Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)
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“Well, luckily I finished my assignment Mal, trouble’s brewing.  I overheard a conversation; someone wants to take you out of the picture this may have been something to do with your car chase.”

“Take me out, ah shit I’m only a bloody office droid these days, you’d better get Yuri in here, he needs to know what’s going on.  Did the rest of the assignment go all right?”

“Yes, got them hook, line and sinker Mal,” standing she whispered through the door to Yuri, who entered moments later.

“What’s going on,” he said, crossing his arms, making his biceps bulge.

“New info Yuri, someone is out to get Malachy.  I’ve no idea who, I didn’t recognise the voices, though I do have a recording of the conversation.”

“We’ll do a voice analysis at the lab Monday, see if we’ve any matches with staff and or other criminals,” said Mal.

“Yeah, we can do that Mal,” turning to Ana Yuri asked, “Do you want me to pick you up on Monday.”

“No thanks, Yuri I enjoy driving my Porsche,” she grinned.  “Since the boss’s ok, I’ll get going.  I shouldn’t have worried after all.”

Malachy smiled, “It was lovely of you to come rushing home Ana,” he said smugly.

Muttering about men in general, she left the room, heading back to her apartment.

“Boss I think the lady likes you,” he grinned.

“Shut it Yuri, it’s bad enough, she works for me.”

“The police took the slug.  Looks like a 9mm, you’re lucky you took evasive action, or you’d be dead.”

“For now we’ll let the police investigate,” said Mal, “I’m sure we’ll work out who it is faster, especially with those voice recordings Ana has.”

“Yeah maybe, you want me to put a guard on her too?”

“Good idea Yuri, don’t let on eh or I’ll get an ear bashing,” he grinned.


Ana woke up at eight the following morning and drove her Porsche to work, ringing Yuri on her phone for updates.

“How’s the boss today, Yuri?”

“Fine, I just dropped him off at home.  Abraham’s keeping an eye on him making sure he doesn’t get into any more trouble,” he chuckled.

“Good,” she laughed, “I have the photos, a transcript and some extra downloaded info I found.  Here’s hoping Cameron can work his usual magic.”


The computer lab was huge; it took up a whole floor of the building.  The labs are divided into four different areas of expertise; with one overall boss Cameron.  Cameron was a tall, lanky fellow with long, dark brown curly hair, which looked like rat’s tails.  He had an enormous nose and a mouth which didn’t at all match.  His face was like a puzzle, thrown together for a laugh.

Cameron knew everything about computers or so he thought.  He was a great computer nerd his shining glory was the computer standing in the centre of the lab, connecting all the different areas together.   Cameron had built the central computer from scratch and would do so for years to come.

“So what’ve you for me today Ana?”

“Some photos which need scanning, locking down in high-security.  A transcript, we hope it can identify some of the voices.  It’ll need checking with staff, associates and criminals we’ve voice patterns for.”

“Staff?” said Cameron, raising an eyebrow.

“Boss’s orders,” she shrugged. “Oh, and I managed to download this from their computer, no idea what’s on it.  I didn’t have time to look; she said, handing him the flash drive.”

“All right Ana, I’ll set this up and call you when I have results.”

“Thanks, Cameron,” she smiled, walking out leaving Yuri behind.

“So you hanging with me today Yuri, bosses orders I suppose,” he sighed

“Got it in one, you know someone tried to kill him on Friday night don’t you?

“When you’re buried in here you don’t hear much Yuri.  I presume since you say ‘someone tried’ that he’s alive and all right?”

“Yep, the old fox still has a few tricks up his sleeve yet.”

“He ain’t old Yuri,” laughed Cameron.

“He’s not in the field enough” Yuri snapped. “It’d be a smart idea if Malachy went back to Trengrove to retrain.”

“Right, you sit over there.  I’ll get this stuff sorted.”


Ana wandered back through the office; passing Sylvia and Rosetta’s desks.  Sitting down at her computer, she ran a debugging program sorting through her post and finishing her filing, the nitty-gritty of being an agent she sighed.

