Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3) (5 page)

BOOK: Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3)
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He turns his head and lightly speaks close to my ear. “That’s not true, Kinley. They usually ask me how many orgasms can they expect or they ask if my dick really is as big as they’ve heard.”

Oh, he thinks he’s going to embarrass me. “Well, I’ve heard penile implants are very popular now-a-days.” I notice his mouth drops a little, and he smirks at me.

He’s about to say something, but Mama cuts him off. “Kinley, it’s not nice to whisper in front of people” She pulls her attention back to my unwanted guest. “Now, Carson, are you married? Kids?”

I’m sure there are pending DNA tests on that last one, Mama,” I smart off again.

Carson doesn’t even acknowledge me. “I’m single, Mrs. Wright.”

Mama’s eyes grow wide with excitement. “I’m sure you’re aware that our dear, sweet Kinley is recently divorced.”

Divorced? Why would anyone leave a girl as sweet as you, Kinley?”

Daddy chuckles. He knows that
isn’t the best way to describe me. I’m not mean, but I’m a
bit hardheaded. However, Carson’s statement makes me roll my eyes. “Thanks for that, Mama. And it’s a long, very boring story, Carson.”

Mom waves her hand away. “It’s a short story and Carson, she really is a good girl. She just prefers to be more career-oriented.” She uses a rude tone with that last part of the sentence.

There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m the same way. Everyone has their own goals and dreams and the right to follow them.” He looks over to me. He’s being sincere, but I don’t fall under his charm.

I guess. Now, Carson, do you do well at this hockey-thing you play at?” Mama looks a little confused by her question.

Daddy laughs harder. “Forgive her, Carson, she isn’t a hockey fan. We’re more of a football family.”

Oh yes, Kinley has already proven that to me. But I’m very good, Mrs. Wright. It’s why your daughter chose to work with me. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

Ha!” I bark out quickly. “I was given an assignment. It’s not like I asked to work with you.”

Mama cut me her meanest look. “Kinley, don't be rude. We didn’t raise you this way. Carson is trying to pay you a nice compliment, and you’re acting as if he’s dirt. You should apologize.”

My mouth drops. Like I would ever do that, but Mama is still giving me the look, and I know what it means. “Sorry, Carson,” I hiss at him.

You’re forgiven.” He smiles.

I’ve never been so thankful to see the food arrive. I know that the conversation will die down. At least, I pray that it will. I don’t know how many more questions Mama has in her.

During the dinner, Daddy and Carson have a discussion about hockey, and I actually remembered a few things and learn a couple of others.

I keep thinking about the bad-boy campaign. Will it upset Carson’s family? Well, probably not since I’m sure they know how he is.

The waiter brings the bill, and Carson quickly snatches it up and pays for dinner. Daddy protests, but Carson smiles his charm at my daddy and says it’s his pleasure.

The four of us walk out together, and my parent’s car is out front. We say our goodbyes and Mama tells Carson not to be a stranger.

I wouldn’t dream of it.”

I hug my parents and try to dodge Carson and head to my car. He easily catches up with me.

I can’t believe you stayed through the entire dinner. Didn’t you have anything better to do or someone to do?”

Are you offering, sweetheart?”

I stop and stare at him. Is he serious?

Absolutely not. You’re not my type.”

I continue to my car and use my remote to unlock it. I whip open the door, but before I can get in, Carson blocks my path.

Do you have a type or do you automatically say no to everyone? You’re too focused on your career, right? Too focused to get laid?”

I take a small step back. How can he say something like that? That’s low. He’s not too far off base, but it stings my heart a little. “I got married young, okay?” I don’t know why I said it or why I continue. “I made a mistake. And you don’t need to worry about with who or when I have sex. Be sure to look for our meetings that will be coming up soon.”

I push past him, get in my car, and drive away.

Chapter Six



The last thing I was expecting to do when I made my last comment to Kinley was hit a nerve, but I did. Her relationship status is a touchy subject, I guess. I was honestly just trying to tease her and piss her off. That’s why I approached her and that’s why I stayed for dinner. I told her she’d see the jerk soon, so sooner rather than later, right? Meetings with her should be really fun.

I was beyond relieved when the dinner was finally over, though. Her mother was strangely, politely nosy. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was trying to be charismatic with them, largely to annoy Kinley, I would feel bad about lying to them about my parents and visiting them. I don’t have a family and haven’t for a long time, but I can only imagine the questions Mrs. Wright would fire at me had I been honest.

The best part of the meal, I think, was my little side conversation with Kinley. Having someone not impressed or someone who disapproves with my habits isn’t new. However, having someone so openly blunt about it is. The only other person who does that is Mike and he’s nicer about it.

