Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2) (14 page)

BOOK: Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2)
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“Will do,” I smile up at him, and Hannibal scoffs before pushing through and carrying on toward the living room where Meadow’s talking with Millie.

Chase walks out of the room. When the door closes, my smile drops and a sneer comes out of my mouth. “Don’t be so fucking rude, Hannibal.”

He laughs, taking a seat on the sofa. Beast is frozen in place, watching me closely.

“I can’t wait to tell Hella about this little encounter,” Hannibal says, chuckling and placing an ankle on his knee.

“Fuck Hella,” I mumble, following them into the living room.

“He’s been doing a lot of that, too,” Hannibal baits me. I swallow, my face faltering briefly. Of course he has, but so have I, so I guess I can’t judge. Still stings where it shouldn’t, though. It really, really, shouldn’t sting.

I clear my clenched throat. “I’ll just grab our bags. This is my sister, Millie. Be nice.” I look around the room to the monster-sized bikers before correcting myself. “Or try to be nice.” Hannibal looks at her with fresh eyes, his boyish psychotic smile coming onto his face, and I pause, tilting my head and placing my hands on my hips. “Or I will chop your dick clean off and feed it to you for a week.”

He looks up at me and smirks. “See, that right there is exactly why Hella is well and truly fucked with you.”

“Fuck Hella,” I repeat, walking toward my room to gather up my last belongings.


The inky darkness of the night surrounds us as we pull down the private gravel road I’ve become so acquainted with. The bumpy road jolts from under our seats in the van, and I clutch Millie’s hand tightly.

“Remember what I said, Millie? This is their place. If you don’t like something, you walk away and keep your mouth shut, okay?”

She swallows and nods. “Yeah, got it.”

“You never got to tell me about what the deal is with you?”

She smiles. “I guess that doesn’t matter right now.”

“Melissa?” Beast says from the driver’s seat with Meadow beside him. “When we get in there, we’re going to go to the boardroom and you can tell us all everything at once, okay?” He looks at me from his rearview mirror. I nod, and he continues down the driveway.

When we pull into the clubhouse and the van stops, Meadow turns in her seat and looks at me. “There’s something I forgot to mention. We have guests. I haven’t met them yet, but they’re from an all-girls MC club—“

I stop her. “It’s fine, Meadow. I wouldn’t even be surprised.”

She smiles, her shoulders dropping in defeat. “If it makes you feel better, he’s only been with club whores. There was one incident, though,” she adds, her eyes going wide.

“Spill,” I say with a smirk, hiding my hurt.

She looks at me. “Okay. Just quickly because Beast will think I’m trying to get someone killed. Anyway, we have a new girl hanging around. She had slept with Hella the night before she thought she could play girlfriend with him…” She pauses, watching me with an apologetic smile. I widen my eyes, urging her to carry on.
You cannot get upset, Melissa. Don’t be a hypocrite.
“Anyway, she walked up to Hella and straddled his waist, grinding all over him. His hand flew up to her neck so fast that he actually choked her out in front of everyone. We had to perform CPR on her until the doc got here. He didn’t even care. She’s alive, thank God.”

“Huh,” I answer absently. “I must have got the short end of the stick because he didn’t choke me.”

Meadow laughs, pushing her door open before sliding ours open. “This is why I love you.”

Millie stops as I get out of the van. “Who’s Hella and why should you care?”

“We’ll talk later.”

I try to pull my tight T-shirt down to cover my hips and stomach, only it fails because it pops back up to rest under my belly ring. My jeans are tight and my feet are covered in chuck Taylors. I was in a rush, so I threw anything on, and now I regret it. Millie is wearing black slacks and a blouse, ever the uptight princess that she is.

We walk into the clubhouse and the scent hitting me brings back so many memories, it’s like I never left. Burnt rubber, leather, cologne, beer, dirt, and… pussy. My eyes beam when I see Old Fella behind the bar. He looks at me and smiles. I take hold of Millie’s hand. “You’re going to need a drink.”

“No!” she says, pulling her hand out of mine. I roll my eyes. “Fine, I’ll need one.” When we start walking again, the whole clubhouse pauses. The chattering stops and the only sound filling the air is the deep electrifying sound of Metallica’s
“Welcome Home”.
How fitting.

Beast walks up behind me. “Come on. Get you a drink and come straight to the boardroom.”

I nod at him, not wanting to search the area for Hella. When I walk toward the bar, a shiver runs up my spine and I know in that very moment that he is in this room and watching me.

“Hey!” I say to Old Fella.

“Hey, pretty girl. Who’s this?” He nods to Millie.

“This is my baby sister, Millie. Millie, this is Old Fella.”

