Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2) (5 page)

BOOK: Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2)
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“A say-what-now?” I ask, looking at Ashley. Her soft brown hair falls around her shoulders like silk and I reach up to grab it.

She taps my hand away. “Liquid X. Me and my ex used to drop some every now and then.”

I lay my arms down on the bar, resting my head on top.

Meadow shakes her head. “Watch her. I need to go and find Phoebe.”

My eyes roll and I sit back up in my chair. “I’ll be fine, Ash. I’m a little…”

“You’ve been drugged, Melissa. Sit down. Man, Alaina is going to lose it.”

Alaina is Zane’s old lady. She’s got the face of an angel but will fuck you up before you have a second to blink. I can’t picture Zane with a better-suited woman, if I’m being honest.

Sighing, I look towards Lisha where she and Meadow are having a heated argument. Before I can comprehend anything that’s passed between the two of them, Meadow is on top of her, landing punches on Lisha’s face. I go to stand, only for darkness to descend upon me. Voices begin to feel more distant. Ashley’s worried face is coming in and out. Just when I go to open my eyes, everything is drowned in blackness.


My eyes drift in and out, voices yelling in the distance aiming to perk my attention. I attempt to pull my eyes open, only they’re stuck together like glue. The smell of dust and burnt wood engulfs me. My head shifts slightly. More yelling comes in when I recognize Phoebe and Meadow’s voices.

“Melissa?” Meadow calls.

“Meadow?” Phoebe answers beside me. “Meadow, follow my voice.”

Why does she have to follow her voice? What the fuck has happened?

“Keep talking. Where are you?” Meadow calls back.

A deep throbbing starts to pound in my head. Feeling in my legs comes back slowly with the weight of them weighed down by something heavy. I’m about to open my mouth when the dark abyss pulls me in deeper and everything dies out again.

“Fuck!” Muffled curse words sound out in the distance followed by other voices. Where the fuck am I? What happened? Why won’t my eyes open?

“Hella, let one of the other guys carry her out. She’ll fuck your shit up if she wakes up in your arms,” Phoebe whispers harshly. My breathing shallows out.

“Fuck off. No one’s carrying her but me.”

“Care to explain why?” Phoebe taunts him.

The warm roughness of leather covers me and his arms push underneath me before lifting my body off the ground and cradling me into his chest effortlessly. That familiar smell I’ve come to know is on dangerous high levels as he walks towards the door. I try to pull my eyes open again, only they’re still stuck, so I give up, relaxing into the arms of the one
who should not be named

His body drops down to a seat, his grip around me tightening. “She’s breathing. It’s like she’s asleep. What the hell happened to her?” His voice from his chest vibrates against my cheek.

“What? You didn’t know?” Meadow spits at him in disgust. Her hand wraps around mine before she continues. “It seems Lisha got a little jealous tonight. Before the explosion happened, she put something in Melissa’s drink, had her dancing on the pole and everything. Anyway, she and her friend were videoing it and laughing at Melissa from across the room. So, I… um…”

Meadow pauses. Beast’s voice comes through. “You what?”

My eyes peel open finally as I let out a cough, clearing my throat. “She whipped her ass, that’s what,” I answer with a proud smile. Beast looks at her with eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was proud too.

“Melissa!” Meadow jumps out of her seat.

“I’m fine, Meadow. What happened?” I ask, pointing towards the bar that has now got a huge gapping whole in the middle and smoke coming up from the pile of rubble. I push away from Hella, attempting to get space. He glares at me, his grip around my waist tightening.

His blue eyes darken and a small snarl curves on his lip. “Not happening.”

I roll my eyes and readjust my position on his lap, wrapping his cut around my body tightly. Meadow looks between Hella and me in confusion before continuing, “There was an explosion. When Alaina took me out back to clean up my nose, that’s when it happened.”

