Lussuria (New Version) (27 page)

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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I rub my fingers across the vivid purple silk as my eyes well up. “Lucca, this is the most precious thing anyone has ever given me. I will cherish it, I love it.” He rubs his thumb across a stray tear that has escaped down my cheek, and kisses me passionately. I cast my mind back to the day Casey Huddersfield asked me to keep a journal; I couldn’t do it back then as I just could not find the strength to put the words down onto paper, but maybe now it will be easier.

Strolling around, I see Lucca eye up some ridiculously expensive Swiss pens in the window of one boutique. “No, a pencil will do just fine,” I say, dragging him away. He laughs.

“I use those pens at work. I wasn’t going to get you one. God, Lexi, you are adorable.” I stop in front of an expensive Jewellery boutique glancing in awe and wonder if this is where Lucca got my watch and earrings. I’ve never been impressed by Jewelery, but since now owning two very special items, I see what the attraction is.

The diamonds are bright and twinkly like morning sunlight on crystal ice. They glow and glisten catching colours in the window like a mutli-colored kaleidoscope.I drag Lucca away before he gets any ideas. Instead, I buy some cheeses, chutneys, crackers and grapes from a little food store to take back to the farmhouse.

We spend a late afternoon strolling around hand in hand, taking in some monuments and sights. We enjoy some pasta and wine at an intimate restaurant as the sun lowers settling behind the red tiled roofs that strip across the skyline of Firenze. After the meal, I ask the waiter if I can borrow his pen. Lucca looks at me with a quizzical look on his face.

“I want to write something in my journal for you.” I smile.

“Here let me first.” Lucca takes the pen and on the inside page writes,

Voi siete la più bella donna intrigante che abbia mai conosciuto. Tu sei il mio qualcosa di speciale, da sempre e per sempre. Mantenere questa stretta al cuore, ho intenzione di rimanere vicino al mio. Amore Lucca xxx

You are the most beautiful, intriguing woman I have ever met. You are my something special, forever and always. Keep this close to your heart. I intend to keep you close to mine. Love Lucca xxx

As I read his beautiful words, I feel so many emotions wash over me. Lucca looks at me with soft caring eyes, and I melt under his loving sincerity.

I scribble on the first page Granny & Grandpa. I slide it across the table. Lucca reads it, and his brow frowns a little.

“You want to know about my family, so I’m sharing with you.” He smiles the biggest smile I’ve seen from him. “I’ll tell you about them after I thank you and make love to you tonight. Your gift of the day.”

His eyes are wide, and his breathing becomes irregular as his chest rises. “Come on, we’re going home. I need to have you over and over...” He throws money down on the table with the pen and I just manage to pick up the bag from the food market before I’m whisked back to the Aston Martin.

Lucca drives as though he is on a mission all the way home. I have to close my eyes on some of the winding roads with cars racing by. I walk into the kitchen and place the food bag in the fridge, then put my journal and handbag down on the counter. Lucca grabs my waist and pushes me against the pantry door. I throw my hips forward, thrusting into his hard erection pressing against my stomach.

We kiss passionately, frantically, needy...forcefully. He pulls my head back and claims my neck, abusing my mouth; I am so ready for him, for this. He pulls my dress over my head and flings it, leaving me with just my bra, panties and high heel shoes on.

“Fuck, you are so goddamn sexy. I want you naked. I love these, but I love you naked more. We need to get rid of the lingerie, but keep the shoes on.”

Picking me up, I straddle his waist and wrap my legs around his hips. My pulsing sensitivity is catapulting into orbit and back. He carries me into the dining area and puts me down on the table. I take my bra off, then seductively wink and throw it away. Lucca approves with a virile groan through clenched teeth, and pulls his shirt off, unbuttons his jeans, and drops them to the floor.

“Lucca, I need you.” I’m going to set myself off right now if he doesn’t hurry.

He leans into my body, kissing me...tonguing me...moving his hands over my body in seeming desperation. I tug gently on his hair as I throw my own back when he takes my hard swollen nipple in his mouth. With my legs wrapped around him, I lie back on the table, squirming under his expertise.

“Baby, turn around.” He groans in between sexually tormenting my nipples.

I turn around and face the table. He parts my leg open, then runs his fingers over my wet flesh between my folds under the minuscule lace fabric of my thong.

