Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3) (9 page)

BOOK: Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3)
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We’ve made it to Utah and our first day here doesn’t have an itinerary, which stunned me. Tomorrow, that’s when it all starts. I think the reason I keep coming back to this threesome deal is because I met the photographer, Cassie, today. She and Kinley together would be pretty great. Not like that would ever happen. Kinley still despises me and Cassie does by default. I just need to put it all in the Do Not Think About folder in my brain.

I haven’t forgotten about my bet either and tonight, since I’m bored out of my mind, I figured I would try to get Kinley to smile. She likes comedies. I like comedies. Surely if I invite her to watch one and she smiles, then I’ve made her smile. Indirectly, but it still counts, right? Her room is across the hall from mine, so I leave mine to knock on her door.

She groans when she opens the door and sees that it’s me. “What do you want, Carson?”

A better hello, for one.” I fold my arms and lean against her doorframe. “Are you going to groan every time you see me? I much rather make you moan, you know.”

A flicker of surprise passes before she narrows her eyes at me. “Hello, Carson. I’m thrilled to see you,” she says with zero emotion. “Now, why did you knock on my door?”

Our bet, remember? My mission is to make you smile twice. Let’s go watch a movie.”

With you?”

It’s a comedy,” I semi-sing, hoping that will persuade her.

She matches my stance with her arms over her chest. “It has to be you, not a movie.”

Was that a rule, Kinley? I don’t think you said that. Besides, I can do it all on my own.” The no is on her lips, I can tell. “Cassie can come too. And I promise I won’t even mention a threesome.” I grin, but she rolls her eyes.

Cassie went out with a few of the models.”

So you have no reason to turn me down?”

Aside from the fact that I don’t like you?”

Oh, come on, sweetheart. Just come watch a movie with me.”

Kinley sighs, but then sends me a glare. “Only if you stop with the sweetheart crap. I hate it.”

I can do that.”

She retreats into her room to grab her key and then pops back out to cross the hall into my room. Kinley goes straight for the chair by the window. I grab the remote and lay on the bed with my arm behind my head, scrolling through the channels.

Ooh, what about that one?” Kinley speaks up.

This one?” I clarify with the correct movie highlighted.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


I press the button, so the movie can start. It’s pretty good too. Kinley smiles and even laughs. She snorts at one point, which makes me laugh a clutching-my-stomach kind of laugh. That didn’t make her laugh. She shot me a look of annoyance mixed with a healthy dose of embarrassment. A small part of me is genuinely surprised. I wasn’t sure that Kinley had it in her.

Feeling thirsty, I walk over to the mini fridge. My phone rings, so I grab it.

Want something?” I ask Kinley, who nods. I swipe to answer the phone and then put it on speaker. It’s only Mike. “Hey, Mike. What’s up?” I question, surveying the fridge.

Just wanted to see how things were going so far and I had some other news.”

Like what?” Grabbing two cans of soda, I hold them up for Kinley to see. She nods her head at the one on the left.

The donations to your usual round of children’s hospitals were delivered today. The kids were all very disappointed that you weren’t there like normal, especially your little girl, but I let them know you’ll stop by before summer’s over.”

I purposely don’t look over at Kinley, which means I’m standing in front of the fridge with two cans in my hands like a dummy. “Great. Go ahead and get a date scheduled, so it’s all set and I can make sure not to be out of town.”

Will do.” He pauses. “So...has she kicked your ass yet?”

Not yet, but there’s still plenty of time.”

Mike sighs. “Remember what I told you, Carson.”

Yeah, I got it.” I set down one of the cans and hang up before he can say more. Before I can even face Kinley, I regret putting it on speakerphone. How I spend my money is none of her business and I don’t need anyone thinking that there’s actually a kind bone in my body. Not to mention that he brought up Gracie too, but that’s no one’s business either.

Her lips are slightly parted and her eyes are a bit wide. I’m guessing she wasn’t expecting that.

Here you go,” I mumble, handing her the can.

So, do you play Santa all year or just when it’s convenient?” She pops the top and takes a sip while I answer.

If it was when it’s convenient, I would have actually been there instead of here.”

Oh, I didn’t mean to offend you. I thought it was for show. Do you usually do that? I mean, help out kids?”

For a moment, I debate lying about it because I know how this conversation goes. It’s always the same when someone finds out what I do with the kids. My gut says it’s stupid to tell the truth, but I do it anyway. “A few times a year, that’s all.” Maybe if I brush it off, she’ll leave it alone.


What do you mean ‘why’? I have the means to do so and the kids enjoy it. Why wouldn’t I?” Seems pretty simple to me.

Have you looked in the mirror? You’re Carson Lee. You’re the bad-boy of hockey. Nowhere on your resume does it say, ‘good samaritan’.”