I tilt my head. “I only remember bits. I remember dancing on the poll, sliding down in superman.” I smile through the memory. The grip around me tenses again. I continue, “I remember Lisha pulling you back by your hair, and I remember you jumping on top of her and pounding her face, but everything went blank after Phoebe arrived.” I look up to Hella, whose eyes are still peering into mine with a mixture of ice and fire stewing underneath.

“Baby, you did
to Lisha’s face?” Beast laughs.

“She deserved it.” Meadow lifts her chin. “She was out for Melissa… over you.” Meadow looks pointedly toward Hella.

His jaw clenches and his body stills. “Where is she?”

I watch him carefully, the tick that jolts over his jaw working overtime. The way his cheek bones sit prominent, the tattoos covering his neck in intricate colors, and the way his eyelashes fan out over his soft, flawless skin. I have the sudden urge to punch him square in the face. It’s not fair that someone who is such a fucking asshole is this good-looking. His eyes drop down to mine. I cringe inwardly that I’ve been caught staring. He grins one of his evil smirks and all thoughts of wanting to punch him come in tenfold. I pull my eyes away from him quickly, looking back to Meadow. My being on his lap doesn’t feel as awkward as it should. The man has had his tongue downstairs; I think we’ve bypassed the awkward stage.

Meadow shrugs. “I don’t know. Alaina told her and the rest of the whores to pack their shit and leave. Do you know who this was? Who did this?” She gestures toward the monster hole on the side of the bar.

Beast shakes his head. “Nah, I don’t know. Now that both our chapters have joined, it could be about anything. The Russians are settled. It wasn’t them. That’s all we really know.”

Hella shifts from underneath me. My eyes glued on what’s happening. Families are all huddled together as sirens sound off in the distance. The tree Phoebe and I used to climb still stands strong at the front of the property and I smile, thinking of how it was so much easier when we didn’t know what was going on inside the club.

“Alright, since no one else is going to ask, when did this become a thing?” Hella asks, his eyebrows raised as he points between Meadow and Beast.

Meadow shakes her head, looking at Beast. “I don’t know. Good question.”

I roll my eyes. I’m not against her and Beast. They’re great together, obviously, but I guess it’s still a little strange to see Meadow so involved with someone.

Beast takes Meadow to get her arm checked by Alaina. I shuffle, attempting to get out of the grip Hella has me in. Now that we’re alone, it’s starting to feel a little weird.

“What’re you doing?” He looks down at me.

I huff out, “Why are you wrapped around me?”

“Would you rather I let you go?”

“Yes.” I seethe.

His eye twitches. “Well, then no, I’m not.”

“Why?” I ask, frustrated.

His grip loosens and I get to my feet, already lonely without his body wrapping itself around mine. Bad sign
. You stupid sadistic bitch

Sitting in the spot opposite him on the picnic table, I pull his cut off of me and hand it back to him. He takes it and shrugs it back on.

“I take it Hella is your road name? Or should I just stick to ‘cunt’?”

He laughs, a smirk beaming from his mouth. “I like the sound of ‘cunt’ coming out of those sweet lips. Maybe you should stick to that.” He pulls out a packet of cigarettes, placing one in his mouth and watching me every two seconds. “Hella isn’t my road name. Had it since I was a kid. It was so people couldn’t kill me and sluts couldn’t bang down my door after having my dick lodged down their throat
.” He blew a cloud of smoke in my face. 

“Well, I’ve had your dick in me, and I gotta tell you…” I stand, bending over the table and scanning his huge arms with a smile. “I’m a little disappointed,” I lie through a whisper.

His eyebrows shoot up. “That the best you can do? I left an opening for at least four different insults and that’s the best you can come back with?” He rounds the table, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his hard chest. He runs his lips over mine ever so gently. “Smell that, baby? That’s the smell of your bullshit still lingering on my lips.”

