Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)
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Armando smacked her across her face, leaving his fingerprints across her cheek, “Don’t ever question me Cherry.” Ana hands fisted knowing she would kill him for that one day very soon, “sorry sir.”


The dream changed; she was in Malta sneaking into a warehouse, through a small window to watch a drug deal take place, never realising someone had set her up. She slithered without sound across cardboard boxes looking down into the quiet warehouse. The massive doors rumbled open men rushing in waving guns around.  Their leader stopped at the table loaded with drugs.  Watching, he split a bag with his knife.  Wetting his finger the man pressed it in the powder, bringing it to his mouth.  His grin grew his eyes sparkling with pure pleasure.

“The stuff’s here, meaning our traitor’s somewhere close.  Find her.” He commanded quietly.

Shuffling backwards slowly, camera in hand Ana knocked a box making it rattle loudly, holding her breath hoping they hadn’t heard. Tension flowed through her body. Taking several digital photos, she replaced her camera back in her bag, ‘now to get out of this place.’ She looked on while they searched wishing they’d find who they were looking for and go away.

“Got her in my line of sight,” someone yelled. 

“I want her alive, bring her to me.”

A bullet whizzed past her ear, making it hum; Ana rolled into the gap between some boxes finally realising they were targeting her. Tension increased tenfold as she edged her way towards the window finding it blocked more bullets thudding into the boxes where she’d been. Lying down, she turned her mind to her training…


Waking, with a thumping headache pounding behind her eyes, weak daylight filtered into her bedroom as she struggled to open her eyes and focus for the day.  Groaning Ana rolled out of bed managing to find her feet before she hit the floor.  First a scalding shower was called for to loosen her muscles and wake her up properly.  Memories flickered through her mind still trying to comprehend how she’d nearly got caught.  Head to one side, she looked at how she escaped, but couldn’t fathom how the hell she’d gotten away.


Dressing in jeans and an electric blue t-shirt Ana made her breakfast, planning her day as she cooked toast and made her coffee. The first part of the plan was how to get inside the house; she’d need another disguise.  How she was going to get in didn’t unduly worry her yet.  She’d used Cherry, so she was out.  She’d not used Mirage for a long time.  Clever slinky, sexy Mirage a disguise she’d always adored, with her long thick purple hair and indigo eyes.  Mirage’s face was rounder, her skin tone a few shades darker; some padding making her hips more curvaceous nothing she could do about her height other than wearing extreme heels.

Rumours, a party were being held at the house in two days, meant quick organisation. Shopping first, preparations, weapons, luckily she already had the mini camera.  Ana mused over everything, knowing this time she’d succeed or die trying.


Malachy was exceedingly restless.  He hated his office, and the work entailed to him as the boss. He’d always preferred fieldwork.  Ever since his father died, he’d found himself stuck writing reports.  With a heavy sigh, he opened his computer going into the encoded staff profiles, starting with those new to the company.  The last twelve months would be a good start, maybe Ana was right, though there’d only been six new agents.  All agents went through vigorous testing; including deep background checks.  He couldn’t understand how someone could’ve slipped through.  Tapping away, he opened his files. 


Duggan Davies, aged thirty-six, rugged good looks; ex-football player loved by fans worldwide, hard, fast with a quick brain that helped in emergencies.  He’d excelled in every area of training, shooting with the highest score ever.  Duggan also loved paperwork, making a mental note on that Malachy smirked.

Rosetta Winfield was aged twenty-six recruited by the FBI straight out of college due to her interest in futuristic computers and electronics.  Malachy smiled as he remembered snatching her away from them with a huge pay offer as well as specialist training.  She now worked as a Computer Analyst breaking codes and finding traces or shadows; which tended to be intricate work.

Enrique Accardo aged thirty He was of mixed European heritage.  Tall and dangerous, his thick brown hair and stormy blue eyes caught many women’s attentions; his rugged good looks, defining him.  Enrique trained at Trengrove with Matt; he’d recently passed his last exam, giving him full clearance for assignments.  He is an expert in bomb making and infiltration, gaining top marks in those areas.

