Lussuria (New Version) (16 page)

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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He takes his hands to my neck and softly caresses my shoulders, careful not to put pressure on the cut, kneading and rubbing the tension away, relaxing me. He kisses the wound on my shoulder with his wet soft lips. I fall into his chest, and tilt my head back against his neck as he moves his hands to my breasts, lightly caressing my aroused nipples. I wriggle and arch my back.

Oh God, this is what I need. It’s addictive.

I moan loudly with pleasure, so he knows I’m enjoying this. I can feel his breathing getting heavy and fast, and I feel his heart pounding against my back. He keeps one hand manipulating my left breast while he uses his other hand to travel down to my throbbing clitoris.

“Oh, Lucca. Mmmm” I clench while I buck my body in response.

“Am I hurting you? Is this too much?” he asks with his sexy as hell voice.

“No. No, it’s good. Please don’t stop.” Holy shit, I’m actually asking for this.

He circles and strokes his fingers up and down my wet sensitive flesh, squeezing my breast harder as his fingers strum my sweet spot. I rock my hips up to accept more, trying to coax his fingers inside me.

“I need you inside me,” I beg. My body instinctively knows that I want and need this so much.

“You will still be sore from this morning,” he seductively whispers into my ear while kissing and sucking.

“I’m not sore. I feel great, the water is soothing.” My voice must sound desperate because he slips two fingers inside of my hot sex and circles my sweet spot with his thumb.

My goodness, it’s total bliss.

I clench around his fingers, throbbing, beating, anxious for the rhythm to pick up and move my head side to side with enjoyment.

I lift my ass slightly in the water, letting him put his fingers deeper inside of me. “Lexi, come for me, baby. You are beautiful, and I want you so fucking much if you can give yourself to me again,” he rasps deeply in my ears.

His words send me spiraling into an explosion of sheer ecstasy. “Lucca, Jesus,” I moan, stiffening all my muscles and sinking my nails into his skin, reaching a billowing rapture of a climax. He continues to stroke me, pushing his fingers inside me, and it makes me delirious. He pulls his fingers out and puts them in my mouth so I can taste my own arousal mixed with the tropical oils of the water.

Oh my God.

It feels so dirty, but ever so right. I suck on his fingers, causing him groan and push his erection up against my ass.

“Fuck, that feels so good. Can I have you? Are you okay to…?”

I turn around, causing water to splash around the massive tub and straddle him. I wrap my legs around him like I did earlier, but don’t say anything. My body says it all. I have never desired anything more than what I’m wanting right now. I take his face in both my hands and lean over to kiss his long, feathery lashes, playfully kissing his soft moist lips.

“God, Lexi. I don’t know what you are doing to me, but it’s driving me fucking crazy,” he whispers then bites on my bottom lip.

“I want you, all of you,” I say in my most seductive voice.

He opens his mouth, sucking my tongue, swirling and kissing while he holds the back of my head. Tightly he holds one hand on my back, and the other on my ass, lifting me up. I feel his erection rub against my wet sleeked sensitivity as he lifts me up.

“I’m going to enter you.”

“Please! God, yes,” I say, moving my hips side to side.

He lowers me onto him, and my body embraces his, wrapping my arms around his neck, feeling a deep intense sensation that makes every nerve twitch and reverberate, causing flutters deep in my core. My skin tingles, and my heart pounds as my chest rises with the beat.

“Fuck, Lexi. You feel so goddamn amazing. You feel so tight and fit me so well. You are perfetto.”

Putting both his hands on my hips, he lifts me slightly, causing little ripples in the water, then lowers me back down again. I moan and throw my head back. “More, Lucca. Please, more.” He lifts me again and lowers me deeper. “God, it’s good,” I pant.

My cheeks are getting flushed, my heart is racing, and I can feel Lucca getting more aroused. I wiggle my ass side to side, encouraging his hard cock further into me. “Jesus! Fuck, Lexi, you are.”

He throws his head back and bites his lip. He is so beautiful; the candles are glimmering and splashing light over his toned muscles and tanned skin. Hot, sexy and handsome.

I move my hips back and up, then grind down slowly on him. Our heavy breathing is now in sync, pleasurable noises involuntarily escape us; it feels celestial. The water has begun to thrash around us. I’m moving myself as he lets go of my hips and grabs both my breasts and massages them with pressure. He moves his hips back slightly as I lift up again. He meets me, thrusting into me, causing me to close my eyes and cry with joy.

