Lussuria (New Version) (38 page)

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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What? I did not expect that response. “No, Lucca, it’s not happening. I’m not doing it, so forget it.”

After breakfast, Cameron and Anna disappear, and Hazel and Dominic discuss their plans for the day.

“Okay, enjoy your day today. I’m going back for a sleep. Hazel, call me later this afternoon to arrange dinner plans. Have a good day.” I yawn.

“Doc, I just need to make some work calls, then I’ll come up and check on you.”

After taking painkillers, antibiotics and lots of water, I contemplate wither to insert a new tampon, I opt to leave it as I will only be in bed and I’m still very light. I leave my lingerie on and snuggle into bed. It’s not long until I drift off.

I wake to soft wet lips on my navel, circling my flat stomach and tracing the edge of my panties. “Hmm.” I clench between my legs, squeezing my pulsing need, and wriggle in the bed. I wrap my fingers in his long wavy black hair. “Wait Lucca, is anyone in the house?”

“No, Anna and Cameron are away shopping and Hazel and Dominic went sightseeing, so you’re all mine.” He continues his caresses and wet kisses. I’m sleepy, but so turned on. He runs his hand over my ass, then grabs the thin strap that holds my tiny thong together and tears it off me.

“Hey, I liked those,” I protest.

“I’ll get you more. I want you naked.” He grasps my ass with his thumb pressed into my hips and kisses lower.

“Wait, Lucca, you can’t. My period...”He groans and travels down anyway. I’m about to protest again, but I can’t. My body wants this, and I’ve lost all control. I throw my head back and let the wings take to the skies.

“I’ve missed you,” he softly says then continues his sensual seducing. I groan as his tongue licks figure of eights around my clitoris, causing throbbing, pulsing fire like nothing else. My folds swell to his lavish licking, sending me into a quick fusion of needy pleasure and build-up of tension. I spread my legs further; this is what I need.

Groaning, I arch my back off the bed when he presses two fingers inside me deeply, then pushes one in my ass as he moves his tongue quickly over my sweet spot. My breathing is heavy, fast and furious as I thrash my head to the side, straighten my legs, twitch my foot side to side and tense my grip as I squeal, screaming and shouting his name as I reach my pinnacle.

Shaking from my orgasm, I pull him up and claim his mouth, slashing my tongue along with his, tasting my own metallic saltiness mixed with the sweet juices from my come. “I want to be on top of you,” I grind out.

“Fuck, I love it. You’re sexy as hell.”

“I want to give you something to remember.” I have no idea where this new confidence is coming from. Maybe the horny hangover has taken over.

“Jesus! Fuck me!” He moans and rolls me on top of him. Leaning over, I explore his mouth, then his jaw, his chest, his rippled abs, letting my tongue trail over his hard length to the tip. I grasp him tight and slide back and forth while sucking, licking the pre cum away. He throws his head back with a deep gruff. “You’re amazing.”

I sit up and unclip my bra, tossing it to the side. Instantly, his hands are groping my breasts, massaging them and manipulating my hard nipples. He drops one hand and grabs my hip; I massage the breast he abandons, and stroke his cock with my other hand while straddling his legs. I’m on a mission; I feel so in control and it’s wildly turning me on.

“On top” he orders. I lift up and position myself above the end of his erection, then lower on him in a hard, deep plummet, my stomach rapturing with pleasure. I rise while he digs his fingers into my ass, then I pound back down, dropping my head and hair with the exquisite intensity of riding him.

“Fuck, ride me harder, baby,” he growls throatily. I push my hands on his chest, shoving him onto the mattress, then I sit upright so he has to look up at me. He helps lift me, then I drill down hard to deepen him inside me, tightening around his shaft. Rocking back and forth, he picks up rhythm to match mine.

“I want this fast, Lucca,” I cry.

“You have no idea what you do to me…” Lucca gives a drawn out cry of pleasure as I wiggle and grind, then lift and lower. I’m greedy for more.

We pick up speed, pounding, rocking, tightening and shafting again and again. Lucca reaches up and cups my heavy breasts. “Baby, I want you to come and I want to watch you, but I’m nearly there. Open your eyes.”