My chest heaves with anger and lust. What the fuck is wrong with me? My brain hates him, but my body wants to fuck him all over again. Schizophrenia, it has to be. His tongue draws out as he swipes it across the rim of my bottom lip. My eyes close and my hand flies up to his chest, attempting to push him away, but his grip tightens. His mouth comes to my ear as he growls, “You can’t fuck a fucker, baby, and you can’t bullshit a bullshitter.”

I shove him again. This time, he lets me go, falling back slightly with a laugh. “If you fuck like you fight, I’m throwing down the gauntlet and calling a rematch because I obviously didn’t get the full experience.”

“I fucking hate you,” I sneer at him.

His mouth kicks up in a grin, his dimples popping out. “Yeah?” His eyes sparkle with excitement. “Show me,” he whispers, nudging his head and dragging his eyes down my body.

I let out an exasperated scream just as Meadow and Beast start walking towards us. Meadow nudges her head for me to follow her.

“Gladly!” I push off the table and walk up to her, hooking my arm in hers.

“You okay?” she asks, her eyes searching mine as we walk towards the parking lot.

I shrug. “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” I answer, looking over her shoulder at Hella and Beast watching us closely.

“Look,” she starts as we both stop our walking. She looks over her shoulder and smiles. “Beast and Hella are going to stay at my place to keep an eye on us. I said you would come with me so that they can watch us under the same roof—safety and all. But Melissa, what’s going on between you and Hella? He’s scary. I hope you…”

I laugh, shaking my head. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“Are you sure?” She takes my hand into hers. “Beast said he’s a man-whore and will lose interest after a while, so just hang in there.”

“Oh,” I say with a scoff. “I don’t think that’s the problem, trust me. We just rub each other the wrong way.”

“I think it’s a little more than that,” Meadow adds dryly. “You can cut the sexual tension from a mile away.”

I ignore her comment. It’s the best way to go with Meadow. “I’ll come, but I’ll need to borrow some of your clothes.”

“Of course,” she answers. “It’ll be a sleepover.”

“How fun,” I answer vacantly. She bumps me with her shoulder before we both start laughing and walking back towards the boys. Oh joy, I’m really not looking forward to this at all.

On our way back towards Meadow’s, I look out towards the side mirror at the bike following closely behind us before bringing my eyes to the bike leading us in front.

“Meadow,” I say absently. “I’m really fucking hungry.”

“Shit,” she whispers. “I need to do some shopping, Beast and Hella would probably eat enough food to feed a small village.”

“Can we just go through an in-and-out joint on the way? The one in town will still be open.”

“Yeah, let’s do it.” She looks toward me before signaling off the main street that goes through Westbeach. The bikes disappear for a few seconds and I can’t help the laughter that escapes me.

“They’re going to be mad.”

She shrugs. “They won’t be far behind us.”

We pull through the burger joint and order enough food to feed the boys as well. I place all the brown paper bags onto the floor as we pull out of the drive-thru. I look towards Beast and Hella, who are parked in a parking space waiting for us. I smile at Beast before turning my head to Hella, who smirks at me. My smile dramatically drops and my middle finger flips up. His finger flies up in reply, his lips pulling in. I roll my eyes again and Meadow looks at me. “You okay?”



Walking into Meadow’s little apartment by the beach, I step into the kitchen, dumping the rubbish from out nasty take-out food and open the fridge as the boys walk through not far behind us. Twisting open a bottle of water, Hella walks in and disregards me instantly before continuing to the living room. This will make it easier. I’ll be able to get through the night if he acts like I don’t exist. Taking my water with me, I walk down to Meadow’s room and start rummaging through her wardrobe until I’ve picked out something to wear to bed.

After scrubbing up in the shower, I pull on one of her tank tops and silky pajama shorts before letting my long hair trail down my back in soft waves. The bedroom door opens and Meadow walks in, leaning against the door frame. “The guys are on a mattress and sofa. We can sleep in here.”

I smile, nodding my head. “That sounds good.”