She looks at him before looking at me and I know she wants to say how terrible of a name that is, so my eyes widen at her. She gets it and nods. “Hi, nice to meet you.”

“Same,” he returns and I nod, raking my fingers through my hair to push it out of my face.

Picking up my drink, I thank him before gripping Millie’s hand and leading her towards the doors where no woman is ever meant to be. An unsettling feeling stirs in my gut as I grasp the seriousness of the situation. These men have no idea how bad it is; all they know is that Kurr is still alive. They don’t know just how alive he really is.

The door closes and my eyes stay zoned in on the bike that’s sitting behind Beast, his father’s bike. My head tilts as it scans the stainless steel bars and the light blue paintwork.

“Melissa?” says Beast. Meadow walks toward him at the head of the table and takes a seat on his lap. I can see out of the corner of my eye where Hella is sitting to Beast’s right, and Millie takes the empty seat beside Ripper.

“Wanna tell us what happened?” he asks, and I shuffle uneasily on my feet.

“Everything?” I keep my gaze locked on Beast and well away from Hella. I know that I will lose all sense the minute I lay my eyes on him. I’ll either want to kill him or rip his clothes off—it’s usually a mixture of both—and I really need to stay focused right now if I want to be thorough and get out enough information as I can. “We were out clubbing with Phoebe. She had this… thing. Anyway, Millie needed air, and Chase had texted me to say that he—”

“Cut the bullshit, Melissa, and get straight to the story.”

My heart slams against my chest. Sweat escapes my pores and my jaw sets. My eyes lock onto Hella. “As I was saying,” I continue, his eyes burning straight through mine, his jaw taut. He’s bigger than he was when I left. His cap is fixed on his head, shading his eyes slightly, and his plump lips curve into a smile. My eyes falter.
Damn it
. “Chase had texted me to say he was on his way. It
the weekend,” I add, keeping my eyes locked on his. My lip curves to a half smirk. “And he has me on the weekends.” 

A deep growl escapes Hella and the entire room is deathly silent. I’m teasing the devil and I know it, but the dark place inside me craves it.

“Melissa?” Beast questions from his seat.

I look back toward him. “Sorry. Millie and I were waiting on the curb when a dark, sleek limo pulled up. Its window went down and at first I didn’t know who it was because he was sitting in the shadows of the car. All I could make out was that he was wearing a crisp black suit. He ordered us to get in or he’d kill my mom. We slid into the car and he told me to warn you. He said he wanted me to get a message to you. He said that they’ve rebuilt. Their soldiers are far more ruthless and relentless than even you and Hella. He said they’re angry about what you did to their base and that his ‘pack’ are one hundred percent committed to their cause and what they do. So committed,” I add, swallowing, “that they don’t need Schyronide.” I don’t know what that means, but the name sends goose bumps over my skin. “The soldiers want to remember. They want to feel the blood from lifeless men drip from their hands. He said not to search for them, not to look, and if you do, you’ll pay. He’s watching your every move, Beast.”

“Anything else?” Beast asks, his eyes faltering.

I nod my head. “He said that the war isn’t over;it’s only just begun.



I walk out of the door and leave them to talk business with Meadow and Millie following closely behind me.

“Come on,” Meadow says. “You two can get a drink while I introduce myself to these Vixens.”

“Oh?” I ask, my eyebrows raised. “Play nice.”

“Always do,” she answers with a roll of her eye. Meadow is a sweet girl, but even she has her limits.

Millie and I head to the bar and take a seat. “I guess now’s a good time to tell me what the hell is going on with you and that biker?” my sister prompts me.

I laugh, picking up my drink. “We’ll start with you first. Why were you running?”

Her smile drops. She picks up her glass of water and takes a sip. “Someone’s after me.”

“What?” I lower my voice. The clubhouse is empty. Only a couple of prospects are walking around and the Vixens are near the pool table talking with Meadow.

“Yeah, I witnessed a murder.” Her voice hitches and she takes another drink.

“Who? What? Where? At the church?”

She nods, placing her glass down.

“Did someone kill one of your people?” I try to hide the way I said ‘people’, but when her eyes narrow in on me, I know I’ve failed. “Sorry,” I quickly correct myself.

“No,” she answers. “One of my ‘people’ killed someone else.”

“Shit,” I whisper. “So you nuns know how to party?” I attempt to lighten her mood, even though it is serious. I doubt another nun could harm Millie. She may be a delicate little flower, but we share blood, so I’m hoping she could still fuck a bitch up if anyone tried to assault her. “Okay, well, we can figure that all out, okay?” I reassure her.

She nods with a small smile just as the doors to the boardroom swing open and everyone begins piling out. I look over my shoulder at Meadow, who is walking toward me.

