Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)
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“Shit.  I’ll make sure he’s ok.  You stay right there.   I’ve ordered security to your apartment; they’re checking the place now.  Perhaps it’d be better if you come to stay for a few days, so security can concentrate on one place.”


“If you don’t I’ll make it an order Anastasia.”

“I’ll think about it Mal.”

“I won’t touch you Ana. I promise. I’m just trying to make it safer for the both of us and easier on security.”

“Well, if I turn up you know who won.”

“Is there any progress on the files?”

“None since I left and I haven’t asked since I came back.”

“Stay safe Ana, see you later,” he hung up on her.

“Damn him,” she scowled.

“You want some coffee, Ana? Looks like you could do with one.”

“Ta Gina that would be lovely, what I really need is a soak in a hot bath,” she sighed at the luxurious thought.

“Stop giving me images, please Ana,” laughed Conrad, “I’m trying to work here you know.”

She looked at him thoughtfully raising an eyebrow, “as you should be” Quinton let out a laugh behind her. “Shut it you,” she turned quickly, glaring at him.

“I bet you look real cute in a hot bath Ana,” he wriggled his eyebrows at her making Conrad choke on his water. Colour shot into her face.  Deciding to get her own back, she looked at Quinton’s large feet; slowly she let her eyes creep up his body using her undressing eyes.  Lingering at his groin, he squirmed uncomfortably while behind her Gina nearly spilt her coffee as a grin spread over her face.  Ignoring Gina’s laugh, Ana continued looking, by the time she hit his eyes, he was as red as a beet, making her laugh uproariously.

“Nice body Quinton, shame about the face.” She turned away eyes sparkling with glee at his discomfort, “now Conrad how’s the research going?”

“Nothing, I don’t understand how he got in, no name changes, nothing. I’m just going to go through baby deaths the year he was born just in case it’s a stolen identity, it’s the only other way he could’ve managed it.”

“I’ll keep my fingers crossed,” she sipped her coffee, “what about you Gina, any luck yet?”

“There is something a bit twisted I just can’t put my finger on it.”

Quinton’s cell went off, ‘
War, huh, what it is good for, absolu
….’he hit the talk button while the others stared at him in disbelief bursting out into gales of laughter.

“Yes, no, can do, yeah, all right, see you soon.” Tears were running down Ana’s face, she held her aching stomach, her laughter finally subsiding. “Well, I think you’ll live a bit longer Ana.  Detective Moran needs a statement.  Your apartment is clear so let’s go sort this stuff out.”

“Good luck on his computer, text me if you find anything,” said Ana.


Ana arrived at the parking level with three security guards. They weren’t taking any chances.  Finally, she was allowed in the car; two got in with her, one driver in case a chase happened.  Fifteen minutes later Ana was at the police station in the interview room.  Quinton staying with her; his arms folded over his chest relaxing against the wall.  His grey eyes alert to everything around them.  Detective Moran entered, sitting across from her.

“I just need a statement about what happened.  Anything you can remember, your bodyguard was very lucky.  He just won’t be chatting for a while.”

“He’s ok then?”

“Yeah, he’ll live.  Right, I’m going to record this interview, tomorrow if you can call in I’ll get you to sign a typed copy.”

“Yeah, that’s excellent detective.”

Ok, let’s get this done,” he said, switching on the recorder. “This is Detective Moran, interviewing Anastasia Belaruski at 6.15pm on Tuesday 27th March 2012 re car explosion at Garrett Towers, New York,” looking straight at her. “Please try and recall all you remember of the incident.”

“I came down the elevator with Abraham, who was my security detail, as we approached my car I bleeped my key to unlock it; the car lifted off the ground exploding.  The force of the blast threw me into Abe’s arms.  Grabbing me, he turned his back as we hit the deck, scraping my face.  Abe took the main force of the blast on and over his back. I saw flames too; then it disappeared; retreated back; smoke was smouldering around us.  Coughing Abe was helping me up, looking at the mess around us.  Next minute I dove to the ground.  Abe took at least a couple of bullets falling between two cars, well what was left of them,” sighing she took a drink of water flicking her hair out of her eyes. “I rolled over to the other side under a car.  I called to Abe to see if he was ok.  I didn’t get a reply.  Next thing I heard, was the elevator ping, a woman’s scream abruptly cut off,” she shuddered. “I think the woman was shot. I’m sure I heard pfft. The gun obviously had a silencer on it.  I heard footsteps approach where I was hiding so moved further back; I’d already hit my emergency button on my phone.   A menacing voice yelled out something ‘bitch’ was part of the sentence.  I heard Yuri’s voice, and then a gunshot, whoever he was is dead.  I can’t remember anyone telling me.  It was crazy as reports came in.  I did learn the woman was dead, a shot to her head.  I’m sorry for that I know it could’ve been me.”