Two more powerful thrusts and I scream, pushing my breasts forward and arching my back. Lucca is rigid, grabbing me tight while he muffles my name over and over, heightening my own bliss. Filling me, he holds me still on him, trailing his hands down my wet back to my ass and back up. His eyes are so clear and crystal I could drink them, and his just fucked look is sexy as hell. I slump onto his chest, completely spent and beating with the rolling drumming of his heart. My contracting sex muscles tightly grip around his twitching, hard cock; he buckles slightly at the change of position.

My cheeks stick to his with sweat as we lie breathing heavily. “That was amazing. I’m the luckiest man on earth, Lexi I love you. I can’t wait to call you Mrs. Caruso someday.”


“You’re going to be my wife.”

I begin to giggle. “You’re a big fan of yourself, Romeo. Have you got a crystal ball?”

He flashes his ‘I always get what I want smile’ proudly. “It’s inevitable. You’re mine forever, so it’s definitely going to happen.”

“You might reconsider that after we go home and you get caught up in the crazy life of Lexi. Oh, and meet my granny and my crazy dog.”

“I am already caught up in you, and with you, and nothing will change the way I feel about you. And don’t worry about your granny, I’ll have her charmed in no time.”

I think he might just be right. “Well, I think that’s a long time in the future, and besides, Doris might send you running.” I laugh.

“Doc, if I could, I’d have you signing marriage papers this afternoon, declaring you as mine. But I want to do things right and give you the best. I mean it, Lexi. You’re going to be my wife.”

I draw little circles on his chest while I think about these thoughts, not quite ready to file them. It’s a mental scroll I’m leaving open for now, hmm.

“We will need to go to the clinic and hospital soon if you want to visit Fran.”

“Yes, I do want to, but I can’t move. It...Uh, it might be a bit messy down there.” I blush. I’m soaking wet from Lucca’s fluids, and no doubt from my own fluids and blood.

“Grab that towel next to the bed and stop worrying. We have no boundaries.” We clean up and have a quick shower.

“I like having company here, but I love being here alone with you too.” I say while we dress.

“I couldn’t wait to get rid of them today. I was ready to explode not having you to myself,” he adds.

“How long are we staying?”

“As long as it takes. We’ll have lots of alone time after they all leave.”

“What about your work? My work? Mr. Carlin? Doris?” My mind is running away from me. “And most of my things are still at Sofia and Franco’s.”

“We’ll pick them up, unless you want to go back there to stay.

I’m fine with whatever, but here I get plenty of pool sex with you.”

No consideration necessary. “We’ll stay here.”

“And forget about work. I can work from here, and as your boss I officially give you extended leave. Cameron and Hazel will look after your dog and neighbor.”

“You’re not my boss. I’m self-employed, so if I’m here, I won’t be earning any money.”

“Well, you’re in no position to massage anyone with a fractured wrist anyway. I’ll clear it with Mark, and forget about the money. You don’t need any.”

“I have responsibilities,” I challenge. I feel anxious, and I’m missing Doris.

“That’s why I love you. You’re so caring, putting other people first, but Lexi, it’s time you were looked after. I can arrange a home help for Mr. Carlin if you are so concerned.”

“I haven’t been away from home for longer than two weeks before.”

He kisses the side of my shoulder. “I plan to keep you busy, so you won’t notice the extra time. We need this time together.”

So much persistence. I give up. “You’re insufferable,” I mumble.

Before we go to the hospital, I call granny to tell her I’m having a wonderful time and let her know everything’s okay. I need to hold the phone away from my ear as she nags me over and over for not returning her calls or texts. I speak with grandpa and soften my voice while twiddling my fingers about. “Grandpa, I’ve someone. I want you to meet when I come home. He’s very special and taking great care of me. I think you’ll love him.”

“He?” Grandpa asks, sounding surprised. “Yes, but shush. Don’t let granny know or I’ll get a Spanish inquisition, His name is Lucca, and I’m very fond of him….In fact, I’m in love with him, grandpa.”

The line is silent. “Lexi, I’m so happy for you. I told you it was your time, apple. I’m always right with these things, kid. Please be careful, but if you trust this man, then I know he is good for you. I trust your instinct. I love you, Lexi.”

I choke as I hear him say the words. “I love you too. To the moon and back.” I drop my face as my throat tightens. Lucca watches me with adoring eyes; he smiles his sexy smile, looking up from under his long lashes.

“Please don’t mention to granny until I’m home. She’d be on a flight over here to vet him out, and I need this time.”

