Lussuria (New Version) (25 page)

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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“Did you mean it when you said you trust me?” he asks.

“Yes, I trust you.”

“You are something special. Have I told you that before?” He kisses my temple as I laugh.

“Yes, several times a day.”

“Well, believe me when I say I’m going to tell you every day to come.” We turn the water off and Lucca towel dries me, softly covering my body with the white fluffy towel.

“Lucca, where are my clothes?”

He kisses the side of my head, then pulls his boxer shorts on. “I’m getting us breakfast,” he says as he walks out of the room.

“Lucca, are you ignoring me?” I yell downstairs. He bloody well is! I put the white robe back on and march down to meet him.

Lucca has music on while he is busy in the kitchen; he’s listening to Mumford and Sons, The Cave. Cameron loves this track. I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear a doorbell. I yell through to Lucca, but he doesn’t hear me as his music is quite loud. I walk to the front door and unlock the key. I modestly stand behind the door as I lean my head out. It’s hot today, and the heat blasts my face as it travels in a hot haze through the front door, the pungent smell of sweet summer flowers filling my nostrils. I’m surprised to see a delivery man in a smart suit standing in front of me. “Buongiorno,” he says.

“Oh, erm, good morning,” I reply.

Considerately, he continues in English, “I have a delivery for Miss Robertson, Si?” He hands me an electronic tablet to sign, then heads to his van and returns with a large box. I thank him and start to close the door, but he shakes his head and says he has more to come. He returns with another two boxes and four long rectangular ones. This is Lucca’s doing, I know it. I thank him and drag the boxes into the lounge room, as they are too heavy to lift. I open the big square one and peek in.

What the hell?

It is filled with individual, designer boxes. I pull them out; there are Gucci boxes, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Channel, Armani, Roberto Cavalli, Christian Louboutin, wonder the damn thing was so heavy! Opening some of them, I find there are lots of shoes: three different pairs of dressy high heels, sandals, ankle shoe boots, knee-high boots and trendy shoe-boots. There is an assortment of bags: a Channel clutch, Gucci handbag, A Louis Vuitton tote, and a Prada oversized bag.

This is unbelievable!

I open more boxes to reveal clothes: daytime dresses, dressy dresses, two coats, a jacket, two blazers and blouses. There’s also a few pairs of denim jeans, trouser shorts, vests, skirts, and swimwear all in the same designer labels.

This must have cost more than I earn in five plus years!

I open the final two boxes: expensive Guia La Bruna and La Perla delicate underwear, lace and silk, in various designs and colours.

Lucca walks in and sits on the arm of the sofa, still just wearing only his boxer shorts. “Hmm, I love the lingerie. That will look amazing on you, but I’ll enjoy ripping it off you even more.”

“Lucca what is all this?”

“It’s my gift to you. I knew you wouldn’t want to go shopping with me, you were being cynical back at the villa when I mentioned it, so I decided to bring them to you. You still have one to open,” he says.

I’m astonished and overwhelmed. “Lucca, how did you arrange this? I can’t accept them and how on earth would I even get them home? My mind is running away from me.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll make provisions with the airline.”

He really does think of everything. I trace my fingers over the underwear, feeling the luxurious material.

“Are you mad at me?” he asks, sighing.

“No, I’m not mad, but I am overwhelmed. Lucca, please don’t be angry, but I can’t accept these.” I stand up, and he takes my hand.

“You have one more to open. You may as well since you’ll be packing it all back up again.”

“Fine” I retort. I open the last one, and my eyes open wide. I unzip a dress carrier and with an inward gasp I put my hand over my mouth. I lift up an elegant long evening dress—a Marchesa gown. Cream chiffon and full length, cut to sculpt across the bust line, then gathers and overlaps until it flares out into a fishtail at the bottom, with lots of floaty chiffon material that looks like it would swoosh around your feet when you walked. The front is intricately detailed with black lace, wide over one shoulder, the lace traveling down one bust and one side of the dress at the front, then continuing around the back of the dress in an intricate vintage design. I stroke my fingers over the black lace and hold the dress up.

It’s perfect.

“I thought, you know if we go to the Opera, you could wear it then.” He looks dubious. “I love it! It’s spectacular, and I’m truly speechless.”