“Any minor details you can fill in?”

“Nothing I can think of right now Detective. If I do remember, I’ll let you know. Have they identified the bastard who tried to kill us?”

“Still working on it, as you said, he died at the scene, so he’s in the morgue.”

“Okay thanks, you mind if I get off home now?”

“Not a problem Miss,” turning the recorder off, “Thank you for your help, I’ll have this ready for you to sign tomorrow.”

Back in the car they headed for her apartment in silence.  Everything around them looked normal, cars on their way home, shopping, some probably going to work, kids laughing and screaming, beggars on the corners.

“What I need is some countryside, maybe a holiday in the sun,” she sighed.

“Well, if you pack a bag, I’ll take you to a country manor, beautiful gardens with an indoor heated swimming pool.”

“Are you trying to romance me, Quinton?”

“Nah, that’s Malachy’s place,” he laughed, “That’s where we get to go next.”

“What do you mean we.” she exclaimed narrowing her eyes at him.

“Well, you get to your apartment, pack a bag and I take you to Malachy’s.”

“Hell no,” she said.

“Hell yeah, Ana, you either go or I carry you, bag or no bag.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Yeah, I would, I have my orders,” he snapped out, “it isn’t as if Malachy’s going to eat you.”

Grumbling under her breath, she exited the car as soon as it stopped.  Quinton raced after her quickly as she took the elevator up; he missed it by seconds, “damn the woman,” he muttered.  Taking the stairs two at a time, he reached the foyer just as the door slammed shut.

“Ok, so if this is how you want to play it fine,” knocking on her door, “come on Ana or I’ll break your door down.”

“Leave me alone, I don’t want to go anywhere, let alone to Malachy’s.”

“You have a count of three to open this door, or I’ll break it down,” he started to count loudly, “One… Two…Thr…” the door slowly opened.

“No need to break my door, I’ll pack,” Ana stormed off to her bedroom slamming her door.

“Women,” muttered Quinton.


Ana began to pack her bag, she would teach him a lesson, dragging out three huge suitcases she filled the lot. “Petty of me, I know,” she grinned.

Thirty minutes later, Quinton was pacing restlessly backwards and forward, hearing her door open he turned “about bloody ti.., what the hell is all this Ana.”

“My bags packed,” she said innocently.

“You can’t take all that.”

“Yeah, I can, if Malachy wants me there then, he’ll take me like this or not at all.”

“Fuck Ana, how are you going to get all that stuff downstairs?”

“Simple, you take these, I will grab this one, and off we go,” she smiled happily.


Finally, they arrived at Malachy’s house.  It was huge; Ana just sat gazing through the window her mouth wide open.

“Wow,” she whispered.  Turning swiftly to Quinton, she said, “So glad I didn’t turn this down after all.”

Pulling up outside the manor house, the front door swung open a man stood in the door arms crossed impatience moving across his face.

“You should’ve been here ages ago. What the hell happened?”

“This happened,” said Quinton climbing out of the car. He opened the trunk, pulling out three huge suitcases, making the man in the door curse sharply, “What the hell are you playing at Ana?” Recognising Yuri’s voice, she dimpled a smile.  “You wanted me, you got me, Yuri.  Help Quinton with the bags there’s a good lad,” she said, sauntering past him into the house.

Standing in the foyer, Ana stared around in wonder. “You like Ana,” said Malachy quietly from the lounge door.

“Yes, you’ve a beautiful home Mal, now where am I supposed to live I presume there’s a room for me?”

“Of course Ana, just go up the stairs, turn right and it’s the second door on the left.”

“Thanks,” climbing the curved stairway she looked down at Mal, “I’m sure it’ll do adequately.”

Yuri and Quinton entered the house, shutting the door. “What the hell?” Malachy exclaimed.

“You wanted her here you got her boss.   I think she must’ve packed everything just in spite of being ordered around.”

“Well, she’s in the room second left at top of the stairs, sorry I can’t be of any help,” he grinned at all the baggage.

“Yeah, I bet you are,” muttered Yuri.

