Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3) (4 page)

BOOK: Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3)
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When I get in my car, I have a little time, so I go ahead and call Elliott as I drive back to my house. With my name and who I wish to speak to, the receptionist connects me through.

Mr. Lee, how can I help you?” he greets.

I’m looking to get some rooms added onto my house and Charlie Williams gave me your name. Think I could take an hour of your time right now to give you all the details?”

He clears his throat. “Right this minute today?”

Yep. I don’t have a lot of time on my hands. Considering the size of this project, the timeframe I want it done in, and the fact that I’ll add in a bonus if you compete it in that time, I’m sure you’ll have no problem meeting me. Unless you rather I find someone else?”

What’s your address?”

That’s what I thought, I smirk to myself. I do have to confess that I’m impressed when he arrives within twenty minutes of ending our call. I walk him to the back area of the house, noticing that he keeps looking around, observing the house. He’s definitely a construction worker though because he’s built like one.

So, I want, for lack of a better term, a man cave. Big room, big TVs, big couch, big bar, and pool table, air hockey table, and the likes. I also want a workout room.” I glance at him to see what he thinks.

He strokes his imaginary beard, thinking apparently. “If I’m understanding correctly, you want a teenager’s dream bachelor pad?”

If that’s how you want to word it, sure.” I used the term man for a reason. “Think you can do it?”

Sure. Would you like me to add some bikini clad women to the wall too?” he attempts to joke, but this is business and I’m not joking. Plus, he’s not funny.

I’m perfectly capable of getting real women in bikinis in this house, so no thanks.”

No offense, Mr. Lee, I’m well aware of who you are and your reputation in Birmingham.” His eyes squint, crinkling at the corners, and I faintly wonder if it’s simply because of my reputation or if I’ve slept with someone he knows personally. “I can start next week,” he finishes.

Next week? Monday then, I’m assuming?”

Elliott shakes his head. “Mr. Lee, I need to do measurements, get my laborers ready, and let’s not forget, ordering the material. Plus, I haven’t even given you an estimate yet. Unless you’re going to pay for overtime, then I was thinking more like Friday of next week.”

Might as well push it off an additional week then.

I cross my arms over my chest and straighten my posture, knowing that it’ll make me even taller, which is perfect for intimidation. “Since you are well aware of who I am and my reputation, then you know I don’t mind spending money and I like things done as soon as possible. I have the blueprints already. Just need to get the work done.”

Um, well then. Monday it is,” he stammers.

Good. I have some other things to do. I’m sure you can find your way out.”

Thank you, sir. I’ll get it done, no problem.” He shakes my hand before leaving. Money and a well-known name does payoff sometimes, that’s for sure.

Chapter Five



Well, I can see that this campaign is going to go down the crapper before the first shot is taken.” My boss tosses the plans back at me that I had stayed up all night creating. “Kinley, I thought you could handle this. That’s why you got this promotion. Now, the photographer has quit because of what Carson Lee did to the last guy and this plan you have is worthless. Get it together or find another job.” He storms out of the room, leaving me alone.

What the hell?” I mumble. I need to start over. I need to get ahead of this game. How am I going to do this?

I make a quick list of what I need. Of course, the photographer is first, and I know the perfect person. I gather everything together and head out the door. I drive downtown and waltz right into C&C Photos.

Hey, Kinley. I didn’t know you were coming today.” Cassie smiles up at me.

I’m here on business, not pleasure.”

Um, okay.” Cassie looks confused.

I have a huge, and I mean huge, opportunity for you. It will blow this business out of the water. It’s the biggest shoot ever for you.”

What are you talking about?”

I need someone to take the shots and edit them for the Carson Lee campaign and who else would I choose but my dearest friend.” I silently pray that she will say yes.

Kinley, I take wedding and baby photos. Nothing qualifies me to do a professional shoot like that.”

Well,” I use my best smile on her, “technically, Carson Lee is a big ass baby, so what’s the difference?”

Cassie giggles. “I’m sorry. I can’t do it. I wouldn’t do it justice.”

Okay, first, you’re amazing and the best in all of Alabama. Second, think of the money and the fact that you’re helping me out. Please don’t make me beg. This skirt is super tight and my Spanx may bust if I bend down.”

How much money?”

I knew I could sway her. I clap excitedly and hug her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” I keep repeating to her.

Yeah, yeah.” She tries to be mean about it, but she’s smiling brightly. Cassie knows this is big for her too.

I tell her that I will send her all the details, and I head back out. I need to think about a campaign, something that will fit Carson and LSMP. I go down the block to the nearest Starbucks and order the most caffeinated drink they have. I lay out a fresh piece of paper and open my laptop.

Okay, let’s think about this from all directions. First, the clothes. They are for people who want to be comfortable but still fashionable. Second, Carson. I instantly groan. Mr. Bad-boy himself. All I really know about him is he’s an ass and sleeps with anything that stands still for three minutes.

