Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1) (7 page)

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“The bunker sir thought it was safer and more convenient for everyone.”

“Thanks, Yuri, we’ll be with you shortly.”

“So it begins,” sighed Ana.

“For us; or our fight for survival?” questioned Malachy.

“Both Mal,” she replied wearily, dragging her fingers through her long black hair.

“Let’s go and see what Conrad’s found.  We’ll talk about us after ok?”

“Yeah; what the hell now or later won’t make any difference to me,” she shrugged.

Striding across the foyer entering the library Ana saw the books and gasped. “Wow.” Like at the office three walls were full from the floor to the ceiling, stopping her mouth dropping at the sight, ‘Geeze,’ she muttered. 

The screen was over the mantelpiece, standing in front Mal with his hands behind his back waiting while the display flickered to life.

“What you got Conrad?”

“Well, boss, we found how Fletcher got in; we also found a link between two prominent businessmen, though we’ve yet to find out what the link is.”

“Good work, so tell us how he got in.”

“Fletcher was born for this role.  Someone has been planning for a long time. We’ve yet to find out whom!  The original is dead; she was stillborn.  The other was Fletcher, born the same day in the same place. The babies were exchanged for some reason. Their mothers never found out.”

“So how did you find out Conrad?”

“By digging deep sir, there was a hint about the swap, nothing more.”

“All right, what else. Yuri mentioned a can of worms?”

“Yeah, you could say that.  Two prominent men, one you have associated with in the past, in fact, you were at his house last Friday, Blaze Carrington. He may be into something big. I’m not sure yet.”

“Blaze, well sod it,” he turned to Yuri, “I need a recording of Blaze’s voice and whoever this other gentleman is, compare them to the tape Ana retrieved.  I’m not sure.  I think it’s Blaze on the tape.  Who’s the other gentleman Conrad?”

“His name is Philippe Haier.  I’m going to dig into both their backgrounds after we’ve finished the computer transcripts.”

“Did Gina find what was worrying her?”

“I’ll hand you over to her now boss.”

“Hi Gina, what can you tell us.”

“Fletcher has some rather exceptional skills Malachy; you’re going to have to be very careful around him sometime in the near future.”

“Do tell Gina.”

He’s more intelligent than we knew Mal. Some of his academics have been well hidden. He has a degree in Bio-Chemical Engineering as well as a Masters’ in Biology,” she said, “And that is just a start.”

“Well bugger,” muttered Malachy darkly.

“Found anything else Gina?”

“That’s all.  I’m trying to find out just how much he knows.”

“Thanks. Yuri screen off now, please.”

“Well, it looks like I gave him the right assignment then.  He’ll probably move quicker than we anticipated, I hope you’ve prepared your men Yuri?”

“Yes, I have two shadowing him at all times.”

“Well, you’d better get your men sorted for tonight, Ana, a nightcap?” he enquired.

“Yes, that would be great.”

Entering the lounge, Malachy poured them both a scotch on the rocks.  Handing her a glass, he stood leaning against the mantelpiece watching.

“Well, at least we know Fletcher is working with Blaze.” He sipped his drink, “So what about us?”

Ana looked up at him through her lashes; her whole body ached.  She’d always known coming to stay would be a bad idea.  Knocking back her Scotch; heat pouring down her throat, she wondered if it would give her dutch courage.

“I’m going to bed now Mal. You tempt me a lot; we’ll have to see what happens,” walking up to him she kissed him softly on the mouth, running her fingers through his thick bronze hair.  Pulling back, she walked out of the lounge without looking back, never noticing his wistful smile.


Mal followed thirty minutes later after checking in with security.  Hesitating outside Ana’s room, wondering if he dare, she was tempting him more all the time. His loins stirred at the thought of her in bed.  Shaking his head, he continued down the hallway. Stopping again; clenching his fists tightly he turned back to her room.  Quietly opening her door, he looked inside and smiled.

He saw her in bed, her laptop on her knee her hair tumbling around her pixie face in concentration; he entered.  Hearing the door close, Ana looked up, seeing Mal with his jacket thrown over one shoulder, his eyes dark with desire.  Approaching her bed, he towered over her.  Ana’s blood surged; her heart rate sped up desire exploding inside.

“Mal you shouldn’t be here,” she stammered.

