MC: LaPonte (2 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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We’re both breathing hard and
I wait for his breathing to even out. “Amazing as always Danny.” I
smile up at him.

“I was thinking the same
thing. It never gets old. Thank you K.” He kisses my head again. He
pulls the condom off and grabs his t to clean himself

I sit up so I can see him. “I
wanted to talk to you tonight. I’d like to see you more than twice
a month for a couple of hours.” I’m watching for a reaction but he
has a blank look on his face. Of course his friggin phone goes off,
he jumps for his pants and starts dressing as he puts the phone to
his ear. I sit and watch, waiting for him to finish.

“I need to go K. They just
found Patches.” He’s dressed within a minute and kissing me on the
cheek. “I’ll text you about next month.” He rushes out the

“What about more time?” I yell
to no one. He’s gone. Fuck!

I guess I can’t ask him about
piercing my nipple either. Fucking men! I don’t need him to make
that decision. Jess is pierced and tells me they feel like pleasure
buttons. Since I like pleasure, I think I can endure the 6 week
heal time. Now that I made that decision I need to look at the
next. I realize Patches is important to the club but I asked about
more time before the phone rang. I can expect a text about next
month’s date. I think it’s time to call it quits, if he can’t make
time for me, maybe I need to look for someone who will. I roll
myself over and cry for the man that I love, but doesn’t love


I’m so fuckin glad Tiny
called. Heading to the club I play back that look on Kate’s face.
She wants more time. I know I should give it to her but fuck I went
years without sex because my crazy ex. When it came down to it I
found out she was cheating on me for years. I’m finally living
every fantasy I’ve ever had. With my son Rich in the military, no
one is putting demands on my time. Fuck, I even found the perfect
foreman to run the business. I don’t want to give up my time. Kate
is great, she's smart and funny, we just fit. She's beautiful with
her almond shaped blue eyes and a fuckin body to die for but I was
trapped for so fuckin long. Why the hell would I change anything
now? I like my freedom. I've got plenty of time to settle down. I
don't need to rush this. I need to avoid this discussion; I thank
God again that Tiny called. I pull up to the gate, wait for the
Prospect to open it and drive into the yard. Looks like everyone is
here. Stepping out of the truck I reach to the back and pull a t
and my cut out. I change and jog through the door. Fuck, everyone
really is here.

I find Tiny in the middle of a
bunch of brothers but Steve pulls me aside. “Patches was stabbed,
Security found him in the back of the van. Van was tagged, left in
the woods on County Street.” He looks over to Pres. Something
passes between them. I know my time is limited.

“How is Patches and who would
fuck with the Brotherhood?”

“Doc’s in with him now, it's
bad. Gang tagged the van with territory markings.” He says as he
takes a step away.

“Brother delivered bread and
cakes. The gang had a fuckin problem with the bread?” He keeps
walking. Tiny meets up with him and Pres, they go down the hall to
Doc’s rooms. Fuckin nuts. The guy literally delivered fuckin bread.
This is not going to be pretty.

Luke comes up to me, “fuckin
crazy man.”

“I was just thinking the same
thing. Pres looks like he’s ready to go to war. Over fuckin

“Last gang was wiped out in a
couple of hours. With Steve and Casper training Security they
probably won’t take that long this time. All we do is make a
presence in the backyard.” He says so calm.

“How many in the last gang?”
He’s pulling my fuckin leg.

“28 but they split Steve,
Casper and Dave up. They had a handler to drive and hold their
gear. I think only Steve has gear though. Don’t ever mess with
Steve Brother.”

“You’re telling me that the
members of the gang that got wiped out couple years ago was done by
Steve, Casper and Dave in one night?” I saw that on the fuckin
news, it was huge. They speculated the new gang did it and the
mafia hit the leader.

“Took them less than three
hours total. Steve made the shot on the leader from across the
street in some alley. Tiny said it had to be close to 400 feet in
the dark. Cops thought it was a boss hit. Right in the center of
his fuckin head.” He’s all fuckin excited.