Malachy returned to the lounge, sitting in front of the fire a scotch in his hand deciding he was going to enjoy this as much as possible.


“So there you are Mal, nice place you got here, surprised you don’t have a butler.”

“He’s off tonight Ana.” She gaped at him in shock. “I was joking Ana, don’t look at me like that,” he laughed. “It’s lovely to have you here.  Help yourself to a scotch; wine is in the fridge behind the bar.  I think I may have your favourite.”

“Thanks, Mal, how’re you feeling?”

“Good, all the better for seeing you Ana. I hope you had your grazes checked?”

“Yep, Gina cleaned them.”

“You’re a lucky woman, Ana, Scared the hell out of me when I heard.”

Turning from the bar, she walked right into him.  “What are you doing Mal?”

“Wanting you; worrying about you; caring for you.”

“I don’t want you Mal,” she lied through gritted teeth.

“I’m not going to hurt you Ana. I have one arm in a sling; it’s not as if I can do much,” he laughed walking towards her.

Mal puts his hand around her waist, drawing her closer feeling her heart rate increase. Smiling, he leant in pressing his lips to hers flicking out his tongue to taste her, wishing she’d kiss him back.  Ana stood still, not daring to move, with one hand on his chest, she gently pushed at his chest. “Please kiss me back Ana,” he murmured against her lips.  Instead, she pushed him again, sighing; he stepped back.

“Mal you promised not to touch me unless I asked, please stick to those rules or I’ll go back to my apartment whether you want me to or not.”

Raking shaky fingers through his hair, he looked down so she wouldn’t see the distress she caused him. In control once more, “My apologies,” he clipped, “it won’t happen again.

“I’m going to retire Mal. I’m exhausted after today’s excitement. I’ll see you in the morning, sleep well,” with that she turned, exiting the room.




“Fletcher, the boss wants to see you,” Ana said walking past his workstation.

“Thanks Ana,” gathering his folder, wondering why.

Fletcher’s a brilliant agent, devious and non-script.  His corn-coloured hair; pale blue eyes, let him blend into most backgrounds.  He excelled in disguises; meaning he could play all types of roles, his average height and slight build a blessing.  Entering the Boss’s domain, he sat in the seat indicated.

“Morning Fletch, sit down, you settling in all right?” said Malachy coolly noticing Fletcher’s reaction at his shortened name.

“Good thanks. I’ve nearly finished all the research for the project you gave me, just having a few computer glitches this morning.”

“I’ll get someone to look at it, never much wrong with computers these days.”

“True, it’s great having such excellent hardware.”

“I need you to either finish your report today or over the weekend.  Next week, you go on assignment.  It’s time to see how you work in the field.”

“Oh great, I was wondering when I’d get out,” he smiled. “What’s the assignment?”

“Well, I won’t throw you completely undercover just yet,” he smiled.  “Word has leaked out about a new virus which kills within minutes.  I’ve little information on it.  We don’t want it to get into the wrong hands.  Your assignment is to find out who leaked the info, as well as who’s collecting the knowledge.

“What sort of virus?” he asked shocked.

“Putting it bluntly Fletch, in the wrong hands, it could be deadly, especially since experimentation is still ongoing.  Keep this under wraps Fletcher.  Be cautious, this gets into the wrong hands; you could end up dead,” he said in a careful tone.

“Does this virus have a name?  Who are my contacts where will I be researching?”

“Here’s a list of contacts. You’ll be working at Haven Pharmaceutical as a security adviser.  The security boss and CEO know you’re one of my agents; the rest of security won’t, so you could say your half undercover,” Malachy grinned.

“I’ll have the other reports to you on Friday sir.  I’ll report to Haven Pharmaceutical on Monday morning, seven, I presume?”

“Yes, you got it in one.  Oh, don’t forget to get your IDs from Hilton before you leave on Friday.  I have him working on them.”

“Yes sir, I’ll make sure to do that.”

“Any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.  Remember, you’re expected to report in every twenty-four hours as well.”

“Thanks for this opportunity sir.”

“Well, get you gone back to work Fletch, good luck.”

Fletcher walked out of the office, a smile on his face, ‘
at last, something he could sink his teeth into
,’ he thought.  Strolling to his desk, he found it amusing to think he’d be able to double-cross them with this, they wouldn’t have a clue.  Keeping his face carefully blank, he sat continuing with his report.