“I’m exactly where I should be Anastasia with you always.  You make me feel like no other woman ever has,” kicking off his shoes, laying his jacket over a chair he sat beside her on the bed. “I need you Ana, desperately,” he reached up pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear, his finger smoothing down her cheek towards her lips.  A tremor ran through her body at his touch, licking her lips she replied. “I’m trying to work Mal.”

“I want to feel you Ana; your skin is so damn soft.  I want to feel my shaft inside you, have your heat wrapped around me.” 

Her breath caught in her throat at his words.  Trapped by her own feelings she raised a hand to his face, he caught it, dropping a kiss on her palm.  Trembling with desire, she closed her laptop, putting it on the bedside table the material of her negligee pulling taut across her breasts her nipples standing out pebbled against the silk.

Groaning Malachy pulled her swiftly into his arms crushing a kiss to her mouth taking it fiercely demanding.  Ana felt heat pool in her stomach as butterflies hurried through her, she kissed him back entirely lost in desire.

Her arms slid from his shoulders with trembling fingers she unbuttoned his shirt.  Mal tucked her hair behind her head; to give him access to her throat. He skimmed hot wet kisses across her skin, making her sigh at the delicious hum inside.  Making his way back up to her lips; Ana let her hands touch his naked chest for the first time.  It was a gloriously muscular chest with well-developed pecs; as hard as a rock; warm to the touch and smelt fabulous.  Ana placed little kisses on his skin, sliding her hands back up to his shoulders; she shoved his shirt off looking at his latest scar, kissing it tenderly smiling up into his dark eyes.

“I want to see your body Ana. You torment me every time I see your body sway past me,” he muttered. 

Sitting back, Ana relaxed into her pillows a seductive smile on her lips, her firm, high breasts pushing at the lemon silk of her negligée.  Leaning over he pressed his mouth against her nipples, making the nubs tighten, her wanton body aching for more.  Pulling at her nipple with his teeth, he felt shudders run through her.  Mal pushed the spaghetti straps off her shoulders, letting them fall, revealing her perfect breasts, taking a nipple into his mouth; he listened to Ana moan her blood stirring sweeping through her.   Ana arched her back as heat raced pooling in her loins, her hands pressing his head to her breasts wanting him to take more.  He took her other nipple, making her cry out.  Quickly her hands went to his pants; she could feel his erection through the fabric.  Pausing she held him in her hand, listening to him groan, feeling his shaft throb hard.

Pulling away, Malachy stood, removing his trousers and boxers, standing naked before her, she gloried in his solid masculinity.  He was a magnificent specimen, beautiful to behold, his erection throbbing ready and waiting.  Ana smiled, looking with admiration as he approached her bed flicking up the covers, looking at the rest of Ana’s curvy figure. Removing her negligee slowly smiling as her lush, lithe body was revealed to him in all its glory.

“You’re truly beautiful Anastasia.”

“As are you Malachy.”

Malachy pulled her down her bed, making her squawk. Lying beside her, he ran his hands skillfully over her silky smooth body.

“I always knew you’d have baby soft skin,” he said,  kissing her stomach.  His hands glided down her long, graceful legs, sliding his fingers up on the inside of her thighs making her shudder in anticipation.  Mal smiled up at her enjoying seeing the emotions roll over her face.  She squirmed as he touched her curls her breathing hitching when he tore her panties off tossing them behind him.

“Now we can enjoy each other fully Ana.”

“Oh god Malachy, you make me want so much more,” she groaned, “please don’t make me beg.”

“Touch me Ana; I want to feel your hands on me.”

A hand on his chest, she felt his heart hammering away.  Kissing him gently, lifting her head at his moan.  Lowering her hand she held his erection firmly; feeling its heat, his skin so soft yet so hard. He felt wonderful. Ana started stroking her hand up and down his pulsating shaft, her finger flicking over the tip.  It was his turn to shudder; she enjoyed letting her thumb graze over his engorged head, he jerked each time, his eyes opening when he groaned.  Reaching up, he trailed his hand back to her black curls touching her nub making Ana jump in shock, her desire building.

“You’re so responsive to me Ana,” he knelt between her legs, grabbing her arms above her head with one hand; touching her making her squirm desperately.

“Oh Mal, more please,” she panted, “I want you inside me, please,” she begged.

“No hurry Ana, all the time in the world.”