My sister’s husband, my
friend, took out the leader and countless other gang members in a
couple of hours. Holy Fuck! “How come this is the first I’ve heard
about it?”

“Fuck Brother, it’s your
fuckin family, ask them. I was just trying to ease your mind. You
look worried.” He walks away.

Of course I look worried
fuckin Patches was stabbed and left to die in the fuckin woods. I
have to wonder about some of these fuckin Brothers. Now I have to
worry about a fuckin war where my fuckin brother in law is out
hunting gang members. When I was first in the club we had some
fuckin wars going. Even with Axe we never hit that many in one
night. I don’t think we were that organized. I was too young to pay
much attention. I just did what I was told. Axe was my sponsor, he
kept me with him so I never questioned I just trusted him. It’s not
like that today. I shake my head and wait by the bar, maybe it’s
just me. Caroline comes over to me but I shake my head no. I don’t
want her touching me after being with Kate. I usually sleep at my
house on our date nights. What the fuck is taking so long? More
Brothers show, no one’s saying much. I hear a couple of comments
about riding the backyard like last time but not much

Steve and Pres finally come
back out. "Listen up Brothers. I met with the gang leader earlier
today. They will not budge on us delivering in their yard. I tried
to work it where a cut wouldn't be worn during deliveries. They
refuse even that." Brothers are talking shit. Pres holds his hand
up. Everyone quiets down. "I need to split you up so we can fix
this. I need trained military security with VP and Casper. All
other security personnel is with Dave working outer security in the
backyard. If you work at one of the businesses you're on that road
keeping your building secure, Rob is your handler. If you work
outside the yard Jared is your handler, you ride the inside yard
roads making sure our presence is seen and felt. There is no
explaining or directing of the neighbors. Outer security will need
weapons, Tiny has the safe open, collect what you need before you
leave. Our presence must be seen Brothers. Call your women; they
need to get here quickly. All prospects will be at the clubhouse.
If your family has a special need or needs a ride see Sam before
you leave. Sam will coordinate the families.

Again: military security with
VP and Casper. Meet in the meeting room in ten.

Regular security with Dave on
the outer yard, collect your weapons from Tiny. You ride in

Club business workers on the
road of your place of business. Rob is your lead. You ride in

Outside work Brothers you’re
riding the backyard, not engaging with the neighbors, Jared is your
lead. You ride in thirty with Dave's team.

Make your calls, collect your

Holy shit! The place is utter
chaos. I wonder if I should go to security with Dave then I think
if they wanted me there they would put me there. I make my way to
the front door. I just need to wait for Jared to roll. I'm sure
Steve has Jess and Little Ben taken care of. I wonder about Kate. I
see Steve and call out to him. "Should I call Kate?" He turns and
looks at me. Fuck, his eyes are flat; his whole demeanor looks hard
and flat. What the fuck?

"Jess has her, stays in my
rooms." He turns and walks away. Fuck.

I walk out the door. Kate
stays in his rooms. What the hell is that all about? I guess it's
better than her being in my room. I don't want her anywhere near my
fuckin bed. Too many whores have been there.

Luke comes out. "Not much for
us to do but sit and wait. Life's easy when you have no one to drag
down here."

I don't know why but he pisses
me off. "Jess' bringing Kate."

He nods, "yeah, those two stay
in VP's rooms."

Why the fuck am I learning all
this shit tonight? "Why his rooms?"

"Do you ever talk to your own
fucking family? She's Jess family, lived in the same group home,
aged out together, and went to college together. How the fuck do
you have a sister and a girl like Kate and not know fuck about
them?" He walks away shaking his head. I actually knew all that, I
don’t get the sister thing.

I turn to my bike and sit
against the seat. How the fuck do I not know all this other shit?
I've been back in the club for almost five years. I know Jess and
Kate are close but not that she's treated by the club as family. I
think of calling Kate but push it aside. I really don't want to
have that 'more time' talk. Steve won't let anything happen to
Jess, Kate will be safe with her and Little Ben.


