Lussuria (New Version) (23 page)

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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“Hey, do you want me to make lunch?”

“No thanks, baby. I’ve got it. You relax.”

I sit up when Lucca walks out with a glass of cold champagne for me. He is bare chested with just a pair of tight, black, designer boxer shorts on, fitting across his hips and accentuating his deep V line from his pelvis to oblique’s.


He leans over and whispers, “Nice underwear. You look amazing lying there, but they’re not staying on.”

Oh my God.

I turn around and lie face down on the lounger with my head to the side. Moving my hair, I ask Lucca to put sun cream on my back.

“My pleasure.”

He winks, and expertly unclips my bra. He lathers his hands in cream and starts working on my shoulders. His touch is sending shivers all over me, sparking up sensual energy. It feels blissful having his soft hands on me. He lightly trails a finger down my entwining scars, then leans over and softly kisses every one of them with his wet lips. He finishes lathering cream on me, then trails his hands over my firm shapely ass.

“I need to get lunch out soon. Let me go and check on it.” Placing a final kiss on my shoulder, he jumps up and strolls back into the kitchen with our glasses, leaving me admiring his sexy back and sexy walk.

He returns, and I feel him crawl over the back of my body, nudging his knees at either side of my legs, snuggling into my neck, placing kisses on my shoulder. I love the heat from his body. He cups my ass and I involuntarily lift my hips and ass upward off the lounger in response, pushing against his eager manhood that is pressing between my legs.

Groaning, he flips me over in one swift movement so that I’m beneath him. My exposed breasts press against his hard chest. His face is so close, his breath is faltering, his eyes drink me. I kiss him, tasting the tropical sun cream from his lips, tasting his hot sweet freshness laced with champagne.

I unlink my legs from under his and throw them around his back, squeezing him tightly as I lift my hips up towards him, giving me more pressure against my sensitive area.

“You’re amazing. You’re so’re going to undo me, baby.” Lucca’s words are a direct trigger to my damp sex, making me pulse, press and pull. He groans, and I moisten my lips provocatively with my tongue. “Fuck, I need to have you here. Can I have you?” he asks with complete admiration and a hint of desperation.

My nipples hard for want of him, he traces his tongue down, gripping one between his fingers, sucking the other. “Lucca please, I need you.” I readjust my legs as he reaches down, rubbing my clitoris through my damp, lace knickers.

“Fuck, you’re soaking wet for me already. Your panties are so damp. I love how I make you feel, how much you desire this.”

Arching my back, and writhing under his touch, he travels down, kissing my flat stomach until he reaches said damp panties and takes the tiny lace material in his mouth.

Holy shit.

He slowly trails them down my legs and over my feet with his teeth, his hand stroking my sensitive spot. Its bliss, it’s cruel, it’s sheer pain...

It’s pure pleasure.

I grab his boxer shorts and pull them down over his hips, freeing his erection. Lucca stands and whips them off. I’m still shocked at his generous manhood, but I need to feel the intrusion, the impaling deep inside me. He sits back down on the lounger in front of me, straddling his legs over each side, his deep-veined, glorious cock standing tall against him, the slightest pearly pre-come glistening on his engorged head. I grab his erection while my other hand grips his ass.

“Fuck,” he clenches behind his teeth.

Feeling his rock hard girth, I clasp tightly and pull his skin right down to the root and back up to the tip, exploring and experimenting. He throws his head back and grits his teeth, murmuring through them. I repeat my technique, then stroke and tease him.

“Lexi baby, that’s fucking amazing, but I need you before you finish me here.”

His cheeks are rosy, and I know this is going to be quick. I throw myself into him, wrapping my arms and legs around him, kissing, licking, and teasing him. He lifts me up, and I feel the tip of his cock pushing at my sensitive spot. He looks at me for approval.

“Yes… now, Lucca, please,” I beg.

He lifts my ass and slides me down on him. We both cry out with pleasure as I wrap my arms and hands around his back, slapping him with the shudder of intense penetration. He is filling me to my core, so deep, and pleasurable. I drop my head on his forehead, and use my heels on the lounger behind his ass as leverage to push me away from him slightly before I let go and bury back down on him.

“Fucksake, Lexi!” he yells. Lucca closes his eyes, then opens them and takes my tongue. He has one hand on my ass and the other behind my head, lost in my hair. I feel confident, so I push away again and tighten my leg muscles to grip his body even more. Throwing my head back, he catches a handful of hair as we pick up rhythm. “You are so fuckin tight and perfetto,” he groans.