He touched her clit again, watching her explode crying out, her orgasm enveloping her.   Slowly coming back down, she felt him push a finger inside her hot wet sheath, wriggling his finger, he thrust it in further making her come again.  Screaming with her orgasm, Malachy lifted her legs over his arms grabbing her hips pushing his shaft slowly inside until he was deeply embedded, pushing past her tight muscles enjoying the feel of them clenching his shaft.

“Oh my god, Malachy, you feel so good, so big,” she moaned.

His eyes were closed, his mind blank his body trembling with feelings he’d yet to understand. Blood was pounding through him the feel of her tight sheath surrounding him. Slowly he started to move.  Ana arched her back meeting him as he kept sliding into her enticing him deeper.  Increasing their pace Ana’s eyes closed panting feeling her muscles starting to tense.  With one swift plunge, Malachy let his body and mind go, both crying out as orgasms seized their bodies, taking them both over the edge of sanity.  Shuddering out of control, he released his seed.  Ana clenching him harder milking him, they slowly came back to earth.  Malachy rolled to one side, keeping Ana in his arms.

“Well, you just blow me away Ana,” he said as he ran his finger down her side over her hip, “We fit like a glove.  You’re more than I ever expected.”

“Malachy, that was extreme, to say the least,” Ana laughed delightedly. “I find I want more.”

“You can always move in here permanently, when you’re ready, of course,” he amended as her face paled.

“No, I like my independence too much Mal.  You know that, let’s be lovers for now see how it goes.  If we do have something, we need to work it out.”

“I can deal with it, Ana.  Now if you don’t mind!” he said as he tweaked her nipples playfully “I feel like having another round, how about you?”

“My god, You’re hard again, talk…” Her voice trailed off as he once more started to arouse her overstimulated body to his heart’s content.




“Look Carrington this is the opportunity we’ve been waiting for, my boss is getting anxious.  So what’re you going to do?  Are you going to bring Haier in on this?  I need to know as soon as possible while I go and examine these notes on this virus.  I’m sure it’s the one we need to bring Malachy down on his knees.”

“I’ll need twenty-four hours Fletcher, how sure are you of this formula?”

“I’m working on it.  It looks brilliant on paper.  I think it’ll need a few tweaks to get it to function properly.  I’m sure you have plenty of people we can try it out on.”

“Yeah, Malachy’s top of my list,” snarled Blaze.  “He’s got too close too often.”

“Can you arrange a private lab with a lab assistant who knows his chemical formulas plus biology?  We could have this sorted within a week.”

“When everything is ready I’ll let you know Fletcher.”

“Good,” he closed his prepaid phone knowing he could never be too careful.  One false move and all could fall around his ears.

Returning to his condo, he used his debugger finding nothing amiss. He didn’t realise the bugs planted received a new specialist coating concealing them from any known debugger.

Sitting at his computer, he entered the information.  It was here he could recalibrate the formula to fulfil his quest.  Why his boss wanted Malachy out of the way, he’d no idea, there again he didn’t know who his boss was either.  He was a voice on the end of the phone or a shadowy video.

Pity, his minions, missed killing Malachy the first time should’ve been easy, obviously he’d been wrong.  Mind the pleasure of seeing Ana come back to the office all shaken by the blast in the garage was sheer joy.  He smirked behind his hands, laughter bubbling up quietly through his body.  How he’d kept his face straight, he didn’t know.  Sneering, he knew he’d get them both once he’d perfected the virus until then he’d wait. 

On Monday, he would see if a batch was ready at Haven Pharmaceutical.  Many of the restricted chemicals he needed he could get off the black market.  “Going to get you both this time, nobody will know what happened,” he laughed loudly at the thought of their untimely deaths.


The Voice found the goings-on amusing, a little push here, a little push there made chaos reign. He laughed uproariously.  Having Malachy to work against was a dream.  The dratted man had outdone him too often, just like his father. Revenge was going to be sweet.  As for the girl, maybe she’d come in useful.  Anastasia’s mother had been a tasty morsel he’d enjoyed taking for many years the nicest of his whores.  It was strange how life went full circle.  Making Anastasia, his whore would be just delightful.  He laughed maniacally at the thought.


Abe was finally off life-support.   Ana held his hand, waiting for him to open his eyes. She was pleased he was breathing on his own now. It made her feel better; the relief was enormous.  She squeezed his hand gently in encouragement, looking over her shoulder at Mal. Suddenly, she felt pressure on her hand.  Jumping up Ana looked down into Abe’s face as he opened his beautiful sea blue eyes.