“Lexi, open your eyes. I want to know you are okay. I want to see you.” I open them at his request, and smile at him, moistening my lips as seductively as possible. “Fuck, you are sexy as hell when you do that,” he croons.

Picking up rhythm, moving back and forth frantically, he deepens his pressure, giving me sweet throbbing stimulation and meeting me thrust for thrust. I instinctively lift my hands up and place them over his on my breast and squeeze.

“Are you trying to kill me? Keep doing it. I want to watch you, baby.”

He moves his hands back to my hips, leaving me holding onto my breasts as I rub my hands over them, moving them, tormenting them with pressure, then squeezing, nipping and stretching my hard nipples as he did earlier. God, this is so erotic. I lift up again and push myself on his warm, thick length, marginally swelling inside my contracting core.

“Fucking hell, Lexi. You are sending me over the edge. I’m nearly there. I need you to come, baby,” he growls through clenched teeth.

We both raucously shout out each other’s name, shattering into earth-moving intense climax, releasing our sex juices to one another at the same time. I lose myself to him, almost choking on my hitched heartbeat in my throat. Throwing my head back, I arch my spine, bite my lip and take every flutter, throb and tingle I can while still moving back and forth. Wave after wave of stimulated sensory thrashes through me as my body liquefies in gratification. Lucca has thrown his head back also and is resting it on the back of the tub, palpitating his chest up and down, exhaling all his held breath and flaring rosiness to his flushed cheeks.

I surrender as I throw myself onto him and wrap my hands around his neck, lacing my fingers in his dark wavy hair. He holds me tightly, panting, frantically kissing me on the side of my head...on my cheeks...below my ears...on my lips...

I am utterly sated and content. I don’t want to move.

“Lexi baby, are you okay? Did I hurt you?” he asks breathlessly, stroking my back.

“No, I feel amazing. That was the nicest experience I’ve ever had,” I reply sleepily, completely spent. I lift up and take his face in my hand, staring into his eyes, and still clenched around his semi-erect manhood.

“What’s wrong? Did you not enjoy it?” I ask worriedly.

“God, I loved it. That feeling of you, of us together...Lexi, I have never loved anyone as much.”

“Why the sad face then?” I hesitantly ask.

“I’m overwhelmed with feelings for you, Lexi. I care a lot for you, and it’s upsetting when I hear you say things...”

“Things like what?” I ask reluctantly.

“When you said this was the nicest experience you have had, it saddens me that you’ve clearly had a disturbed past. I wish I could take it away,” he mutters.

“I don’t want you to worry about me or my past. I can’t talk about it, Lucca. Please don’t make me,” I plead.

He doesn’t press me. “Lexi, I’m pained you’ve had to suffer in the past and are troubled. I want to change that. I want to be able to give you these nice experiences every minute of every day. You’re so innocent and deserve this.” He sighs.

I kiss his warm, soft lips and mumble against them, pressing my forehead on his, “I was worried you didn’t enjoy it.” I look down shyly.

He lifts my chin so I’m meeting his eyes. “Lexi, I died and went to heaven, and I’m still floating. I want more of this...”

I smile at him as he traces his thumb across my eyebrow, then down and over my cheekbone. I close my eyes and lean into him again, relaxing in this embrace. We both laugh hearing Al Green’s Lets Stay Together. “You have an interesting playlist.” I giggle. Our breathing has slowed down now as we relax. I slowly lift off him and wince a little before turning around and slumping onto his chest. He passes me my champagne flute, and I take another long sip of the beautiful fizz. I close my eyes and wonder if anyone else in the world is having the same pleasurable experience at this moment.

“Are you taking birth control?” Lucca asks out of the blue.

“Yes, I’m on the pill.” I take them to make my periods more regular and lighter.

“Good.” He kisses the side of my head.

“Oh No!” I cry out.

“ What? What’s wrong?”

“I took my pill last night, but I vomited, remember? I should take another just in case it wasn’t absorbed properly.”

“Good thinking. I’ll take you to your room to get them, and you can get your stuff.”

“What do you mean get my stuff?”

“I want to move you in here with me for your holiday stay.”