“Sweetheart, anything for you. Although, I could be doing with a few days peace from her. She has me exasperated sometimes, hold on…nothing, dear.”

I chuckle. “How’s Mom? “ I’m coming up to see her when I get home. I want to bring Lucca.” Lucca wraps his arms around my waist.

“Good we would love to meet him. Your mother spent the full weekend with us, she’s doing great and she misses you terribly.”

My heart falters in a staccato rhythm. “I miss her too,” I softly say. I promise to call soon then say goodbye to my favorite man. Well, other than Lucca...and Cameron...Dominic...Franco and Antonio...maybe even Marco and Maurizio...and possible Vincenzo, Lorenzo and Stefano. Wow...I’m putting trust into a lot of men recently.

Hmm, this needs be scripted in the journal.




Chapter 24


I’ve Got You



We arrive at the Toscana hospital; it seems surreal being back so soon after my little visit just a few days ago. Lucca leads me through double doors on the ground floor. “Where are we going?

“I’m taking you to the clinic first to have someone look at your feet.” I huff, wishing he would stop fussing, but follow him. After some antibiotic cream, iodine, another course of antibiotics and new dressings, I’m good to go. I buy some flowers, magazines and sweets for Fran from the hospital shop as a goodwill gesture. My stomach back flips when we reach the ward Francesca is in; I have so many mixed emotions about this, and serious doubt my strength to be able to manage. Lucca clutches onto me tightly; he looks worried. I’m still not fully convinced Lucca has moved on from Fran; he says he has, but the type of love they had for one another doesn’t disappear just like that; there’s always going to be history, connection and loyalty.

Lucca squeezes my hand just before we enter her private room. Fran looks lifeless lying in the bed. I feel a sharp twinge of pain to my chest as I witness her deathly appearance. She’s extremely pale and frail with dull, dark patching around her eyes. I kick myself for brooding about my hangover when she’s here utterly motionless.

She smiles when she sees Lucca, her eyes widening with delight that he has come back; she gives me a soft, thankful smile. Lucca gives her a kiss on her forehead and strokes the side of her face with his palm, and it’s causing terrible restlessness deep in my core; naturally, I don’t like his closeness with her.

“What happened to your face?” she asks in English. “A misunderstanding, its nothing really, I’m fine” he replies.

I need to stay strong for Lucca, for us. It’s the right thing to do, but God, I feel so jealous. I mentally kick myself at these thoughts.

Lucca looks back at me and puts his hand out for me to come over to the bed. I sit the flowers and treats on the bedside cabinet, then kiss Fran on both cheeks and hug her.

“Lexi, you didn’t need to come and visit me, but it’s generous of you to care, and lovely that you came.”

Lucca smiles sympathetically at her as he sits on the bed next to her and I take a seat next to the bed. “You look a little better today. How are you feeling?” he asks.

“Tired. My mother has just left with Freddo and Julietta. My Aunt Luisa and Uncle Alonzo were here until late last night.”

“I must call Freddo and Julietta. I’d love to see them, it’s been so long. How are they?”

“Very well. She’s seven months pregnant already…” her voice trails off while she looks at the ceiling.

Lucca slumps his shoulders. “You gave everyone such a fright, please don’t ever do that again. I mean it, Fran. Don’t fight this on your own. We’re all here to help you.” He holds her hand and a tear falls down her face.

“Do you want me to go and give you a minute?” I say. I just don’t know if I’m strong enough to do this.

“No, stay. I don’t want you to go,” Lucca panics.

Fran closes her eyes. “Please stay, Lexi, it’s okay. It’s just been too much. I’m finding it hard being back at home, and I shouldn’t have come. When I’m working, I’m busy and distracted. It keeps me focused,” she confesses.

“Hey, stop being so hard on yourself. You’ve had to deal with so much, and maybe seeing me has brought it all back. No one is judging you. We just want to help,” he reassures her.

She sobs. “I’m happy for you, I am truly, but it was just hard seeing you move on, seeing you so happy. I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone. I didn’t think I’d react like that.” Her voice breaks and she gives me a warm smile through her tears.

I drop my head in shame, feeling like I’ve stabbed her in the gut, stolen the love of her life, then driven her to an attempted suicide. I shouldn’t be here; maybe I shouldn’t have come after all. I twiddle my fingers sitting on my lap, realizing she’s had a full lifetime with Lucca and I’ve had two minutes.

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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