Lussuria (New Version) (20 page)

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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He quickly stands up with startled eyes and jumps on the bed, grabbing me in both arms and holding me tightly. “No, baby. Don’t hide from me. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. Please don’t be scared of me.”

“Why were you sitting staring at me? Why wouldn’t you answer me?”

“Lexi baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, but please don’t hide from me. Ever. Promise me that.”

“Okay, but tell me what’s wrong.” I’m not letting this go.

“I just want to hold you. I want to make you safe, to take this away. I wish I could just...Lexi, I…I think I’m falling in love with you. I’m staring at you in complete admiration. I worship you, your soul, and your body.” He sighs and holds my body tightly.

“Lucca, you have done more for me these past two days than anyone ever has. I’ve never trusted anyone with me, with my body, until now.” I take his face in my hands and gaze into his eyes. They aren’t as bright as normal, and it saddens me that I’m causing him distress or worry.

“Come on, I’m making you breakfast and you can tell me all about your brother.” He drops the bed sheet, scoops me up and carries me downstairs to the open plan area of the suite.

“Lucca, stop! I’m naked!” He lifts his lip at the left side, grinning and showing his dimple. He thinks this is amusing. “Please, Lucca. I’m too exposed. It makes me uncomfortable.

“You are sexy as fuck, and I love looking at you. No one will come in, I’ve warned them.”

I feel a little more at ease, but I’m still not entirely comfortable with this. He sits me on the dining room table while he picks up a black apron and wraps it around his body. He looks adorable in his man apron, exposing his tight, round ass cheeks at the back and wide structured robust back. It’s a picture I think I’ll never forget.

“What would you like for breakfast?” he asks.

“Hmm, I would like you.”

He smirks at me. “Are you flirting with me, Doc? A Lucca special coming up, then you might have me for afters.” He has certainly changed his mood from that of ten minutes ago.

He puts some music on the iPod. Next To Me by Emeli Sande. I smile, casting my thoughts to home.

“So what are you making for breakfast?” I ask.

“It’s a surprise, just like you are.”

The sun is shining brightly through the double doors, and it feels pleasing beating off my back. I jump down and put my arms around his waist, peeking over his shoulder to see what he is making. I hear him moan with delight.

“Lexi, you’re going to send me into overdrive, and you’ll be left starving.”

I’m thinking overdrive sounds more appealing than feeling hungry. In fact, it will feed my hunger. I giggle, then walk over to the sofa and sit down, closing my eyes. I lift some of the scatter cushions and place them in front of me to hide my modesty.

After a short time, Lucca places his hand on my shoulder. “Breakfast is ready. We don’t need these.” He picks the cushions up and flings them over his shoulder. He is insufferable, and I roll my eyes at his brassiness. The food smells beautiful.

“You have hidden talents, Mr. Caruso,” I say playfully. He takes my hand and walks me over to the table. “This looks lovely.” He has made poached eggs with dressed asparagus, pan-fried pancetta with a basil pesto dressing, capers, sun dried tomatoes and rocket, and freshly squeezed orange juice.

“I don’t want you to mess about taking cooking lessons with Maurizio. I want to spend as much time with you here as I can, getting to know you. Besides, I can teach you all you need to know about Italian cooking,” he says.

“Lucca, I love this, but I can’t abandon Maurizio and Hazel. I chose to come here for the cooking experience and I…erm…paid for the lessons.”

Scoffing, he dismisses that idea. “Forget the money. I’ll take care of it. Forget Hazel, I’ve taken care of her already, and forget Maurizio, he’ll be glad of the rest.”

He picks up an asparagus spear and runs it along my lips, teasing me. I open my mouth and bite into it demurely. It is delicious, just like him.

“Okay, you win, but I’ll be expecting lots of cooking classes. And what do you mean you have taken care of Hazel?”

“You’ll see. Eat your breakfast, we have a busy day.” He smiles at me. I start eating and oh my goodness, it is cooked to perfection; flavoursome and light. This boy is good. “I think I’ll keep you, you’re not bad at all.” I giggle.

After breakfast and some fresh coffee, I sit back in my chair with my heels on the edge of my chair, hugging my knees, hiding my breasts, and thinking about the pending chat regarding Cameron.

“Did you enjoy that? I was hoping you still have room for me?” he asks.

Oh dear Lord, he has the husky voice. I have folded, crumbled and melted ….