“You going to come out? I put on

I laughed. “How can I say no to young Brad Pitt?”

Walking into the living room, Hella’s legs are sprawled out on the mattress and Beast is sitting on the sofa. When Meadow climbs onto the sofa with him, I look down to Hella, who’s smirking at me.

I shake my head. “Nope, I’m going to bed.” I turn in my step and walk back towards Meadow’s room, pulling her covers down and climbing in.

The door opens and Hella walks in, closing the door behind him. “What? You’d have my dick in you, but you won’t sit next to me?”

I exhale, flopping my arms out of the blanket. “What do you want, Hella? Your dick has already gotten me into enough trouble.”

I look at him, the bedside table light displaying his muscled body that is covered in ink with his loose basketball shorts hanging off his hips. I bring my eyes back up to his to find him sporting a cocky grin. My eyes close briefly, sensing the air shift to a dangerous level. “Get out. I’m not in the mood for your shit.”

“Come and watch the fucking movie, Melissa. Quit being a little bitch.”

My eyes narrow. “You did not just call me a bitch.”

He shrugs, his big arms crossing against his chest. “I’ve called you worse in my head.”

My mouth drops open before slamming it shut. He rolls his eyes. “Meadow wants you out there, so get the fuck up so I don’t have to third-wheel it with them. Or would you rather I get in bed with you here?”

I swing my legs over the bed in a huff. “Fine!” I walk up to him, stabbing my index finger into his chest. “Stay away from me though, got it?”

“Baby, you give yourself way too much credit. I wouldn’t hit that again if someone paid me.”

“Good, we agree on something then.”

He smiles, opening the door. I storm back out, dropping onto the mattress and being sure I stay as far away from him as possible throughout the entire movie.


The next day, I crawl out of bed, trying not to wake Meadow before walking into the kitchen, passing Beast and Hella who are lounging around watching UFC on the TV.

“Morning,” Beast murmurs, lifting his cup to his mouth.

“Morning!” I answer sweetly, walking to the water kettle and flicking it on. “Anyone want coffee?” I ask, popping my head around the corner with eyebrows raised.

“No, thanks,” Beast answers.

“Yep!” Hella adds.

“No? Just me? Okay, good.” I hear Beast chuckle under his breath before I pour the hot water into my mug. After stirring in instant coffee, I bring it to my nose and inhale deeply. I love the smell of coffee more than I like the taste of coffee, but I drink it because I need it.

Walking into the living room, I drop down onto the sofa beside Beast and look down to Hella, who’s sitting with his knees drawn up, his arms resting on them. His hair is closely shaven on the sides but a little longer on the top, and when I run my eyes over his back, my eyes connect to his numbers on the back of his neck again. Lifting my mug to my mouth, I take a small sip and nod my head towards it. “So… 112? Is that your assigned cunt number?”

Beast laughs again. Hella sits forward, narrowing his eyes on me. His movement forward displays the rest of his back, and for a brief second, I’m at a loss for words. He has The Devil’s Own patch tattooed on his back as well as a big scripture that goes over his ribcage. Both of his arms are covered in ink, and when he faces forward, his entire chest is also filled with colorful artwork. The one that travels across his chest leads up to his neck and wraps around the front, drawing over his jawline. The lines are immaculate and the shading is professional. His artist is obviously talented.

“Let me guess. I pissed you off?” I ask with a smirk.

He shakes his head, taking my coffee from me. “For you to piss me off, baby, I’d have to give a fuck about your existence.” He takes a sip, his eyes staying glued on mine. The mug comes back down and he whispers, “Which I don’t.”

I take the mug back from him. “Oh really? Then why are you here?”

He laughs, turning back around again. “Oh, you think I’m doing this because I care about you?” He gets to his feet and my body stills as my hands clutch my mug tighter. He drops his mouth down to my ear, both hands landing on either side of my head and resting on the top of the sofa. He chuckles. “My cock likes you—that’s why. Don’t flatter yourself. He’ll get bored soon.”

