Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3) (10 page)

BOOK: Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3)
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Carson looks around the room for a moment, actually pondering the idea. “What do you want me to do?”

I roll my eyes. “Carson, do you even know anything about planning a large photo shoot, commercials, or any of this?”

I have experience being in them.” He looks at me as if I’m heading to the looney bin. “But if you don’t want my help, I’ll go.”

No, stop.” I hate that I might need his help. “I...I’m a little overwhelmed right now,” I tell him honestly. “We lost the booking for the first place, and I hate rushing around. I’m stressed out.”

How about I give you some advice?” He takes a step closer to me, and I nod. “This is a lot like a playoff game. It’s stressful, things don’t always go as planned, and everything is on the line, right? So you need to take a deep breath, focus on whatever needs to be done first, and then do it.”

I take in his words, realizing he’s right. I’m beginning to hate it when he is this way. “You know what, thank you, Carson. I mean it, that really helped, and I would love to have your input on this.” I give him a smile.

A huge grin appears on his face. “I win.”


You just smiled.” He points at my face, and I didn’t even realize I had done it. “That’s smile number two, Kinley. I win.”

Son of a,” I stop myself before I finish the cuss word and sigh. “It wasn’t a real smile. It doesn’t count,” I try to explain to him, even though it’s a lie.

Yes, it does. You didn’t list any qualifications for a smile. A smile is a smile and it counts. Don’t be a sore loser.” He winks at me.

I narrow my eyes at him and hiss, “Fine, whatever, I’ll cook you dinner. But right now, you’re helping me.”

He chuckles and nods. “What’s first?”

Well, considering I have you all spread out on this bed, we’ll start here.” I walk over to the spare bed.

Spread out, bed, and start here are my favorite words to have in one sentence.” He uses his seductive tone with me.

Ugh, Carson, focus with the head on top of your shoulders and not the other one.”

I am. That was a pretty mild comment thanks to the head on my shoulders. Could have been worse.”

I’m sure that it would have been. Now, let’s focus.”

It took several hours, but with Carson’s help, I’m able to finish and not stay up all night. All the mock boards, with the clothes and models names, were ready to go. I had all the confirmations that I needed for the props and the camera for the commercials ready. I even checked the weather and it looks like a beautiful week.

Carson, thank you for everything. I mean that too,” I say, opening the door. He really did help me out a lot.

You’re welcome.”

I want him to know I’m sincere, so I give him a quick hug.

I deserve a little something extra since I got a hug out of you too. Next thing I know, you really will want to start with the bed.”

You’re an idiot, Carson Lee.” I step away from him. “Never, and I mean never, will you and I be in a bed together. Ever. And if you want something extra, all the models are down the hall. I’m sure they’ll give you whatever you

I was talking about dessert, like cake, but I think I like your idea better.” He smirks at me. “Maybe I will do that. If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s never say never. Just saying.”

Typically, I would agree with you but this is one bet I would win. Plus, I’m saying again, never, ever, will that happen,” I say more firmly.

Only in your dreams, right?” his voice is low and seductive. Like he thinks that’s going to work on me.

More like a nightmare in my eyes. Goodnight.” I push hard on his chest, shoving him out the door and slam it shut.

On the other side, I can hear him laughing.


~ ~ ~


I’m burning up, Kinley,” Carson yells from on top of the rock he’s perched on.

Shut up, Carson,” I holler back at him.

Cassie is snapping pictures and giggling all at the same time. “Okay, I need the two redheads, please,” Cassie orders.

Now that’s something I haven’t had in a while.” Carson looks down at the girls as they take the short climb to the rock.

Carson, repeat after me: Sexual Harassment.”

Kinley, are you offering?”

Cassie breaks out into laughter, holding her side.

Stop encouraging him,” I whisper at her.

Oh my, I’m so glad you convinced me of this.” She wipes the laughter tears from her eyes and picks up her camera again.

For the next hour, Carson and the two female models give us over one hundred shots to choose from. The sun is almost completely down, and everyone is getting hungry. Well, at least I am.

What do you think?” Cassie comes up behind me and looks over my shoulder. I had the pictures uploaded to my laptop, and I’m scanning them.

These are good.” I scroll through several of them.

Shit, Kinley, were you that worried?” Carson stand in front of me.

Yes,” I lie.

Kinley, we both know better than that.” Cassie giggles. “Carson, did you know that when Kinley was the president of our sorority, she was like a general to us?”

Wait, you were the

Yes,” I answer.

So, you were like the queen of the threesomes.”

Cassie spit out the water she’s drinking.

I slug him in the shoulder. “Shut up.”

