Lussuria (New Version) (21 page)

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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Their faces light up with excitement. “I can’t wait, chef. Sounds fabulous,” Nuala exclaims.

I suddenly feel moderately envious. The girls are getting to cook today, and bonding exceptionally well. Lucca notices my long face.

“Hey, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to cook. I have a special day planned, and we can cook together anytime.” He kisses the side of my head and rubs his fingers down my bare shoulder, sending tingling shivers all over my body, and reassuring me that I am not missing out on anything today. I definitely want to spend my time wisely with Lucca, and this will come first over the cooking any day of my week. I love that he can cook—I find it an absolute turn on.

“Yes, I know. Thank you.” That little profound appreciation just earned me a sexy, dimple smile.

“Lexi Bella, you look beautiful. Did you sleep well?” Sofia takes both my hands and clasps them. She looks so sweet in a long black skirt and pink blouse.

“Yes, I did, thank you, and thank you for your lovely food and hospitality last night. We have been spoiled.” Sofia claps her hands and hugs me very tightly.

I watch as Lucca wanders towards the freezer, brings out a bowl of gelato, and places a scoop in a separate bowl. He leans against the sink eating it, then holds his spoon out to me. I shake my head no. I find it strange he can eat icy gelato so early in the day.

“I’m just going to catch up with Marco to debrief him and have a few business calls to make. I shouldn’t be too long. Why don’t you get a drink or a coffee and talk to Hazel? I’ll come and get you when I’m done.” He leans over and kisses me, then meeting my gaze, he kisses me again, playfully smacking my ass before leaving.

I’m scarlet.

“Maurizio, I’m just going up to my room to get showered before starting lunch, okay?” Hazel shouts through the kitchen, hoping Maurizio hears her from the pantry.

“Si Si,” he yells back. Hazel and Nuala head off to get showered after their morning run.

While Lucca is away in the study with Marco and Franco, I decide to go to the bar where Stefano is cleaning wine glasses. He’s exceptionally tall and very thin, with long lanky arms. His hair is thick and black in a neat side part, and he wears a crisp white shirt, black tie and waistcoat.

“Miss Robertson, what can I get you to drink?” he says with excellent English.

“Just a juice, thanks, and please call me Lexi.”

“I will make you a special non-alcoholic cocktail.” I watch him shake, mix, shake again, blend, stir and pour. He passes me my fruity, watermelon-colored iced drink.

“Thank you, Stefano. You are very kind.”

“Miss Lexi, can I say you look beautiful today? Mr. Caruso is a lucky man.”

I blush and thank him. He’s either very polite or very forward, or both. I head off to Hazel’s room. I want to make sure she’s not upset with me for gallivanting with my Italian God.

I knock and walk into her room. Just as suspected, there has been an explosion in the case. There are clothes everywhere. Nothing has been hung or unpacked and it’s an absolute mess. I roll my eyes in disgust.

I walk into the bathroom. Hazel is in the shower, so I sit on the toilet “It’s only me,” I yell.

She gets out, grabs her towel and starts to dry off. “So, dish the dirt about your hunky Italian Stallion.”

“Not much to tell.”

“You’re lying, my friend. You forget who you’re talking to. Now spill, is the sex hot as fuck?”


“Oh, you have got it bad. You’re falling for him. You’re in love, sister!” She giggles as she waves her finger around.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve only known him two minutes,” I retaliate.

“Wake up, Lexi. Stop trying to kid yourself. It’s a full on relationship he wants, not a holiday shabam. He’s in love with you, and you obviously have feelings for him.”

Leaving her to it, I walk out onto the balcony with my fruity cocktail. Admiring the panoramic landscapes, I’m startled by high pitched screaming.

Oh Shit, Hazel!

My heart is pounding, and my stomach is catapulting. I rush to the door and find Hazel with her legs wrapped around Dominic’s waist, kissing the poor boy to death.


“Dominic, good to see you, but what are you doing here?” I ask, completely stupefied.

“Hi, Lexi. Hey, nice place here. Your new boyfriend called my boss to authorize time off. He made an arrangement with my company, paid my flights and transfers, the lot”, he says enthusiastically.

“Why would he do that?” I ask.

“Well, I think he wants to spend time with you, and knows you are worried about leaving Hazel alone. She told him she was missing me, so voila, I get my girl all to myself as well.”

“Hazel, are you okay with this?” I ask curiously.

