MC: LaPonte (3 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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“Steve’s back, we can leave.
Most of the other old ladies are already gone.” Jess says walking
in the door followed by Tracy. Little Ben and Jessie start cleaning
up their toys. I have never seen two quieter, well behaved kids.
Jess and Tracy never ask if they were good, they know they were. I
hope my kids are as good as these two. Tears pool in my eyes. Fuck.
That’s if I ever have kids.

I blink away the tears and
grab my bag. I open my mouth to ask about Danny then close it.
He’ll text me about next month. Grabbing Jess’ bag I move to the
door and tell her I’ll meet her downstairs. I need a minute to
gather myself. The club is almost empty. I smile and nod at the
women that are still waiting as I pass through to the door. Stowing
the bags I jump when someone says my name right behind me. Holy
crap my nipples felt that and it freakin hurts. I turn and paste a
smile for Jared. “You scared the bejesus out of me.”

“Sorry Kate, I wanted to ask
you out to dinner not scare you half to death.” He smiles looking

I’m a little shocked by this.
He’s Danny’s Brother. “Isn’t this a conflict of interest or
something? I don’t know how this works with the Brother

He smiles bigger. “It’s
nothing incestuous or unethical. Just asking for a date.” I open my
mouth but he puts his hand up, he isn’t smiling. “I didn’t think
you were with Danny anymore. My mistake.”

“Before you run off. I’m not
sure what I am to Danny anymore. I’m going to be honest with you.
We have two dates a month. When I can get him to sit and talk to
me, I have a feeling that will change. If you are ok with knowing
that, I would love to go out to dinner with you.”

He smiles. “You free on

“I am, after six.” I tell him
with a smile of my own.

“I’ll pick you up at 6:30.
We’ll eat at the Warf in Newport. Don’t forget your coat.” He nods
his head and walks into the clubhouse.

Wow. In one day I had my
nipples pierced and have a date. I feel like my life is finally
moving forward.


Tiny whistles getting
everyone’s attention. Ben throws him chin and looks at all the
Brothers. “Brothers, listen up. I know you’re all tired. The
quicker I tell you what’s going on, the quicker you leave. Last
night Doc transported Patches to the hospital because of internal
bleeding. He is stable but critical. Please remember him when you
have some time to visit. Doc is with him now.

We had no casualties last
night. Your security Brothers are trained well.

The gang that decided we
couldn’t deliver in their yard, no longer have a yard. We will be
adding surveillance and security to the rest of the town. There are
no more lines. We have the blessings of the Police Chief and the

If you have been waiting for a
club job, now is your chance. I will meet with Jess tomorrow and
look at some of the other businesses that are closed or in

If you are looking to move
closer to the club, now is your chance. There are houses that have
been tagged and can be picked up for pennies on the dollar. See Rob
at R&R or Jake at the HR office. They can help you with the
paperwork you will need.

Brothers, this isn’t going to
be easy. We need to establish a presence where people don’t
normally see us. We need to stop drug sales in our new yard. I’m
pretty sure our new Police friends will try to help, realistically
speaking; they’ve done a shit job so far.” The Brothers laugh.
“It’s going to take work. If you are serious about the club job, we
seriously need you.

It took all of us to fix this.
No matter the part you played last night, if it weren’t for you, we
wouldn’t have been able to clean this up.

Please remember Patches. We
are his only family. Jess has a list going up for visiting times.
Check in at the Bakery when you have a chance. When he gets
released, Tracy will coordinate the old ladies to help care for

Brothers, have a drink, go
home, go to sleep, do whatever it is that makes you happy. You've
earned it.” A cheer goes up making me smile. I lean against the
wall and just watch the Brothers wondering how the fuck we’re going
to handle the whole town and where the gang members are.

Pres walks up to Jared putting
a hand on his shoulder. “Millie called me. You helped her feel safe
Brother. She wants you to know she appreciated that. We may want to
look into getting the empty lots cleaned and leveled.”