He rips the thong off my hips with one swift movement.

“Hey, I liked those!” I draw my legs back together.

“I fucking like you more. Spread your legs, baby.” I do, but I’m embarrassed at how drenched I am. “You are so ready for me, but I want to please you first. Tell me if you want me to stop.” He massages my ass cheeks, manipulating the muscles between my ass and thigh then leans over, putting soft sweet kisses on my ass and the occasional little bite with his teeth.

He wraps his arm around my waist to my front, causing me to lift my hips off the table. He strokes my clitoris and my body moves with him. I push up further onto my knees, I can’t believe how exposed I am. He hisses puffing outward, the view is definitely arousing him. Kissing my ass again, groaning, he travels his kiss further down.

“Lucca, please, I need-”

“Ssssh, baby.” His wet tongue slithers around my sensitive flesh.

Oh my goodness…

“Ahh!” I moan with every stroke and flick of his tongue. He is bending behind me, his face buried between my legs, caressing me from behind. I whimper as he enters his fingers inside me, pushing deeper, sliding my juices out and trailing it to my backside, wetting my other entrance.

Oh shit he’s not going to ….

He places his thumb over my entrance, putting pressure on it, then his fingers are back inside my core, his tongue dancing a seductive tango over my hot spot.

Oh my God!

“I’m going to make you scream with pleasure, baby. Hold on and tell me to stop if it’s too much.”

“I want more, Lucca. Please, don’t stop.”

“I’ll have you screaming, this is gonna be intense.”

His fingers inside me, I feel one slide gently into my back entrance. I yell out, buckling and clamping my contracting muscles around his finger. It’s unfamiliar, but feels sensational.

I can do this.

Pushing in a little further, he moves his finger slightly, causing me to grip around him. His other fingers stroke my hot spot while I contract my vaginal wall and grip the table. It’s all too much. I scream, and scream, and scream...the intense torture, divine sensation and naughty expertise from him.

“Lucca, oh my God, Lucca, ahh!”

He removes his fingers and puts his tongue back on my throbbing, sensitive flesh, and starts his magic again. I buck into gripping explosion number two, slamming my hand down on the table, arching my head backwards, screaming with sheer uncontrollable delight.

“Baby, I need you now. Stay on your knees.” He sounds sexy as hell in that manly husky voice. He climbs onto the table, on his knees, and he grabs both my breasts at the same time, gripping them tightly. He places the tip of his cock at my entrance.

“Yes! Lucca, now,” I beg. He draws back, then enters me, slowly at first, then pushes in deeper.


Lucca pulls back and plunges into me again. He is moaning with his own gratification. You are so fucking perfect. You feel amazing.”

He grasps my hips and begins thrusting, pumping deeper into me, harder and harder again each time. I rock back and forth, accepting his power, wanting more of it. It’s sending rolling drums straight to my inner core, and I feel like I could rip apart any moment, but I can’t get enough. ”Are you okay?” he stutters frenetically.

“Lucca, don’t stop! I want more, keep going!”

“Jesus! Fuck, I need to fuck you hard and senseless.” He thrusts desperately into me, growling deeply, wildly and intensely thrashing behind me, pulling my hips back to meet his mighty relentless intrusion ravaging my sex.

“Yes, I can’t…I can’t… I need…” I drop my shoulder and lift my ass higher, wiggling into his direct path.

It’s too much.

It’s dissolute.

It’s carnal.

He thrusts back and forth, harder each time, over and over, slapping my ass with each shatter and digging his fingers into my skin. “Lexi, baby, I’m nearly there. I need you to...”

I scream and soar into a blissful, roaring, raging, raw climax, digging my nails on the table and tensing my legs, still whimpering and grinding moments after.

It’s the most gratifying feeling I’ve ever had.

I whimper some more as Lucca fills me again and again with his hot semen. He kisses my shoulder and slumps on top of me.

“That was worth waiting for. Fuck Lexi, you have no idea how good you are. How good we are together.”

“Hmm.” I can’t speak.

I’m exhausted as he kisses my neck and nibbles on my ears, stroking his fingers over my back. He tenderly kisses my scars and the dimple at the top of my ass, then scoops me up and cradles me into his chest. He sweetly kissing my knees which are now red from the friction, and leaning on the wood.

