Naked Lies (19 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #naked, #ray gordon, #hardcore porn

BOOK: Naked Lies
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"You told Den
that I'd been round for coffee."

"Yes, I said
that because..."

"I'd like to
come round."

"What, just



because... I'd like to see you, that's all."

"See what, my


"Where are

"In a phone
box, not far from your place."

"All right,
come round. If Den's with you, I won't answer the door."

"No, no I'll
be alone. Give me ten minutes."

"OK, I'll be

What did she
want? Sex? Did I want sex with her? My mind was so muddled that I
honestly didn't know what I wanted! But I might be able to glean
some information, where she'd met Den, how she'd become involved,
whether or not she was a prostitute... I might even discover what
his long-term plans were - as if I didn't already know!

When the front
doorbell rang, my heart leaped. I knew it was a grave mistake.
Peeping through the letterbox, I could see that she was alone, but
Den might have noticed her arrive. Letting her in, I closed the
door and put the latch up, locking out the world. Credit card or
key, no one would be able to get in. I was safe - wasn't I?

She stood in
the hall gazing at me, her long black hair cascading over her big
dark eyes. My stomach somersaulting, my clitoris throbbing, my
vaginal muscles tightening, I led her into the lounge and invited
her to sit down. The angel of sex.

There was no
point in arguing, spitting questions at her, not if I was to gain
her allegiance. I had to come across as amicable, pleased to see
her. Through the mist of my tormented mind, the swirling images of
the girl's shaved cunt, her wet tongue, I tried to forget about sex
and compose myself.

"I'll put the
kettle on in a minute," I smiled, eyeing her deep cleavage revealed
by her partially open blouse.

"I've been
thinking," she said pensively, her short skirt riding up her
shapely thighs as she reclined on the sofa. Was she wearing

about what?" I asked, standing with my back to the mantlepiece.

"This business
with Den and everything..."

"What about

"You didn't
really want me at your barbeque, did you?"

"That's a
stupid question!" I returned. "My husband was in the garden, and I
was in the kitchen fingering... I didn't want Den there,

"I enjoyed the
barbeque, the time with you."

"I didn't
enjoy my time with a prostitute. How do you know Den? How did you
get involved with him?"

"We met at a
party. I'm not a prostitute, it's just that I'm very short of

"Having sex in
return for money is prostitution."

"Jane, I... I
shouldn't have come here."

"Why not?"

"I don't know.
I had everything planned, what I was going to say and... and now I
don't know what to say."

"Coffee or


"Don't go
away, I'll be back in a minute."

Taking the
Reisling from the fridge, I knew that she felt something for me,
something more than sex. I felt something for her, but I wasn't
sure what. Was it her soft warm femininity that excited me? Or did
I prefer the male, with his strength, power and granite penis? What
did I really want? A penis penetrating me, fucking me, jolting my
naked body, sperming into my orifices? A female tongue licking
between my sex folds, taking me to orgasm as only a woman knows
how? I wanted both.

Taking two
glasses from the cupboard, I returned to the lounge to find Lisa
relaxing on the sofa, naked. So she had come round for sex. She was
a bitch, in league with Den, forcing me to masturbate her, finger
her cunt, lick her clitoris... What had she planned with Den this
time? Would he arrive and join in the enforced sex? The latch was
up, but Lisa would threaten me, blackmail me - and I'd have to let
the bastard in.

"So that's
your game," I said, placing the wine and glasses on the coffee

"I'm not
playing games," she demurred, her eyes sparkling, reflecting her
lesbian desires.

"What are you
doing then?"

"I want

"You want my
cunt, you mean?"

"Yes, no, I

"When's Den


"Don't lie to
me, Lisa. This has all been planned, hasn't it?"

"No, it
hasn't! I came here because... because I wanted to be with

"I know your

"I don't play
games with those I love."

Love? Was she
capable of loving someone? Was I capable? Scrutinizing her naked
body, the fullness of her breasts, her pouting, hairless pussy lips
nestling between her parted thighs, I wondered yet again at my
emotions. The sex I'd had with Lisa in the past had been enforced,
I'd had no choice, but now? Now I had every choice, and the thought
sent a bolt of terror through me. If I said no, I might regret it
forever. If I agreed to have sex with her...

