Lussuria (New Version) (35 page)

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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“I’m going to let you off with that because you flew out here to see me, but that’s so not funny.”

Lucca’s arms wrap around my waist “What’s not funny?” I shake my head dismissively. Am I done with the lectures?” Cameron asks.

“Yes,” I hiss at him and roll my eyes. He walks back outside shaking his head mumbling something.

“I’ve had to warn him not to be tempted and get involved. Lucca he has a girlfriend at home.”

“Lexi, I’m not saying I condone it, in fact I agree it’s unacceptable if he has a girlfriend but he’s an adult and needs to make his own decisions plus if Anna wants him, she’ll get him she always does.”

“Hmm, like brother like sister,” I mumble brushing past him.

“Well your lucky because I got you, come on the pizzas are ready”

Folded, crumbled and melted!

We play cards, drink wine, share pizza, laugh and joke while Kings of Leon blast in the background. “So who‘s up for strip poker?”

I nearly choke on my drink. Hazel burst out laughing at Anna’s suggestion. I wish she wouldn’t encourage her.

“I’m going to head to bed if you all don’t mind, I’m exhausted.”

“No, not at all. You must be shattered. You go, and we’ll see you in the morning,” Anna replies. I kiss them all goodnight and Lucca takes my hand, wishing them all goodnight, indicating he’s coming to bed with me.

We have a quick shower, but I’m exhausted, so I lean into Lucca with my eyes closed. After washing me all over and my hair, he wraps a towel around me and dries me off. He scoops me up and puts me in bed, then cradles in beside me, spooning me with his arms and top leg wrapped around mine, linking our feet.

“Lucca, thank you for today. I’ve had a great day, and I’m so happy to see Cameron. You’re so thoughtful,” I draw out sleepily...

The next morning, cramps wake me up. No wonder I was fiery and cranky yesterday. I throw sleep shorts on and a vest top, then take all my medications and hunt in my toilet bag for tampons. I walk into the hall and the two other bedroom doors are closed. It’s very quiet, and they obviously had a late night, so I tip toe down the stairs and shake my head when I see all the bottles, glasses and snacks lying around.

I notice the sofa in the open plan living area is untouched, then I walk into the lounge. The pull down sofa has not been slept in.

I’m going to friggin kill him; he’s slept with Anna.

I start cleaning up the mess, holding a bin bag and picking up the bottles and rubbish one at a time with the better hand. “Hey, what are you doing? You’re not supposed to be lifting things. I’ll get that,” Lucca says as he walks behind me.

“I’m just trying to tidy up, it’s fine. Just took me a little while longer with one hand.” He’s been out for a run. He’s dripping in sweat, and his saturated tight tank clings to his muscles, his jet black hair wet and swept back.

He grabs me in a tight embrace and claims my mouth, his sweat soaking me. It’s actually turning me on. I wrap my hands in his wet hair, and involuntarily thrust into him while licking a beaded trail of perspiration from his temple.

“Fuck…my workout is not over yet, baby. Come on, shower!” he directs, then takes my hands up the stairs into the ensuite. We grope, fondle and explore one another under the shower.

“Lucca... I can’t… err…”

“What do you mean you can’t. You trying to fucking kill me?” he protests, then groans when my grip on his eager cock tightens.

“I can’t have intercourse with you, but I will gladly make sure you are satisfied.” Falling to my knees, I trail my mouth down to his enormous arousal in sexy teasing kisses.

“Why not?” he panics, but then throws his head back and moans when my mouth takes him.

“Fuck, Jesus ,that’s good… Hold on, why can’t I have you?” he manages to hiss out behind gritted teeth, bunching my hair tightly in his hand. I stop for a moment to explain, but my lips stay pressed against his contoured steel skin.

“I got my period early this morning.”

“Good, thank fuck for that. No more condoms for me. I’m still having you, baby. I need to feel you.”

I continue teasing, sucking fully on his hard erection, holding the base with my hands. Groaning, he lifts me up. “You’ll finish me, and I want to be in you.”

“Lucca, I can’t. It’s…”

His fingers are pressing inside me, prodding my front wall, his thumb strumming my sweet spot, vibrating against my sensitivity.

Oh God.

I throw my head back as he takes my nipples in his mouth. Lifting me up after transcending me into a blissful orgasm, I wrap my legs around him and press my swollen breasts into his chest. He enters me in one hard, fast thrust. I have to bite his shoulder to muffle my screaming over and over again.

