Naked Lies (20 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #naked, #ray gordon, #hardcore porn

BOOK: Naked Lies
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Giving me her
phone number as she finished dressing, she kissed my lips, her
tongue delving deep into my mouth as she pulled my naked body close
to hers. Our lips finally parting, she smiled and left wordlessly.
There were no words. We both knew what we wanted. Did I really
know? The front door closing, I stood alone in the lounge, my
nakedness arousing me. No, I didn't know what I wanted.

The phone rang
again as I wandered into the kitchen and turned the cooker off, the
smell of curry filling my nostrils. Den, Mat, Carole... Whoever it
was, I didn't want to speak to them. I didn't want to speak to
anyone for a while. My mind confused, guilt swamping me, I wondered
what I'd done. Full-blown lesbian sex? Only Mat and I had ever made
love in our bed. I'd never have dreamed that I'd lie naked in lust
with another, let alone a slip of a girl!

Still naked, I made ham sandwiches for my lunch, the lesbian
act I'd committed heavy in my mind. I again thought of Mat, our
relationship, our future. What did the future hold for us? Did I
have a future with Lisa?
. The word buffeted my racked
mind, hurting me. I still had to deal with Den, put a stop to his
continual threats. But how?

I wandered
around the house naked for the rest of the day, ignoring the bells,
the phone, the door. Den knocked on the back door, hammered on the
front, called through the letterbox... The latch up, the curtains
drawn, I ignored his threats, his crude demands.

The time
nearing six, I decided to go out for a walk. I didn't want to face
Mat, not yet. Dressed in my turquoise mini skirt and white blouse,
I left the house. My pussy naked, the evening air cooling my
inflamed love lips, I smiled to myself as I floated down the lane,
a new spring in my step. Was I in love?

As I saw Mat's
car approaching, I slipped into a driveway and hid behind a bush. I
didn't want to have to explain what I was doing, where I was going.
He drove by, oblivious to the fact that his wife was there behind a
bush, knickerless and braless, her cunt sticky with another girl's

"The bed!" I
breathed in horror, remembering that I'd left the quilt pulled
back, the sheets crumpled and cunny stained. Mat would look for me,
walk into the bedroom and discover what he'd believe to be the
evidence of recent sex. I'd tell him that I'd slept, that I'd felt
unwell and gone to bed. More lies, more deceit... Was I in love
with another girl?





Mat's car was
in the driveway when I returned. Opening the front door, I felt
elated that I had Lisa on my side. As a double agent she'd give me
information about Den, discover who the mysterious man was who'd
fucked my bottom, and hopefully help me put an end to the whole
sorry mess once and for all.

Calling out a
greeting to Mat, I was surprised there was no answer. Stepping out
of the kitchen door in search of him, I stood by the fence and
listened as I heard voices and the chinking of glasses coming from
Den's garden.

"One of the
funniest things was when she sucked you off through the hole in the
fence!" Den laughed. "And when we both fucked her arsehole in the

The unknown
beast was obviously with Den, enjoying a chat and a drink in the
garden. I couldn't see through the fence to discover his identity.
The best I could do was listen to the duo's banter, their crude
jokes about me, the way they'd abused my naked body, in the hope of
some enlightenment.

"I'm surprised
she didn't hear you in the hall when I was fucking her and she was
licking Lisa's cunt out," Den chortled. I couldn't believe that his
friend had been there, watching.

"She's had
more spunk pumped into her in the last week or so than during her
whole life!"

My heart
nearly stopped as I recognized the voice. Mat! Den's partner in
crime was my husband! I was stunned. My head spinning, awash with
confusion, I could barely stand on my crumpling legs as the
shocking truth sank in. I must be wrong, I tried to convince
myself. Mat would never...

"We've really
got her where we want her," Den crowed. "I never thought she'd fall
for the magazine trick."

"I was pretty
sure she would," Mat chuckled. "She would have been terrified if
I'd confronted her with the magazine. She knows how suspicious I
am, and I really laid it on before you showed her the mag. For
several days I went on about other men and how disgusting I thought
pornography was. She'd have done anything to..."