Done deal.




Chapter 15


Keeping Faith – Forgiveness



We make tender, soft love to Fleetwood Mac’s Songbird track. I lie with my back on the dining room table as Lucca, leans over me, pleasing me like he did last night, taking slow long strides, sliding me up and down the table. Sweat gathers at the small of my back, causing me to push deeper into his thrusts and further up the table. The sun is sending bursts of delicate, bright sprays over my swelling breasts and pebbled nipples, and skims Lucca’s flawless face and body. He kisses every inch of my body; he’s in me, on me and over me. The lovemaking is soft, slow and seductive.


I feel a deeper sensation in this position and more pressure to my sensitive core as Lucca pounds me again into a familiar area of sublime, intense reciprocation. I have never felt this secure, and tears silently roll down my cheeks as I grip his body even tighter, my heart drumming wildly in my throat.

“Baby I want to hear you scream. Hold nothing back,” he murmurs with primal hunger, throatily. Reaching the cusp of billowing ecstasy together feels natural. I don’t just moan. I scream loudly, turning my head, biting my lip, clenching my teeth... I open my eyes while I let wave after wave of unimaginable pleasure rip through me, watching Lucca enjoy his own heaven.

“Jesus! Fuck, Doc…” he cries.

He collapses on me, edges out and uses his fingers to smear the wet silk from our come over my sensitive clitoris, caressing my sweet spot. “I’m going to make you come again, baby, while I watch. Then I’m taking you over to the back of the couch, and it won’t be as soft. I’m taking you harder,” he groans in dominance. “Doc, are you good to go again?” he asks, stroking my numb, swollen folds.

Sweet Jesus.

“Yes!” I scream again, lifting my back off the table and pushing my hips up as I surf through another wave of rippling ecstasy under his torturous stimulation. “Take me, I want you!”

“Can you take it a little harder?” He presses my mouth with his, sucking my swollen lips.


“Yes, I want it anyway I can with you. Give me it hard,” I slur, coming down from my heightened crescendo.

“Fuck, what you are doing to me? You ask, you get, baby.” He lifts me up and takes me to the couch. It’s hard, fast and carnivorous. Painfully pleasurable.

After cleaning up our glistening trail of silk from the table, and loading the dishwasher, we head back upstairs. “Lucca, I’ll need to get some clothes from my room.”

“No need. They’re all in my wardrobe. I had Maria and Allegra bring all your things up here after dinner last night.”

We shower together, allowing the natural scent and body fluids from our lovemaking to wash away, then I pick out a bright emerald-green, floaty sundress, one shoulder, fitted at the bust with a thin gold belt around the waist and thin, chiffon pleats floating to just up above my knee. This is Jessica’s dress, but I like it as it hides all the scars on my back and is light for this weather. I wear gold flat sandals and set my hair in a loose tousled ponytail down my back. I wear a dainty, black lace, strapless bra and matching panties under the dress, and quietly think how Lucca may enjoy seeing them later.

“So where are we going? Have you told Maurizio I’m not learning the art of potato gnocchi today?” I ask as I spray my perfume and start to apply makeup.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s not expecting you,” Lucca says as he buttons his black, short-sleeved, designer shirt and stone-colored, straight-fitted trousers.

I look down at my watch, rubbing my fingers over it. I still find it hard to believe I have such an item on my wrist. Surreal.

Lucca answers a knock at the door. I hear him welcoming the visitor, exchanging Italian dialogue, and when he returns, he has a huge smile on his face. He wraps his arms around me and places a parcel in my palms. “Please, open it. It’s for you.”

“Please, Lucca. Please don’t give me something else. You’re all I need.”

“Open it. It is just a little thing for today,” he says.

I unwrap it and open the mystery box to reveal two more boxes; one rectangular and one small and square. “Lucca, please, I don’t want to open them. This is too much.”

“Doc, I want you to have these. You’re beautiful and deserve beautiful things,” he says as he presses his head against mine, leaning over my shoulder.

I unwrap the first box to reveal a pair of sunglasses, but not ordinary sunglasses; these are Chopard limited edition gold frames. Jesus, these must have been a fortune. “Lucca, they are beautiful, but please stop buying me expensive things. I’m not that kind of girl, and regrettably, I can’t accept them. I’m sorry.”

