Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)

BOOK: Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)
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Hidden Secret




Claire Plaisted

Plaisted Publishing House Ltd

New Zealand

Copyright 2015 Claire Plaisted


All Rights Reserved

Published by Plaisted Publishing House


Please enjoy this novel.  In no way are any of the characters meant to identify with any living person. 

They are all the imagination of the Author



Book Cover designed by Claire Plaisted


Re-released as Hidden Secrets, formally Malachy’s Unit


To my wonderful husband and children for their love and support during the writing of this book


I would like to thank Tina Hill, Greg Sadler for their belief in me creating this and many other works.


Also, thank you to my Editor in training Sharon Houltham for all her hard work and encouragement throughout the

re-drafting process.



Thirty years earlier…


The testing had gone well.  Two of the women were pregnant.  He was well pleased with how his plans progressed.  It was a pity Joseph found out what he was doing.  No doubt he’d have to clean up in the not too distant future.


His baby would be trained even compelled to learn to the highest levels; his DNA included the best of the best genes.  He couldn’t wait for when the women to give birth to his babies.  Hopefully, this time everything would go well.  He didn’t want to lose any more whores he’d picked up off the streets.  It was the only reason Joseph found out. Muttering angrily, slamming his fists on his desk, he continued to plot his babies’ lives and education.


Twenty-seven years ago…


Garrett Investigations Bureau had grown substantially over the last twenty-four years.  Head office was in New York along with a training ground at Trengrove. 


Joseph Garrett started the business in late 1985 to investigate people who thought themselves above the law.  Working alongside government agencies, his agents helped bring down hundreds of diabolical people.  Sadly, in 2010 Joseph Garrett was murdered, leaving the business to his son Malachy, who was one of his top field agents. 




Malachy’s worst nightmare had come true.  He felt like an office droid, hating every single moment of the paperwork. He’d never wanted to be the boss. He’d enjoyed the field work far too much.


Irritated, she couldn’t explain why everything was going so wrong. Just for once it’d be good to have positive energies in her life. Sighing deeply, she took her long, slim, graceful hands from her face, running them through her waist-length hair. Wrenching herself out of the leather seat, she stood, letting out a quiet breath of frustration escape her.

Anastasia was a beautiful woman with long wavy black hair sliding over her shoulders to her derriere; emerald-green eyes usually sparkling with mischief, stared around the office listlessly.  To look at Ana had a fragile frame with delicate bone structure, her face almost pixie-like; a pointed jaw with high cheek bones a small straight nose. With her slim, willowy figure, many people made their first mistake; she wasn’t weak at all; men soon amended their ideas quickly. Ana was a strong woman who weight lifted more than twice her body weight.  She loved to see the shocked faces of her work mates during her training. Ana knew she’d many extraordinary skills.

Anastasia paced angrily in Malachy’s office, lifting precious items off shelves, putting them down none too gently.  Flicking through Mal’s collection of books, she noted they looked exceptionally old.  She’d never seen so many before; at home, she only read e-books.

The office door jolted open making her jump swinging round, the little colour she had, quickly draining from her face as she stared at the most intriguing male she’d ever known.  Snapping shut the door with a gentle force she realised she was in big trouble.

“What the hell do you think you’re playing at Ana? For god’s sake, that was just dumb. You’re meant to be my top agent,” he stormed.

How did he do this to her time after time, her heart thumped quickly at the sight of him, his melodious voice stirring her body.

“Hi Malachy,” she said softly.

“Is that all you can say,” he flung back furiously, throwing files on his desk. “What’s the matter, Ana? I’m sure you do this on purpose just to irritate me.”

“Wrong Malachy,” she replied calmly, lifting her chin, looking him straight in the eyes, “I’d not intended this to happen.” Shoving her hands in her jeans pockets, she turned away, stalking angrily over to the floor to ceiling windows looking out over their bustling city.  Calmer now; Malachy looked at her lithe body partly in shadow. “What did you intend?  You must have known it’d end in disaster.” He said softly as he calmly walked over to her.

Standing side by side, they watched as darkness rolled across the sky, night beginning to draw in, street lights flickering on.

“What am I going to do with you, Ana?  Everything you touch recently turns into a riot to some degree.  It’s as if you have a death wish,” turning he looked down into her perfect green cats’ eyes.  She felt herself tremble as he lifted her chin, wondering why Malachy suddenly affected her this way.  She couldn’t move.  It was like the headlights of a car immobilised her.

“Mal I just need to find out why this happened.  I promise I won’t screw up again.” His thumb smoothed its way across her lips; her heart stuttering, Ana knew she needed to step back, though she didn’t have the willpower to do so.