“Abe, how are you feeling, oh my God it’s good to have you back.”

“Water,” he whispered.

“Yes, of course,” pouring water into a glass she grabbed a straw so he could drink.

“Better, thanks,” he said hoarsely, “Need more.”

“Take your time Abe, we want you better.”

A weak smile crossed his face, “happy to see you’re all right Ana.”

“Thank you for saving my life Abe.” Bending down, she kissed his cheek making his pale face flush.

“Hi Abe, once you’re back on your feet, we’re giving you a week’s downtime.  Visit your family if you can.  We’ll put you back into training after, so you can work your way fit for duty.”

“Thanks, Sir, that’ll be great, sorry need sleep,” he went out like the blink of light.


Returning to Garrett Towers, they both wrote their reports.  Boss’s needed appeasing, and though Malachy was the boss, he also had reports to do for various government agencies.  Next week, Ana was going back to Trengrove, since the shooting, he wondered if he should do the same, it may make it harder for them to keep their affair secret.  He still couldn’t believe they’d enjoyed mind-blowing sex last night.  Drumming his pen on his desk, he closed his eyes, thinking of her lush body, so deep in thought he didn’t hear the knock or the door open.

“Hey boss!” Conrad entered “Boss you ok?”

“Hmm,” he smiled, “what oh yeah, sorry, just thinking.”

“Must have been good thoughts best smile I have seen on your face for ages.”

“What do you want Conrad.”

“Here’s the rest of the data.  For your eyes only, I’ve forgotten what I found already,” he said, placing a flash drive on the desk.

“What about Gina?”

“Yeah, same applies all info on the stick.  Gina has conveniently forgotten to.”

“Have you passed the extra info on to Fletch? Or was Gina first?”

“Me, I’ll sort it out this afternoon, not a prob.”

“Good, let me know how he reacts.”

“Will do sir,” he said cheerily, walking out.

Mal’s phone rang.

“Afternoon Cameron what can I do for you?”

“Can you get down here quick like?  I just found something you should really see?”

“Ok, on my way.”  Out his door, he quickly took the elevator down to Cameron’s lab.  “What’s going on Cam?”

“Well, firstly you were right the second voice was Blaze Carrington.”

“Sonofabitch, I knew it, damn the man,” he said wearily, “what else have you got?”

“He’s attached to something real big and extremely nasty!  I found these in a locked file on the memory stick Ana gave me.”

“Tell me why I’m not surprised!”

Looking up Malachy watched as pictures of women with dirty, lank hair, chained to beds, you could see their wide eyes made them look like drug addicts, each one lay on a dirty mattress.  The women had scars on their arms.  Someone had obviously been administering drugs keeping them high.  Their clothes were near rags; they were all slim; young; hollow-eyed and lost.

“Fuck, what the hell’s going on, how come Ana didn’t mention this?” he said in anger.

“Most agents just download everything and don’t see what they have because they’re in a hurry.  I know she printed most of the photos from her camera.  How come she missed this data, I’ve no idea.”

“Are there documents related to these pictures?”

“No, sorry there isn’t. Are you going to show Ana?”

“Leave it with me.  I don’t like what it probably means, thanks for the tip,” he smiled slowly.  “I’ll get Enrique onto this, he at least can tell us about the drugs.  Can you enhance the photos, Cameron?  Then Enrique can see if these women are missing or presumed dead?”

“Yes, of course, you want me to email them to Enrique?”

“No, would be better if you used a flash drive.  I’ll organise a conference room for him with a secure computer; nobody is to know about this until I give the word.”

“Yes sir.  I’ll deal with it.”

“Thanks Cam, good work, by the way,” he said, slapping him on the back.

Wearily Mal walked back to his office, taking the stairs.  Halfway up the lights flicked out.  Stopping, he listened hard to see if anyone was on the stairs, cautiously he continued up, taking his Walther out he primed it just in case.  Nearly at his floor Mal heard a shuffling noise, looking up, he heard steps from above.  Quietly up the last few steps he leant back against the exit door, his Walther at the ready by his side as he waited quietly.

“Crap you scared the living daylights out of me, who is it?” Yuri said as he flicked his torch on.”

“Yuri what the hell,” said Mal with relief, “creeping around like that.”

“I ain’t creeping around; that’s you, boss,” Yuri growled.  “What the hell are you doing in the stairwell anyhow, you’re meant to use the elevator and put your bloody gun away.”