"Are you a
lesbian?" I asked stupidly.

"Yes, I am.
Are you?"

"No, I... I
don't know. Look, Lisa, I need time to think. I've been
blackmailed, used and abused by you and Den, forced to endure anal

"Den did

"Yes, he did.
I'm not in the right mind to know how or what I feel. I don't even
know how I feel about my husband, let alone anyone else - let alone
you. I've been living my life like a dream - a nightmare. There's
nothing left. Whatever I had has been taken away from me."

"Come and sit
with me," she smiled, parting her thighs further, displaying her

Her face was
partially veiled by her curtain of shining black hair, her dark
eyes reflecting an angelic innocence, but she was far from
innocent. She'd been capable of using blackmail to have sex with me
- she was no angel! Was I an angel? Was I innocent? Mat was the
only innocent one in my life. Working like a dog to secure the best
for us - our future - only he was innocent.

"I'm not a
prostitute," Lisa said again as I sat next to her. "I know what I
did was wrong, but I needed the money."

"You had no
qualms about sticking a candle up me while he took photographs. No
qualms about blackmailing me."

"It might have
appeared that I didn't have qualms, but I did - and I now feel

You're only here for sex, Lisa."

"No, I'm

"Why are you
naked, then? Don't tell me that you were hot so you took your
clothes off."

"No, that's
not why I did it. I... I do want sex with you, I can't deny it. But
I want more than sex."

"I don't know
that I have anything other than sex to offer. The sexual abuse I've
been forced to endure has changed me."

"Have you no

"Love is
indefinable. I thought I'd found love with Mat, but now..."

As she slipped
her hand up my skirt and pressed her fingertips into the softness
of my bulging panties, I turned my head to face her. My heart
pounding as she ran her fingers up and down my wet panties,
massaging my sex crack, I closed my eyes. This was a battle I
couldn't win, I knew, as she pulled my panties to one side and
slipped her finger between my swollen love lips, driving it deep
into my drenched vagina. Was it a battle I wanted to win?

"You make me
feel good," she breathed. "Do I make you feel good?"

"I... I don't
know," I lied as she slipped her wet finger out of my vagina and
massaged my erect clitoris.

"Is that

"Yes, yes it

As she pressed
her lips to mine, kissing me with a passion I'd never known before,
I reciprocated. Opening my mouth, our tongues meeting, entwining,
our saliva mingling, I slipped my hand between her parted thighs
and massaged her clitoris. There was no blackmail, no coercing.
Just mutual participation of our own accord in our masturbating.
Our loving?

Our mouths
locked, our tongues entwined, we caressed each other's clitorises,
giving and receiving immense sexual pleasure - lesbian pleasure. I
knew I'd won her over as our lips parted and she began her gasping.
She was mine now, not Den's. I'd persuade her to have nothing more
to do with him, to visit me alone for rampant sessions of sex. One
small victory, I reflected as my clitoris swelled and pulsated
beneath her soft, vibrating fingertips. What had I become?

"Upstairs," I
said shakily. "In my bed." She leaped to her feet, her pretty face
flushed, her nipples fully erect. Following me as I unbuttoned my
blouse, I showed her into my bedroom and closed the door, locking
it for added security. As I slipped out of my skirt, she pulled the
quilt back and leaped into the bed like an excited schoolgirl.

I'd make her
come again and again, I decided, slipping in beside her. I'd have
her begging me for sex, and promising to cut all ties with Den.
She'd now become a slave to me, at my beck and call. As she dived
beneath the quilt, positioning her pussy over my face and burying
her head between my thighs, I contemplated using her as a double
agent. If I could discover something about Den, his past, where his
family were, I might be able to blackmail him. Knowledge is power.
The tables were soon to turn, I was sure.

