Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2) (10 page)

BOOK: Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2)
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Nyx walks up to the bar, his hands wrapping around mine softly. “Hey,” he says over the music, and I laugh because I can’t hear him.

Rising from the barstool, I lean into his ear. “I can’t hear you!”

He smiles one of his boyish grins and shrugs, his hand still in mine. Nerd’s
“She wants to move”
comes pounding through the speakers and I giggle, tugging on his hand toward the middle of the dance floor in clear view of Hella.

His arm grips around my waist, pulling my body against his. “Make me forget, Nyx,” I whisper into the crook of his neck. He pulls back, his eyes searching mine. “Please,” I plead, my hands gripped around his cut.

He nods, the Adam’s apple in his throat bobbing. “Okay, baby.”

I smile and begin dancing against him, my ass rubbing against his crotch before I turn around and wrap my fingers around his neck. We must dance like this for a while because before I know it, Meadow has come up to me, her hands wrapping around my arm. “Come on, my little stripper. Time to watch me get my ass beat.”

I laugh, giving Nyx one more hug goodbye before following her toward the door. I forgot about Meadow and Jada’s little ass-kicking session tonight. I wonder how long it’ll take before I fall asleep.

Apparently not long at all, because the next thing I know it’s the next morning and I’m stretching out in my bed. “Meadow!” I holler from my room, and she comes running in with her toothbrush hanging out of her mouth, her little lace boy shorts on and a “The Devil’s Own” shirt hanging proudly off her body. I smile, propping myself up on my elbows. “Well, don’t you look cute.”

Her eyes narrow before she flips me off and walks back to her room.

“You know, I sort of miss my nice, innocent friend, the one who doesn’t give the finger to her friends.”

“Fuck off,” she mumbles from her room and I laugh out loud, ripping the covers off my body and going to her. “What’re we doing today?”

“You,” she says, “have to think about your actions!”

“Pardon? Are you my mother?” I ask in mock disgust.

She rolls her eyes. “Cut down the drinking.”

“Not going to happen.”


My eyes scan the clubhouse, watching everyone with careful eyes. Tomorrow, we’re about to initiate Armageddon for The Army, so my senses are heightened and my wits are sharp. My eyes follow Meadow, who walks up to Ripper, and I snicker, nudging my head towards her.

Beast follows my line of sight and smirks. “I wonder if she’s going to ask how he got his name.”

I shrug. “Fuck knows, but the kid is good at what he does.”

“Seen Melissa?” Beast asks humorously.

“Fuck you.” My eyes instantly find her. She’s sitting on one of the sofas talking with Bullet. Bullet is a Devil, but he’s nomad and this is my stomping ground, so he better watch his fucking step. I couldn’t give a fuck that some whore’s lips were wrapped around my dick last night. I never gave any promises to Melissa. If anything, she should be happy. She hates me. It doesn’t matter that when my cock released its load to the back of said club whore’s throat, it was Melissa’s blue eyes peering up at me and it was Melissa’s light blonde hair wrapped around my fist and it was Melissa’s damn fucking lips latched around my shaft. Yeah, that means nothing at all.

Meadow pulls Melissa onto the middle of the floor as they begin to dance and laugh to
“Dance with the Devil”
by Breaking Benjamin. I scoff under my breath. We all know this is Beast and Meadow’s cheesy ass song. If that was Melissa and me up there right now, the only song we’d be dancing to is
“The Devil in I”
by Slipknot.

Beast pushes off the sofa to stake his claim on Meadow as Jada walks in and pauses, her head tilting at me.

“What, woman?”

I know Jada’s accusing glare when I see it.

“Get up, I need a drink.”

We both make our way to the bar. I grip my beer and Jada watches me closely as Beast and Meadow take a seat beside us. I know that look; she wants to say something. “Garret likes Melissa,” is all she manages to slip out.

“So?” I raise my eyebrows. “Garret likes anyone that shows him how to eat a cookie.”

Jada pauses, her eyes narrowing on me. “How’d you know about that?”

“Little shit wouldn’t shut up about it.” I brush it off casually, but I was the one who baited him, needing to know his view on her. The kid is a fucking good judge of character. Don’t know why I asked him what he thought of her, but I did.

“Why don’t you two just talk?” Meadow suggests, wrapping her lips around the neck of Beast’s beer.

“Because,” I state. “I don’t want a girlfriend.”

“What makes you think that’s what
wants? She wants to kill you, Hella. I think you’re safe from a grade A clinger,” Meadow assures me.

I smirk, my eyes hooded and my cock rock hard at the thought of what kind of games Melissa could play. “Maybe. But maybe that’s where the excitement is. I’d fuck her black and blue up against a brick wall whether she had a knife in her hand ready to shank me or not.”

“Brother, you are fucking sick,” Beast laughs from beside me.

“Don’t I know it,” I reply, my eyes still locked on Meadow. She shifts uncomfortably and I scoff under my breath. There’s a reason why I like girls with fire; innocent ones like Meadow would never be able to handle me.

“May I recommend a therapist?” she teases, her eyes twinkling with hidden mischief.

Maybe there’s more to the little lost girl than meets the eye.

“Nah, babe. I’d put your therapist in a padded room.”

I swing my chair around to face the front doors when I see Shelby walk through, her shoulders squared, her jaw taut, and her eyes locked on her prey like a lioness stalking towards Beast.

“Beast?” Shelby whispers after Beast made a point to pointedly ignore her presence.