“Felt like walking when the lights went out.”

“Yeah, short circuit, just on my way to repair it.”

Mal barked out a laugh, “You’re a man of many talents.”

“Why you employed me isn’t it?”

Yuri opened the door, “don’t use the stairway again boss ok.”

“Yes Sir,” he saluted sarcastically.


Wandering back through the open office, he noticed Conrad taking to Fletch, Sylvia and Ana working together. Rosetta, of course, was on assignment.  Approaching Enrique he tapped him on the shoulder.

“My office right now Enrique,” Mal demanded.

“Y-yes sir,” he stuttered back as he hauled himself to his feet.

Sitting behind his desk, he liked the way Enrique stood to attention.

“Sit down for god’s sake Enrique.  I’ve a job for you; it’ll be for your eyes only at this stage.  I’m having a secure office set up for you with a safe computer.  I need you to go through some photographs and match them to missing women or Jane Doe records via the police, FBI, CIA.  Start searching for them locally, then across all states.”

“Yes sir, not a problem.”

“The photos are horrible Enrique, enough to make you sick.  Anything you find will need investigating, once you have a list. I’ll get Sylvia to work with you.”

“Make sure nobody sees the photos.  Cameron will deliver a flash drive to you.  Destroy the flash drive as soon as you’ve encrypted the photographs on the computer.  Is that clearly understood?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good, that’s all.  Oh, can you tell Ana I need to see her, please.”

Ana arrived moments later; she glared at Mal.

“You called sir.”

“Get off your high horse Ana, I need you to check out another office for Enrique, make sure the computer is secure too.”

“I’ll deal with it shortly.”

“What’s wrong? Get it off your chest.”

“What’s wrong,” she snarled, “Oh my God, please give me a break,” she prowled around his office.

“Anastasia sit down and shut up.  If it’s about last night, then get over it.  It’s going to happen again.”

Stunned to silence, she calmed herself watching him through her lashes, she was never this emotional what the hell was going on. “Apologies, I’m out of line. I don’t know what’s wrong for some reason I’m tense.  As for last night it was fun,” she ended with a wry smile.

“Well, I am glad you enjoyed yourself, meanwhile, could you sort out secure space for Enrique.  I’ve just given him a new assignment; he may need Sylvia a bit later.  Have you finished your reports?  If so, after the funeral, you can go straight down to Trengrove.”

“Will you be going Malachy?  It may be wise to.”

“I’ll probably join you a bit later, a few items to sort out here first.”

“Think about it anyway.”

“Yeah, I will, sounds like you’ll miss me.”

“Now why would I miss you,” she laughed as she strolled out banging straight into Fletcher.

“Soz Fletch, didn’t see you there.”

Entering the office Fletcher put down his final report for his last assignment.

“Well done Fletch, since you’ve finished early, you may as well start on some of the research needed for Monday.”

“Good idea.  I’ll look into it in the morning.  I was wondering if I could take the rest of the day off, my mother’s birthday soon and I haven’t got her a gift yet.”

“Well, you can’t forget it.  Mothers are the most important people in the world.”

“Exactly, so I presume you don’t mind then?”

“No, off you go.  Having the report on my desk now is great.”


With a nod, he smiled in a buoyant mood.  Now he needed to see if Blaze had sorted out a laboratory and lab Assistant for him.  Collecting his coat Fletcher left via the elevator rubbing his hands together, not realising he’d a security tail on him. The security detail were like ghosts in the night. They would have him soon if he missed a step.

Fletcher returned to his apartment.  Changing his clothes disguising his face, he made it fatter, a blonde wig with a baseball cap on, a few bits of padding on his body.  He walked out; nobody would recognise him, he was confident about that.  Whistling, he walked down the stairs and out the front door hands in pockets hiding in plain view.


“What the fuck do you mean you lost him, how the hell did that happen, you bloody idiot, crap now we don’t know where he went!” ranted Malachy

“Sorry Mal, all we know is he ain’t in his apartment.”

“What are you going to do? Yuri.” Mal said furiously.

“We’ll view the video of people leaving the apartment block from thirty minutes after he entered; it may just be possible he’s on it somewhere.”

“Well, get to it,” he snarled.


Meanwhile, Fletcher met with Blaze at the Red Squirrel one of his favourite restaurants, excellent food with booths at the back where nobody could see you from the windows.

“So Blaze, you got news for me, the boss wants to know.”

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