We have a bath together with a large glass of red wine. I promised him a conversation, so I tell him about Granny and Grandpa, and how I’m named after Grandpa. I tell him about Aberdeen and their retirement move to Grantown-On-Spey in the Scottish Highlands. I tell him about university where I met all my girlfriends, and about buying my house in Uddingston.

I’m much calmer than I thought I would be, maybe because Lucca is trusting, or maybe because I’m well sated. Lucca is stroking my arms and shoulders as I lean against his chest, which I find very soothing.

Perhaps the journal was a good idea; I think I may be able to do this after all.

Once back in bed, Lucca seduces me with more sex, slow and sleepy this time, tender and touching and I accept openly. I notice he isn’t asking for permission anymore, but I don’t care. I am his to have.




I curl into him, close my eyes and fall into one of the deepest, most relaxed sleeps I’ve had.




Chapter 19





“Morning baby” Lucca whispers. My full body is lying across Lucca’s front, encasing his body with mine, my thick hair draped around us as I’m nuzzled into his neck.

“hmm, morning.” I moan.

Lucca laughs. “I love waking up with you.” He plays with my hair as he strokes my lower back, and I feel a sense of contentment. I feel his morning erection underneath me, and this gives me an idea. “Okay, so do you want your gift of the day?”

Lucca looks at me. “You are my gift of the day,” then kisses me.

“I have something for you as a thank you for the journal. And all of the other things.” This puts Lucca into a fit of playful laughter.

“I love the way you are thrilled with your journal and dismiss the extravagant things. It’s what makes you my special something. And you thanked me last night, not that I’m opposed to fucking you like that again, Lexi. Gladly, baby.”

“Well, I have something less extravagant, but special for you.” I lean down towards his luscious lips and gently kiss him.

“What is it, Doc?” He smiles, knowing it’s something seductive.

I continue to kiss him, licking his lips with my tongue, trailing soft kisses down his chest, outlining his structured sprawling chest muscles. Lucca smiles at me and puts his hands behind his head, leaning back while I seduce him. I continue my naughty kissing by tracing over his nipples with my tongue, then move downwards until I reach his hardened erection. I look up at him as he did with me the day at the poolside. He watches in amazement, eyes full of want, hooded, and half lidded. Inhaling the scent of sex from last night only adds to my lust for him.

Taking his shaft in my hand, I lick the tip of his cock, tasting the salty pre-cum, then I blow slowly on the wet area, swirling my tongue just below his eye.

“Fuck!” he jerks, and grabs my hair with one hand, while he leans down to grab my breast with the other.

“Now I know your weak spot.” I smirk, reciting the same words he used on me when he frenzied me by kissing the sole of my foot.

I trail long kisses down his erection, slowly tormenting him, then take his full length in my mouth, sliding up and down again and again, moving the skin forward and back, holding tightly onto the base. I swirl my tongue over the top, then encase his length in my mouth, sucking, swirling and pulling deeper in my throat each time. I tease lightly with the tip of my tongue, then pick up speed again, hoping that instinctively I’m doing this right.

“Jesus baby, that’s so fucking good,” he mumbles through his teeth. The satisfaction that it’s giving Lucca is turning me on. I swirl my tongue just below his eye again, then grab his sack with my hands, massaging them as I continue with the forward and backwards motion. His veins are protruding through the steeled armoury of his skin and the silk of his pre come, and my saliva is sliding down his shaft repeatedly.

Lucca’s grip on me tightens, his body flinching. “Baby, I’m ready….”

He is warning me to release, but I don’t. I want to see this through. I pick up my grip on his thick girth and increase the speed of my actions. I feel Lucca’s erection starting to throb, and just as he throatily shouts my name, he fills my mouth with his hot, salty cream. I swallow quickly, then trace my fingers up and down his length, making him buck some more. His head is flung back, and he is stiff all over, breathing furiously.

“Fuck, you are so good. That just blew my mind. You are amazing, and that was the best gift I have ever received. Come here.” He leans into me and pushes his tongue deep in my mouth, tasting his own salty fluids left behind, then he slides down the bed, heading straight for my hot wet flesh with his tongue. I’m hovering over his face, straddling the side of his head, ready for his tongue on my clit. He runs his fingers down the crease of my ass, and parts my legs further.

BOOK: Lussuria (New Version)
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