“Yes, I’m more than okay. I’m ecstatic! I’m so glad you are here, Dominic. I’ve missed you so much.” She has tears falling down her cheek, and for the first time in my life I understand this feeling of needy love. I’m happy for her and glad she has company. It dissipates my guilty disposition of leaving her alone.

“I’m going to leave you two love birds to it.”

Hazel parts her mouth from Dominic only for a second. “Lexi, please don’t screw this up. Your man…he is one in a million. You won’t get any better. Thank him to the moon and back from us, and keep your phone on so I can call you. Ta-ta.” They begin kissing passionately again. I need to leave before I vomit.

I stroll past my old room, and smile as I trace my fingers over the italic scrolling on the chunky rustic wooden door. Maybe, just maybe there is a chance I do have some true beauty somewhere. Why else would an Italian God be interested in me?

Putting that thought aside, I stroll back downstairs. Stefano accepts my empty fruit cocktail glass and hands me another with a huge smile across his face. I’ll be stopping to use the restroom facilities all afternoon at this rate, but the cold, fresh taste really is quenching my thirst after all the alcohol consumed last night. I thank him and stroll past the kitchen where Nuala—freshly clothed from her morning run—is patiently waiting on Hazel.

“Nuala, Maurizio, I don’t think Hazel will be joining you this afternoon. She is…preoccupied with something else.” I grin sheepishly, blushing at Nuala. Maurizio shake his head while marching around the kitchen, moving produce and repeating the word, ‘Incredibile’.

“Please, do tell?” Nuala eagerly asks.

“Her boyfriend, Dominic, arrived and she’s overjoyed to see him, so I don’t know how much you will see of her. I’m sorry.” I give her a sympathetic smile, actually feeling bad as I know she was looking forward to company her own age, and maybe a break from her vocal mother.

“It’s okay. We’re off on our travels in a few days anyway.”

I rub her shoulder in comfort. “Good luck with Mr. Grumpy Chef today by the looks of it.” I giggle, as does Nuala. I walk outside into the warm sun, and drop my ridiculously overpriced, oversized shades over my eyes. They actually do feel very nice, and have excellent UV protection. I set my fruit cocktail down on the dining table, and I’m instantly drawn to a familiar sound I hear from around the back of the Villa.

The sound of dog’s barking. I feel a little nostalgia coming on as I think about Doris. I walk around, and find a beautiful, rusty-colored Irish Red Setter, a muscular, chocolate-colored Labrador, and a smaller sturdy dog whose breed I do not recognize, pouncing across the lawn. Allegra, dressed in simple denim shorts, a vest, and long rain boots is throwing sticks and balls for them.

The dogs notice me and excitedly run over to say hello, wagging their tails frantically, panting and grinning at me. I can’t resist petting them to remedy my own love for dogs, but I’m guessing they are probably working hunting dogs because Allegra shouts out commands and they obediently sit at my feet. I put my hand up to tell her it is okay and smile. She yells something and the dogs jump and bounce around playfully. I lift a ball and throw it, watching the three of them compete for the race, bumping into each other to fetch it. It surprises me that the little dog gets to it first, dropping it at my feet to throw it again, looking at me with excited eyes. I have the feeling that this game could go on and on.

“What type of breed?” I ask Allegra curiously.

“Segugio Maremmano…she is a Tuscan. Hun…hunt...huntin...g dog,” she stutters.

“She is quick.” I laugh.

Allegra nods her head.

“Are these your dogs?”

“Mmm, no. Franco’s, I care for dogs,” she says, proud as punch.

I spend some time playing with them, not caring if I end up dirty. Throwing a ball behind me, I turn around and watch the dogs run towards it to see Lucca. He’s leaning one shoulder against the stonewall and watching me with his black, sexy shades on, smiling ear to ear. He looks entranced, and my heart races at the sight of him.

Allegra rounds the dogs, but the Irish setter nudges my knee. I can’t stop laughing, knowing he wants to stay and play. After stroking his head, and convincing him to go back to Allegra, I walk towards Lucca as he walks towards me, then wraps his arms around my waist. He leans in and kisses my lips, caressing my hair.

“You amaze me. It’s so nice to see you relax and enjoy yourself.” He is so close to me that his lovely hot breath hits my lips. “So, do you like our dogs because they definitely seem to like you, Doc.”