That’s not who I am to them and there’s a reason it’s not on my resume.” Conversations like this for example. Who I normally am wouldn’t coincide with the guy who visits kids in hospitals anyway, so it’s good that no one knows. It’s no one’s business either. “I do something good, shouldn’t you be happy about that? Just smile and say, ‘That’s nice of you, Carson. I’m surprised, but it’s still nice.’ Or smile and keep your thoughts to yourself. That works too.” I try not to be snappy, in part because I do hope she’ll smile. So my voice is as nice and casual as I can make it. I even smile at her.

If you’re trying to get me to smile, it’s not working. Although, I am surprised, didn’t think you had it in you. May I ask who Gracie is?”

No,” I answer curtly.

Oh, okay.” She drops the topic for a moment. “I’m still surprised that you have a good side.”

I shrug. “Well, I do.”

And all this time I thought the only thing you did good was have sex with all of Alabama.”

Good is a huge understatement when referring to sex with me. If good is all the women are saying, then I’m slacking,” I say seriously.

Kinley smiles and cracks up in a laugh but quickly covers her mouth.

That’s one!” I point at her, grinning. “It should count for two since you laughed.”

She gazes at her drink before looking back at me. “You must have slipped something into my soda, and it’s one, not two.”

Okay, only one then,” I concede. “I’m halfway to winning and it’s only day one. You’ll be cooking me dinner in no time, Kinley.”

Ha, I doubt it, and now I’m leaving.” She stands, sets her drink on the table, and walks across the room and out the door before I can say another word.

Chapter Thirteen



"Cassie, do you think this will work?" I stare out at the scenery in front of us.

"It could. I mean, the mountains are stunning," Cassie says while looking through a camera lens.

"Well, I have the fake leaves and autumn trees coming tomorrow. So, it will look more like fall." The original area I had planned fell through because of so many weddings that are booked. This is the last resort.

"Kinley, it'll be fine. Stop stressing." Cassie takes her face away from the lens and pats my shoulder.

"I need to make sure this is perfect." I push my hand through my hair.

"Come on, let's grab a drink and relax."

"I can't. I need to double check everything before the first shoot tomorrow night. Did you get the schedule?"

"Kinley, everyone has it. You emailed it to all of us, twice, and then made all us confirm that we had it. Twice."

"Well, I'm making sure that you all have it."

Cassie laughs. "You were this way when you were the sorority president too."

I roll my eyes. "Don't make fun of me because I'm thorough with my job."

Cassie giggles and we head back to the hotel.


~ ~ ~


I sit in my room and have all the pictures of the clothes spread out on the spare bed. I have the models pictures taped up on the mirror. I have a list of mock pictures with the clothes and models laying all over the place, and I’m trying to make sure it all works smoothly.

My phone ringing breaks me away from my thoughts. “Hello, Mama.”

Kinley, how is Utah?”

It’s busy, Mama.” I look at everything all around me. “How’s Alabama?”

I’m so glad you asked me that because I think I have found the perfect man for you.”

Oh dear,” I mumble. “Mama, I don’t need to be set up. I’m perfectly capable to find a boyfriend on my own.”

You don’t need a boyfriend. You need a husband. You’re twenty seven. The fish in the pool are being caught up by other mermaids.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “That doesn’t even make sense.”

My point is, your eggs are drying up and I want grandchildren!” Mama almost screams at me. “Every other woman my age has them, and I don’t have any. Not even one.”

Mama, I’m not going to marry some random guy to give you a grandchild!” I yell at her.

Young lady, don’t take that tone with me.” Her voice goes low, and I clamp my mouth shut. “I’m trying to help you.”

The knock on the door makes me take a longer pause with my mother and when I answer the door, I roll my eyes.


I wave him into the room and go back to the conversation with Mama. “I’m sorry I took that tone with you. I’m a little stressed out right now, but I shouldn’t take it out on you,” I soothe her.

Kinley, you need to settle down. You’ve had fun these last few years playing career Barbie, but now it’s time to be a mother and a wife.”

Mama’s words cut deep. I’m not
. I want a career. I want this life. I shut my eyes and pray that no tears will fall. “Mama, I need to go.” I hang up, not even saying goodbye.

Stress with the parents?”

I spin around to him. “Something like that. What do you need, Carson?”

Well, I would say a place to sit but considering this mess that you have,” he trails off looking around the room.

Carson,” I say more firmly. “What do you need?”

I was about to watch a movie and was going to see if you wanted to watch it but looks like you need help with all of this.” He waves his hand all over the room.

I’m trying to make sure that everything is in place. We have our first shoot tomorrow. I’m sure you know this,” I growl at him.

I sent two confirmations back to you, so yeah, I know.” He pins me with his look.

Why is everyone making fun of my emails today?” I throw my hands up in the air. “I want to make sure everyone knows what’s going on and not be late,” I clarify to him. “Anyway, thanks for the offer but unless you’re going to help me here, you can leave now.”

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