Coming down from our intense, simultaneous, orgasmic crests, I’m completely sated and exhausted. Once our heart beats are regulating, I form some words. “I can’t believe I let you do that” I’m actually flushing under the spray of the hot water, but he can’t see me as my face is buried into his neck.

“What’s the big deal? It makes no difference. In fact, it was goddamn amazing feeling you again and not having that fuckin condom on. I’ve told you, I want all of you.” He lifts my face up and kisses my lips. “Don’t be embarrassed, I’m not.”

There is just no reasoning with him sometimes, so I don’t challenge it. We wash away our love making fluids and traces of blood.

As I put some makeup on, I remember a certain annoyance from this morning. “We have an issue with Anna and Cameron. I think they slept together last night.”

He frowns. “I’ll speak with Anna if it’s upsetting you. Baby, I need to go over to my parents place to meet some of the constructors I‘ve had over to work on their extension. I also need to look at the property in Pienza I bought. Do you want to come with me, or stay here?”

“I’ll just stay here. I won’t be on my own. Why don’t you take the boys with you to let Cameron see some of the region while he’s here and meet your parents? The girls can stay here with me. Plus, it would do those two good to be separated.”

He laughs. “Okay, I’ll put it to them.” He smacks my ass.

“Ouch”! I giggle.

Lucca goes off to the study to make some work calls, and I go downstairs to find the four of them are out the back. Hazel has dark sunglasses on, disguising her hangover. Cameron is sitting on a chair, and Anna is standing behind him massaging his shoulders.

Oh dear God.


File under C for Cheating. Cheating bloody asshole.

I take one look at him, swivel on the balls of my feet, and go back inside to hang in the lounge and write in my journal. Hazel comes into the lounge shortly after.

“What’s up with you?” she asks.

“Are you blind?”

“He’s a dark horse that Cameron. Who would have thought that boy had it in him to be a cheater?”

“You’re just as bad if you think this is acceptable,” I scorn her.

“It must have been pretty hot sex, Lexi. I could hear her screaming. She’s louder than me.” She chuckles. I put my hands over my ears and shake my head with disgust.

“You’re out of order and so is he.”

“Oh lighten up. It’s just a holiday fling. He loves Rachel, and nothing will come of this. It’s not like he’s in the habit of doing this sort of stuff, and I know Rachel is not as sweet and innocent as she appears.” She chortles.

I think I might just murder her first before I kill him.

I follow her outside and greet everyone properly, throwing a scowl at Cameron. Lucca joins us to eat breakfast and suggests his plans for today. The boys appear to be enthusiastic for a road trip. I think Dominic will be glad for the break from Hazel for a while.

After we tidy up, the boys get organized to go. Lucca is dressed in an expensive, tailored, designer suit, paired with a crisp white shirt and a turquoise blue colored tie.

Oh my God…




He is undeniably the most handsome man in the universe. I’m weak for him and his smoldering, sexy masculinity. He has my heart racing and my sex damp all over again.

Anna walks into the hallway after Cameron and grabs his ass. He totally shocks me by turning around and kissing her. Not just a peck, but a full on passionate tongue kiss. Lucca sees me looking at them with my mouth hitting the floor. His eyes silently warn me not to get involved.

“We could all go out for dinner tonight if you want,” Lucca suggests, trying to distract me.

“Yes that would be nice.” I smile at him.

“We won’t be too long. We’ll be back late afternoon sometime, so keep your phone on and I’ll call you.” He kisses me over and over again, claiming my mouth before he leaves. I inwardly run my teeth over my bottom lip, then touch where his absent kisses just were. I’m missing Lucca already.




The girls and I sunbathe, and gossip away our afternoon.

“Lexi, your brother is amazing. I think he’s just what I need. I’d love to see him again when we go back home,” Anna says as she eats some olives.

“Anna, did he tell you he has a girlfriend?”

“Yes, but I don’t mean I want to date him. I mean hang out with him as friends.” Is this normal behaviour? Screw someone, then become best friends? “We seem to connect, and I think he would be a good friend to me,” she adds.

“Do you mean a friend, or a friend with benefits?”

“Erm, never thought about it. I’m just living for today.”