Her lips were so soft to touch, without thinking Malachy lowered his mouth to hers, pressing gently, his lips slid enticingly across her firm, lush lips as his finger had, enjoying her taste.  Her shiver made him pull back, realising with an explosive breath what he’d done.

“Apologies Anastasia, I’d not meant to do that, it won’t happen again.” Malachy turned, walking quickly back to his desk, sitting on the corner; he wondered distractedly what to do.

She was sharper than any agent he had. Quick on her feet, intelligent with a great talent for hiding in plain sight, how people missed her he couldn’t understand. His body craved her in a way he didn’t comprehend. Crossing his arms, he tried to calm his breathing.  Glancing up towards Ana, he watched her lift her head, her emotions once again in check.

“Mal, let me sort out my own mess.  I need to finish gathering the evidence, or this case will be closed unfinished.  I won’t let those bastards get away.  I want to see them go down for good.”

“They know who you are Ana, you were bloody lucky to get out with your life last night, never mind without a bloody scratch.”

“You know my talent Mal.  You know I can do this.  They won’t recognise me at all.  I promise no mistakes this time.”

Malachy sighed disgusted with himself, knowing damn well she was right. “This is your last opportunity Ana, screw up and you’ll be on leave back to the training ground where you’ll stay until everyone agrees you’re ready.”

“Yes sir,” she replied, a bright grin lighting up her face.  A beauty Malachy was fighting hard to avoid.

“Get out of here Ana, finish your assignment.  Once done get your ass to Trengrove. Don’t forget I want your report on my desk by week’s end.”

Head held high she strode out of his office without looking at him, still she felt eyes and smirks on her as she walked through the outer offices. They were all probably wondering what she’d done this time. 


Ana was a rebellious child.  At school, she’d bounce from one fight to another. Her parents finally sent her to stay with Aunt Rose. As a child, she never realised it was here her training began for her future career.


Aunt Rose was a little old lady in the eyes of eight-year-old Ana.  A neat lady with iron grey hair pulled back into a severe bun at the nape of her long, fragile neck. Ana took an instant dislike to her mother’s eldest cousin if they thought she’d rebelled at home; wait until she set her mark with the aunt, which unknowingly played right into her aunt’s hands.

“Welcome Anastasia, it’s lovely to have you here child.”

Ana looked up mutinously her long bedraggled black hair lying limply down her back glasses sliding off her delicate nose she mumbled.

“Thank you.”

With a sigh, Rose turned away. “Follow me child. I’ll show you to your room.” Dragging her feet, making as much noise as she could on the wooden floor, she made her aunt smile with delight. Rose knew she was going to have fun with this niece of hers.


Shaking her head to clear the memories Ana exited the building hailing a cab to take her home where she’d plan the next stage, making sure it’d work this time.  She knew failing would be her downfall. How the bastards found her out, she’d need to work out.  Ana was always so careful though strangely the last two assignments ended with her cover blown.

Settling into the cab closing her lovely eyes, resting her head, she went over her last two cases, was it possible someone within their organisation was a traitor. Memories of each moment flashed through her brain trying to pinpoint the errors.  Still nothing obvious alerted her. Ana was sure someone was out to finish her.

“Hey lady, we’re here.”

Slowly opening her eyes, she grinned at the cabbie. “Sorry, it’s one of those days.” Paying him off, she got out stretching her long slender limbs studying the outside of the building which held her apartment.  The apartment building looked very drab, the grey colouring matching the sky most of the year.  It was home, though including high-security.  A great doorman at the front desk often gave her a cheery wave. ‘
At least someone still likes me
,’ she muttered nodding her head in acknowledgement as she crossed the foyer taking the high-speed elevator to her apartment.

Ana was lucky to have half a floor to herself, thanks to her Aunt Rose. Smiling, she clearly saw what a woman Rose had been and what a ratbag like her needed at the age of eight.  With a gentle laugh, she recalled putting her aunt through all her stupid tantrums.


Opening her door, Ana pulled out her debugger checking each room carefully.  Even with her security she wasn’t taking any chances.  This time her plans would stay in her head nothing would be written down or typed into her computer, she’d go into it without anyone the wiser of how she’d carry out her mission. 

Checking each room was safe Ana went to forage in the fridge.  Getting out, her favourite wine, a good classic Sauvignon, pouring a glass, taking a sip of the cold fruity wine, she walked back to the lounge, curling up on the couch. Anastasia flicked on the stereo.  Her favourite aria blasted out of the surround sound relaxing her to near sleep.