Malachy was happy; he knew they’d got Fletcher hook, line and sinker.  It would be a few days before they knew if he’d taken the bait.  Tiredly he sat back wondering how this man made it through testing without any hiccups.  Whoever he was working for, were damn good at getting under the radar.

Shoving back from his chair, he exited his office, needing some fresh air. Garrett Towers had balconies mostly on the lower levels where the sun caught in the late afternoon.  Mal enjoyed the breeze on his face, ruffling his hair, making the red hints sparkle.  Closing his eyes, he breathed in deeply the city below smelt different from up here. On the way back to his office, he dropped into see Conrad and Gina.

“How’s it going?  Did you find anything on his computer?”

“Good to the first question, as to the second part we are still working through,” replied Gina looking up.

“Good, keep at it, where’s Ana?” he asked.

“Quinton took her to sign her statement; she’ll be back shortly.”

“Thanks, Conrad, I’ll see you both later.”

“Yuri, just a few moments of your time,” Malachy invited Yuri into his office.

“Everything is ready; we just need to keep this running efficiently. I hope he takes the bait; it’d be great to land a big fish soon.”

“Fishing, a favourite past time of mine,” smirked Yuri.

“How’s Abe?  I’d appreciate going to visit him before heading home.  I presume you can arrange it, check in with Ana too.  She may well want to go along.”

“Abe is good, still not speaking yet due to being on life support, the doctors put him in an induced coma for a few days while his body recovers,” said Yuri. “I’ll organise a plan with the lads to get you and Ana there safely.”

“You think they’ll attack again?”

“Depends on how quickly that sonofabitch gets hooked into his new assignment.  We can’t be too careful.”

“Right. Well, I’ve some paperwork to do, give us a call when you’re ready to leave.”

“Yep. Will do,” Yuri replied, “we’ll get him soon.”


“Thank you for coming back Ms Belaruski,” smiled Detective Moran, “did you remember anything else? Any minor detail could help with our investigation?”

“No, sorry I didn’t.”

“Just read this through; make sure we have it right then sign the bottom.”

“Thanks,” she smiled.

Quinton’s phone went off, ‘
War, what it is…..’
he quickly answered, glaring at Ana daring her to say anything never mind Detective Moran’s bewildered look.

“Yeah, ok, see you shortly,” he answered.

“Hell of a tune on your phone,” Detective Moran finally realised.

“Yeah, need to change it, getting me some serious shit,” he replied glaring at Ana. “Get a move on Ana, we’ve things to discuss.”

Signing her name on the incident form, she asked her final question. “Who was the hitman who shot Abe?”

“Hired Assassin name of Griffan no fingerprints on file, he’s an ex-Seal; his prints were altered.”

“How’d you find out who he was then?”

“Teeth, people forget we can ID them via their teeth.  He’s wanted in connection with other murders. It’s a pity he turned evil.”

“Thanks, I’ll let Malachy know.  Time to go Quinton. I’m all finished here.”

“At last,” he muttered.

Heading back to Garrett Towers Ana asked what the phone call was about.

“We’re going to pick up the boss and take you both to see Abe, presuming you want to go still?”

“Yes, I do.”


Since the car bombing in the garage level Yuri tightened security all over Garrett Towers, especially on the car park level.  Orders were processed, and the installation of cameras began, including by the elevators.  The building owner was looking into issuing pass keys to companies who leased offices though it would take time.

Everyone who worked in the building welcomed the new security measures.

The loss of Marigold Longburn sent shockwaves through the businesses.  She’d been a well-loved woman on the fashion scene.  Her death at the hands of an assassin due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time made many realise it could’ve been them.  Her funeral was to be held on the following Friday.  Most businesses had representatives attending, including the intended target; once again security would be high.


Arriving back, they quickly collected Malachy speeding out in the blink of an eye heading for Eastchester General Hospital.  Yuri was determined not to get caught unaware again. Arriving at the back entrance their security team escorted them to Abe’s room.

“Oh my god, all those tubes, are you sure he’s all right,” Ana asked anxiously.

“Yeah, I’ll get the doctor to give you an update, just remember he can still hear what you say Ana so stay positive.  He came through surgery fine, just taking a while to mend,” replied Yuri calmly.

“He’s a tough nut, couple of days he’ll be up laughing with us all.”

“Yeah, you’re right Malachy,” she smiled.

“Be right back.”

“I hope the company is paying for his medical bills Mal?”

“Of course, hurt in the line of duty, we pay.”