Lucca is right—she’s such a free spirit. I check my phone for the tenth time today, but still no missed call from Lucca. I’ve been anxious and avoiding closeness my whole adult life, yet now I’m desperately craving it.

“Hazel, have you called Dominic?”

“No, not yet. Why?”

“No reason,” I give it another hour, but still no phone call from Lucca. It’s not like him, so I call again, but it goes to voicemail. I leave a message, then send him a text. I leave it another thirty minutes then call again, but now his phone is switched off. I send Lucca another text, then decide to call Cameron.

“Is Lucca with you? He’s not answering his phone.”

“No, we’re at his parents Villa. Nice place they have here.”

“Where is Lucca?”

“He got a call, then said he was going to see someone called Fran or something. Told us that if he didn’t come back for us some guy called Paulo would run us back to you.”

And my worst nightmares have resurfaced, but not from my past. I think the worst; my mind travels in all sorts of directions.

“Lexi, you there?”

“Yes, sorry. I’m going to go. I’ll see you later. Please say hello to Antonio and Marissa from me.” I hold the back of my hand to my mouth and wriggle my fingers up and down.

“Okay, dish! What’s wrong?” Hazel asks. “Lucca isn’t answering my calls, and he’s left the boys to go off and meet Fran, his ex-fiancé,” I blurt.

“I’m sure he’s just paying a respectful visit to her and her mother. I wouldn’t worry, Lexi. Fran’s probably just saying goodbye as she’s due to go back to Milan soon,” Anna adds, trying to calm me.

I can hear Hazel shouting into the phone at Dominic, he’s getting told off for something, “Well, why don’t you just stay there and get yourself pissed then. I don’t care” She hangs up and switches her phone off. “He said Lucca was flapping about an emergency before he left, then said he’s staying to watch the footie and drink beers in the bar with Cammy. I asked if he was coming back to take us out to dinner, but he said they are going to watch another match and don’t know what time they’ll be back.”

“Well, girls, there’s only one thing for it. Let’s go out and let our hair down. We can go to an amazing bar in Florence that I love, it’s great.”

“That’s a fantastic idea. Maybe we should,” Hazel encourages.

“I might just stay here and wait for Lucca, but you two should go and have some fun. It’s your holiday too. You should be enjoying yourself, not sitting here watching me mope about.”

“Lexi, we’re not going without you. I think it’s just what you need to let some steam off and get rid of your tension. Plus, you don’t know what time he’ll get back. You don’t want to hang around by yourself, do you?”

Oh God.

Anna is right. I don’t want to be here alone, and the thought of Lucca spending excessive time with Fran is making me feel sick with jealously again. “Okay, let’s go out.” Hazel claps her hands and Anna squeals with delight.

We get showered and dressed. I lend Hazel a black dress from my new clothes, Anna, of course, has something fashionable with her—a cream chiffon, halter neck dress with high silver sandals and a thick silver cuff for her wrist. I look at her and giggle. “Anna, why did you bring such fancy things with you for hanging around a pool?”

“Always be prepared, Lexi. Oh, I have your new outfit here, I meant to give you the bag yesterday, but I forgot.” Anna passes me the bag from the designer outlet.

“Let me see... O-M-G, this dress will look amazing on you!” Hazel screeches, lifting it out the bag.

“Eh, erm, I don’t think I’ll wear it tonight.”

“Why not? It’s gorgeous! Put it on and show Hazel.”

I reluctantly go into the ensuite and put it on. It does look amazing against my dark skin tone, but my breasts are on full show, barely hiding my nipples, and its short and tight. This is something a pop star would wear on stage shaking her ass, not hanging around a bar.

“Holy shit, you look sexy and hot, hot, hot! Lucca will die when he sees you.”

He’s too busy seeing Fran. “Okay, I’ll wear it.”

“You might get signed up for a shoot deal when you’re out, so being prepared,” Anna says. I think her head has been in too many magazines. She’s on another planet entirely.

We finish our hair and makeup while we have a few glasses of wine to get us into the party mood. I contemplate texting Lucca to tell him we are going out, but I’m still pissed off that he switched the phone off on me, so I refrain.

I hear the doorbell—Marco is here to run us into Florence; Anna must have called him. We lock up and head out to the car. By the time we reach Firenze city, the novelty has worn off and I just want to go home. I’m not excited in the slightest, but Anna and Hazel are fit to explode.

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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