Hilton Mascosta aged twenty-seven was a tough dude; his best work was forgery, he was artistic to a T.  He was a black belt master and excellent with a sniper rifle.  His short, stocky frame made many ignore him; he wasn’t a handsome man with his black ponytail and hazel eyes; his fists gave a hell of a punch.

Fletcher Hardwick aged twenty-nine, none script man who paled into any background, excellent at going unnoticed, devious and sly he’d come through one assignment with high impact.  His skills were impressive, even though tended to be a loner.  His scores were average to high depending on the area of training.  He was a good shot, though doubtful he would survive in a full combat situation.

Sylvia Carson aged thirty-eight, their oldest new agent.  She could be a confusing woman. She was excellent at word play with a strong personality who loved using her fists.  She was tiny in stature making her look as dangerous as a mouse.  Sylvia wouldn’t let anyone walk over her.  A volatile temper when aroused. When her talons came out, you kept your distance, better than a scratch.  Sylvia was excellent with a gun and martial arts, though her favourite pastime was photo analysing.

“So who’s my traitor,” Malachy muttered, “and why!”

Delving deeper into each file, he read the reports, looking at who’d worked with who, the only one with connections to Ana would be Enrique, who could’ve met her at Trengrove.  Shaking his head, he couldn’t imagine Enrique sabotaging Ana, along with that he’d not been with the agency long enough. Still a deeper investigation would take place just in case.  One of Ana’s near death episodes had happened before he joined, so it should count him out.  Who else could he eliminate from his list! 

“Rosetta was in after the first incident,” he muttered, “so unlikely to be her. That leaves me with Duggan, Fletcher, Sylvia and Hilton, ok where to begin,” he sighed. 


A knock sounded at the door.


“Sir, I’ve looked through the assignment you gave me, I’m so ready to go undercover,” she grinned. “Could you sign these forms off so I can order the items I’ll need from Trengrove,” she said smiling.

“Certainly, I know you’re ready Rosetta, so take care.”

“Yes sir, it’s going to be a real challenge for me.”

“Right, let me see your lists.” Handing them over Malachy slowly read down raising his eyebrow a few times before signing off the forms. “Good luck Rosetta, remember to report in every twenty-four hours, or I’ll send someone in after you.  I’ll make sure a team is ready to get you out on short notice.”

“Thank you, sir,” she grinned


Exiting the bosses office, Rosetta crossed to her desk, her anticipation growing.  It was her first solo assignment for the company; she’d been waiting weeks to get her teeth stuck into something real.


Looking deeper into the remaining four agents, he clicked on Duggan’s profile, a handsome man with a mane of bright blonde hair, whiskey brown eyes.  His nose crooked from been broken numerous times in his football career.  A tough nut who’d fit any surrounding which is why they’d employed him.  His bank records were clear, his criminal record only minor issues.

Malachy decided to go a level deeper initiating the deep cover passcode.  Once in Malachy scrolled through each area of Duggan’s life. He printed off a list including his parents, siblings, work and friends, also including offshore investments.  Malachy continued with the other three agents adding Ana in at the last minute to make sure there were no crossovers.  He was sure he’d find a match.

Doing office work wasn’t so bad, after all! At least it kept his thoughts from the lovely Anastasia. “God, what was she up to now,” he muttered, he couldn’t bear to think.




Shopping on a beautiful bright sunny day with a gentle breeze was just what Mirage wanted. The exclusive boutiques surrounding her gave her plenty of thought.  Putting her head to one side; her long, vibrant purple hair lifting in the breeze, her gorgeous tangerine sheath dress with spaghetti straps clung to every tantalizing curve, ending just above the knees.  For a finishing touch, she held her black leather Gucci bag matching her black nails and shoes. Mirage found it amusing to watch the watchers, the looks from men, the daggers from jealous women.  Tapping her foot, she straightened, trying to decide which boutique she should patronise today.  Hands on her curvy hips, she smiled strolling into her favourite fashion and accessory boutique.


