Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2) (30 page)

BOOK: Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2)
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Prickles of one hundred needles pierce my face, and I toss my head from left to right, attempting to shake the feeling. Trickles of wetness then trail down my neck, and slowly my consciousness returns. My eyes snap open onto the deep stormy depths of nothingness. Pushing off the concrete floor with my hands, I bring myself to my feet, my hair clinging to my face in sticky strands that fall around my shoulders.

“You just threw water on me?” I ask, noticing his ripped, worn jeans and how the black t-shirt he’s sporting today displays his embossed muscles. An array of tattoos cover both his arms, disappearing under the sleeves of his shirt. Another man walks in, his face covered in a blood red mask with three slashes going across his eyes and ending on his cheek. His body isn’t as thick as Tripp’s, but the way he carries himself seems to throw up enough warning signs. My silk white blouse now clings to my chest, displaying my plain cotton bra.

Red mask walks toward me until the tip of his shoe collides with mine. His hand flies up to my neck as he pushes my back against the wall. His grip tightens as his other hand finds my center and strokes violently in pressured, circular motions. A low grunt vibrates over my skin as the hand that was around my throat drops to my blouse.

“Your training starts now. You’re going to learn how to behave like a good little whore.” Words die in my throat as his fingers dive into the cup of my bra and pinch my nipple. “That feel good,
?” he taunts.

My eyes remain closed. This isn’t happening.

“Answer me!” he roars, his pinching intensifying until a sharp sting burns on the tip on my nipple. His hand disappears under his mask as the sound of suction breaks the unknown silence. “Mmmm,” he moans seductively. “The blood of a virgin.”

His hands then grip tightly around my blouse until he rips it off, throwing it to the ground, and I’m left standing in my slacks and white cotton bra. The breast that he had just assaulted is exposed to the cool air, sending another sharp pang of pain shooting through it.

He steps back, his face tilting. “I’ve seen better, but nothing is more priceless than a virgin. Your virginity may need to stay in check.” His eyes darken as the word “virgin” leaves his mouth. He comes back towards me, his hand sliding behind my back where he unhooks my bra, keeping his dark eyes trapped with mine. “But you will need training in all other aspects we deem fit, and I’m your day one,
,” he announces, watching me. He throws his head over his shoulder. “Black mask? He’s your day two.”

The light material of my bra had now completely fallen off my body, joining my blouse on the dirt-ridden ground.

“White mask? Day three,” he continues, his knuckles skimming down my erect nipples courtesy of the cool, empty air. “Blue mask? Day four.” My eyes drift to the man standing near the door in a blue mask, his hair trailed down to his wide shoulders as he leans against the metal cell. “Day five goes to grey mask.” He drops his head down to the crook of my neck. “You get the one and only executioner on day six, because he likes them trained well, and you need warming up to him,” he trails, his fingers gripping around my upper thighs as he wraps them around his hips. “Guess what happens on day seven, nun?” he whispers so harshly, I flinch. “
You. Get. Us. All.

I never intended The Devil’s Own to be an MC-only series. It’s why I didn’t add the “MC” at the end of “The Devil’s Own” in the subtitle.

Hint hint ;)

– My partner in crime, the Clyde to my Bonnie, and the love of my life. I could not have done all of this without your undying support. I love you so much. Always and Forever.

My four terrors
– My little people who understand that mommy is a working gal now, I love you little munchkins, continue to take my breath away every day and I’ll continue to drink wine because of it.

Isis Te Tuhi
– a novel wouldn’t be enough words to say how much I’m grateful for your sexy existence. You’re my number one critique and my number one bitch face. I love you. The original Mrs Finlay. — Oops, I wrote it. Oh well, this is my party and we’ll sing if we want to. #distanceaintshit

My betas
  (Andrea, Caro, Michel, Kathy, Kaci, Heidi)– Thank you for being here for me on my writing journey. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into helping me make these stories come alive, I appreciate you all so much.

Andrea Florkowski
-  If I could name all the incredible things you’ve done for me in the short space I’ve known you, you’d take over this novel. I can’t put into words how much I appreciate your existence and all the things you’ve done for me and my stories. You’re one of the strongest women I know and I’ll love you forever. I’m happy to be your kiwi cub!

Caro Richard
– My kick ass PA! I don’t know how I got so far without you. You go above and beyond with everything. Thank you for caring about my books and just GETTING me. You get me and my stories and you care about them like they’re your own.  Love you to the land of deranged alphas and back.

Anne Malcom
– You amazing woman. I cherish our friendship so much and I’m so grateful to have you in my life. #Personsforlife That makes no sense but hey, everyone knows us Kiwi’s have our own vocabulary. #Yeahbro #YeahNah #GhostChips #NekMinute

Addison Jane
– Thank you for everything, for being the first person to reach out to me and for being my favourite Clubgirl. Green eggs and Ham…

Kim Osborn
– Thank you for your continued friendship and all the laughs.

Kat Fenton (Kitty Kats Crazy About Books)
— Two words = you’re amazing. Thank you for reviewing my first book (No really… I think ‘thank you’ just doesn’t cut it. Maybe I should have bought you glasses after reading my debut book) and then reviewing every one after that. Thank you for your honest words and support. I’ll gladly take a frying pan in the face from you.

Kori Toth-Gray
— #1 Pimp. I’ll forever be grateful for all the time you put into pimping my work. You rock my shit.

Daryl Banner
– Thank you for being an amazing editor and bringing my book to life. Xx

Lastly just a big thank you to everyone who shares, pimps and promotes my stuff. I see the tags and I appreciate the love so much. Thank you! I don’t know what I’d do without all your help.

Songs I listened to while writing this book or feature in this book:

Gnash, Olivia O’Brien - I hate you, I love you

Three Days Grace - I hate everything about you

Iggy Azalea - Team

Disturbed – The Sound of Silence

Disturbed – You’re Mine

Rage Against the Machine – Killing In The Name Of

Slipknot – The Devil In I

Avenged Sevenfold – This Means War

Disturbed – Who Taught You How to Hate

Nate Dogg – Your Wife

Drowning Pool – Bodies

Trapt – Headstrong

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