Read Making War to Keep Peace Online
Authors: Jeane J. Kirkpatrick
10. Colin Powell (Address to the United Nations, February 3, 2003).
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid.
14. Kofi Annan, UN Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General, March 10, 2003.
15. Fred Eckhard, Highlights of the Noon Briefing, by the Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary General, September 16, 2004.
16. Kofi Annan, The Secretary-General Address to the General Assembly, September 23, 2003.
17. United Nations Charter, Chapter XV, Article 99.
18. Fred Eckhard, Highlights of the Noon Briefing by Fred Eckhard, Spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, September 16, 2004.
19. John Danforth, Remarks by Ambassador John C. Danforth, US Representative to the United Nations, on Sudan and Iraq, at the Security Council Stakeout, September 16, 2004.
20. Phillip Gourevitch, “The Optimist,”
The New Yorker
, February 24, 2003.
21. Humanitarian and security situations in western Sudan reach new lows, UN agency says,
UN News Service
, December 5, 2003.
22. Kofi Annan, Statement from the Secretary-General, July 25, 2006.23. Colum Lynch, “Oil-for-Food Panel Rebukes Annan, Cites Corruption,”
Washington Post
, September 8, 2005.
24. Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations,
United Nations Charter
, San Francisco, 1945.
25. Ban Ki-Mun, Transcript of Press Conference by Secretary-General-Designate Ban Ki-Mun, October 14, 2006.
26. Kofi Annan, “Annan refutes notion of âclash of civilizations,' points to youth as key to end mistrust,”
UN News Service
, November 13, 2006.
27. U.S. State Department, March 2003.
28. John Barry and Michael Hirsh, “A Warrior Lays Down His Arms,”
, November 20, 2006.
29. Jeane J. Kirkpatrick and Allan Gerson, “Right v. Might: International Law and the Use of Force,”
Council of Foreign Relations
, 1989, 20â24.
I would like to thank my husband, Evron, who was my intellectual companion, my best friend, my greatest counselâand my first literary agent. To our children, Douglas, John, and Stuart, I thank you for your inspiration and for the joy you have given me in my life's most important work, as your mother.
Kate Campaigne has been a tireless support and good friend throughout my completion of this work. With tenacity, Teresa Hartnett has been my trusted ambassador to book publishing, and my friend. Cal Morgan, my indefatigable editor, has energized my work with his appreciation, sharp eye, and keen mind: I thank him for his commitment.
I especially thank my students for the privilege of teaching them and for the pleasure of learning from them. I encourage you to champion freedom by treasuring democracy. Never waver in your commitment to speak truth.
Soviet invasion of
U.S. invasion of
Aga Khan, Sadruddin
Ahtisaari, Martti
Aideed, Mohammed Farah
Airlie Declaration
Akashi, Yasushi
Albright, Madeleine
Kosovo crisis and
Rambouillet negotiations
Ali Mahdi, Mohamed
Allard, Kenneth
al Qaeda
Andretta, Banimino
Annan, Kofi
legacy of
Arafat, Yasir
Aristide, Jean-Bertrand
overthrow of
restoration to power
Aron, Raymond
Article 51, of UN Charter
Aspin, Les
Atwood, Brian
Awaleh, Abdi Hassan
Aziz, Tariq
Badinter, Robert
Baker, James A.
Balkan crisis and
on E.C's handling of Balkan crisis
on Haiti coup
Serbia and
Somalia peacekeeping operations and
on strengthening UN
Balkan crisis, old
new Europe and
Balladur, Edouard
Ban Ki-Mun
Barre, Siad
Belman, John
Berger, Sandy
Biamby, Philippe
Biden, Joe
Bishop, Maurice
Blair, Tony
Boorda, Jeremy M.
See also
Croatia; Kosovo crisis;
Serbia; Slovenia; Yugoslavia arms embargo and
Boutros-Ghali's refusal to provide UN peacekeepers for
Bush administration and
Carrington plan and
Clinton administration and
Dayton Peace Accords
Euro-American relations and
extent of devastation in
fighting in
international response to
massacre at Srebrencia
safe areas established for
Serbian destruction of
as test for U.S.
Vance-Owen plan
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros
appointment as secretary-general
attempts to expand jurisdiction of secretary-general by
Bosnia and
managing military affairs and
massacre at Srebrencia and
objections to effective action against Bosnia and
peacekeepers in Bosnia and
power grab by
right to control use of airpower in Bosnia and
Somalia alternatives and
Somalia and
vision of, for UN peacekeeping
Bowden, Mark
Brennan, Thomas
Brioni Agreement
Briquemont, Francis
Brock, Hans van den
Brown, Hank
Burns, John F.