I set the dress down, walk over and throw my arms around him kissing him. “I will keep the dress to wear if we go to the opera, but you’re sending everything else back.” I soften my voice in my sweet tone because I know he wants a fiery reaction from me.

“Okay, Doc.”

“What? So you’re not going to argue with me?”

“Nope. Come and get some breakfast.”

After we eat pancakes with blueberry jam and drink coffee, we decide to stay at the farmhouse today to sunbathe and frolic.

Lucca makes some calls catching up on some of his work while I prepare lunch. It feels so effortless being in his company doing things for each other. Gracefully, I make my way around the kitchen in the white robe while singing along to Fallin by Alicia Keys. I sigh with happiness. I wish I were living these days every day of my life. No stress, anxiety or bad dreams— simply bliss.

Lucca walks in behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “You have a beautiful voice, I like listening to you, you sing like an angel.” Blushing, I swat his hands away, and he laughs as he casually strolls outside.

After we’ve finished our lunch, Lucca decides to take a break from his work. I sit on the side of the pool and dangle my legs in while Lucca stands in the pool, water to his waist and holding onto my hips. I lean my head back and soak up the sun; it’s marvellous, radiating against my skin. When I sit back up to take a drink from my wine glass, I notice Lucca staring at me, his blue eyes melting into me.

“You are so fucking gorgeous.” He takes my glass from my hand and places it down, then leans his chest in to meet me. Opening my mouth, I accept his wet tongue in a dirty, licentious kiss, immediately triggering an aroused excitement between my legs.

Pool sex.

I can’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing right now.

He runs his needy hands down my neck, kissing softly from my ear... my chest...the swell of my breasts...

I arch my back and lie back with my ass to the edge of the pool, legs still dangling in the water. Lucca lifts my legs and I wrap them around his waist. Leaning back on my forearms, he takes my nipples, sucking, licking, and teasing. He travels his tongue down my stomach, feathering soft kisses on my sensitive skin, then lifts my legs and pushes my knees gently back, spreading my legs wide open.

The pressure of his kissing intensifies as he descends to my damp, impatient sex, licking wet trails with his tongue to meet the inside of my leg. I’m so exposed, so turned on, so desperate for his heavenly skilled tongue on my clit. Rising my hips I encourage his torturous tongue just where I need it as I groan and push my breasts forward.

When his tongue meets my sensitive spot, I flinch and gasp. I tangle my fingers through his hair as he continues circling, flickering...pushing two fingers deep inside me. I tighten and rock my hips up slightly; he enters further, pressing my front wall, penetrating me in all the right spots. His tongue working magic, he lifts his head slightly and stares up at me.

Jesus, it’s so erotic.

“Lucca, please.” I moisten my lips seductively, watching him with greedy, primal, burning eyes.

He lowers back down on me, in me, around me. It’s sensual, stimulating and total, pleasurable hedonism. My blood pounding, my heart thumping, I cry out with complete fulfilment as I crest into an explosive climax, kicking the heel of my feet against the water again and again. When his tongue and fingers have finished killing me softly, I lift my body up off the ground. Lucca supports my back and brings me to meet him, lifting me up and down into the water.

“I need you right now. Can I have you?”

“Lucca, I want you.” I slide down his body and frantically kiss him, listening to him moan, his breathing getting rapid. He lifts me up and lowers me on his hard erection. With one hard thrust he impales me.

Oh my God.

I hold on as I shake with the sensation, taking him, taking all of him. Lucca keeps me still, and he closes his eyes, holding me just a moment longer. “You feel fucking amazing.” He moves me back and forth, allowing him a deeper penetration. I push and moan a little with each pleasing thrash, driving further towards another culmination.

The water splashing around us, the wetness of our skin, the throbbing of our hearts and the sun shining over his handsome muscular body has me exhilarated beyond belief. Lucca is breathing hard and fast, he brusquely bites my lip, stifling his groans in my mouth, then sucks on my already bruised bottom lip. Digging my hands into him, I close my eyes and enjoy the enraptured bliss.

“Baby, open your eyes. I need to see you.” He groans. I look at his lustful craving eyes, and it’s enough to send me vibrating and clenching into complete utopia while I cry out and splash as I ripple in orgasm Lucca stiffens, tightens and follows my cries with his own.