Keeping my eyes locked on his, I tilt my head and bring my mug to my lips. “Mmm? Well, if you could hurry it along, that’d be great because I was bored by the third lick,” I lie.

It’s just too much fun to work him up.

His jaw flexes before his hand wraps around the back of my neck and my shoulders draw up at the grip he’s placing on it. “Fuck off,” I spit to him.

Beast taps his arm. “Brother? Play nice.”

Hella brings his face down, running his nose over mine, and I fight to keep a moan from escaping my lips. His presence is everywhere, hypnotic and poison. His soft plump lips rest over mine lightly before his tongue draws out of his mouth and runs across the rim of my bottom lip. Keeping my mouth slammed shut, my thighs clench together and my heart rate picks up rapidly. “You taste that?” He smiles against my lips, his grip behind my neck keeping me still. “That’s the taste of you losing your shit on the

Pulling my head out of his grip, I slouch into the sofa. “Don’t flatter yourself. I just happen to like getting head.”

He rolls his eyes, dropping back down to the mattress. I look at Beast, who has his eyebrows raised. “You two could not be more fucked if you tried.”

I push off the sofa, giving Hella the stink eye as I walk past him towards the kitchen. He laughs. “Keep it up baby, you’re only getting my dick hard.”

Once I’m in the safety of the kitchen, I begin pulling out bacon, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, toast, and sausages. Meadow has more food in here than she thought, but thinking back to her childhood, she probably always makes sure her cupboards are full. I begin frying the bacon, pouring maple syrup in to cook it in before scrambling the eggs. Once I’ve cooked the mushrooms, I walk back out to the living room. “Go eat. I’m going for a shower.”

Beast pushes up off the sofa and walks towards the kitchen and Hella watches me carefully, staying in his spot.

“What? You not hungry now?” I ask innocently.

“Not for that.”

I roll my eyes and turn my back on his penetrating glare. “Go and eat, Hella.”

After washing in the shower, I throw on one of Meadow’s skinny jeans and a tank top that’s a little tight on me. Meadow is stick thin and tall. I’m five foot four and around one hundred and twenty-five pounds with curves that go on for days. My ass is probably my best asset because I have next to no tits. My waist is naturally pinched in and my hips spray wide, so on that note, the jeans fit snuggly and the tank top rides above my hip bones constantly. I wrap the towel around my hair in a turban and walk back out to the main room.

“You guys eat?” I ask, walking straight past them. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Hella’s head tilting to the side and following me as I walk into the kitchen.

“Yeah, thanks,” Hella yells out.

I dish out some onto a plate and return, dropping down onto the sofa beside Beast. Hella’s sitting on the mattress, his back leaning against the sofa with his shoulders almost brushing over my leg. My body stills at the sudden proximity of him.

“Meadow really needs to buy another couch,” I growl under my breath.

“Hey, guys. I didn’t mean to sleep that long,” Meadow announces, coming in.

“Morning, princess.” I smile. “And it’s fine. I made this!” I point down to my dish. “They’ve already eaten.”

“Really?” She looks at Beast and Hella.

“I fed them, Meadow. Relax. I need to go and hand the keys to the new manager I hired, though. Maybe we could go do that when you’re ready?”

“Sure. I just need food.”

“Worked up a bit of an appetite early this morning, did you?” Hella smirks, winking at Meadow. I look between Hella and Meadow. Meadow’s eyes narrow on Hella before I look to Beast, who’s shaking his head.

“Oh my God! You slept with him!” I yell, my hand flying up to my mouth.

“I slept with
last night,” she answers, her eyes growing wide.

“I can work with that too, baby,” Hella retorts with a grin. I roll my eyes, shoving my plate into Hella, who takes it from me while keeping his eyes locked on the TV, popping a piece of my bacon into his mouth.

“Me. You. Kitchen. Now.”

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