I tap my nail on the side of the coffee cup. That might work. The lightbulb goes off. Maybe Carson’s bad-boy side is what we need to show. What girl doesn’t love a bad boy, and what boy doesn’t want to be one? I begin scribbling down all my ideas, scrolling through most of the clothes that are already approved for the fall line.

I’m so wrapped up in my ideas, I barely hear my phone going off. When I look at the display, I see the one word that I didn’t want to see at this moment.

Hi, Mama.”

Kinley, please explain to me why your father and I are sitting in this restaurant and you’re not here?”

Shit. “Mama, I got caught up at the office, but I’m on my way.” I lie to her, because I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her I forgot. I’m not stupid.

Fine. I can see this career choice is making you forget your parents.” She hangs up.

Well, this is going to be a great dinner tonight.


~ ~ ~


Daddy.” I smile at the one that I know will always be there for me. I hug him tightly.

Be careful, Kinley. Your mama is on the war path.”

I sigh as I drop into the chair. “Great.”

Well, I figure I would warn you because you know how she is, but she means well.”

I give my dad a sad smile. “I know.”

At that moment, my mother sits back down, giving me a glare. “Kinley, I’m glad you could grace us with your presence.”

I’m very sorry, Mama. It won’t happen again.” I need to butter her up or this is going to be a night from hell.

She doesn’t say anything but looks at the menu. Daddy pats my hand and winks. As we decide on what to order, Mama goes into a long story of some neighbor whose daughter is pregnant and how great it would be if she had grandchildren. I hang my head and pretend that I’m studying the menu. When, in reality, I want to yell and tell her that she’ll never get grandkids if she keeps nagging me about it.

Mama has been this way since Elliott asked me to marry him. She had my wedding planned in a matter of days. At the time, it seemed like a great idea. Marriage, careers, a house, and we did love each other. Until I started staying at work more, and we grew apart.

Yes, I put my career first and that was wrong. But I’m happy now and I know that Elliott will find someone.

Well, if it isn’t Kinley Wright?”

Oh no,” the words escape me the moment I hear my name. I look up and give Carson Lee a face of disgust. “Birmingham isn’t as big as it used to be,” I mumble.

Oh now, Kinley.” Carson almost pouts at me.

Go away.”

Kinley,” Mama hisses at me. “Don’t be rude.”

Now, Kinley, you didn’t tell me you had a younger sister.” Carson charms my mama into giggles. “I’m Carson Lee.”

Well, aren’t you just precious. I’m Kinley’s mama, Ruby Wright.” She gingerly shakes his hand. “And this is my husband, Perry Wright.” Carson also shakes his hand.

Very nice to meet you both. I’m sure Kinley has talked non-stop to you about me already-”

Will you shut up and go away?” I cut him off in mid sentence.

Kinley,” it’s my dad this time that stops me from cussing him out. “Mr. Lee, would you like to join us?”

No, he wouldn’t,” I almost yell. “I’m sure he has several dates for this evening that he needs to attend to.”

Actually, I would love to join you. I don’t have any plans.” He sits right next to me.

I can’t believe my day. First, my boss and now this. Thankfully, the waiter comes back, and we all order. Of course, I request another bottle of wine because I need it.

Carson, what do you do for a living?” Mama starts in. I knew that would happen.

I’m a professional hockey player for the Alabama Blacksmiths, ma’am.” Carson’s voice is polite, almost kind. He’s never this nice. He’s lying through the caps on his teeth.

Daddy snaps his fingers. “That’s how I know you! You’ve been having a good season.”

Thank you. I wish Kinley knew that much about me at least.” He eyes me.

I know that much.” I sneer at him.

Carson, where are you from? You sound like a yankee.” Mama smiles at him. I know that look. It means she’s going to measure him up like a hunter preparing to shoot his bow.

That I am. I’m originally from Michigan.”

Mama continues her CIA-like questioning. “Are your parents still there? Or have they moved down here to be closer to you?”

They’re still up there.” Carson looks unsure by his answer, but it’s possible he’s been drinking.

Do you see them often? I know hockey people travel a lot.”

Hockey people? Even I know that they’re called players.

I see them when I can.”

The waiter brings our drinks, and I notice Carson takes a large gulp.

I’m sure Carson doesn’t want to discuss his life and family.” I’m trying to save him, and myself, from all of this.

Oh, Carson, you don’t mind, do you?” Mama turns on her charms and I know that it’s going to work on him. “It’s just harmless questions.”

No, ma’am, I don’t.”
I knew it.
“Most people don’t take the time to ask me those questions, so it’s refreshing.”

I roll my eyes, lean in close to him and whisper, “The only questions you usually get are: do you have a condom, and are these clean sheets?”

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