Ana didn’t hear the knock on her door.  It was when the hammering started she finally roused herself.  Putting down her nearly empty glass sighing with disgust wishing people would leave her alone.  Looking through the eye-glass, she saw Malachy standing there, his strong, proud face showing frustrated anger.  Rolling her eyes Ana opened the door, turning away walking back into the lounge; easing back the level of music.  Curling up on the sofa, she relaxed, continuing to sip her wine.  Malachy stormed in his hands shoved deeply into his trouser pockets.  His long, elegantly dressed body was pacing back and forth.  Ana waited for the explosion that for once never came; pulling his anger back Malachy sat on the sofa opposite glaring at her relaxed body.

“Would you like a glass of wine Malachy?” she asked with amusement, “Help yourself, you should know your way around by now.”

“Why’d you do this to me?  You’re my best agent!  Now suddenly everything’s going haywire.  What the hell’s happening?”

“Precisely what I’d like to know Mal!  I think you have a rogue agent in your midst.”

“Everyone in the agency has a high-level security clearance; they’ve all passed the approval processes.”

“It doesn’t mean someone hasn’t slipped in unnoticed.  Put it this way since my aunt died in suspicious circumstances, things have been going wrong.  When I go back undercover this time, nobody will know what I’m up to, this includes you Mal.”

“Nice to know you trust me so much Ana,” he said blandly dragging his fingers through his short wavy bronze hair.  Glancing at Ana, his piercing blue eyes bored into her green ones making her stomach quiver; putting down her wine, she sat up her long legs crossed at the ankles. “What do you want from me Malachy, why are you here?”

With a quirky smile, he replied “I want you Ana and the glass of wine.”

Laughing delightedly, “well you can’t have me, it’s one of the rules in our world Malachy, one you made sure everyone understood,” she said raising an eyebrow. “Remember boss or do I have to remind you,” she said, strolling into the kitchen pouring him a glass of wine.

“Yeah, yeah, it doesn’t stop what I want does it?”

“Yes, it does Mal.  I’m not interested,” she said, turning back towards him Ana sashayed from the kitchen with her refill and a glass for him, “Here’s your wine.”

Standing by the sofa, he watched her toss hers back, “Thanks, Ana.”

“Why’re you doing this Mal?” she asked, putting her glass on a glass table.

“You’ve always been a mystery woman Ana. You don’t let people in.”

“What’s the point? They only end up hurting you,” she said, tossing her hair.  “You know I don’t need anyone else I’m self-sufficient thanks.”

“Always so strong, makes me wonder what’s underneath all your bravado.”

“I’m just me Mal.”

“Tell me Ana, what do you intend to do about this latest hiccup?”

“I said earlier to leave it to me.  I’ll report in once I’ve finished.  Meanwhile, I think you should look through all your staff files, especially those from the last twelve months.”

“I’ll do that.   It’s strange knowing you nearly got caught once never mind twice.  I don’t need to lose another of my agents.”

Ana smiled, pleased with the compliment, drinking her wine, she sat back on the sofa. “It’s time for you to go now Mal; I need some beauty sleep.”

“You’re beautiful enough now Ana.”

“Will you just go Malachy, stop the compliments please, you’ll drive me insane.” Mal knocked back the rest of his wine before catching her hand in his bringing her to stand in front of him; her heart stuttered once more at their closeness.  Ana stood perfectly still.

“Good night, Ana.” He said quietly, his mouth whispering gently over hers in a feather light kiss, “Take care, okay?”

Turning, he let himself out listening while she secured her apartment, a smile on his face he set off home.


Ana touched her lips with trembling fingers. He’d smelt so damn good. She’d wanted to taste him, “Oh god,” she muttered, “why this, why now,” calming her pounding heart she retired to soft, comfy bed.


Dreams turned to nightmares making Ana toss and turn.  Watching her partner Cain die with a shot between his eyes, she found it hard to control her heaving stomach; they couldn’t know he was with her.  Christ knows how they’d found out about Cain.  She couldn’t bear to lose another partner her face pale a gleeful voice beside her said. “Well, one down with one more to find, he laughed. Now who’s the second traitor in my organisation?” It was a lovely melodic voice which could hypnotise you, with the current amusement in his voice at Cain’s death he knew without a doubt another agent existed. Still pale, Ana took a grip of herself.

“Why do you think there’s another?” she asked quietly.

“I’m been informed there were two traitors Cherry darling, do you know anything,” he smiled viciously at her.

“No, I don’t Armando, are you sure Cain was a spy?”

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