Imperfectly Perfect (12 page)

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Authors: A.E. Woodward

BOOK: Imperfectly Perfect
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A week later and I was
going out on a date with Bradley. I'd waited three days after the speed dating to call him because I didn't want to appear desperate but he seemed genuinely excited that I had called. We made plans to go out that very next weekend. I let him choose the place and time, and I was surprised by his choice. We were going to a cute little Italian Bistro downtown. I frequently walked by it on my way to work and every time I did I thought to myself that it looked like an elegant place to eat. I'd never been in because it looked too romantic and I just couldn't muster the strength to go inside.

The plan was to meet him at the restaurant at 8pm. Since he lived uptown, I lived downtown, and the restaurant was in between, it just didn't make sense for him to pick me up. Besides it was the twenty first century and chivalry was dead.

I glanced at the clock on my nightstand while slipping on my black stilettos. It was already 7:30pm and there was no way in hell that I would be able to make it to the restaurant if I had to call a cab. I hated to ask, but I was left no choice.

"Hey Shane!" I called out.

I looked up to my doorway as I heard his footsteps coming down the hall, he poked his head in and I shot him a great big smile.

"Feel like taking a drive?" I asked as I threw a shawl over my bare shoulders.

He stood there in his sweats, looking very unimpressed.

"He can't even come pick you up?" He said turning to walk down the stairs with me following closely behind. He stopped in the kitchen, grabbing a Red Bull from the fridge.

I reached for my clutch from the counter and attempted to straighten my little black dress.

"I don't want or have the time to explain. Will you
take me?" By now I was begging. "By the time I hail a cab I'll already be late!"

"Fine," he grabbed his keys off the counter and headed towards the door.

While we rode in the car, I couldn't help but get the sense that Shane was pissed off. I knew him well enough to know that when he was mad his jaw flexed. He doesn't realize when he does it, but it's as plain as day. I decided to break the silence.

"Something wrong?" I questioned.

He shook his head, and his jaw flexed again.

"You're an awful liar," I added.

We pulled up to the curb outside the restaurant and Shane threw the car into park. I looked at the clock; it was 7:55pm and I was impressed thinking that I was actually going to be on time.

"There you go," he said while offering a fake smile. "Have a good time," his jaw flickered again.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." I grabbed my Coach clutch from the center console, and looked over at Shane, who was staring out his window. "Did I do something to offend you?"

He turned his gaze from the window straight to mine. "No, Em," our eyes locked, "you didn't. I just don't have a good feeling about this guy."

"Oh, for crying out loud Shane!" I threw my hands up in the air; I really did not have time for this.

"I'm serious Em. He's a creep."

"Enlighten me..."

"At the speed dating he was being all suave with all the women Em," he ran his fingers through his hair, like he always did when he was nervous or uncomfortable, "not just you."

I laughed, "Of course he was Shane, it was speed dating. It's not like he and I are exclusive…yet."

"I realize that Emma." He must have really been annoyed since he rarely called me by my full name. "I," he paused awkwardly and looked away from my gaze. "I just think you deserve the best."

Another pregnant pause.

I really didn't have the time to sit and argue with him. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Thank you very much for your concern but I'm late now." I opened the car door and got out. "Thanks for the ride Shane."

I slammed the door and watched as he put the car into gear and sped off angrily down the street.

I walked into the restaurant and looked at the clock. Now it was five past eight. I was fashionably late, and not-so-fashionably pissed off.

It was a typical Shane move; always like my surrogate big brother, always trying to protect me. It would have been fine if he approved of someone, anyone! But he was able to find something wrong with every guy I had ever dated; and that is
exaggeration. One of my high school boyfriends-Lucas-had slept with a girl who may have been a little on the loose side before we got together and this made Shane question his intentions with me. Then there were my college boyfriends, each with their own 'drinking problem'. And finally, Shane swore up and down that he had seen my last boyfriend Brett frequenting BED with a mysterious blonde (it turned out Shane had been right about him, but that was beside the point).

As the hostess took my shawl for me, I decided I needed to just let it go because I wasn't going to let it ruin my night. Shane and I would discuss his problem later.

I felt a hand graze my back. I turned and in the instant that my eyes met his I felt the stress of the previous shenanigans with Shane melt away.

"Hello Emma," he said. Quickly he grabbed my hand, spinning me around. I felt his eyes on me as he admired my dress.

My mind seized like an engine. It felt as though it was unable to turn over and find a coherent thought.

"Hi Bradley," was all I could muster.

The hostess led us to a secluded table in the back. I watched as she made weak attempts at gaining Bradley's attention but thankfully her ass wiggling went unnoticed as he stared intently at me. Of course, this did nothing but boost my ego. He was obviously digging me as much as I was him.

We took our seats and immediately fell into easy casual conversation. Bradley was leaned over the table, and listened intently as I talked about my life. He wanted to know it all and since I loved to talk, I happily obliged.

"So that's how you came to live with three guys?" he asked, sipping his wine.

I had spent thirty minutes telling him all about my roommates, and not once did he interrupt or appear to lose interest.

"Yup. That's the story."

Slowly, he reached over the table and took my hand.

"It must make it impossible for you to date," he said, "it must be like having three older brothers."

I swore my heart was going to beat out of my chest; he was just so damn sexy. His blonde hair complemented his tan skin so well, and his baby blue eyes seemed to look right through me.

"I don't know, really, I, um, guess I haven't dated that much since college. I've really been focused on my…" I froze as lifted my hand and gently kissed it. I blushed as my mind seized all over again. "I'm sorry I forgot what I was saying."