Giggling, I reply, “They are great, and yes, I do love dogs. I have my own at home—a gun dog.”

“Something else I’ve learned about you, Doc. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“You might have to fight for my attention. She’s overly protective, and likes to keep me safe. That’s why I picked her.”

Lucca sighs, then frowns, his forehead creasing his brow. “Come on, Marco has a car waiting for us.”

“Where are we going?” I ask as he holds my hand and walks me back around to the front of the villa.

“It’s a surprise.” He smiles, then lifts my hand up and kisses my knuckles. “I’m just going to fetch my bag and wash up. Two minutes.” I start to walk past the entrance and I am enthralled looking at a stunning silver Aston Martin convertible car. I really don’t know much about cars, but this make is obvious. It’s sleek, attractive and looks very classy. I frown, and even though I’m wearing sunglasses. Lucca catches me and laughs deep and sexy as I walk away.

His laugh is so smooth and appealing.

I wash my hands in the restroom, reapply lip-gloss on again, and then head out to meet Lucca and his outrageously expensive car. He’s leaning on the car with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his cell to his ear. Just before I reach him, I stop and stare, taking in the vision. An amazing dark, strapping body, dark, shaggy hair—wavy and wild with a wide fringe that modestly sweeps over his forehead, his eyes, oh those eyes...

I wonder if he has flaws. Surely everyone does, but I just can’t seem to find any. Can anyone be this perfect? I close my eyes and think of his smooth hands caressing my body this morning, giving me butterflies again.

He puts his phone back in his pocket, and opens the door for me. I’m thankful I’ve tied my hair in a ponytail away from my face or else it would be blowing about everywhere with the hood being down.

Lucca climbs in, and puts his hand on my knee. “Are you ready?” he asks. I nod, then remember something.

“Wait. Lucca, before I forget, I cannot believe you arranged and made it possible for Dominic to be here. You should have heard Hazel screaming with joy.”

“So you’re not mad at me?” He looks hesitant. I lean over to take his face in both my hands and kiss him passionately to show my appreciation. “You’re most welcome. I knew that was a good move. Besides, now I get you all to myself.” Smiling, he revs up the engine and heads down the hill towards the main gates.

As he is driving, I feel the sun beating on my face and shoulders and enjoy the cool breeze brushing my skin, I catch a glimpse of myself in the side view mirror, secretly smiling. I really love these sunglasses. I rub my thumb over the diamond Cartier watch; this feels as if I’m in a movie, like I’m acting out someone else’s life in one of those trailer clips. I feel flutters in my stomach. No doubt about it, I definitely have fallen for this archangel who is whisking me away.

Lucca removes his right hand and places it on mine, holding it tightly. He drives effortlessly with a masculine, powerful, confident style. It is so smooth and virile, but I’m not sure if that is Lucca’s driving skills or the model of the car.

Another glance…

Yep, it’s definitely Lucca.

We listen to music from his varied playlist, It’s Time by Imagine Dragons surrounds his sound system, uplifting and appropriate…Apple. My grandpa’s words come to fruition. We chat and while I stare at the beauty of the countryside gliding by me. It’s soothing and relaxing. I think I could shut my eyes, put my trust in Lucca and not be worry about where we’re going.

Shit, I have it bad.

I keep my eyes open and not because I’m scared, but because I can’t fill my gaze enough with this handsome unbelievably attractive man. I drink him in, sometimes having to swallow a few times and blink my eyes. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this vision. I know my holiday is going to have to come to an end, and I will need to face reality


File W for Wishing. Wishing these special moments will never end.

I think we are traveling through the Chianti Hills—winding roads of beautiful, overlapping, textured, dark and bright green curves decorated with tall, slim, triangle trees outlining the horizon. Colorful flowers catch my eye, stretching through roaming valleys. We carry on through the region, the roads getting slimmer and sharper. I’m feeling a little nauseous, but I won’t tell Lucca that. We travel uphill, and I see a magnificent ancient building that looks like a castle at the top.

“Castello di Brolio,” Lucca announces as we arrive. I’m speechless. I thought his grandparent’s villa was aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but this historical site has just literally astounded me.

Lucca makes a phone call in Italian, then opens my door for me to get out and stretch my legs. Two men arrive at the open car park and welcome Lucca warmly. He introduces me to Alberto and Tomasso. They stare at me as if they can’t draw their eyes away, and Lucca shuffles his feet with slight aggravation.

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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