I lift myself higher up his length this time, then thrash down on him. “Jesus!” I scream.

“You feel so good, baby, keep going,” he stutters before biting his lip.

I move up and down, fast and furious, digging my nails into his back, puffing, filling with sweet pleasure. I feel my climax approaching, tightening my muscles as I lift and thrash down. Feeling Lucca tense and go rigid under me, I crash into his body to the fullest and deepest. We cry out together in complete gratification, undulating in our nirvana moment. He digs his smooth fingers into my ass while I dig my nails into his back, riding out the tremors of my rippling orgasm.

Exhausted, and undoubtedly satisfied, I’m unable to move; I’ve used every bit of energy source in my body. I’m completely spent. Lucca reciprocates his gratification by holding me and kissing me unconditionally; I don’t think I will ever tire of this.

“That was fucking amazing, baby. I want to be in you always… anywhere, anytime…Jesus, I need to have you.” I clench tighter and hold on to his sun-kissed skin.

“You have me, Lucca. You’ve had me since that day in the clinic.” A tear glistens on my cheek. He catches it with his moist lips then using his tongue, licks it away.

“I won’t ever give up on you. Ever. We were meant to meet, Doc. It was fate, our destiny, I’m sure of it”.

We spend a few moments together like this, enjoying the intimacy, the sun and the soft strokes and kisses. I lift myself off him, slumping into his chest when I lose him from inside me. “I’m just going to wash up. Are you going to feed me now, Mr. Caruso? I’m starving. You’ve worked up my appetite.”

Lucca chuckles. “You’re getting very bossy and self-assured, dolcezza. I like it, it suits you.” He smacks my ass as I walk away.

“Ouch!” I look over my shoulder, frowning at him. He chortles playfully, smiling and revealing the cheeky dimple.

Oh, okay. So he is off the hook, crumbled.

When I return, I put my black panties back on and fasten my bra again. Lucca brings the food out and frowns when he sees me back in my underwear. “You do know those are getting ripped right back off you, right?”

“I’m just keeping you on your toes, and making it more challenging for you.”

Eyes smouldering, hot and sexy, his ‘ask and you will get’ look...

Hmm, I must flirt more often.

“Lucca, this looks delicious. You are very good in the kitchen. I’m spoiled.” He has served chicken breast stuffed with spinach and mozzarella, then wrapped with pancetta and red pepper pesto in a fresh tomatoes, basil and cream sauce. A side of french beans in an olive oil, lemon butter, garlic and parmesan dressing, sautéed potatoes and honey glazed carrots complete the dish. He places hot bread in the middle of the outside dining table.

We drink more cold champagne while laughing and sharing funny stories. Lucca leans back in his chair with his sexy sunshades on, he is seriously hot, so much so, it’s unreal.

Blazing hot.

“Lucca, can you pass me my sunnies, please”. He smiles at me and holds them in his hand. “I’m still intrigued at your use of Aussie terms. Sunnies is not what we would say back home.” He laughs, then hands them to me. I put them over my eyes so he can’t see me rolling them, but then I remember I promised I would give him my heart.

Surely that meant being honest?

I take a deep breath. “Okay, you win. I...I used to live in Australia. I was born there.”

“Oh, well that explains it.” He reaches up and cups the side of my face.

That’s it. No intrusion. No inquisition.

“Was your brother also born in Australia?” he asks as he lifts an olive out of a bowl and puts it in his mouth.

“Yes, he is nearly three years older than me.”

“Can you talk about your brother?” Lucca looks at me seriously, like he’s been waiting for this moment.

“Yes. He’s loving, kind, laid-back, fun, lively, outgoing, adventurous, free willed...everything I’m not, but I love him. He is very special and close to me. He’s also an excellent musician and skilled footballer.”

“I think you’re underestimating yourself, Lexi. You’ve let me seduce you, you’ve had sex outside in the open sun...that’s pretty adventurous. And as for kind and loving, I don’t think I’ve met anyone as kind and loving as you. They are special qualities to have, Lexi, not to mention you are beautiful and desirable and, if your lovemaking and sexual prowess is anything to go by, then I’d say you are pretty skilled and goddamn talented.”