"She has done
anything!" Den chortled.

"Watching her
suck you off when she'd thought I'd gone out for cigars was such a
turn on, I almost wanked in the hall! And the thrashing you gave
her was brilliant! The next time she's tied up and blindfolded,
I'll give her a bloody good spanking."

"What d'you
reckon about her pubes, then? Do I get her to shave or not?"

"Yes, do it!
She'll have a hell of a time explaining why she's shaved her cunt,"
Mat sniggered.

"Have some
more wine. We're doing well, we deserve to celebrate."

across the patio, I wandered into the kitchen and slumped at the
table. Mat, of all people! My husband had been in on the blackmail
from day one! I was cold with shock, shivering as I thought of Mat
hiding in the house, watching me sucking Den's cock, licking Lisa's
clitoris to orgasm. Now I knew where Den had got his information
from about my background, my past relationships.

Lisa must have
known that Mat was in on the wicked scheme. Den would have told her
that my husband knew what was going on. She'd lied to me, the
bitch! Yet again, she'd used me for lesbian sex. But what had
happened to Mat? I'd thought we were happily married, working to
build our future. Why had he treated me as nothing more than a
common whore? In league with Den, he'd fucked my bottom, come in my
mouth, watched me endure a thrashing...

My heart
racing, my body shaking violently, I left the house and wandered
aimlessly down the street. Had Mat sent me the cruel notes? I
wondered. Why would he bother? No, there had to be someone else,
someone who'd been watching, spying.

I felt that I
was dreaming and that I'd wake up and find Mat sleeping beside me.
But the horror was real enough. I'd been used and abused, tricked
and blackmailed - by my husband! The lies, the deception... I
couldn't begin to comprehend what had happened. I didn't know
whether to laugh or cry, I felt no emotion - just numbness.

Sitting on a
bench in the recreation ground, I held my head in my hands, trying
to find some logic, some explanation for the way my husband had
treated me. I hated Mat, I hated Den - I hated myself. The way Mat
had questioned my nakedness when he'd know exactly what I'd been
forced to endure! The times he'd said he was going out for cigars,
going upstairs to change into his shorts, going to see about a
computer... He'd delighted in my plight. It was only in my seething
hatred that I realized how much I'd loved Mat. But now? My husband
was a first rate bastard! No, a devil!

At least the
whole ugly episode was over, I reflected. I'd tell Den where to go
and there'd be nothing he could do about it. His threats held no
water now, they were futile. The perverse games were finally over.
What I'd do, what I'd say to Mat, I had no idea. I wouldn't
confront him, not yet. I needed time to think about my future. What

Lifting my
head, I looked around, wondering where to go. I couldn't go home,
not yet - I couldn't face Mat. I wasn't sure whether I could ever
face the bastard again, but I knew that I'd have to. At some stage,
I'd have to confront him, tell him that I was leaving him. But why
should I leave? I reasoned in my rising anger. I hadn't been the
perpetrator of the wicked plan. I was the innocent victim.

"No, I won't
leave!" I breathed through gritted teeth as I walked home. "I'll
not let the bastards win!" I had to be clever, turn the tables...
I'd say nothing, act as if I knew nothing about Mat's lies, his
evil ways. I'd do my utmost to appear normal, calm, cool.

As I closed
the front door, Mat emerged from the kitchen, his tanned face
smiling. "Ah, you're back. Where have you been?"

"It's such a
lovely evening I went for a walk," I smiled, seething with hatred
and anger. Had he seen the bed, the sex-stained sheets? "What have
you been up to?"

"I've been
talking to Den. Look, I know you don't like him, but I need his
advice. Is it OK with you if he comes over for an hour or so?"

"Why don't you
go to his place?" I asked, walking into the kitchen and filling the
kettle for a semblance of normality.

"Because all
my papers are here, it would be difficult."

He was
obviously planning another session of sexual abuse. No doubt he'd
pretend to have to go out for ten minutes and Den would force me to
suck him to orgasm. Mat would be hiding, watching another man fuck
his wife's mouth. He was perverse in the extreme. Deriving
satisfaction from watching me being sexually abused by another man,
he was evil.

