Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2) (13 page)

BOOK: Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2)
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“Kurr?” I ask absently, my mind scanning over where I’d heard that name. Millie shuffles in her seat.

“Yes,” he chuckles. “Now, I’m not going to kill you, Melissa. Or your sister, for that matter, but I need you to send a message to 112 for me.”

“112?” I ask, sitting back in my seat. It’s then that everything comes together in my head. Jada’s voice comes through about who ran the operation from which they were running. My face drops, my skin pales, and my stomach begins to churn in such a way that I have to hold down my gag. “You…” I whisper. “You’re, you’re The Army?”

“Tsk, tsk. She gets it.”

“I thought you were dead!”

“Good. That’s the effect I was hoping for. Now, I need you to send a message to our favorite psychopath.”

I swallow.

“Tell him,” he leans forward again, gripping his hand around my wrist and pulling me towards him. His lips run up my neck as he inhales my scent. My eyes slam shut in disgust. “That The Army is not dead, he didn’t defeat us, and he’s only made us stronger.” He pulls back slightly, the back of his hand running across my cheek, and I shove away from him. He laughs before sitting back. “I have a bigger army now. My soldiers are more lethal, believers, who want what we fight for more than anything. Soldiers who aren’t too happy with Beast and Hella. Therefore, I need you to send him a little message.” The car comes to a halt and my hand finds Millie’s. She squeezes it reassuringly back to me. “You need to tell him that when the time is right, he won’t know what hit him or his biker club. But we’re watching, Melissa, we’re always watching. And if he fucks up? If they so much as attempt to find out any information about us, he will pay for it. You will all pay for it.”

Swallowing past the bile in my throat, I manage to whisper out, “So why not tell him yourself then? Why have me tell him?”

He chuckles. “Because they need to know that their time is near and that the war hasn’t ended. It’s only just begun.” Our door flies open as a monster-sized man pulls Millie out of the limo before I follow closely behind. The dark night comes as a welcoming reminder that we made it out alive.

“Oh, and Melissa?” His window rolls down slightly as the big man slips back into the driver’s seat. “You might want to keep your little sister close to you. We’ve been watching her for some time now.” Then, they skid out of the gravel parkway and disappear into the darkness, their headlights fading out.

My heart rate begins to slow and I turn to Millie. “Are you okay?”

She nods, her hand coming up to her neck. “Yeah. I’ve seen that car a lot over the past month, Melissa.”

“Shit,” I whisper. “This is bad.”

Something shuffles in the bushes and my skin crawls again. “We need to get the fuck out of here.”

We begin walking the way we came and I pull out my phone to do the one thing I really,
didn’t want to do: I dial Meadow.


After Beast kept me behind a few days ago to tell me about his theories on The Army, I rode back to the house I stay in on the property. I have enough cash to buy in suburbia, but I never saw the point in it as the club is my life; I live and breathe it. I manage the mechanic garage in town and save all the cash I get from doing runs.

Beast’s opinions on The Army aren’t that logical. He seems to think that since Kurr is gone, there’s a chance that they will rebuild, and even if they did, as long as Kurr is dead, that’s all that matters.

I walk into the clubhouse just as Ripper is coming out with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. “Are we ready?” I ask him.

“Yeah. Beast is just figuring shit out.”

“So you’re the one whose decided to run the Vixens, eh?”

A few months ago, Beast called a truce with the Russians in return that we keep an eye on his daughter, who is the president of Satan’s Vixens MC. They’re all bat-shit crazy. I only met them once, but the Russians have called in the favor, so now it’s time to deliver. Beast and Ripper will be going to haul their asses back here to see what her daddy dearest’s next move is. Ashley—her road name is Queen A—runs the road. She has very selective patch-in rules, and one of them is that you have to have a valuable asset, looks-wise. That pretty much sums up her operation: all of them are hot as fuck.

I chuckle. “Brother, I don’t envy you at all.” He flips me off before walking toward his bike. I carry on through the clubhouse, walking towards the boardroom. I pull the door open and find Beast on his phone, sitting on his throne. I halt at the door and he throws his hands up, signaling me to stop. I walk in, shutting the door behind me and take a seat beside him.

“Yeah, alright.” He pauses, watching me closely. “What… Now? Ripper is busy.” He looks to me. “I might have someone. I’ll call you back.” He hangs up his phone, shoving it into his pocket and looks at me.

“What?” I ask, leaning back in my chair.

“You wanna rehash your old tricks?”

My eyes slant. “What do you mean?”

He leans forward, his mouth opening just as the door flies open, the back of it hitting the wall with Meadow rushing in. Beast and I both stand to our feet when we catch the look in her eye. That, and the fact that Meadow would never just walk in without permission, let alone almost swinging the damn door off its hinges.

“Beast…” She looks at him, swallows, then looks at me. “Um, we have a problem.”

Her eyes search me and her lip pulls between her teeth.

I widen my eyes. “Go on…”

“I just got off the phone with… Melissa.” My blood turns to ice, my eyes glossing over. “Her and Millie, someone took them—“

“What??” I exclaim, walking towards her. When she backs up, Beast stands in front of her as a shield.

“Let me fucking finish! They’re fine! Sorry, I should have started with that.” She looks to me apologetically and I relax. “But that’s not what the issue is,” she adds, my jaw clenching in frustration. “It was Kurr who took them.”

My heart stops. The pulsing of my blood thrashes through my ears and I look up at Beast to see him as pale as a ghost.

“What?” he whispers out. “What the fuck!”

