Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2) (28 page)

BOOK: Hellraiser (The Devil's Own #2)
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“Chill, I’m fine. I just need my sister.” Once I reach him, I hook my arm around his as we continue to walk towards the water hole. Throwing the blanket down, I take a slow seat and look up at the bright fairy lights that are thrown through the tree that hangs over the water. “It’s so beautiful out here. I’ll never get tired of it.”

“Hope not,” he mumbles, handing me my plate. “‘Cause I don’t plan on letting you anytime soon, if ever.”

My cheeks redden and he unzips his hoodie, throwing it towards me. “Put it on.”

“I can’t,” I answer, picking up some broccoli. “It’ll hurt.”

He growls, so I throw it over my legs. The humidity is at its peak right now, so it’s not like I’m cold.

“Before I forget,” I say around chewing my meat. “There was a girl there that night.”

“What?” He pauses, placing his fork back onto his plate.

“I don’t know who she was. I didn’t recognize her voice per se, but I feel that if I heard it enough, I’d be able to, if that makes sense.” I take a bite out of my bread roll and silently thank the gods for giving Hella a brain to put carbs on my plate.

“What’d she say?”

I shrug before telling him what she said. He pauses, fishing something out of his pocket and tossing it to me. “This mean anything to you or your sister?”

I flip the note around and read it. “What? No,” I answer absently, giving the card back to him. “Should it?”

“I don’t fucking know, but it means something.”

“What’s underneath it?” I ask, pointing towards it with my fork when I catch a tiny image in the far right corner.

He holds it closer to his face, pulling out a lighter to see it clearer. His eyes squint. “It’s an emblem. A triangle and an eye, like the fucking Illuminati.”

“Well, that can’t be it, though I wouldn’t put it past our shit luck to have
chasing us, too.” I roll my eyes and he stops, his arm hooking around my waist as he pulls me into him.

“You know,” he whispers, his lips leaving a warm sensation lingering well after his voice has gone, “you’ve been away from my mouth for too long.”

I look up at him, keeping my eyes locked on his as my heart pounds in my chest. “I agree,” I nod my head, shoving more food into my mouth. His eyes travel down my body until he leaps up, grabs each of my knees and carefully spreads my legs open, the warm air rushing over my lace-covered clit.

“Hella! I’m eating!” I smile at him, taking a bite out of my bun.

He shrugs his shoulders, flipping his cap backwards and running his tongue over his bottom lip, causing his two dimples to pop out. My panties are soaked at the sight alone, so when his finger slides inside me and he gently presses his thumb against my clit, I throw my head back and moan slightly. He pulls my body down so my back hits the blanket-covered sand and rips off my panties before his warm mouth covers my clit. My eyes pop open onto the fairy lights above us. His strokes are slow and sensual, like always. His finger slides inside me and slowly massages my G-spot as his tongue follows the same pattern. My chest is heaving, my thighs are dripping in sweat from the need to come. My hand finds his hair and I pull his face into me, urging him to go harder, and he chuckles against my clit, the vibrations feeling so good, it causes a growl to escape mine.

“Fuck me,” I whisper, and he pauses.

“I might hurt you, and as much as that gets my dick hard when I’m the one doing the hurting, you don’t want the thoughts of those fuckers running through my head while I’m balls-deep in you, babe. I might accidently snap your neck.”

His eyes twinkle up at me from between my thighs, the evidence of my arousal glistening over his lips. With his hat on backwards and that smirk on his smug face as well as my wetness on his mouth, it sort of outweighs my wanting to throat punch him for saying that, so I lie back down and close my eyes. “Continue.”

He chuckles against my thighs and my eyes close again. I’m not sure where my sister is or what’s happening with her, but I promise her—putting it out in the universe—that I will find her and I don’t care who I have to go through to accomplish that. I lost my dad, I almost lost my mom, I won’t lose her too.

Three Months Later

“That’s everything!” I yell out from my apartment toward Skid, who’s pilling boxes on top of boxes.

“You really need all this shit?” he asks from behind a big stack as he made his way out the door.

Meadow laughs, walking out with her just-popped belly. “Yes, she does. How are you feeling about all this?”

I pause, my smile dropping for a second. “I’ll be okay, I think, as long as I have you and Hella and the girls, I’ll be fine.”

“And me!” Garret calls out from the kitchen where he’s taken it upon himself to eat everything out of my cupboards so we don’t have to pack it.

“Of course! You didn’t need to be in that sentence.”

“And Uncle Brax did?” he asks with a smile.

“Yes, he definitely did.” We all laugh before Meadow hooks her arm around mine, leading me out the door.

“Hurry up, bud!” I call out to Garret.

I had decided to rent out my apartment for now. Although Hella and I are very much together—property patch and all, though it took him pinning me down to put it on me. I’m not a fan and still am not; I only wear it when I absolutely have to, though, most of the Devil’s Own in America know who owns me—I still have doubts in the back of my head. Hella knows and he works hard every day to squash them. Time heals; words don’t.

“It’s going to be okay, you know that, right?” Meadow says as Garret zips out of the apartment with a mouthful of Fruit Loops.