Bradley smiled at me, "I think you were going to say you were really focused on your career."

Our conversation flowed as easily as the wine we were drinking. I learned that Bradley was an only child-lucky for him-and he originated from California (which explained his tanned skin in November). He moved to New York for his residency and planned on staying for good, claiming to love the season changes, since he never got to experience them growing up.

Before I knew it the waiter had come and picked up our check and I was disappointed that our date was coming to an end. I definitely wanted to extend our night together; in fact, I couldn't stop thinking about my skin on his. But there was no way I was going to jeopardize a potential relationship by being a floozy.

Suddenly I had a thought. It was a good idea that I planned on remaining chaste this evening as it'd been that long since I'd been on a proper date-let alone had sex-that I hadn't even thought about the proper pre-date preparation. Doing a mental sweep of my body, I figured my legs were just about passable but I'm pretty sure the same could not be said for my more… 'intimate' areas. In one way this was a good revelation, because there was no way on this earth I would be letting Bradley anywhere near me unless I was absolutely perfect; thus cementing my self-imposed celibacy for at least one more date.

"Thank you so much for tonight Bradley," I said as we hit the sidewalk. "It really has been wonderful."

"Is the night over already?" he asked while looking deep into my eyes. I looked into his baby blues and I could tell that he wasn't ready for our date to end either. When he shot me a smile and flashed beautiful teeth, I realized that this was going to be harder than I thought.

I nodded, "I would love to get together again soon though."

The words were out of my mouth before I could even think. Crap. I was sure I had scared him away.

"I would love that," he said, sliding his hand into mine. "Can I at least drive you home?"

"I'm afraid if you drive me home, I'll want to invite you in." I blushed as I realized that I had just been brutally honest and ousted myself. I needed a quick save. "And that would be awkward since all the guys are there."

"All the more reason for me to drive you home, I would love to meet your roommates."

He shot me another one of those earth-shattering looks and held out his arm for me to take. Throwing all caution to the wind, I slid my arm into his and we walked to his car. Like a true gentleman, he opened the door for me and I slid myself comfortably into the crisp, leather seat.

I watched him gracefully walk around to the driver side of the car and slip himself in his seat. He quickly ran his fingers through his hair as he turned the ignition. We rode in silence for just a few blocks, yet it seemed like an eternity. I felt nervous. I wasn't sure why; maybe I was worried about the boys' reaction. As much as I hated to admit it, I really did care what they thought and I wanted them to like him because I liked him. A lot.

"A penny for your thoughts?" he asked as he reached across the center console and grabbed my hand. My heart fluttered again as his fingers linked with mine. Boy oh boy did I like him.

I turned towards him and looked at his perfect face, "I was just hoping the guys like you as much as I do." I felt my cheeks flush with heat, and I was thankful it was dark out so that he couldn't see the color changes in my face.

My stomach lurched as he pulled over to the sidewalk next to our place.

"Well, let's go find out shall we."

Of course, Bradley fit right in with the guys. Even Shane humored me and played nice. They talked about everything, ranging from sports (Bradley had played baseball in college), to their jobs, to family backgrounds. Before I knew it, it was 11:30pm and I was yawning. Bradley stood up.

"Well it's getting late," he said grabbing his coat, "I guess I should be going".

Like the big brothers they were, the guys stood up simultaneously. It was actually pretty funny to see. They all shook hands, saying their goodbyes. The boys then discretely headed off to their respective bedrooms, leaving Bradley and I alone. Obviously they were trying their best to be inconspicuous. I threw the afghan I had over my legs onto the back of the couch.

"I'll walk you out."

Bradley quietly took my hand again while we walked out to the sidewalk.

Even though I was exhausted I didn't want him to leave. "Thanks again," I said, "I had a great night."

"My pleasure," he gently lifted my hand and kissed it. "I hope we can do this again real soon Emma."

"Absolutely, just give me a call and we can plan..."

Before I could finish Bradley had his hand under my chin and tenderly placed his lips on mine. As our lips began to dance, I couldn't remember where I was, let alone what I had been saying. Boy, he was good! He pulled back and smiled and without saying another word he left, leaving me alone on the sidewalk with nothing but my thoughts.

It was all I could do to concentrate enough to find my way back inside the house. I closed the door and locked it, unable to wipe the smile from my face. I kept losing myself in the memory of his lips; the way they softly but passionately met mine. I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Tyler come out to the kitchen.

"Good night, huh?" he spoke, reaching into the fridge. He quickly grabbed a bottle of water and opened it for a drink.

I nodded. "Amazing."

"He seems like a nice enough guy," he offered, "I hope it works out for you Em."

"Me too."

Much to my surprise, Bradley called me early the next morning saying he wanted to meet up during my lunch hour. After a bit of playful banter, we decided to meet at the sandwich shop just around the corner from my office.

It took all the strength I had to make it through my morning meetings. Even Ginger noticed that something was up.

"Can you sign these for Jimmy, Emma?" she asked, sliding a clipboard on my desk.

I shook my head in an attempt to regain some control over my brain function. I picked up the pen and hurriedly scratched my name across the dotted line.

"If you don't mind me asking, is something wrong?"

I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "Oh, I just have a date with this guy at lunchtime and I can't stop thinking about him. It has been so long since I've dated, I just don't want to mess it up."

"You'll be fine," Ginger said as she smiled and picked up the clipboard, "Guys love you." Ginger did have a point because men did seem to love me. I drank beer, ate hot wings, watched sports, and I was good looking to boot. I was the perfect friend; just never the perfect

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