"I don't mind
if he comes over," I finally conceded.

"Good, I'll go
and tell him. I really do need to sort this out as soon as
possible. We'll sit in the dining room, so as not to get in your

"OK," I smiled
as he stepped into the garden and went off to find his

I had to
think, to come up with a plan. Mat would say that he had to go out
and Den would come at me with his threats... Should I play the
game? I pondered. Should I suck the beast off, knowing that Mat was
watching? I could make out that I was really enjoying it, beg for
Den to sperm down my throat. No, I wanted to ruin their fun, spoil
their games.

I'd tell Den
to go to hell. He'd talk to Mat and they'd try to come up with a
plan, hatch new ways to blackmail me. Images of my mother racked my
mind. If Den sent her a copy of the video tape... I'd cross that
bridge when I came to it.

"Hi, Jane!"
Den beamed as he followed Mat through the back door. "How are you

"I'm fine," I
replied sweetly. "I'm just making coffee, would you like some?"


"Damn!" Mat
cursed, holding his hand to his head. "Damn and blast!"

"What's the
matter?" I asked, knowing full well that he was about to announce
his timely departure.

"I forgot to
post some important letters. They're in the car, I'd better walk
down to the post-box now. Er... You two have a coffee and I'll be
back shortly."

As Mat left
the kitchen and closed the front door, Den grinned at me. The
bastard was obviously hiding in the hall, spying through the crack
in the kitchen door which he'd deliberately left ajar. But I was
about to thwart the decadent duo's wicked game, destroy their

"There's time
for me to fuck your pretty mouth," Den grinned, eagerly dragging
his erect penis out of his jeans. "Kneel down and suck me off,

"I'd don't
feel like sucking you off!" I returned.

"You'll suck
out my spunk or..."

"It's over,
Den. I'm not going to be blackmailed any more'."

"Don't start
all that nonsense again. When Mat sees the video tape,

"I don't care
what he does, I'm not your slave any more'."

He zipped his
jeans, frowning as he realized that I really did mean it this time.
After several more futile threats, he looked pathetic, confused,
his dark eyes staring hard at me. He didn't know what to do, what
to say, as I poured the coffee and sat at the table. Standing next
to me, he pulled his penis out again, offering his bulbous glans to
my mouth as I turned to face him.

"Put it away!"
I stormed.

"You'll suck
me to orgasm, Jane, otherwise..."

"Den, please
get it into your thick skull - it's over!"


"But Mat
nothing. I don't care any more', I've had enough."

The front door
slamming shut, Den slipped his penis into his jeans. Mat had hardly
had time to go to the post-box! But, realizing that the game might
well be over, he obviously didn't think of that as he walked
anxiously into the kitchen.

"Den, let's go
through to the dining room," he suggested, his brown eyes mirroring
more than a hint of confusion.

"Er... Yes,

"You were
quick!" I teased. "You couldn't have gone to the post-box and back
that quickly."

"Er... No,
I... I forgot that I'd posted the letters earlier."

"Panic over,
then. I'll be in the garden if you need me," I smiled innocently,
taking my coffee and wandering out onto the patio.

Once they'd
gone into the dining room, I slipped back into the house and
loitered in the hall. Den was saying that he'd done his best and
Mat was cursing me. They were behaving like schoolboys who'd just
lost their football over the fence. Blaming each other, I thought
it was going to end up in an almighty row.

"Let's calm
down," Mat finally said. "We've still got the video tape. There's
no way she'll want her mother seeing it, so..."

"I'm not so
sure," Den broke in pensively. "As you heard, she seemed pretty

"I wonder why
she's not worried any more? Do you reckon she has got someone


"If she plans
to leave me, then... No, there's still the tape and her mother.
It's been going so well, and now this! What the hell are we going
to do, Den?"

"Shit, I don't

"I know, I'll
show her one of the photographs, the one with her on the lawn
flashing her fanny, perhaps. I'll say that it was posted to me, at
my office."

"What good
will that do?"

"It'll be a
taster, Den. Believing that you've sent me that photo, she'll be
fearful of you sending me the others - and the video tape."

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