Jess picks me up on her way to
the club. I was hoping Danny would call but I guess he's busy. I've
only been to Steve's rooms once before. When I moved into the
neighborhood Steve insisted I go to the club when there's a
lockdown. 'Since I am a sister to Jess, I am family to the club. I
have his protection and I'm expected to get my fuckin ass to the
club during lockdowns.' He told me two years ago when they had club
trouble. I think he was pissed, he sent a Prospect to pick me up.
This time when Jess calls, I get a bag and wait for her to pull

The club is filling up but
very organized. The old ladies take this lockdown stuff in stride.
The kids are in a room that someone put toys out and a TV is
playing a movie. The women get cots and sleeping bags ready. I feel
funny going up to Steve's room while some of the older women sleep
on cots. Tracy told me this is just how it's done. The women always
treat me with respect and are friendly and open with me, so I guess
it's just a club thing that I don't get.

The clubhouse is huge with two
suites on the second floor. Ben and Steve have a bedroom, a sitting
room and a bathroom. The other officers have a big room with a
bathroom between them. All the other rooms are just single rooms.
When they added onto the first floor, I think Jess said there are
sixteen rooms in all. I'd hate to have to clean this

We get Little Ben and Jessie
to sleep. Tracy went to get Nancy. She's going to pierce my nipples
tonight. I'm terrified and excited all at the same time. Jess tells
me it's like the ear piercing, it hurts fast then it's just sore.
If I keep away from lacy bras I should be fine in 6

Nancy is almost as excited as
I am. I feel funny being topless but Nancy is quick. I wish I could
add painless too but that's not happening. It freakin hurts. She
explains about salt water and I crack up at the picture of me
sitting on my couch holding a glass of saltwater for my nipple to
soak in. She gives me cushy pads to wear with my bras which I’m
sure I will be thankful for when my nipples stop feeling like
they’re going to fall off.

Jess thinks I should get my
pussy pierced. She's freakin nuts. I'm in enough pain.

It takes me a while to fall
asleep. I have a smile when I do. I got my nipples

Chapter Two

Steve isn't back so we're not
sure what to do right now. I go down to the kitchen so I can get
breakfast for the boys. My nipples feel every step. I'm happy I
have just a dull ache in my nipples, it could be worse. Jess said
Sam should be in the kitchen. As I'm walking through the dining
room I hear some Prospects talking about Danny. I hope he's ok. I
slow down but their talking about JJ with Caroline. Holy shit,
Danny screwing the two women and the women doing each other. I push
through the kitchen door with tears in my eyes. There's no
mistaking that conversation. I take a breath and try to clear all
thoughts of Danny from my head.

"You doing ok Kate?" Sam asks
looking concerned.

"Yeah, thanks. I came to get
some breakfast for the boys. Jess said you know what they like." I
look around so I don't have to look at him.

"I got their trays made up
already. I have you, Jess and Tracy's too. I'll have a prospect
bring it up with some coffee." I finally look at him and he gives
me a sad smile. He must have heard, great.

"Thanks Sam." I walk out the
hall door avoiding the Prospects and their sex exploits. I don't
know why but I feel humiliated thinking every one of these guys
know Danny is sleeping with the whores. I wonder if they all look
at me with pity in their eyes like Sam just did. Everyone has
always been super nice to me; I hope it's not out of pity. Fucking


It’s been a long fuckin night.
Riding the yard in the cold sucks. I would rather be with security.
Again, I wonder if I should ask. Steve is in charge of it. If he
wanted me there he’d put me there. Jared finally let’s us leave at
three telling us to meet back at the club at twelve. I decide to
crash at my house and avoid all the family drama at the club.
Laying down I can’t stop thinking about Kate. I should have called
her last night, at least let her know I was worried. I fall asleep
thinking about her legs on my shoulders and her hands on her tits.
Beautiful K.

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