“How were they?” I question.

She shrugs her shoulders. “Not bad, I guess.”

“Are they all supposed to look like pinup girls?” I ask, watching them. “No doubt Hella would have already fucked all of them.” When I realize I had said that out loud, I down the rest of my drink. “I need air.” 

The last time I was here, I had Nyx. When I needed a friend, he was there. Now I don’t have that same luxury. Once I walk outside, I look over to the old oak tree that sits in the corner, the same oak tree that Nyx and I sat under talking about our fucked-up lives. Before I know it, I’m walking towards the branched area. Taking a seat on the grass, I lean my back against the trunk and sigh. Why the fuck did I come back to the very place that stole what sanity I had left?

My phone vibrates in my pocket, so I pull it out and slide it unlocked to a message from Chase. Guilt seeps through me when I see his words. Chase has been great and all, though we both had a mutual understanding. I couldn’t help but wish I could settle down with someone like him and not get bored.

u get there okay?

I did. Thnks 4 txting.

no problem. That was a little intense…

I laugh, I could see his fresh-faced grin through his words and my mood lightens.

Just a little.

what’re u wearing?

I look around, a smile on my lips. Leaning back into the tree, I type my next message.

Nothing interesting. Though, I could do with some help removing my clothes…

u and I both know u don’t need any help. What r u thinking about?

I’m thinking I’d much rather be under u right now.

Me too bby. My hand is gripped around my cock with thoughts of ur screams filling my ears.

My chest rises and falls and fuck my life it’s turning me on. I smirk, pulling my lip into my mouth and hit send.

My nipples are hard, they crave ur warm mouth and my pussy is so wet for ur tongue.

“What are you doing?” a deep voice growls from the darkness, and my fingers stop, my phone quickly going back into my pocket as fast as a kid being caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

“Hey,” I answer breathlessly and far too kind for Hella.

His eyes narrow. “What were you doing?” I swallow, running my tongue over my now-dry lips. His jaw sets. “Are you fucking
that cocksucker?”

“What?” I ask, horrified and trying to hide the blush that’s decided to show itself over my cheeks. I stand to my feet and almost lose balance. God. My thighs clench, attempting to tone down the deep throbbing from my clit. Why do I have to enjoy sex so much? My hand flies up to the trunk of the tree, my other hand coming up to my forehead where I wipe the trickle of sweat that had beaded there.

He steps toward me, his voice dropping to a deathly growl. “I’ll ask you again,” he begins and I step away until my back hits the tree. The air thickens and my breathing becomes shallow. “Were you sexting that fucker before I walked out here?” his head tilts. He has his cap flipped backwards now so I have a front row seat to his glaring gaze, and if looks could kill, I’d be dead on the ground.

“Um,” I answer, looking around. “Hang on a minute!” Realization sets in. Who the fuck does he think he is?

His hands slam against the trunk on either side of my head, caging me in.


“Hmm?” he prods me, his eyebrows perked. He brings his soft lips down to mine and whispers, “You were saying?” A jolt of electricity sparks between our lips and my breathing deepens.

“No,” I lie, because I’m terrified of what in God’s name he will do to me. His body pushes against mine, his muscled chest skimming against my hard nipples, and my eyes close. One of his legs push between my legs and, after fighting it, I open slightly, letting him in. “Are you lying to me?” he growls, his other leg coming in between mine, spreading me further. My eyes slam shut again.

“Yes,” I whisper.

He pushes his cock into my stomach and my mouth runs dry. My clit pleads for him and my nipples pulse for his touch.

His hand wraps around my hair. He tugs at it until my head lifts to his. His other hand travels down my back, leaving goose bumps in its wake. He grips my ass tightly, his eyes filled with dark excitement. “You forgot one thing.” He runs his nose down mine before pulling my bottom lip into his mouth where he bites down on it roughly.

“And what’s that?” I pant.

“You’re mine.”

His lips find mine instantly, and I open wide for him, his tongue slipping into my mouth and owning me, dominating me. My hands wrap around the back of his neck as his hands grip around my thighs, lifting me off the ground. He walks me toward the back of the tree trunk. The oak tree is hidden enough, but we are still in clear view of anyone walking out of the clubhouse. He slams my back against the trunk again, spreading my legs open with his, and I grind my hips slowly over him, my clit rubbing against his prominent bulge that’s pressed against me. He rips down the front of my tank top and bra, my boob sprawling out into the fresh crisp air, and when his warm breath cloaks my nipple, I throw my head back and close my eyes as a light moan escapes me. “Brax,” I gasp desperately. He draws his mouth away from my nipples, his teeth catching at the end, and the painful pleasure fills me up inside. The sound of his belt buckle enters the intimate silence of our embrace and I grip the bottom of my shirt, lifting it over my head.