We wade around the water slowly, moving in circles while we clutch each other, allowing our heart rates and breathing to stabilize. I’m completely sated. It’s the perfect afternoon. I sigh a little, tracing my fingers lightly across Lucca’s back.

“That was just what the Doc ordered,” he expresses sexily, then kisses below my ear and neck. I can’t help but giggle.

“Ha ha. Yes, the Doc is very satisfied with her results. Thank you, Mr Caruso. I must have a check up again soon.”

“Lexi, you are something so goddamn fucking special, do you know that baby?”




After our afternoon of heavenly bliss in the outdoors, eating, drinking and love making, we have a luxuriating, tropical-scented bath together.

“I thought we could go out for dinner tonight. Is that okay?”

“Sure, that would be lovely.” Please don’t let it be his parent’s Villa. I’m just not ready yet, and I want him all to myself for just a little bit longer.

“Then I’d like to take you to Florence tomorrow daytime. Is that okay?” he asks.

I stroke his thigh as I lean into his back, between his legs. “Yes, that would be nice, thank you.”

Lucca kisses my head. “So sweet and all mine,” he whispers.

I sit on the bed and watch Lucca put a pair of jeans. They hang off his hips in that sexy way that makes my heart flutter—this is the look you see on a male model wearing nothing but sexy jeans, his abs ripped to the max.

Oh dear Lord.

“Let me.” I grab a shirt and smile as I trace my fingers over his defined, bulging chest muscles and toned abs. I leave the first few buttons open.

Bloody hell, he’s magnificent.

Looking down at me, Lucca’s brow frowns a little. “Are you not going to get dressed?” he asks with humoured sarcasm.

“I have nothing to wear. You never brought my clothes,” I reply, shyly smiling back at him.

“Well if you want me to take you out, you’re going to have to go downstairs and pick a dress out from the new stuff. I want you naked all the time but I’m not having anybody else looking at you unclothed.”

I’m infuriated, and he is amused which makes this situation worse. “Fine.” I brush past him and storm downstairs.

I rummage through all the expensive glorious items—these clothes are overwhelming, I don’t know where to begin. I pick out a black lace designer bra and panties, and a bright pink shift dress that falls just above the knees with tiered scallops at the bottom, a black belt, black Christian Louboutins and a black Stella McCartney clutch bag.

Strutting back into the room, and trying not to make any eye contact with him, I storm straight through to the ensuite, but I catch a glimpse of him grinning as I walk by. I’m proving to be very weak indeed. I should have put the pouted lip on and stayed in to make a point, but that’s just not me. Plus, I want to go to dinner with my boyfr...


I think Lucca is my boyfriend. Maybe that’s being optimistic. This whole situation is very confusing for me.

I look at myself in the mirror. I have an amazing dark tan, especially against the fuchsia colour of the dress. I think I look good tonight, and the outfit does feel lovely on.

“Stunning, baby. Come here,” he says, wrapping his arms around me and settling his hands on my ass.

After kissing and making up, he fastens my watch on my wrist, then we get into Lucca’s car. The bright colours of the warm countryside are shining behind us as we drive through the secluded road lined with tall, green fir trees. It’s such a nice evening; picturesque with a serenity that would make it impossible not to enjoy.

“Lexi, you look amazing, absolutely beautiful. I need to lock you up so no other man sees your beauty. I love that dress on you.”

The mere mention of being locked up sends shivers through my body, igniting unpleasant memories, and I internally struggle to squash those thoughts. After a fairly long road trip, we arrive at Vincenzo’s, a small, beach type shack overlooking the Marina di Bibbona. It’s a one-room restaurant serving local seafood delicacies.

“The chef used to be a fisherman before he opened this place,” Lucca tells me.

We walk in to the small nautical themed restaurant, and find it lively, overflowing with absolute warmth and buzz. Everyone is chatting noisily, enjoying their food and wine. It’s very much a family place with tables of big groups filled with guests of all ages. It’s very chaotic with waiters scurrying around, laughter from guests, and Italian music playing softly in the background. We have only just entered, and I notice Lucca is attracting lots of flirtatious stares from the women. I only have to assume it’s bound to happen all of the time, especially with him looking as though he has just walked off the pages of a magazine. That small surge of jealousy I became familiar with earlier has just reared its head, so I clasp his hand a little tighter.

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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