MC: LaPonte (4 page)

Read MC: LaPonte Online

Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

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"Kate, call me Paul and please
tell me you’re thirsty. I've had a hell of a day and I could use a
pick me up and a beer." He says. I can hear the smile in his

I smile, "I was going to say
yes to meeting for coffee but a drink sounds great." I can't
believe I agreed so quickly but now that it's done I'm a little
giddy with excitement.

"I can pick you up in twenty
minutes." He says. I know he's still smiling.

"Perfect. It will give me time
to change." Holy crap! I can't believe I'm doing this. I've always
hated first dates.

I hang up and run to my
bedroom. I strip down, find a skirt and blouse that's not too
dressy but wicked comfortable. I might as well feel good. I know
I'm going to be stressing out as soon as Paul gets here. I do the
hair and makeup thing and make it to the living room as Paul
knocks. I open the door and smile. Wow, he is handsome.

"Hi. I just made it." I smile
as I step aside for him to come in.

"You look beautiful." I notice
his dimple is showing. He bends and kisses my cheek.

"Let me get my purse and
jacket." I'm a little flustered with the kiss. His dark hair and
blue eyes spark something in me. He smells sweet and musky at the
same time. I step back grabbing my jacket from a peg behind the
door, as I'm shrugging in to it I note he made no move to help me.
Right away I chastise myself for comparing him to Danny. Snagging
my purse I lock the door and step out. Paul closes the door
checking the lock and guides me out to his car. Opening the door he
waits until I'm settled. I score a point for him and shake my head
for being such a dork. I watch him go around the front of the car
and check out his body, tall, wide shoulders, fine ass, still
dressed in his work clothes. He looks like a bad boy detective in
his dress shirt, black jeans and a black leather jacket. He wore a
sports coat and jeans the last time I saw him. I guess when you
look like him you can wear whatever the hell you want.

"I thought we'd go to R&R,
they have a limited menu but it's a great bar." He smiles. I just
nod thinking this is going to be awkward, the MC owns the bar but
cops and firefighters seem to have claimed it. I hope Rob's not
working this afternoon. "Have you been there?" He asks as we round
the corner. R&R is literally five minutes from my

"Yes, my friend's husbands are
the VP and President of the MC that owns it. It's a great place but
I only go for special occasions. Do you go often?" I wonder why I
haven't seen him there.

"I moved here from south
Boston about three months ago. I know the area but I'm just
starting to go out with the guys. Coming into the station as a lead
detective put me in an awkward position. The guys don't give trust
so quickly after the indictments were handed down to so many
officers." His voice takes on a low tone, like he's

"It has been a rough year for
the PD. I'm glad they cleaned it up though. Since they have, women
are coming forward moving out of abusive relationships." I tell him
thinking I'm glad to have a couple of days off. I've collected so
much overtime but ended up exhausted. My boss is going to have to
step it up while I'm gone.

"People shouldn't be afraid to
call the police. I can't imagine having to stay in an abusive
relationship because you’re more afraid of the police than your
abuser." He shakes his head with a sad look.

"Let's change the subject. I'm
off work for a couple of days to regroup and you're off duty. I'm
all for leaving work alone for my days off." I tell him with a

"Thanks, I could use a break
from work today." He smiles right back as he shuts the car

I take in a breath while he
comes around and opens my door. I’m hoping I don't see anyone I
know. "Thank you."

Walking in I'm surprised by
how many people are here. It's only going on six. A group of
firemen and women are playing pool laughing and ribbing each other.
I recognize some cops I've dealt with from work; they give me a nod
as we walk by. Paul takes me to a booth along the back wall. He
asks what I'd like and goes to the bar. I look toward the bar and
feel relief wash over me when I see Prospects serving. "Thanks for
coming out with me." He says as he slides into the other

"Thanks for asking." I

"I asked about you and was
told you have a saint like reputation. I was hoping that only
applied to work." His face lights up and he winks at me.

"They must have me confused
with someone else." I smile back. His smile is infectious. We talk
about nothing and everything. He orders some appetizers and another
beer each. I'm having a good time and I'm completely relaxed. Paul
is great at making me feel comfortable, he laughs at himself while
telling stories about his family not hiding his own embarrassing
moments. I tell him of me and Jess' antics in the group home and
have him cracking up when Steve steps up to the booth. Oh shit. "Hi
Steve. This is Paul Harris. Paul this is my friend Jess' husband
Steve Knight." Steve puts his hand out looking a little

Paul just looks at him.
"You're the VP of the MC." His words come out harsh. I guess
looking like an Indian male model makes him easy to recognize. Paul
makes no move to shake his hand. What the hell? I look at him, holy
crap! I've never seen someone actually sneer. I can't imagine that
look being anything else. Where the hell did that come

Steve puts his hand down and
looks at me. "I am." He looks back at Paul.

All I can think is what a
jerk. Steve is a great guy and Paul just totally disrespected him
and gave him that twisted mouth look. I look at Steve with pleading

"Need a ride?" He asks
understanding my look.

"Yes, thank you." Paul stands
when I do. He looks surprised. I look him in the eye. "Steve is my
best friend husband, I consider him family as well as a friend. I
really had a great time with you until you were so rude to him. If
you would have given him a chance, you probably would have become
friends. Thank you for the food and beer. Please, lose my number."
I turn to Steve; he gives Paul a look and guides me out throwing
chin and 'later' to Rob who is standing behind the bar. Oh Jeesh! I
was so wrapped up in Paul I didn't even notice Rob working behind
the bar. I just look down and walk the way Steve guides me. Rob
manages both MC bars. He spends more time at The Plank than here.
Of course, he would have to be here tonight though. Fucking

"I'm sorry he treated you like
that Steve." I sneak a look to the side. He doesn't talk much but I
can usually read him pretty well.