I walk towards Meadow, my hand wrapping around her arm. “Where is she?”

“She’s at her house. I’ll need to go and get her.”

“No!” both me and Beast say together. “I’ll go,” I add, and she shakes her head.

“No, you can’t. She won’t come. I’ll go and pick her and Millie up.”

“Who’s Millie?” Beast asks, watching Meadow closely.

“That’s her little sister.”

“Fuck,” I whisper out absently. “There’s
of them?”

Meadow rolls her eyes. “Yes, but Millie is the complete opposite of Melissa. She’s a nun.”

My head jolts back and a chuckle escapes me. “You can’t bring a fucking nun back here, Meadow.”

“She’ll be fine. I need to go.”

“I’m coming,” I add, taking my phone out of my pocket.

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am. It’s final.”

Beast steps up to me. “I’ll go with her. She’s right. The way you and Melissa left things? She might not come.”

“Oh,” I answer. “She’ll be coming.”

“Hella,” Beast warns. “I’ll take the van and a couple prospects. I need you to help Ripper out with these Vixens.”

“Bring her straight here,” I say, walking towards the door. “She ain’t leaving my sight this time.”

I’m walking out the door when Ripper comes in through the doors with five patched girls walking closely behind him.

I chuckle, then nudge my head. “Sup.”

Ashley nods. “I’m Ashley. My girls call me Queen A. You’re Hella, right?”

I scan her body language, the way her chest rises and falls with the light bead of sweat that trickles down her chest. Her bottom lip pulls into her mouth and her head tilts as she eyes me up and down. “Yeah,” I answer.

She nods towards the bar. “Drink?” 

I look at Ripper who’s hiding his smirk behind his closed mouth, and my eyes narrow.

“Yeah, why not.”

She turns to the other girls. “These are my girls: Jizzy, Harley, Precious, and Cherry.”

I pause, my eyes drifting to the girls she pointed to. “Jizzy?” The girl rolls her eyes before walking toward the bar, and I let out a laugh. “Seriously? Jizzy?”

She takes a seat on the barstool with the girls following behind her, so Ripper and I join them. Ashley takes a seat beside me, and Old Fella looks between us with judgment in his eyes. “Just dish the drinks, old man.”

He begins pouring, peering at me every now and then. Every time I’ve had a bitch on my arm, he’s thrown shade. He admired Melissa, probably has a hard dick for her if he can even get it hard.

Ashley looks to me, Ripper on my other side. “So, why has daddy dearest called you boys in?”

“You seem so sure that this has to do with your dad and not a kidnapping.” I smirk around the rim of my glass, removing my cap and flipping it backwards. Her eyes follow me and Ripper. “I was kidding,” I continue flatly. “We’ll have to wait until Beast comes back to see what our next move is with you. Something must be happening with daddy dearest, why he called it in.” I take a large pull of my drink. Her hand skims over my thigh before she drags it up slowly. Her head tilts as she studies my face. “It’s been a long day,” she continues. “What’d you say?”

I pause and study her closely. She’s hot, but not in the way that gets my heart pumping and cock pulsing. Her dark hair falls down her back, her thick lashes lining her brown eyes. She’s Russian and looks it, with all her exotic features.

I chuckle, taking another drink. “We’ve had some news come up just thirty minutes before you walked your pretty ass through that door. Not in the mood.”

Ripper snorts from his seat. “Not in the mood?” I kick his foot and bring my eyes back to Ashley.

“All the more reason to get your dick sucked though, right?” she answers sweetly, running her tongue across her bottom lip. I drag my eyes down her body again. The little leather cuts are cute, barely covering their flat, toned stomachs, and doing an excellent job at displaying their tits—some fake, some natural. They probably all work out the same as the brothers and I do.

I clear my throat before pulling out a joint from my pocket and blazing it up. “Baby, if you were to wrap those pretty little lips around my cock right now, it wouldn’t be your face I’d be shooting cum down your throat to. Still wanna jump on my dick?”

Ripper loses his shit, laughing from his spot.

Ashley looks at me through slanted eyes. “Then no, I take that back.” She shakes her head. “Bikers.”


I’m pacing up and down my living room when there’s a knock at the door. I look to Millie and Chase who are sitting on the sofa. Chase arrived two minutes ago. I didn’t want to freak him out, so I’m still sitting here trying to think of a way to tell him that I’m going to Vegas. It’s Friday. He usually comes over on Fridays, so it’s not out of the ordinary that he’s slouched over my sofa eating corn chips.

“Chase?” I say.

He looks up at me. “Yeah?”

Another knock on the door, and Millie looks up at me questionably.

“I have to go to Vegas to help Meadow with her wedding,” I lie.

He scrunches up his chips and stands from the sofa. “What? Now?”

I nod my head. “This is them now.” I know Hella isn’t with them because Meadow assured me he wouldn’t be, but I still can’t be sure.

I walk towards the door and pull it open to Meadow, Beast, Hannibal, and Frost.

“Finally! What the hell took you so long!” Meadow answers, pushing past me. She stops in her steps. “Oh, right! Shit, were we interrupting?” she asks, looking between me and Chase. The boys follow her through and halt in their steps when they see Chase.

“Oh, I see,” Hannibal starts, and I narrow my eyes on his cocky face.

“Stop, right now,” I growl under my breath.

Chase walks up to me, picking up his keys and duffle bag from the counter. He looks between all the guys who are studying him closely before he pulls me under his arm.

His lips press against my head, his arms locked around my waist tightly. “Call me when you get there so I know you arrived safely,” he whispers into my ear.

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