“I’m on it Pres. I talked to
Duncan when I came in this morning. He’ll have it done in the next
two weeks.” Jared tells him.

“Good Brother. She asked about
Patches. She has a room and someone to help take care of him if we
need it. She’s a little quirky but a loyal neighbor and good friend
to us. Thank you for seeing to her.” Pres turns and walks

I wonder what that’s all
about? I don’t have to wonder long. Jared waves Duncan over and
tells him what Pres said. “That woman is a little odd but she’s
willing to help Patches. We can get those lots clean this week. She
don’t need to keep worrying about those kids trying to light shit
up back there.” Duncan says. Fuck that was nice.

Steve is standing on the other
side of the room watching everyone. His face doesn’t look so hard
today. His eyes are scanning though, he stops on me. I nod and
continue to watch the Brothers.

Caroline comes up and leans
into me. I walk away knowing she’s following. I miss the looks on
Petey, Steve and Jared’s faces but nod at Luke who pushes off the
bar to follow.

Chapter Three

I try to clear Danny out of my
mind. Loving someone that doesn't love you sucks. I really need to
focus on being with Jared tonight, as I'm thinking this, he knocks.
I breathe deep and paste a smile on.

We've had a great dinner; I've
been comfortable chatting and dancing with him. I didn't realize he
could dance. I never met his wife. I bet I would have loved her.
Walking the dock with his hand on my back he stops to admire the
boats lighting the water. I tell him how beautiful it is. He turns
toward me and touches my cheek. When I look at him he bends to kiss
me. I kiss him back but I'm just not feeling it. When he lifts his
head he looks sad. "You don't feel it either?"

I shake my head, "sorry Jared.
I had a great time with you. I love dancing but..." He puts his
finger on my lips stopping me.

"I get it. I loved my wife. I
felt that spark until the day she died. I had a great time tonight
too but I don't ever want to settle and I don't think you should
either." He smiles at me.

"Thanks, you're going to make
some lucky woman very happy." He guides me back to his car and we
chat about our friends. I'm thinking I know someone that might
light that spark for him. I need to talk to Jess first. At my house
he walks me to the door and kisses my cheek. He has a wedding he
needs to attend next week and asks me to be his date, just as
friends. I agree with a smile that stays until I hit the couch. I
never had a friend that was a guy before. I think he’ll be an
awesome friend.

He had a spark too; it's been
in the back of my mind since he said it. What if I never find that
spark again? Jared said I shouldn't settle. I guess I just keep
looking until I find it with someone else. Shit. Danny is the only
guy I've ever felt that with. There has to be someone out there
that can make me happy and give me that spark. I'm starting to feel
like Danny isn't an option anymore. My head is going to have to
navigate for a while. I need to start dating again. I'm not giving
up on having a family. My decision made, I grab a book and a glass
of wine and head for the tub.


Caroline is sucking me off
while JJ eats her out. I think she keeps coming back to me just for
JJ. I don't give a fuck what her reasons are as long as I get to
watch. Luke is talking to JJ playing with her little tits while
sliding in and out of her in slow strokes. JJ turns her face, Luke
licks Caroline's juice off her mouth. Caroline makes a noise not
liking that JJ moved her mouth. I hold her head and start moving
into her. "I know you want her mouth on you, suck harder and I'll
get her back for you." She moans and my dick vibrates. Fuckin hell.
"JJ get your mouth back on that pussy." Luke moves his hand to
spread Caroline's lips for JJ's mouth. Fuck that gets me. Caroline
sucks harder. "That's it JJ she's loving your tongue." I pump into
Caroline hard, holding her mouth to my dick, my balls draw up and
the pressures starts to release from my spine all the way to my
dick. I slide out and shoot all over Caroline's tits with a moan.
They all move the same way all the time. JJ moves over Caroline and
starts licking my come off her tits John takes JJ doggie style
really going at her. Fuck that makes such an erotic picture. "I
love watching your mouth on her JJ."

Luke yells, "fuckin mouth on
anything is good." Then moans.