“Doc, we’re not having this conversation again. I’ve claimed you as my own, so I can give you whatever I want, and I want you to have these.” I sigh and set the box down, knowing I’m not going to win this battle. “Don’t you like them? I can change them if they don’t feel comfortable?

Oh, holy hell.

“Yes, I love them. They are chic, exquisite and every woman’s dream, but sadly, not mine. Lucca, they are out of my league.” I sigh.

“You accepted the watch,” he persists.

“Only because I didn’t have a choice. You begged me to and embarrassed me in front of Hazel.”

“Okay, so I will beg you to keep the sunglasses” I shrug my shoulders and roll my eyes. “But what do you mean out of your league?” he backtracks. “You are talking absolute nonsense. You are worth these and more. Don’t ever doubt it.”

“Lucca, no, and that’s final. End of,” I snap. He begins chuckling. “What’s so funny?”

“You. You’re sexy as hell when you’re fired up. Hmm, I might need to buy you gifts every day just to get a reaction like this.”

“You’re an ass. Can I please finish getting ready,” I say in my most assertive voice, trying to extinguish my fiery tendencies.

Buckling in laughter, he agrees, “Okay, but please open the other gift. I would pay great money to witness you freaking out or get flared up all sexy like that.”

“Hazel is right. You think you’re a comic, very funny.” I unravel the paper from the small tiny box to reveal a pair of four-carat diamond, princess cut, stud earrings. They are beautiful, classically simple, but stunning. They must cost more than my car is worth.

“Here let me.” He takes them out of the box and puts them in my ears while I modestly bite on my lip. “Beautiful, for such a beautiful woman.” He smiles, kissing below my ear. I stare at them in the mirror, absolutely shocked I’m letting him do this. They are beautiful, and complement the diamond Cartier watch perfectly. I lean over and kiss him passionately in appreciation.

“What, no argument or fiery backlash? I was just about to enjoy that too.” He grins.

“I’m not giving you the satisfaction. Come on, I want to see Hazel this morning.”

I turn around and walk away, leaving him to follow. “You definitely have broken the mould, Doc. You are something very special, have I told you that yet?” he asks, “Yes, I believe you have” I chirp. “Don’t forget your sunglasses” and he hands me over the frames.

He’s loving this.

“Hmm, I love this dress on you. You really suit the color. You look beautiful,” he says as we walk down the hallway.

“Thank you. It actually belongs to my friend Jessica. She gave me some holiday clothes to borrow.”

“Hmm, did she now? Well, I’ll need to do something about that, and get you your own new outfits.”

My eyebrows furrow in the middle as I roll my eyes. My cheeks are red hot with rage as I let out a huge sigh, causing Lucca to start laughing. “Fine,” I retort against my will.

“What, fine as in okay?” he asks optimistically.

“Yes!” I shout back at him.

“There, that’s the fire I’m talking about. You’re sexy as fuck, do you know that?” he laughs as he takes my hand. I walk without saying another word. There is no hope in hell he is buying me clothing. Not a chance.

We go into the kitchen and greet Maurizio, Annalisa, Sofia and Franco who are busy preparing for the lunch cooking lesson. I wonder who is taking the class today since I’m evidently not. Hazel comes bouncing through with Nuala, still in their sport bra tops and capris from their run this morning.

“Someone looks as though they had a good night,” Hazel smirks, smacking my ass.

“How was your run?” I ask, trying to change the subject as I’m now blushing the same colour as those Dahlia flowers in the vase on the windowsill.

“It was great, but hard going in that heat, especially with all the alcohol from last night in our systems,” Hazel tells us. “Wow, your earrings are stunning. Oh my God, Lucca, they are amazing.”

“They suit Lexi very much. I’m glad you like them,” Lucca says happily.

“So, are you going out?” she asks, noticing I’m not dressed for the pool.

“Yes, but I don’t know where.” My stomach catapults against my spine with a dreadful feeling of guilt. “Are you having a lesson today?”

“Yes, Nuala and I are taking one together as Bridgit is in bed with a sore head.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope she’s okay, Nuala.”

“Too much brandy, truth be known,” Nuala replies, and we all have a giggle.

“So what are we making today, Maurizio?” Hazel shouts across the massive kitchen area, where he is pulling some fresh ingredients out the fridge.

“Pumpkin and parmesan cheese brulee cups, then Ravioli stuffed with spinach, ricotta served with wild porcini mushrooms and truffle oil.”

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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