Come Fly With Me

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Authors: Addison Fox

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Praise for
Baby It’s Cold Outside
the first novel in Addison Fox’s “sexy new series”


“Heartfelt…. Readers will eagerly await the next novel in Fox’s series after reading this poignant romance.”



“A fun, sassy, well-written, hysterical, heartfelt, and entertaining book.”

—Fiction Vixen Book Reviews


“Refreshing…. This was a great book that had me laughing out loud.”

—Night Owl Reviews


“A cute, funny, fast-paced romantic novel filled with humor [and] heartwarming moments…a great read on a cold night in front of a warm fire.”

—Manic Readers


“Addison Fox charmed the heck out of me with her first Alaskan Nights novel. I cannot wait to return to the wonderful town of Indigo, Alaska.”

—Romance Junkies


“Steamy encounters…keep the blood pumping all the way to a sweet ending.”

Publishers Weekly


“[A] fun, sexy story.”

—The Romance Dish


“Fox does a fantastic job…. The characters are dynamic and interesting.”

Romantic Times


Praise for the
Sons of the Zodiac Series


Warrior Betrayed


“Will delight paranormal romance lovers…. Fox weaves mythology and romance into a fun-filled adventure.”

Romantic Times


“An action-packed and emotionally charged good time.”

—The Romance Dish


“A terrific tale.”

—Alternative Worlds


“Ms. Fox is definitely an author to watch.”

—The Romance Readers Connection


Warrior Avenged


“Everything I love in a book: a sexy, enigmatic hero; a strong, capable heroine who is his match in every way; action; surprises; and plenty of steam! It’s a fantastic series, and trust me, you won’t want to miss a single moment!”

—The Romance Dish


“Another powerfully sexy and exciting entry in this dynamic series.”

—Fresh Fiction


“An exciting series.”

—Risqué Reviews


“[A] superb…urban romantic fantasy.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews


Warrior Ascended


“[A] powerful romance.”

Publishers Weekly


“[A] blast to read…kept me turning the pages until I finished it.”

—Errant Dreams Reviews


“Fox debuts with a strong start to the Warriors of the Zodiac series…[a] powerful romance.”

Publishers Weekly


“This new series puts a delightful twist to the Greek gods and the myths surrounding them. Each character has [his or her] own depth and talents that will keep you turning the pages and begging for more. A great start to a promising paranormal series!”

—Fresh Fiction


“Promise[s] plenty of action, treachery, and romance!”

Romantic Times


Also by Addison Fox


Baby It’s Cold Outside


Warrior Ascended

Warrior Avenged

Warrior Betrayed

Warrior Enchanted

With Me

An Alaskan Nights Novel

Addison Fox




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For Audrey
You smile and the world is brighter.

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four


Just in Time

Chapter One

New York City
New Year’s Eve


rier Thompson lined up the champagne flutes in neat, even rows. Her CPA’s heart gloried in the precise organization and order to be found in the close attention to detail. By her calculation, it would take about three and a half bottles of bubbly to fill all the flutes to properly ring in the new year.

The sounds of her mother’s annual New Year’s Eve bash swelled from the other side of the swinging kitchen door as she poured glass after glass, but the happy laughter only pushed her further into her own gloomy thoughts. She’d believed coming home for the holidays would be just the thing to shake her out of the doldrums, but unlike her accurate champagne estimate, she’d sorely miscalculated this trip.

Without warning, a barrage of images from the previous New Year’s Eve assailed her. She’d attended the same party and smiled and laughed with all the people she’d known for years, a bright diamond sparkling on her left hand and a smart, handsome fiancé by her side.

God, so much had changed in the ensuing twelve months.

The fiancé she’d looked forward to marrying was no longer a part of her life.

The accounting firm where she’d excelled had abandoned her without so much as a good-bye.

And the father who’d ignored her for her entire life had come calling in the form of a contested inheritance in the far-flung reaches of Alaska.

“And now you’ve got an annoying case of self-pity to boot,” she mumbled to herself as she reached for a glass. “Which is about as appealing as an infection.”

“What did you say, darling?” The door swung open to reveal her mother’s oldest and dearest friend, Monica, as she floated into the kitchen, a surprisingly bright swath of feathers adorning the crown of her head. “I heard you talking about an unpleasant matter?”

Grier almost choked on her sip of champagne as she glanced quickly around the kitchen. “Oh, it’s nothing.” Her eyes alighted on one of the bottles. “Just muttering about that last cork. What a beast it was.”

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