I still haven’t heard a denial from either of you,” he eggs on.

Oh, it wasn’t me,” Cassie quickly jumps in. “And I’m leaving on that note.” Cassie picks up her camera case and gets into her rental car.


I narrow my eyes at him. In truth, I’ve never done a threesome, but it’s fun to tease him a little. “A girl never kisses and tells.”

So, if I kissed you, would you tell me now?”

Yuck, no!” I scream. “I’m not kissing you. First, I don’t know what your mouth has been on, and second, eeww.”

Well, thanks for the vote of confidence that I’m not a good kisser.”

I’m sure you’re an adequate kisser. However, we have an early morning, and I need to go through these tonight.” I push past him and head to my car.

I know it’s an early morning. I still have the emails!” he shouts at me.

Chapter Fourteen



The idea that people have a “type” is something I don’t believe in. I don’t have a certain type. If she’s a good looking woman, then she pretty much fits the bill. Of course, this is all based on the end game being sex. Relationships are an entirely different battle. My point is that if there is merit in this idea of people having a type, I’m obviously not Kinley’s. I don’t care and it doesn’t matter because I’m just messing with her, but still. I’ve never seen a woman not budge even an inch like she has. She won’t even joke back! It doesn’t matter how much I throw at her, she’s ready to shut me down each time. It’s fun though.

Today, we’re shooting one of the commercials. Kinley has been bossing people around all morning to do this, wear that, and whatnot. We’re in between takes, and I’m chatting up the current model. I haven’t gotten laid since we’ve been here, and she’s pretty, so…

I don’t think I’ve ever met a hockey player before.” She giggles and bats her eyes at me.

Today is our lucky day then.” I attempt to lean in to whisper something to her, but a handful of clothes are shoved at my chest.

Carson, go change,” Kinley orders.

Again?” She gives me a glare that could kill as I take the clothes from her. She walks over to Cassie and I face the model again. I lift a brow. “Want to come with?”

Don’t even think about it, Carson,” Kinley calls out.

God, woman. You’re worse than a mother would be,” I yell back before walking away from the model. Looks like if I want sex, I’m going to have to work around Kinley, who manages to be around all the time. After I change, I come back for the next round. This is not my idea of fun. It’s not terrible but when compared to being at home with plenty of women who I can actually sleep with, it doesn’t sound all that great.

Do you want to go out for drinks after this?” the model asks. I keep forgetting her name.

Room service has drinks, don’t they?”

She giggles and pushes her hair behind her ear. “I’m in 207,” she whispers in my ear, discreetly nibbling on my ear before we have to do another take. She grins and I grin back. 207. My lucky number for today.

Way too much time passes until I finally hear the four words I’ve been waiting to hear since Ms. Model invited me over.

We’re done for today,” Kinley says. “I think,” she adds.

Thank God. Once I get back to the hotel, I run by my room first. I change, order a bottle of wine, and grab my favorite invention from my suitcase: condoms. Fully prepared, I go down a floor and knock on Room 207.


~ ~ ~


My fingers search my pockets until I find my room key. It ended up in my back pocket instead of the front one. I take it out and look up in time to see Kinley exiting her room with an empty ice bucket.

Damnit, Carson Lee. I knew you couldn’t keep it in your pants.”

What makes you think I didn’t?”

I wasn’t born last night. I know damn well you don’t have that much self control.”

Will it make you feel better if I told you that it was a random chick I met at the bar and not one of the models?”

No, it doesn’t. What will make me feel better is that you’re prepared for today. I hope your little
last night doesn’t make you tired through this shoot today. We have a long day.”

I know. I got all the emails about today. But I won’t be tired, so don’t worry.”

Kinley wasn’t lying about the long day either. If I had known all she was worried about was me messing up her job, I could have had sex sooner! I can easily make the two not collide. To be cautious, maybe I’ll stay away from the models and find some chick in a bar. I really don’t want to mess with her project and future promotion. I don’t think I’m that much of a jerk.

I change so many times that I’m pretty sure I want to walk around naked for the rest of my life. Clothes, clothes, and more clothes. When we break for lunch, I take a second to call Elliott. He’s still working on those rooms for me, and I haven’t talked to him since I’ve been here. It takes him an annoyingly long time to answer.

Elliott, how’s it going?” I ask, hearing all the commotion in the background.

Good. I’ve got everything ordered, and we are finishing up the floors. How’s Utah?”

Just fine. It’ll be done by the time I get back?”

As long as nothing is on backorder, then yes.” If his tone is any indication, he doesn’t like my question. Tough shit. He’s getting paid for it to be done when I want it done.

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