“You ok Ana? Bit of a sigh there,” grinned Duggan looking across at her.

“I hate admin,” she admitted. “Did I miss anything interesting?”

“Nah, not really, only Malachy’s car accident, seems he was lucky to survive.”

“Yeah, I saw on the news, the car was a write-off.”

“Pile of ash and melted plastic, more like.  Heard on the grapevine, he went to a fundraiser at the Carrington’s taking a stunning woman with him.  Apparently she was a shock to the socialites.”

“Oh yeah,” raising an eyebrow, “I can’t imagine Mal shocking the social scene.”

“Well, he or should I say the mystery woman did.”

“Whatever,” she laughed.  “How’s your work going, any news yet Duggan?”

“It’s hiding somewhere right in front of me.  I just have to find it.”

“One of those,” she grinned, “well you’d better go and hunt it down, I need to sort my mess out, hopefully, won’t take long.”

“Ok,” he put his hands up, “hint taken.”

“You deal with him well Ana,” grinned Sylvia

“Thanks, Sylvia, he’s a great guy,” Duggan winked at Ana for the compliment.

Head down, she tapped away at her keyboard opening emails, securing reports from the flash drive. Putting her headphones on, listening to opera which was helping to calm her jangled nerves, everything disappeared into the background.  She nearly missed the incoming message from the lab.  Setting her passcode on her computer she pushed back her chair entering the elevator, it seems news was to be had.  Using her passkey she opened the door, entering to find Cameron talking to Malachy; sighing she approached them hands on hips.

“Shouldn’t you be at home resting Mal?”

“Nope, I prefer to be here, having nothing to do was driving me nuts.”

Malachy looked his usual elegant self, his arm in a sling; all he needed was an eye patch he’d make a great pirate.

“So do you have anything for us Cameron?”

“Yes, I do, we’ve a voice match.”

“Already, who?” she asked.

“One of your agents Malachy,” he sighed.

“So someone did get through, damn, tell me who the hell’s betraying us.”

Mal pulled a hand through his hair, irritated that Ana was right, someone had somehow slipped through their security net.

“Fletcher,” replied Cameron, “a perfect match.”

“Want me to go and grab him now boss, he’s in the office,” Yuri snarled.

“No, we’ll have to beat him at his own game Yuri,” turning to Cameron, “let’s listen to that tape.”

After the tape had played there was no doubt it was Fletcher’s voice, as for the other one, Malachy knew he’d heard the voice recently, he just couldn’t remember where.

“Ana do you know that second voice?”

“It sounds familiar, though I can’t remember why, what about you?”

“I’ve heard the voice in the last few days.  I’ve no idea where,” he sighed, “maybe I’ve got concussion after all.”

“It’ll come back, or we’ll eliminate where you’ve been in the last few days other than in the hospital.”

“Well, first let me have a look at those documents you managed to retrieve maybe they hold a clue to who’s behind all those deaths.”

“Cameron, could you switch the focus to them now please,” asked Ana.

“Certainly, hang on,” he muttered while swivelling in his chair to another part of his computer, “Here you go they’re on screen two.”

“Thanks, Cam.”

Malachy stood, walking closer to the photos, reading what he could understand, “can you translate this Cam?”

“Yep, I’ll do it now.”

“Ana we’ll have to go to the Bunker so we can discuss what we’re going to do, you or should I say we’ll need a team.  Security can help and two agents you trust beyond doubt. Can you sort it while I finish here?  I’ll meet you in the bunker in say thirty minutes.”

“Yes boss, see you shortly.”

“Ok, try again Mal, I’ve translated all into English.”

Wandering back over to the screen Mal scanned the documents.  He was searching for words or names that would ring a bell.  His eyes lingered beside a name it registered in his brain, ‘
well, well
,’ he murmured.  He continued to read until he reached the last document.  Straightening, he smiled, turning back to Cameron.

“Cameron I need you to scramble those documents, seal them to high-security again, Yuri, come with me, we’ve much to discuss.”