In this very moment, I don’t care who catches us; all I care about and want is to feel his cock inside me, stretching me to my limits, physically and mentally. The need for him, his everything, consumes me every time he’s near. It’s electrifying and hypnotic and I am a slave to the pull we share.

His hands come to the button of my jeans. As he flicks it open, I wiggle out of them until they drop to a pool at my feet where I kick them away. He steps back and stares at me, his jeans around his ankles, his shirt and cut still on, and his heavy cock resting in his hand as he strokes himself. I bring my eyes up his rippled thighs, past his cock, and up to his eyes where they roll back before a growl escapes him. He drops his dick, his hands finding my thighs, and he presses me against the trunk. My walls contract around him as he fills me slowly. My eyes close and a moan escapes me just before I feel something cold push lightly against the side of my breast. His thrusting slows down to a torturous pace. My eyes fly open to find his dark, and his mouth sets into a grin.

“What’re you doing?” I ask breathlessly, the pull of his cock extracting from me and putting pressure on my G-spot. The knife glides over my nipple and my hands tighten around the back of his neck.

He brings his mouth to my ear as the cold blade continues its travel down my rib cage. “This body is mine, and only mine,” he whispers. “And if I catch you so much as batting those pretty blues at anyone that isn’t me? I’ll kill him, Melissa. Don’t fuck with that.” He brings his head back, his face turning serious. I swallow as he pushes into me, deepening his thrust. “Who owns this body, baby?” he asks, his forehead pressing against mine. The sharp side of the knife continues down my thigh as his pounding pushes my body further up against the tree trunk. “Answer me, Melissa,” he demands.

“You!” I cry out, my core contracting, preparing for release. “It’s always been you, Brax.” He drops the knife onto the ground, his mouth crashing down onto mine.

Hella moans against my mouth while he continues to slam into me relentlessly. My legs quiver from his determined rocking and I scream out at the brutal and raw pleasure that’s soaring through me. His hand flies up to my mouth, slamming it shut. His mouth finds my nipple and the minute his teeth glide over it, his cock pushes on my G-spot and his pelvic bone rubs over my clit—and I lose it. The sweat drips off my body as my walls contract around his thickness and the aftershocks from my orgasm wrack through me as he releases not two seconds later, coming undone inside me.

After our fit of sex rage, he places me back to the ground and a wave of shame washes over me.
Shit, what have I done?
I drop to the ground and pull on my underwear and jeans before standing back to my feet and shoving my t-shirt back over my head. I don’t look at him; I can’t. He pauses doing up his belt buckle when he notices my mood shift, then walks up to me, his hand wrapping around my chin as he tilts my head up to face him. His lips hover an inch away from mine, so close that I can feel his warm breath sail over me.

“Hey, look at me.”

I ignore him, keeping my eyes locked on the ground.

He tilts my head again. “Melissa, look at me.” I finally bring my eyes to his. He searches my face briefly before hooking his arm around the back of my neck. “Don’t do that.”

“Do what?” I ask, getting lost in his deep blue depths, wishing that this could work. But truthfully, it can’t. We’re both too fucked up.

“Do the ‘regret’ thing. I meant every word, baby,” he assures me softly, his thumb rubbing circles around the back of my neck. I step out of his embrace and run my hands over my arms.

“Why? You hate me, Hella,” I begin, the cold night seeping into my skin now that my body has cooled down. “And the feeling is mutual, by the way,” I add softly.

He chuckles, finishing his belt and slipping his hand into mine, pulling my body flush up against his. “You can hate me all you want, babe, as long as you hate me on top of my dick. Come on.” He reaches to the ground and picks up his knife before we start walking towards the clubhouse. I pull my hand out of his grip and he stops, turning towards me. “What now?”

“We can’t just walk in there like a happy couple, Hella. This,” I gesture towards the two of us, “has to stay undercover until we figure out what we’re doing, because I can’t have everyone knowing. It makes it too real for me and will fuck with my head.”

His eyes scan me. “I know what I want, Melissa.” He steps towards me. “I’ve fucked up a lot, and I can’t give you any promises, because truthfully, I don’t know the first thing about this sort of shit. But there’s one thing I am absolutely sure on, and that’s that I want you and no one else. I’ve always known this.”

“You don’t mean that.”

His jaw clenches. “We can do this your way if you want, but the fact still remains. You so much as look at a man too long, I’ll gut him from the inside out, fuck you in front of his dead corpse, and unload myself all over his lifeless body. Got it?”

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