I whip my head toward him. “Did you just eat dry Fruit Loops?”

He chews quickly before swallowing. “Yes. You have to try it. They’re awesome.”

I shake my head. Meadow leans her head on my shoulder as we walk to the lobby downstairs. “It’s going to be okay.”


“So, you want this?” Jada asks, looking down at the paper she just sketched on.

I take it from her and smile. “Yes, this is exactly it.” I decided to get a shaded cross with roses wrapped around it with the words
“All is not lost”
intertwined with it on the side of my upper thigh. I may not know where she is right now, but I’ll never lose hope. I’ll never give up on her. I’ll search for the rest of my days if I have to.

Jada smiles, turning on the tattoo machine as she begins her masterpiece. When it’s done, she runs a wet wipe over it and points toward the large mirror. “Take a look.”

I swing my legs over so I can see her new work. “It looks better than on the paper,” I whisper, a single tear falling over my cheek.

“Hey,” Jada says, flinging off her gloves. “It’s going to be okay.”

“People keep saying that, but when? When is it okay? I can’t imagine it ever being okay until she’s home.”

The door swings open and Hella walks in, eyebrows pinched together.

“We found her.”



Three Months Earlier

The heavy bumps of the gravel road bounce me up and down in the back seat of the dark SUV I’ve been thrown into. My silent sobs wrack my body while I silently pray that whoever these people are, they at least kill me fast. I rub the tears off my swollen cheek and bring my eyes up to everyone who is sitting in the back with me. Every single person’s face, including the driver’s, is covered by a mask. I swallow past the bile coming up my throat and bring my eyes to the rearview mirror where the driver’s mask is all steel with a single red slash across the forehead of it going down to his chin. When his eyes move off the road and meet mine in the rearview mirror, chills seep into my veins. His dark eyes glare right into me. It’s like looking into the eyes of a corpse.

My face pales. “What do you want with me?”

His eyes come back to the rearview mirror. “You’ll know what we want you to know.”

One of the other men in the back with me cuts off my vision by tying a rag around my eyes. He takes hold of my wrist when the SUV comes to a halt. “Mmmm,” he growls into my ear. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any hotter, I put this baby on you.” He tugs at the blindfold around my head. His voice was low, but filled with malice and oozing with death.

My jaw sets, my arms handcuffed behind my back. The truck door opens and someone pushes me out the door. I stumble forward, my chest and forehead connecting with the concrete ground. My sobs start again as the burning graze I gained on my head begins to sting with fire.

“Stop,” a deep commanding voice says. “Kurr doesn’t want us to fuck with her. He wants his toy pretty.”

Hands go around my arm as the blindfold is ripped off my eyes.

I squint, the now-morning sun rising over the masses of trees. The body that stands in front of me is massive—the same mask I recognize from the driver with the same eyes glaring down at me. I can’t tell how old he is, but there’s no sign of aging from what I can see, which isn’t much. His eyes narrow in on me, the dark rings glaring right through me like a dark light saber slicing through the halo of light. I flinch.

“Ready to meet the dungeon?” he growls. I swallow, prying my eyes away from the man in front of me. “Come on.” He tugs my arm to hurry me up.

“What does he want with me?? I’m just the sister of one of the girls who was seeing a guy in the club!”

He stops, turning his body around, his chest pushing against mine until my back hits the SUV again. His eyes narrow again, his hand coming up to my chin. One of his legs comes in between mine, spreading me open. His face comes down to my ear, the cold steel from the mask brushing over my cheek. I slam my eyes shut.

“Here we go. I was wondering when the games would start,” the guy who blindfolded me says excitedly. “One, you don’t ask questions,” he growls before his other leg comes in between my legs, spreading me further, his hard dick pressing against my stomach. “And two? I’ll do what the fuck I want with you.”

“You’re sick. Is this getting you…” I look around nervously. “Hard?”

He presses his cock into me even more, dragging it over my stomach in one stroke. “Oh, you have no idea.”

My eyebrows draw together as he continues to drag me forward. When I bring my head up to see what’s in front of me, my mouth drops to the ground. “What the F?”

In the crater of what looks like an old volcano sits one monstrous building with other little housing buildings scattered around it. There are men and women walking around the place. I swallow, my eyes glossing over. “What is he going to do with me?”

The masked man who has me up against the SUV turns toward me again. “Who? Kurr?” he questions, the dark depths of his eyes twinkling with excitement. He drops his hoodie from his head. Tattoos cover the front of his neck. “He’s the least of your worries, pet.”

“Who’s my biggest?” I manage to choke out through my fear. I chance a quick look at the six other men standing behind him when one turns around, displaying the back of his hoodie which reads, in white writing, “In man we trust”.

My blood drains from my face as prickling fear reverberates over my flesh and my breathing increases.

He stares right through me, his eyes piercing me with so much intensity, I almost squirm. I wonder what he looks like without that mask on.

“Me,” he finally answers before taking my arm and tugging me forward. When he turns, I see tattooed numbers on the back of his neck similar to Beast and Hella’s. Only this man’s numbers read “000”.




Continue next page for a preview of Razing Grace (The Devil’s Own #3)

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