The Bunker wasn’t underground as the name suggests.  It was a high-security area for emergency sessions.  It had double thick brick walls, soundproofing and no windows, and this gave the Bunker its name.  Everyone, who entered the room, was scanned automatically by security.  All agents entering the Bunker were checked for weapons and recording devices. The Bunker is debugged on a daily schedule by the duty security team.  Nobody could enter without a pass key with a code automatically changing each day. 

The Bunker was set out like any big corporate boardroom. It held an impressive oval oak table with twenty black leather swivel chairs surrounding it.  At the far end of the table sat telecommunications equipment including a screen on the wall. In front of each chair folders, pens and flash drives, were ready to use.  All dangerous information stayed secured on a double coded touch screen computer sitting on the right-hand side of the bunker.


At eleven-thirty agents and security gathered in the Bunker, Malachy the boss, Ana, Conrad and Gina her chosen agents, along with them were the security team headed by Yuri.  Sitting at the oak table, they waited for Malachy to inform them what was going on.

“Right, since no introductions are necessary I’ll get straight to it.  Firstly, as you may have gathered this is strictly confidential material.  What you hear today stays in this room.  Any questions folks?” He poured a glass of water as he continued “I’ll pass this meeting over to Ana, who can give you a brief outline of what’s happening.

“My latest assignment has finished,” she said.  “My main observation is we’ve a traitor within our organisation.  I managed to get a voice recording of two men. On the tape, it’s suggested Malachy, and I be taken care of,” she smiled sarcastically. “Well, as you know an attempt on Malachy life has already happened.”

“So who’s the traitor, Ana?”

Holding up her hand for quiet, “let me finish.  Cam did a voice print analysis of the recording getting a perfect match with Fletcher one of our newer agents.”

“How the hell did he get through?” said Conrad angrily.

“We don’t know yet.  That’s one item Gina, and you will look for. Fletchers files, application, training, etc. will be re-opened.”

“What is going to happen to Fletcher?”

“It has…,” began Ana

“I’ll answer that one,” responded Malachy. “For now he’ll be watched.  Tonight his office computer will be searched and bugged. Presently security team B is bugging his apartment.  We’ll feed him false information at an appropriate time, trapping him in his own game.”

“Why not take him out,” frowned Gina, “You’ve enough evidence.”

“Yes, we do.  We still need to establish the second voice. I know I’ve heard it somewhere recently, though with my car accident,” he laughed, “I can’t remember, so we’re going to play the tape. Yuri please,” he said, indicating him to start the recording.

“Yes sir.”

Listening to the tape; the agents quickly recognised Fletcher’s voice. 

Faces held grim expressions at his callousness.  The other voice had no definite accent; he’s very well spoken.  They’d obviously enjoyed an excellent education.

“Does anyone have any ideas on the second voice?”

There were no offers.

“Well, it was wishful thinking.  The flash drives hold information for you to send or say to Fletcher.  Keep these flash drives on your person until you’ve memorised the info; after, please destroy your flash drive.”

“Ana, where will we be working?” asked Gina.

“Malachy has set aside one of the smaller conference rooms for your use, we’ll meet after lunch,” she smiled.

“What about us sir,” said Yuri.

“Your job at this stage will be keeping Ana and I safe.  I’ll let you decide who is working with whom Yuri.”

“I don’t need security,” exploded Ana turning to Mal enraged.

“This isn’t about your needs or wants Ana.  It’s about making sure you stay alive.  Remember they’ve already attacked me.  I could’ve easily died.”

With a furious glare at Malachy, Anastasia strode angrily to the door, slamming out of the Bunker. Conrad and Gina looked at each other in surprise; they’d never seen Ana in a temper before.  Getting up, they followed, noticing a wry grin on their boss’s face.  Yuri barely kept his face straight; his men just looked around confused at her sudden fuss.

“Well, that’s the end of the meeting then,” grinned Malachy, “Yuri, you know what arrangements to make so I’ll leave you and your men to discuss the situation further.”