Bush, George H. W.
Bosnian crisis and
building support among American public to remove Saddam
Clinton administration on Somalia
foreign policy and
intervention in Somalia
Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and
Kosovo crisis and
multilateral moves of
new world order and
refusal to attack Saddam and
securing support from Congress to remove Saddam
suspension of hostilities against Saddam and
UN peacekeeping operations
use of multilateral actions by
as war leader
world order vision of
Yugoslavia and
Bush, George W.
doctrine of preemptive self-defense
foreign policy and
invasion of Afghanistan
Bush Doctrine of preemptive self- defense
Byrd, Robert
Caputo, Dante
Carrington, Lord Peter
Carter, Ashton
Carter, Jimmy
Carter-Joanassaint Accord
Cédras, Raoul
Cheney, Richard
Chernomyrdin, Victor
Chinese Communism
Chirac, Jacques
Christopher, Warren
civilizations, clash of
Claes, Willy
Clark, Wesley
Clausewitz, Carl von
Clinton, Bill
Balkan crisis and
Bush administration on Somalia
committing U.S. troops to Bosnia
distaste of U.S. unilateral force and
dual-key principle and
food aid to Bosnia
foreign policy and
goals for Kosovo
intervention in Somalia
Kosovo crisis and
Mogadishu debacle
policy in Bosnia of
policy toward Haiti of
Presidential Decision Directive 13
retreat from global leadership and
Saddam's provocations and
Somalia and
withdrawing from Somalia
CNN effect
Coard, Bernard
Cohen, Eliot
Cohen, William
collective action, complexity of
Cook, Robin
Cot, Jean
See also
Bosnia; Yugoslavia
arms supplies to
Carrington plan and
independence of
invasion of by Serbia
recognition of, by Germany
Cullen, Gene
Daalder, Ivo
Damrosch, Lori Fisler
Danforth, John
Danner, Mark
Dayton Peace Accords
Delors, Jacques
Demaci, Adam
entitlement to, Haiti and
military intervention to promote
Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK)
Dijindjic, Zoran
Dini, Lamberto
Dole, Robert
Domenici, Pete
Drew, Elizabeth
Drnovsek, Janez
dual-key principle
Dumas, Roland
Duvalier, François
Duvalier, Jean-Claude
Eagleburger, Lawrence
Egeland, Jan
Einaudi, Luigi
Ekeus, Rolf
Ernst, Carl
ethnic cleansing, Serbia and
ethnic rivalries
Europe, old
new, Balkan crisis and
European community (EC), foreign policy and
Evans, Gareth
Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose
Farer, Tom
Fauriol, Georges
Floyd, David
Foley, Thomas S.
Ford, Gerald R.
foreign policy.
U.S. foreign policy
Fougere, William
Balkan crisis and
invasion of Kuwait and
Franck, Thomas
François, Michel
Frasure, Robert
Freud, Sigmund
Gaidar, Yegor
Ganic, Ejup
Garrison, William
Gates, Robert
Genscher, Hans Dietrich
Balkan crisis and
invasion of Kuwait and
recognition of Slovenia and Croatia
Gerson, Allan
Ghalib, Umar Arteh
Gibbons, Elizabeth
Gilgorov, Kiro
Gilman, Benjamin
Gingrich, Newt
Glaspie, April
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, Al
Goss, Porter
Governors Island Agreement
Gray, William
Grenada, invasion of
Gulf War.
Operation Desert Storm end of
Guthrie, Charles
Gutman, Roy
Haass, Richard
Hackworth, David H.
Haig, Alexander, Jr.
Aristide restored to power
Carter-Joanassaint Accord
Clinton administration's policy toward
as democratic nation
embargo against
establishing democracy in
justifying U.S. intervention in
nation building in
1995 elections
Operation Uphold Democracy
restoring democracy in
2000 elections in
U.S. reaction to overthrow of Aristide government
Halperin, Morton
Hammarskjöld, Dag
Helman, Gerald B.
Hill, Christopher
Hoar, Joseph P.
Holbrooke, Richard
Howard, John
Howe, Jonathan T.
Huntington, Samuel
Hurd, Douglas
Hussein, Saddam
armistice and
failure to understand situation and
G. H. W. Bush's refusal to attack
invasion of Kuwait
as leader
refusal to abandon occupation of Kuwait
violation of cease-fire agreement by
war against Iraq's minorities
Hussein I (king of Jordan)
Ignatieff, Michael
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
American invasion of
democratic government and
invasion of Kuwait by
Islamic fundamentalism
Ivanov, Igor
IzetbegovÃc, Alija
Jackson, Mike
Jashari, Adem
Javier, Bernard
Jennings, Peter
Jess, Omar
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jonah, James O. C.