"Why are you spendin time with
an asshole like that?" He's pissed.

I stop and look at him. He
clears his emotion and looks back at me while opening the door to
his truck. "It's a long story. The short version, I want to have
kids before it's too late. I asked Danny about seeing more of each
other and he couldn't get away from me fast enough. I'm not into
playing second fiddle to Club whores so I decided to start going
out with guys when they ask me. I figured it wouldn't interfere
with the two days a month Danny carves out for me. This was
definitely a mistake. I wanted to be safe but hoped I didn't see
anyone I knew. I'm glad you came. Did Rob call you?" I speak so
fast, I'm nervous, but look up at him.

"No, Digs did." He looks at
his feet. "Can't blame you for wantin kids. Love my boy and can't
wait for my girl to get here." He smiles at me. Dear lord he is so
handsome when he talks about his family.

I jump into the truck very
unladylike. He chuckles. I really like Steve. When I first met him
I was terrified of him. He rarely talked but watched everything.
Over the last few years he's more relaxed and talks to me, though
sometimes it sounds like he's barking orders. I'm not terrified of
him anymore but I sense an underlying danger in him, like he holds
it in check. He drives me back to my house. "Thanks for the ride
and understanding." I tell him.

"Anything Kate." He smiles as
he pulls into my driveway. I open the door but he stops me with a
hand on my arm. "Harris' been askin questions about some of the
Brothers. Don't like thinkin he's usin you to get answers." He
looks serious and scary.

"I wish I knew that before I
agreed to the drink. Sorry you had to save me. I wish people would
just be straight, it would make life a hell of a lot easier to
live." I shake my head and feel like a deflated balloon. Freakin

He looks at me. "You get in,
call Jess, she's worried. Heading to the club, got shit to sort."
He lifts his chin to me. I smile and slide out. He waits until I'm
in the house then pulls away.

I have no idea why I'm smiling
as I dial Jess. I don't like that she was worried. "That was a
bust." Is the first thing I say.

She laughs. "I'm glad Steve
was able to get you home. Rob called me to let me know Steve had
you. I'm sorry it went bad."

"I have the biggest smile on
right now and I have no idea why. I was having a good time until he
wouldn't shake Steve's hand. How rude!" I'm still smiling. I
obviously have issues.

She's laughs again. "Rob said
you looked happy. He was pissed though. The guy was grilling the
Prospects earlier, that's why he was even there tonight." She
sounds serious now.


She giggles, "Maybe Danny will
hear and shit or get off the pot."

I put my hand over my face and
groan. "Shit, by tomorrow the entire club will know. I'm going to
have to move and change my name. Is there surveillance at

"Yep!" She sounds so happy
about it. Fuck!

"You don't have to be so
excited that I'm going to be the center of everyone's morning
gossip." I say feeling a little put out. Shit! "I guess I don't
have to worry about Danny dating me twice a month for the next
twenty years anymore." I lay my head on the counter as I slide onto
a stool. I'm such a moron. First I go out with a guy that is just
looking for information then I let him take me to a bar that;
everyone knows me, has video playing in the security office and
have to get rescued by Steve. "I shouldn't be allowed to have any
more days off." I tell her seriously considering calling and
begging for work tomorrow.

She giggles again. "Come to
the Bakery tomorrow. Just show up whenever you get up, you can help
us so me and Tracy can leave early and go shopping with you." I
hear her smile.

I sit up, "ok. Love you Jess,
thanks for sending Steve."

She laughs, "He called me,
told me he was taking you home and going to sort something at the
club. He must have seen the video."

Oh crap, he said Digs called
him! I slump on the counter again with a groan. "I'll see you
tomorrow." I hang up before I hear anymore.


Who the fuck is pounding on my
door? "It better be fuckin good!" I yell over my shoulder and slide
out of JJ, slapping her ass, I tell her to get dressed. Pulling off
the rubber I pull on shorts and yank open the door. What the hell?
"Not the best time VP, what's up?"

"We need to talk. Meet me at
the bar." He turns and walks away. What the fuck? He's pissed about

When I turn around to get some
clothes I see JJ getting her shoes on. I have nothing to say to
her. After 16 years with my ex and her psychotic behavior, two
years being a good example for my son, fuckin the whores at the
club has become a favorite pastime for me. She walks by me and out
the door without a word. Shit. Usually I'm in bed when they leave
or I leave, I don't really notice if they say anything. I wonder if
they all do that? Fuck, now I really feel like a dick. When the
fuck did I stop caring and start treating them like whores? For the
first time I think maybe this isn't such a favorite past time to
them. I get my clothes on and head out to the bar. JJ is sitting on
Luke's lap laughing. I shake my head. Fuck, maybe it is me. I need
to get my shit together.

"Steve, what's up?" I say
sliding on the stool beside him.

"Cop's been askin questions
about some of the Brothers. Surveillance tagged him at R&R.
Digs called me, Rob called Jess."

What? "Why'd he call Jess?" I
know Rob and Jess are close but he shouldn't be talking club
business to her. She's pregnant and doesn't need this

"Kate was with him, havin a
drink. Was havin fun, laughin, talkin. Said he doesn't see her
happy like that often. Prospects told him about the cop askin
questions, that's why he was there. With Kate lookin happy he
wanted Jess' opinion."

"Kate was out with a
Kate?" What the fuck? "She's out on dates? What the

"Not sure what
Kate looks
like. You're with her two nights a month. Had to guess, I'd say
Kate is lookin to be someone's for the rest of the

"What the fuck?" I want to
punch him in the face. Pissed, I turn to go back to my room. I need
to see what the fuck is up with Kate. Out with a fuckin cop? Fuck!
Who else is she fuckin?

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