Her first stop was for a Latte in their luxurious coffee lounge. They held the most exotic and extraordinary coffees served with the most fabulous muffins, which were to die for. Sitting down in one of their lush black velvet covered chairs Mirage sighed with bliss watching other women wander around looking at the latest collection of designer gear listening to the chat surrounding her.

Pink nails with silver stars on a manicured hand settled on Mirage’s shoulder, a smile spread across her face as she turned to find her best friend Arizona grinning down at her.

“I didn’t know you were back in town Mirage; you should’ve called.”

“I only arrived last night Ari.  How’re you?  Join me for coffee, it’s quite excellent.” A quick air kiss and Ari poured herself into the chair opposite.

“I see you’re still the glamour puss Ari, I’ve never seen you without polish,” she smiled nodding to her nails.

“I wouldn’t be so crass Mirage,” she replied. “What’re you doing in town?  What’re you looking for this time?  I’m sure you must have hundreds of clothes at home.”

“Oh, just need a little cocktail dress short, of course.”

“Of course, Mirage, that says you; all the way, I can’t imagine you wearing a long gown somehow.”

“You coming to help me choose a dress Ari. There are so many lovely designer clothing boutiques around here.”

“Yep, brill I love the hunt the best.  By the way, that tangerine colour looks gorgeous on you, where did you get it?”

“I found it in Paris,” she smiled, “I was there a few months back.”

“You’re so lucky with your job Mirage,” she said. “I wish you’d stop making me feel so jealous,” linking arms, they sashayed out of the coffee lounge to look for that little something special.


“Damn and blast it,” Malachy slammed his fists on his desk making his pens jostle against each other, “there has to be something somewhere.”

His tired eyes closed monetarily, before he turned his computer off for the day.  Grabbing his jacket locking his office behind him left for the evening.  The lights were dim since everyone had already gone.  Leaving the building, he hailed a cab deciding he needed to see Ana again, maybe one of her friends were the problem.

He didn’t see the eyes watching him from the park across the street a bitter, twisted smile crossed the face as the fingers tapped on the bench deciding what to do next.


Reaching his destination Malachy paid the cabbie and exited in front of Ana’s apartment. It seemed he couldn’t keep away.  Running his hands through his hair tousling it, he sighed heavily. Entering the apartment building, he approached the elevator. ‘
Sod it
,’ he muttered, calling it down.  Soon Mal was standing outside Ana’s door listening to rock and roll making his lips curve, never imagining Ana listening to music of this kind.  Knocking on the door, he waited patiently.  The door flew back wide. A purple haired goddess wearing a short tangerine dress appeared; his jaw dropped in shock.

“W-who the hell are you?” He said once he found his voice.

The woman put her head to one side, smiling sweetly, “You must be Malachy, Ana told me about you.”

“Where’s Ana? Is everything all right?”

“Come on in,” she laughed with delight, sashaying to the fridge, “would you like some beer?  My name’s Mirage.  Ana’s fine, she went away for a few days.  Something about another modelling assignment,” she sighed in envy.

“Yes, of course,” he murmured.  “So you’re a neighbour?”

Passing him his beer, she replied, “No, I’m an old friend from school.”

He raised an eyebrow; she didn’t fit what Malachy thought would be a friend of Ana’s.  There again Ana always said she didn’t have any close friends.  He’d have to ask her when she returned.

“Thanks for the beer.  I thought I heard rock and roll; now seeing you it makes a bit more sense.  I can’t imagine Ana listening to rock.”

“Classic rock is great music, wanna dance,” she grinned cheekily.

“No, that’s okay thanks.” He said hurriedly, “I need to get going.  I’ve other business to attend.  Thanks for the beer.” Malachy left rather hurriedly the door closing quickly behind him.  Ana kicked off her shoes pressing her back to the door slowly sliding down it until her bum hit the floor where she started to laugh hysterically, tears running down her face ruining her makeup.  Taking a deep, shuddering breath, she staggered to her feet, stumbling across the dark blue carpet to her couch where she stretched out holding her stomach still weak from laughter.  Groaning at her aching sides, she closed her eyes, enjoying the music as it wafted over and around her.

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