keys for the garage? I wanna check it out.”

Willie pointed to a door, “Open that door, it leads down to the garage and the downstairs.”

Mad Jack and Black Dog headed down the stairs and Willie went to put her rifle away. Deidra looked for a blender to put the frozen orange juice into; she decided some extra strong alcoholic drinks were sorely needed.



lack Dog walked around the huge garage and whistled. “Damn. We could fit quite a few bikes here.  Let’s check out the other room Willie was yakking about.”

They walked into what was set up as a recreation room with a bar built along one wall. It seemed somebody had wanted a damn nice party room and made this complete with black lights and shag carpeting. Mad Jack opened a set of double doors where a washer and dryer sat. The other door led to a bathroom with a shower.

“This is really good party space Dog. I was thinking, I was gonna rent a place from my dad for me and Deidra but if you and Willie wanna save some money maybe we could split the rent. I don’t want Dee alone when I have to be away and if Roberta is with a Filthy Fiend I doubt you want Willie here alone either. Be safer for both of them.” Jack made a lot of sense and looked at Dog trying to gage his answer.

Black Dog ran his hand through his hair while thinking. “It makes sense to me but I suppose it is up to Willie. Is Deidra gonna be cool with living with us?”

“She does what I tell her to do, same as you’re expecting Willie to do, Dog. Damn Willie sure is full of surprises; I thought Teddy was the wild sister. Wanna go find out what they think of the idea?” Mad Jack didn’t wait for Black Dog to answer; he was headed up the stairs to find out.



pstairs in the kitchen Deidra was busy with the blender and Willie was sorting through her albums looking for music. It was a pleasant sight and the two men grinned at each other. Willie and Deidra seemed to get along well. It really was a good idea to split the rent and until they could find out what Roberta was doing with the Filthy Fiends it was safer for Dee, Willie and Black Dog too. They grabbed two cold beers as Dee added vodka to the blender and some ice. One of the girls had set out some cheese cubes, crackers and a bowl of pretzels.

Willie had put on Jethro Tull’s Aqualung album and as the music filled the apartment, Black Dog walked over to the stereo and turned it down a bit.

“Too loud to hear ourselves talk, “he explained. “Willie, how would you feel about Jack and Dee sharing the apartment with us? It would save on money and be safer for everyone if Roberta was the chick you saw on the back of that Filthy Fiend’s bike.”

Willie looked at Deidra to see how she felt about the idea and was happy to see a smile on her friend’s face. “It sounds perfect to me and a lot of fun. Dee, are those drink’s ready? We can toast to new friends and being roommates!”

Dee poured the drinks into two glasses and was happy she and Jack had a place to live without the hassle of buying everything. As much as she liked Jack’s family she didn’t feel like she belonged there.

“Jack, can we move in today? It is early enough to get everything and still be able to grill later.  Of course if that is okay with Willie and Black Dog.” Jack could hear how much it meant to her to be out of his parents house.

“Willie, is the bedroom ready for us?” Mad Jack inquired. Willie nodded yes. “Deidra, you’ll have to drive our stuff back in my car because I want to have at least one of my bikes here.”

Black Dog looked at Willie, “I need to put my bike in your garage and go and get my stuff. Guess we need to make some extra keys too. I’ll need to drive your car Willie; I’m not leaving you alone until we find out where Roberta is. I need to call Darko about that matter too. So drink up and let’s get going.”

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