“Yes sir, I’ve McDaniel’s with you until the next change over.”

“Thank you, Yuri.”


“What the hell do you think you’re playing at Malachy,” Ana exploded as she thundered into his office thirty minutes later slamming the door shut. “Don’t you dare put a guard on me!” she yelled.

“Do you know how beautiful you look when you’re angry Ana,” he growled.

“I want…What?”

“If you carry on like this you’ll just make me want to kiss you even more.”

Ana gaped at him in shock, a blush staining her cheeks as she processed what he’d just said.  Shaking her head, she replied.  “You can’t say stuff like that Mal. We work together, no office romances remember, your rules.”

Malachy sighed.  “I know Ana.  I can’t help myself; you mess my insides up.”  Looking up into her dark emerald eyes, he walked towards her, lifting his hand pushing her hair behind her ears.  Holding her chin, he pressed a quick kiss on her lips.

“Mal, please don’t do this to me, you’re confusing me,” narrowing her eyes thoughtfully, “or are you trying to make me forget about the bloody guard?”

He grinned quickly. “Ouch, you got me.”

Ana shoved her hands against his chest, walking him backwards into his chair. “You should be resting.  Stop trying to organise my life.  Keep your hands off me unless I tell you otherwise.”

“Ok, I surrender.  Tell me how you Conrad and Gina are going about this.  Is there any further evidence?  I just wish I could remember the other voice,” he sighed in frustration.

Turning away with a twinge of guilt Ana replied “You’ll remember Mal I’m sure of it, you just need to go back to before the accident.  As for evidence, the answer is no. Conrad and Gina are computer specialists.  If there’s anything to find, they’ll find it.  Conrad mentioned they were going to pull Fletcher’s computer apart tonight.  He won’t know any difference by the morning.”

“To set this trap I’ll need Fletcher in here first thing in the morning.  Once it’s in motion; remind the others to play their part.”

“Will you go home Mal, you tire me out.”

“Okay, I’ll go since you said rest is important.  McDaniel’s will be with me, so you don’t have to worry,” he smirked.

“Ha, worry about you Mal; I don’t think so.  I mean you got through a car chase with hardly a scratch.”

“Ouch, I suppose I deserved that too.  My shoulder should be okay in a couple of days, now get your work done Ana; please take care.”

“Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir,” she muttered as she strode out of his office.

Jiggling his keys in his pocket Malachy smiled, Ana always had an attitude.  Getting up from his desk, he walked to the window.  The city looked so big and relevant; his feeling felt the opposite.  This sudden intense attraction to Ana was weird.  Mirage caught him unawares, what the hell was going on.  Walking back to his desk, he rang his car service to take him home.  Leaving his office moments later McDaniel’s at his back, they went to the garage level.  McDaniel’s checking the car before letting Malachy climb inside, the driver ready, McDaniel’s beside him; they left the parking level for home.


“Hey Gina, how’re you guys going, anything new?”

“Give us a break Ana,” snarled Conrad.

“Hey, I was only asking,” she replied with a grin, hands in the air backing away quickly. “Slow but sure is what it’s going to be Ana,” Gina said mildly.

“Is there something I can help with?”

“Stop bloody hovering and go find something worthwhile,” snarled Conrad.

“Conrad, get a grip will you,” laughed Gina.

“Ok, I’m outta here.  I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Yeah, yeah,” grumbled Conrad making Gina smile.


Crossing to the elevator Ana stepped inside; as the doors began to close Abraham quickly stepped through the elevator doors.  A bit of a tough nut with a crew cut a jagged scar ran from his right ear to his throat making him look even more dangerous.  He stood beside Ana without saying a word.

“I don’t need a guard Abe, will you go away,” Ana hissed through clenched teeth.

“Boss’s orders, I just follow them.”