“Lucca, I can’t. It’s not appropriate and poor Hazel. She brought me here to cheer me up. I can’t abandon her.” Although, if this is the attention I’m to receive, I’d love more of it.

“I’ll speak to Hazel. You look pretty cheered up to me.” He laughs.

“Very funny, smart ass...” I splash him with the water. “Lucca, we didn’t use a condom. Are you…?”

“Yes, I’m clean,” he answers.

“How can you be so sure? You’ve obviously had other sexual partners.”

“Because I’ve only ever skipped the condom with you and one other woman, and that was a long term relationship I was in. I’ve been tested, and I’m clear. I’ve always used a condom with the others.” His thumb circles around my hip bone and down to my navel, causing light fluttering in my tummy.

I’m relieved, but feel slightly sick. He is insinuating there have been a lot more, and I’m sure the women fall at his feet. “ many others are we talking about?” I’m being irrational.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s all irrelevant because nobody has made me feel the way you do, and nobody has made me lust for them the way I do for you.”

“Why won’t you tell me? It won’t make a difference about the way I feel towards you.”

“Yes, it will, and you don’t seem to be the most confident of ladies.”

I’m not happy with his answer, but of course, he’s right. I’m insecure enough without knowing the details.

“And how do you feel about me?”

I’m taken off guard by this. “Well, I thought it was obvious. I should let my eyes, my lips and hips answer this question,” I tease, trying to pass off explaining my deepest feelings.

He snuggles me in tighter against him. “I’d like that very much. You can tell me with all of your body anytime anywhere, but eventually I’d like you to be able to tell me from your heart and mind.”

“Okay, I’ll try, but I need time. And in answer to your question, I’ve never felt this way towards anyone.” He leans down and kisses my lips happily. “The relationship…are you married?” I’m praying he says no; I don’t want my heart to be crushed already.

“No, I’m not married. Why would you think that?”

“Were you married before?”

“No, I’ve never been married. It was a relationship a long time ago, all in my past.” He kisses the side of my head, but I have a feeling this will fester with me. It appears I have a streak of jealousy.

Oh my goodness. What has come over me?


“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pry. It’s none of my business,” I apologetically say.

“I’m making you my business, my only business. Nothing or no one else matters to me. You have whirled into my life, Doc, and stolen my heart. You’re stuck with me now because I’m stuck on you. Besotted, in fact.”

This makes me smile. Folded, crumbled and melted. He has me!

We drink some more champagne, and talk about cooking and what led Hazel and I to be here. He asks me about my work and why I wanted to go into Physiotherapy.

Shit, I completely forgot about his back!

“Lucca, I forgot about your back! I was so wrapped up with my own thoughts I forgot to ask, I’m so sorry, you must think I’m terrible.”

“My back is great. Never been better after your expert hands were on it. I find it so endearing the way you care for people. Such a beautiful quality to have.” I trail my fingers lightly over his legs. I could stay in here forever. “Come on, the water is getting cold. You ready to get out?”

He stands up, causing the water to sway up the sides of the tub, and lifts me up and out of the bath. We smile at some of the blue petals that have suctioned onto our wet skin. We peel the petals from one another, then he lifts a hot towel off the heated towel rail and carefully dries me, patting my skin. I notice he takes his time studying my back. He’s confused, or angry, or maybe even disgusted. I don’t know. I look down, but he instantly lifts my head.

“Will you stop looking down?” he insists.

“Will you stop nagging me?” I mimic his tone, then we chuckle together. “Thank you for a lovely afternoon, and taking care of me. I feel very lucky and happy right now.”

He stops and looks at me, hugging me tenderly, and looking into my eyes. “You are the sweetest thing, Lexi Robertson.”

“How do you know my surname?”

“It’s on your booking form in my grandparents study.”

For a moment, I went back to stranger danger mode thinking I was being stalked. I put the white robe back on after Lucca towel dries me.

“Lucca, I’m going to my room to get fresh clothes and to put some makeup on.”

“Okay, I’ll come and get you shortly. Are you sore, between your legs? How do you feel? And how’s your head?”

“I’m fine, actually. My head is giddy from the champagne, but all good between my legs.” I kiss him on the lips.

“Good because I plan to spend a lot of time between your legs.” He cups my sex over the robe while flashing me his sexy smile.

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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