Ana approached the bed, sitting in a chair beside Abe taking his hand. “Thank you for saving my life.” She said softly, “I hope you get well and strong soon, miss having you around buddy.”

Yuri arrived back with the doctor. “So what’s the news; how’s his progress?”

“He’s steadily improving.  We hope to bring him around tomorrow if he stays stable tonight.   He’s making remarkable progress considering he took a hit from a bomb blast and a couple of bullets.”

“Mal, I’d like to be here when he comes round, in fact, I need to be here,” she pleaded, “I still feel at fault for all this.”

“We’ll make arrangements, don’t feel guilty Abe was meant to look after you.  He did a damn good job too,” replied Yuri.

“You trained him well Yuri.”

“Was there anything else you needed?” asked the doctor.

“No; thanks for your time.”

“Well, time for home Ana, take the rest of the day off.  I could do with some company.”

Reluctantly, she nodded her head in agreement.  Ana was still unsure about spending so much time with Malachy.  He made her body ache with desire whenever she was close.  It was all she could do not to jump his bones, knowing if she did, everything would change.  She wasn’t sure she was ready.


Arriving at Malachy’s house Yuri hustled them inside quickly and efficiently, at last they could both relax, have a quiet evening enjoy a meal together, if it were possible anymore.

Ana was such a welcome sight though it played hell with his restraint.  How he’d managed not to touch her in the car was incomprehensible.  His body screamed at the injustice of it all, just looking at her made him hard.  Why couldn’t she feel the tension in the air; Malachy sighed in frustration!

“You ok Mal? You seem a bit unsettled tonight.”

“Fine,” he snapped out.

Her eyes widened at his tone, taking in his rigid stance, lack of emotion on his face she realised they’d both changed.  “I should go Mal; this isn’t doing either of us any good.”

“Stay Ana, you’re most welcome. I’ll get over it.”

“You may Mal; I’m not sure I will.”

“So why don’t we find out Ana,” he whispered.

“Mal it would ruin everything.  How we treat and respect each other will change. You know it will.”

“What are you afraid of Ana?”

Shoving back her chair it thudded to the floor, walking around the table to Mal he turned towards her frustration showing in his blue eyes. Ana looked down at him in his chair, leaning forward putting her hands on his face, stroking his the stubble across his jaw.  Excitement instantly built inside pouring through her body.  Bending down, she pressed her lips firmly to his. Mal groaned deeply in his throat, wanting this so much.  Ana began to nibble at his bottom lip, her tongue flicking over it as she moved along.  Lifting her head, she looked at him again before standing, walking away.

“You see Mal I’m not scared of anything, least of all you.”

Mal was hard just from her kiss; standing, he hoped she wouldn’t notice his blood surge.  He strode towards her, standing so close she needed to tilt back her head to look him in the face.

“If you weren’t scared Ana, why did you walk away.  I was just beginning to enjoy your kisses.”

Ana slid her hands up his chest under his jacket feeling his intense heat, her hands reaching his shoulders, pushing his jacket off; it quickly slid to the floor.

“I’m not scared of you Mal, my body responds to you.  I am afraid of what my body wants, how I’m going to cope if I give my body over to you.”

“You think my body doesn’t do the same Ana,” he growled, shaking her, bringing her lips to his. His passion exploding as their lips touched, hot and demanding his kiss was brutal. Biting her bottom lip, gaining entry into her mouth, his tongue flicked over her teeth making Ana moan loudly.  Glad her hands were on his shoulders for support as her knees started to crumble. Mal rained little kisses over her face, finding her heat spots.

“Kiss me back Ana,” he murmured.

Her hands went around his neck, pulling her body in closer to his.  They fit perfectly; leaning in starting to kiss him back with a power she’d never known she possessed.   It’s too late to turn back.  Their friendship changed forever; they needed to get this passion out of their system.

“How’s your shoulder,” she asked, her fingers sliding across them.

“Happy to get rid of the sling, pleased to have you,” he groaned nibbling the corner of her mouth. “Please Ana…”

There was a knock on the door, jumping apart, breaking the kiss, backing away from each other as Yuri opened the door.

“Sir, Conrad’s found the info you wanted, he didn’t wish to wait until morning; says we’ve opened a can of worms.”

Mal breathed out a sigh of annoyance, “All right, we’ll meet you in the library in five minutes Yuri.  Is Conrad coming over or we linking into the bunker satellite?”

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