Jonassaint, Emile
Jovanovi, Vladislav
Juppé, Alain
Karadzic, Radovan
Karzi, Hamid
Kedourie, Elie
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Kelly, John
Kinkel, Klaus
Kirkpatrick, Jeane J.
Kohl, Helmut
Kosovo crisis.
See also
background of
ending of war
events after
extent of devastation
ineffective threat of use of force and
MiloÅ¡eviÄ's priorities and
negotiations at Rambouillet
turning points in
use of Nato force
Kosovo Liberation Army
Kostunica, Vojislav
Krajisnik, Momcilo
Kurds, Saddam's war against
Kurth, Mike
building consensus in UN and U.S. for invasion of
building support among American public for
Iraq's invasion of
securing support of U.S. Congress for invasion of
U.S. interests in
Lake, Anthony
Lane, Charles
Lantos, Tom
Lapresle, Bertrand I.
Lavrov, Sergei
League of Nations
Leotard, François
Levy, Bernard-Henri
Lieberman, Joseph
Linz, Juan
London Agreement
Lugar, Richard
MacKenzie, Lewis
Maingot, Anthony
Major, John
Maliki, Nouri al-
Malone, David
Maren, Michael
Martin, Laurence
Mazowiecki, Tadeusz
McDougal, Myers
Mediluce, José Maria
Menzies, John
Mérimée, Jean-Bernard
Mesic, Stipe
Michelis, Gianni le
military intervention, to promote democracy
MiloÅ¡eviÄ, Slobodan
diplomatic attempts to check
Kosovo and
rise in power
Mitchell, George
Mitterand, François
Mladic, Ratko
Montgomery, Thomas
Morgan, Mohamad Said Hersi
Morillon, Philippe
Mubarak, Hosni
multinational decision-making
complexity of
problems in
Nano, Fatos
Naumann, Klaus
Nickles, Don
Nixon, Richard
Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT)
Noriega, Manuel
Nunn, Sam
Oakley, Robert
Ogata, Sadako
O'Grady, Scott
O'Hanlon, Michael
oil-for-food program, UN
Operation Desert Shield
Operation Desert Storm
Operation Enduring Freedom
Operation Restore Hope
Operation Uphold Democracy
Owen, Lord David
Patriot missile defense system
peacekeeping operations, UN
interoperability of forces and
Somalia and
Pell, Claiborne
Pérez, Carlos Andrés
Pérez de Cuéllar, Javier
Perry, William
Pezzullo, Lawrence
Pickering, Thomas
Poos, Jacques
Powell, Colin
Powell Doctrine
Presidential Decision Directive 13 (PDD-13)
Préval, René
Quayle, Dan, 27
Rambouillet, negotiations at, Kosovo crisis and
Ratner, Steven
Reagan, Ronald
Reagan Doctrine
Resolution 660, Security Council
Resolution 661, Security Council
Resolution 662, Security Council
Resolution 664, Security Council
Resolution 665, Security Council
Resolution 666, Security Council
Resolution 667, Security Council
Resolution 668, Security Council
Resolution 669, Security Council
Resolution 670, Security Council
Resolution 674, Security Council
Resolution 677, Security Council
Resolution 678, Security Council
Resolution 687, Security Council
Resolution 688, Security Council
Resolution 733, Security Council
Resolution 743, Security Council
Resolution 751, Security Council
Resolution 752, Security Council
Resolution 767, Security Council
Resolution 770, Security Council
Resolution 775, Security Council
Resolution 781, Security Council
Resolution 787, Security Council
Resolution 794, Security Council
Resolution 808, Security Council
Resolution 816, Security Council
Resolution 819, Security Council
Resolution 824, Security Council
Resolution 836, Security Council
Resolution 837, Security Council
Resolution 844, Security Council
Resolution 917, Security Council
Resolution 940, Security Council
Resolution 1199, Security Council
Resolution 1244, Security Council
Resolution 1441, Security Council
Richard, Alain
Richburg, Keith
Rifkind, Malcolm
Robinson, Randall
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rose, Sir Michael
Royce, Larry
Rubin, James
Rugova, Ibrahim
Rumsfeld, Donald
Russia, Balkan crisis and
Sahnoun, Mohamed
Santiago Declaration
Sartre, Patrice
Scheffer, David
Schrager, Stan
Schwarzkopf, Norman
Scowcroft, Brent