“Cameron is just stronger than me. He is more open, trusting and carefree. I wish I could be more like him.” I look down at the table and twiddle my fork around my plate.

“Well, he sounds like a great guy, and I would love to meet him. He’s obviously taken great care of you, so I suppose I should thank him,” Lucca says.

“He is a policeman, in special fire arms. He wants to protect people, I feel safe with him, and he’s highly regarded in his job,” I add. I’m on a roll.

“That’s good. I’m grateful he’s watching out for you, but I hope he doesn’t mind if we share the responsibility. You’re now mine to protect.” I move my knuckles and fingers around in a nervous dance in front of my mouth. Lucca moves gently to slowly lift them away from my lips. “Did he also go to school in Aberdeen”?

“Yes. Cameron lives with Hazel and me in Uddingston, and has a girlfriend, Rachel, whom I’m very fond of.”

“You lit four candles in the Chapel today. Were those for your family?” he asks before he puts a strawberry in his mouth.

My shoulders slump down and I brace myself as I answer, “Yes, the first was for Eleanor. She lived next door to me, but she sadly passed away. I…I like to think of her as family. We were close. Her husband, Mr. Carlin, is still alive. I care for him...well, you know, make sure he’s looked after. I promised Eleanor I would.”

Lucca tightens his hand around the top of my leg, looking at me with awe. “See, you are caring, loving, and sensitive. I love it. Were the other candles for your parents?” He notices I’m upset as I bite the inside of my cheek. “I’m sorry if I’m overstepping the mark. Please, tell me to stop anytime. I don’t want to pressure you.”

I contemplate brushing this off, but what will that achieve? Plus, I want to be as open as I can without breaking any more rules, and I’m also curious about Lucca’s candle. If I give, he will give.

“One candle was for my mother, and the other two were actually for Cameron and me.”

That’s it.

Throat tightening...chest heaving...

I can’t say anymore.

He takes my hand and walks me back towards the lounger—the same lounger where we frantically made love just a short time ago. He lifts the backrest up and lies on it, leaning against it for support, and brings me down on top of him, my back to his chest. He wraps his arms around me, and his legs around the top of my legs. I snuggle into his embrace, feeling tired and worn out.

“What was your mother like?” he asks softly. I scribble little patterns on his hand and forearm with my fingers, thinking how I will answer this without revealing too much.

“My mother is beautiful, soft, loving, caring and delicate. She has long, brown, curly hair, dark skin...I actually resemble her a lot, much more than Cameron. She is quiet and reserved.”

“Well your mum must have been very special, and an absolute stunner to create something as marvellous and beautiful as you. But Lexi, you said is…” Lucca affirms.

“What do you mean?” My eyes prick with tears at talk of my mother.

“You said is instead of was.”


File B for Busted.

Heat flaring in my cheeks, I stutter, “Sorry, I mean she was all those things. The Chapel just got me thinking, that’s all.” I squirm a little, but relax when Lucca kisses the top of my head compassionately. “Lucca, do you want to tell me about your candle?” I whimper, trying to change the subject because it can’t be as bad as my own emotional carnage.

I feel him lift his chest and drop it back into the cushion of the lounger. He places his face and chin to the side of my head while he cradles me. “It was for my son in heaven.”

Oh my God.

“I’m so sorry to hear you say that. Do you want to tell me about it?” I ask cautiously. I turn around to look at him. He closes his eyes in pain, then opens them.

“Yes, I want to tell you. I want to be honest with you.” I feel my stomach hit the floor. “The relationship, the one from my past I was telling you about….Francesca, she was my fiancée. We met when we were young, before I moved to Scotland, then I’d spend the summers here with Sofia and Franco. Our mothers are close friends, they went to school together. I had encounters with women frequently, but none that I would commit to. I didn’t date anyone more than once. Deep down I knew I held a candle for Francesca in my heart, my childhood sweetheart.”

He blushes a little. “We tried the distance relationship thing, but it didn’t work because I was still seeing other women. I think she knew, but she wanted to make it work, so she came to Scotland. We lived together for a while.”

Bang! There’s the flaw right there. Mr. Perfect is a womanizer. Hazel was right.

“Please, don’t think I’m still that person. It’s just while Francesca was here, and I was over there, we were not solid or fully committed. It was very casual. I regret treating her the way I did, I would never be that person again, please, trust me.”

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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