“What, Shelby? You’ve met my old lady, you can leave now,” Beast states matter-of-factly, his hands running through Meadow’s hair. Ruthless. The man is ruthless with his love towards this chick. I’m proud of him, can’t deny the fact that there’s no one that deserves love more than Beast. Not even me. No fucking way in hell me.

“I need to talk to you, Beast. It’s about Layla.”

That gets my attention.

“What? I gave you this job because I thought you were woman enough to handle all the whores.”

“I am, Beast,” she hisses.

I smirk at her claws coming out, my eyes running over her body. I’m second-guessing kicking her away from my dick, because I have numerous times.

“Watch your fucking tone and remember who you’re talking to,” he answers, clenching his jaw with eyebrows raised.

I roll my eyes, downing my beer. That’s the thing with Beast; he can be too fucking serious.

“What is it? And why should I care about Layla?” he asks.

“You want to do this here and now?” she answers loudly.

He shrugs. “Spit it out.”

Shelby crosses her arms in front of her. “She killed a client.”

Beast’s bottle pauses short of his mouth. “Come again?”

I sit forward, pulling my lip into my mouth, excitement pulsing through me.

Jada chuckles. “This should be good.”

Meadow shoots back another shot.

“He tried to go back-door. She said no. He tried again, so she stabbed his dick with a pair of scissors. Asha walked in after she’d done it. He was spitting how much shit they were going to be in and how he was going to burn the entire place down…” She pauses, clearing her throat. “So they both ended him.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Beast whispers, bringing his bottle down. “Where are they now?”

“In my car outside. The body is still in the room and I don’t know about you, but that’s above my pay bracket.”

I rub my hands in glee, pushing off the bar and pointing outside. “Let’s go.”

I start to walk towards Shelby’s red Camaro that’s parked to the side of the barn.

I pull open the passenger door and laugh. “What’s going on, little murderers?”

Layla and her sister Asha stumble out of the car.

Layla wipes the tears off her cheek and looks to Beast. “Beast, I’m so sorry.”

“What happened, Layla?” he interrogates, pushing his hands into his pockets.

I lean against the door, my index finger rubbing across my upper lip in an attempt at hiding my smirk. Layla’s arms wrap around her torso and Asha scans Meadow up and down.

“I told him I didn’t do anal and he didn’t take no for an answer. After my third ‘no’, he forced me down onto the bed and tried to bind my wrists together. I managed to free my wrist and take hold of the scissors on the nightstand—he’d used them to chop up his weed earlier. And… I don’t know, it just happened.”

I grin, looking at Layla. “Marry me?”

She rolls her eyes. “The answer is still no, Hella.”

I drop my lip and pout before smirking and slapping her ass. “I’ll ask you every time.”

Interrupting Meadow and Layla’s instant bonding experience, I raise my eyebrows, shoving my hands into my pockets. “Who was it anyway?”

She leans her back onto Shelby’s car. “It was one of the boys from Blood Razor MC, Beast.”

“Fuck!” I yell, walking up to her and pushing my body against hers. She falls against the car and I push my groin into her, my hands wrapping around the back of her neck before jolting her face up to mine. “Do you know how much shit you’ve just caused?”

She swallows, narrowing her eyes on me. “I said that I was sorry, Hella.”

I chuckle a sadistic laugh, brushing my lips over hers. “I thought you liked to be thrown around, baby. What? Didn’t feel the same because it wasn’t with a Devil?”

She snatches her head out of my grasp, and I keep my eyes locked on hers. She squirms under my gaze and my jaw clenches. “I’ll get Ripper.”

She’s just caused another fucking war that we don’t need. The Blood Razors were always smooth sailing for us, but now, this will land us in the shithouse with them, which is unfortunate because they’re the closest thing we have besides the Sinful Souls who live within distance of us. The plus side is that Tiny, their president, has a hard cock for Asha and always has. But that ain’t gonna mean jack shit up against him losing a brother. Something’s gotta give there.


The effect from the vodka is surging through me when Bullet pulls me under his arm. I look at him, his chin and jaw covered in a thick beard. At first, it had me confused about his age, but when you look into his eyes, you can see he’s no older than thirty-five. I’m also too drunk to think and too horny to care. All this push and pull between Hella and me has left me pissed off and unsatisfied. My hormones are confused with what I want to do with him. Fucking a dead corpse isn’t really my thing, but I’d consider it if it was Hella, just to have one last laugh over him. Jesus, I scold myself. What the fuck has happened to me? I need to get back to my bakery and go on a major alcohol cleanse. But for now, my survival instinct has kicked in and it’s reaching for more alcohol.

Meadow and Jada walk up to me, Meadow placing her hand on my arm. “Hi. Hey, we need to head off. I’m taking a couple of girls back.”

I look to Bullet before glancing back at Meadow.

“You Beast’s old lady?” he asks, head cocked and running his hand through his long beard.

Meadow clears her throat. “Yes.” She smiles at him before looking back at me. “You coming?”

Bullet smiles at me, showing his pearly whites. I wonder what he looks like without the beard. Not that I mind it. In fact, aside from Hannibal, he’s one of the only guys I’ve seen who actually pulls it off.

Jada rolls her eyes. “Come on, Bullet. You coming or what? Don’t beat around the bush. I have a kid to get home to.”

I raise my eyebrows at him suggestively, and he shrugs.

“Melissa…” Meadow warns.

I ignore her. “He’s coming.” Fuck this shit. I did not just cop almost three weeks of Hella’s bullshit to not get laid the whole time. I have some serious sexual tension to let out and it’s all thanks to him.

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