Her beautiful
pussy hovering above my gasping mouth, I pulled her down, pressing
my face against the wet warmth of her open girlhood. She was
drenched, her cunt milk decanting, pouring into my thirsty mouth as
I licked and sucked on her hot flesh. Pushing her tongue deep into
my aching pussy, licking inside me as my tongue entered her love
hole, we shuddered in our lesbian coupling.

Her hands
beneath my rounded buttocks, her fingers snaked between my thighs,
parting my pussy lips, opening my hole wide to her darting tongue.
I reciprocated, stretching her hairless, fleshy cushions wide
apart, exposing her dripping vaginal walls to my inquisitive
tongue. Her juices flowed into my mouth, over my face, running down
my temples to my ears. In my sexual delirium, I drank from her
vagina, savouring the aphrodisiacal product of her arousal.

We licked and
mouthed until our clitorises swelled, urgently demanding the
release of orgasm. We both sucked each other's sex buttons into our
cunny-wet mouths, our tongues flicking, darting, seeking, caressing
our pulsating protrusions. We were both near to the ultimate
ecstasy, I knew, as we trembled violently, gasping and licking in
our sexual frenzy. The ultimate ecstasy of lesbian sex.

Our bodies
becoming rigid, our clitorises swollen, ripe in lust, we came in
unison. Sucking, licking, our limbs entwined, we brought out each
other's shuddering orgasms. On and on the waves of pure sexual
bliss crashed through our quivering bodies until I thought I'd pass
out from the sheer pleasure.

Never had I
known such an exquisite entwining of naked bodies, such immense
pleasure. Tongues licking, clitorises pulsating in climax, female
to female, we sustained out illicit orgasms until we were drained,
exhausted, depleted in our comings. Resting the weight of her
trembling naked body upon mine, she sucked on my nub, our tongues
encircling our clitorises until the last ripples of girl-pleasure
had faded.

"That was
nice," she breathed, her face flushed and wet as she lay beside me.
The phone rang as we kissed, out pussy-wet tongues meeting. On and
on it rang, like a distant bell drifting across the meadow from a
farmyard barn, ignored, forgotten. I wanted to be in a meadow with
Lisa, the sun bathing our naked bodies as we buried our heads
between each other's thighs.

Had I found
something with Lisa? I wondered as she sucked my erect nipple into
her hot mouth. Was this merely sex, lesbian sex, or was there a
deeper bonding? I thought of Mat as I lay in the marital bed with a
naked girl attending my breasts. Would the lesbian scene turn him
on? Would he like to fuck Lisa's shorn pussy? The phone stopped

"I'd better be
going," she finally breathed, my nipple slipping out of her wet
mouth as she propped herself up on her elbow and brushed her dark
hair away from her wet face.

"What will you
tell Den?" I asked.

"I won't tell
him anything."

"But he'll ask
you to come here with him to blackmail and abuse me."

"I'll say no.
I don't want anything to do with Den now that I have you."

As she climbed
out of the bed, the sun streaming in through the window behind her,
silhouetting her naked body, I again realized how beautiful she
was. As she turned, I gazed at the profile of her pert breasts.
Well rounded, her nipples pointing, she was exquisite. Had I found
love with another female? I wondered as I slipped out of the bed. I
didn't know what I'd found.

"Will you give
me your phone number?" I asked as I followed her downstairs.

"Yes," she
replied, her buttocks wiggling as she walked into the lounge and
grabbed her clothes.

"Why have you

"Because I
prefer it that way."

"Would you
prefer me shaved?"

"Yes, that
would be nice," she smiled, her voice soft, husky, as she gazed at
my swollen love lips, my drenched crack. "Den was going to make you

"What else
does he plan to do?"

"I don't know.
The arrangement is that he'll phone when he needs me."

"There was
another man here with Den. Do you know his name?"

"Another man?
No, he's not told me anything about that."

Watching as
she dressed, I was sure that she wasn't lying. But she'd been in
league with Den, she must have known about the unknown man. They'd
have chatted, laughed about the situation. Den must have told her.
I'd have to be careful, play it by ear until I was sure that I had
her allegiance.

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