Ana exhaled deeply at the reply; she enjoyed taking care of herself.  Folding her arms, she strode into the garage level heading towards her car, pressing her electronic key, unlocking it.  Her Porsche blasted apart blowing her backwards into Abe’s arms.  Catching her Abe swung round rolling on the ground with Ana pinned under him.  Shrapnel flew in all directions; glass shattering over Abe’s back, some of it slicing through his body armour into his body.  Bright orange flames stretched out its fingers, grazing them with delight before retreating back to the car.

“Abe get off me; you heavy oaf,” she coughed as fumes swirled around them.

He didn’t move for a few moments, turning his face to hers; he grinned, “Have a problem with having a guard now Anastasia?”

“Hell no, you can be my shadow any time Abe,” she coughed.

Looking around at the mess, they slowly got up from the ground.  Abe put out his hand to Ana, slightly shaken; she grasped his hand just as his body jerked making him fall back on the ground.   Ana dived for cover realising there was a gunman about; grabbing her cell phone, she pressed the emergency code for Yuri.  Rolling onto her back, she glanced at Abe lying between the cars.

“Abe,” she whispered, “You ok?”

No response, she could see his blood pooling by his hand, she prayed to God he wasn’t dead.  Hearing the elevator ping she breathed a sigh of relief, hoping it was Yuri and the rest of his team.  A woman screamed; it was suddenly cut off, hearing pfft she knew the woman was more than likely dead.  Footsteps approached where she lay. Slowly Ana crept out from under the car, crouching by the wall wishing she’d remembered her browning.  The footsteps stopped hearing a thud and a moan she realised he’d kicked Abe, who was alive.

“Where are you bitch?” said a low murderous voice.

“You looking for someone,” asked Yuri

Quickly turning to a new voice the gunman aimed his Glock pulling the trigger just as he thudded to the floor with a knife in his throat.  The bullet ricochets off the ceiling spraying concrete chips around.

“Yuri, thank God, thought you were never going to get here,” she said. “Abe’s hurt, we’ll need medics,” she said, rolling out from under the car, where she’d hidden.  Standing, she crossed the floor to Abe’s side, “he saved my life, Yuri,” she whispered softly, “I hope he’s going to be all right.”

“Yeah, a tough nut is ole Abe, your car’s died a young death, Ana.”

“Humph, I am going to kill Fletcher for that.  It’s my first new car, the bastard,” looking at the mess, “I think he shot a woman too; she must have arrived moments before you guys did.”

“Yuri got a female body here,” yelled one of his men, “she’s dead with a bullet in the head boss.”

“Oh fuck,” Yuri growled, “this is going to make it messy, we’ll have to call in the cops.  I’ll ring Detective Moran since he’s investigating Malachy’s car chase. I’ll have you escorted back to the office,” he sighed.  “I’ll inform McDaniel’s. The last thing I need is Malachy turning up again.”

“Right, I’ll wait until given the all clear,” said Ana.

“Quinton, take Ana back upstairs will you; make sure you stay with her,” he said, narrowing his eyes at Ana, “she’s good at escaping places.”

Grinning widely, he looked at Ana with amusement, “Slippery as an eel aren’t you Ana?”

“When the need arises,” she smirked.

Back in the offices, agents looked up as Ana walked back in, shock on their faces at her torn clothing, scratches on her face and arms.

“Shows over folks, thank you muchly,” she said as she strolled into the small conference room, opening the door, she would have slammed it shut if Quinton hadn’t been behind her.

“Oh my god, what the hell happened to you Ana,” gasped Gina.

“Oh, just a little blow up in the garage, seems I’m minus my Porsche now,” Ana replied tiredly.

“I just want to tear the little bastard up now,” growled Conrad his fists clenching at his sides. “Calm down Conrad he’ll be brought down make no mistake.”

The phone rang; sitting carefully in a chair she ignored it. Gina answered a smile spread over her face, “It’s for you Ana.”

“What a bloody surprise,” she muttered. “Yeah, what you want Mal?”

“How the hell did you know it was me?”


“You ok, I just got the word from McDaniel’s.”

“Yeah, I’m all right, worried about Abe; they’ve taken him to the hospital.”

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