As soon as Luke moves away JJ
lays down and Caroline moves her mouth between her legs with her
hand on her tit. Fuckin hell. I pull on a rubber, get behind her
and slam in. My turn to do the ramming. JJ's making noise with her
hand on Luke's dick. "Keep her happy Caroline." JJ moans. I'm
watching my dick slide in and out of Caroline but look up when Luke
moans. He's sitting by JJ's head; she's sucking his head moving her
hand up and down. "Fuckin nice." I grab Caroline's hips and pound
into her. JJ moans again. I feel my balls drawing up again and lift
Caroline into me. She grabs JJ's hips and goes to town. "Fuck!" I
lose my load and ease her down.

Fuckin hell I'm beat. I take
care of the rubber and sit on the bed pulling on my clothes, trying
to get my breath back. By the time I have my boots on I'm breathing
regular. I look over my shoulder and see the two women sharing
Luke's dick. I throw him chin and walk out. Everything is starting
to fall into a pattern here. I shake it off and head to the
bathroom to clean up. I can't remember if either one came. Shit.
When did that happen? I'm turning into a selfish bastard. I used to
give a shit, always made sure the girl got off. What the fuck is up
with not even noticing. I’m going to have to pay attention. I
always know when Kate gets off. Fuck.

Chapter Four

One week …

We're sitting in the Bakery.
Jess made; me a latte, tea for herself and a plate of cookies.
We're munching while we talk. I really don't want to bring this up
but I don't want Jess to be pissed at me. I already had one date
that I didn't tell her about.

"The cop that took a report
for one of the girls asked me out." I tell her watching her
reaction. I love Danny but if he doesn’t feel the same there‘s no
point in prolonging whatever you want to call us.

Jess looks at me for a minute.
"I think you should do what you think is right. I know you want
forever. Does Danny talk about a future with you in it?" She
watches me carefully.

"No, he doesn't talk about
anything but right now. I love him, but I want a family before I'm
too old to have one." This is a hard conversation to have with her.
Jess and Danny are close, even if they didn't grow up

"Did you talk to him about
what you want?"

I scrunch up my face. "We go
out twice a month like clockwork. Dinner, drinks or a movie. I like
that he's stable, he's gorgeous, he treats me with respect when
he's with me and I know you don't want to hear this but he's great
in bed. But he never talks about anything deeper than what we may
do for the next date. I tried to talk about seeing more of him but
he cut me off and left real quick." I shrug. "I think I'm like that
movie, 'he's just not that into me', it hurts because I love

She sighs, with a sad look,
"It doesn't sound like he wants more right now. He doesn't talk to
me about you, I wish he did."

"I don't want to start gossip
but I heard the Prospects talking about Danny with Caroline and JJ.
I don't want to be second to club whores." I try to keep my voice
even. I was hurt when I heard but we never talked about exclusive
so I have no room to complain.

Jess looks shocked. "I won't
repeat that but I find it hard to believe, JJ is from our old
neighborhood. She's so young; she can't be more than 20." She
doesn't look convinced though, more like disgusted.

"I hope you're right. We never
talked about exclusive. I think I'm going to accept the date with
Paul. I have a date with Danny next Saturday. I'll talk to him and
find out where he sees us going." I give her a sad look.

"I really wanted you to be my
sister but I want you to be happy more." She looks sad.

I move over to her and give
her a hug. "I don't want to be sad today. How about we call Tracy
and go shopping?"

"I would love to but I can't,
I have some work to clear off my desk and I'm on the schedule for
Patches until six. How about we go on Saturday? Danny is taking the
boys fishing. I have a free day and I know Tracy does too." She
smiles bright. I love Jess.

"Sounds perfect. I'm going to
get out of your hair and get some errands done." I hug her again
and we set a time for Saturday

I think about calling Paul all
day while getting my shit done. I hate that I'm not sure where I
stand with Danny. If he doesn't want to be with me he should just
say so. I've talked myself into calling him and go for the phone as
soon as I get the groceries put up. "Detective Harris, this is Kate
from the women's shelter."

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