Tonight, I’m going home alone. The reminder of my family or lack thereof puts me in no mood to deal with company, even for sex. I walk into the large, quiet house. My keys make a loud clinking sound as I drop them onto the glass table by the door. The emptiness seems so vast. It’s annoying. Maybe I should have gone to the bar. I go to my bedroom to change, being careful not to aggravate the fresh tattoo on my arm. It’s mixed in with everything else already there, but it has a soft, cursive-like font that simply reads
. Once I finish changing, I lay down on the couch, turning on the TV.

The house seems too big for me. Maybe I should get a dog. Nah, the damn thing would probably run away or die on me. I don’t want to have to deal with that. My grandmother used to tell me that I’d share my life with someone, that I’d want to. I called bullshit then and still do. The only part of her ramblings that really stuck with me, that I remember and follow, is that I should be happy.

Sitting on the couch in my house with me, myself, and I, I realize I can’t get any happier than this.


~ ~ ~


I tilt my head at the screen of my laptop. There’s an email from Kinley, telling me when the initial meeting is. A small grin rises as I read the very end of her message:


be late. Or I’ll make sure everyone knows just how small your penis is.


I click reply:


No one would believe you. They all know better. I can’t make the meeting, by the way.


That ought to piss her off, especially when she finds out I’m lying. Within two minutes, my phone is ringing.

Well, hello, sweetheart.” If my smile gets any bigger, it’ll jump off my face.

Don’t sweetheart me. What do you mean you can’t make it? Do you not understand what a contract means?” She’s livid. It’s way too much fun to piss her off.

Actually, if you remember correctly, you pushed me into signing the contract right away, so I only glanced over it.”

Carson, Mike looked over them, so don’t play me like I’m some dumb blonde that falls at your feet. You need to be at this meeting. We need to go over the campaign.” Her voice is stern and adamant. I should probably let her know before she blows a gasket.

Calm down, sweetheart. You’re getting yourself worked up over nothing. I was messing with you. The time for the meeting is fine. However, I do need to ask for a favor.”

Oh my word, I’m not giving you
sexual favors,” she says it like it would actually be a bad thing.

I wouldn’t need to ask for that. I need you to come over to the house. I have practice, and then I’m meeting someone to go over some work I’m doing to my house. So, I would really appreciate it if you would meet me here,” I tell her as sincerely as I can possibly manage.

She’s quiet for a moment before agreeing. “Well, okay. I need your address or should I backtrack the trail of tears that leave your house nightly?” And there’s the Kinley I know.

No one leaves this house as anything other than
satisfied. But I’ll email you the address.”

We hang up and I do as I said I would. After practice, Elliott is coming over so he can get his ass started on what I’m hiring him for. I really hope he doesn’t come armed with more jokes. The image of Kinley laying into him like she does to me has me nearly dying in laughter. I could picture him with a deer in the headlights look.

Practice seems to pass by extra slowly today even though we’re working hard. It runs a little late, so I decide to shower at home. Then I’ll for sure be there when Elliott arrives and then Kinley. I take a quick one and just as I wrap a towel around my waist, I hear the doorbell ring.

I open it to Kinley, surprised to see her in fitting jeans and a low cut shirt. She loves to show off what she’s got and it’s not a bad sight. Her mouth parts as she takes in the fact that I still have drops of water on my bare torso and only a towel wrapped around my waist. Her eyes leisurely look over me and nearly glaze over with desire.

Leaning against the doorframe, I grin. “You’re early. Eager to see me? You can look all you want, sweetheart, but you might want to come inside first.”

She glares before stepping into my home.


Chapter Seven



Holy shit.

I thought all the times I’d seen him without his shirts were photoshopped. Well, I’m wrong because he’s real. Really real. Now I can take in his left arm’s full sleeve tattoo. At the top is a large Stanley Cup with a few players around it. Down his arm are a set of hockey sticks, a puck, the Alabama Blacksmiths logo, a goalie mask, and several dates that I don’t know what they mean. Then there is a fresh tattoo on his forearm with the name

His mom?

Or sister?

We need to get to business, Carson.” I rush out and hope that I’m not drooling over his gorgeous body. “That’s why I’m early. I know the playoffs are going to start soon, and I want everything nailed down before the summer.”

The reason I gave you a time was because I knew when I would be ready, you know.”

Well, go get ready.”

Want to watch? I know it’s only a towel, but I could still give a good strip tease.”

Carson, I just ate. I’m in no mood to puke. Thanks.”

Suit yourself. My other meeting hasn’t even happened, by the way. You can wait in the kitchen.” We walk into the kitchen just as the doorbell rings.
“Let me get that first.” I’m sure it’s some chick coming over to do whatever he does with them.

My heart stops when I see who it really is.
“Oh my God, Birmingham is too damn small,” I mumble as I see Elliott standing there with Carson.

Everything okay, sweetheart?”

Of course, he would say
at this very moment. “Go get dressed. We’ve got a lot to do.”

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