Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3) (20 page)

BOOK: Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3)
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I chuckle. My teeth gently bite down on her nipple and then tugs it when I push my finger into her. Our talking ceases as my tongue makes a path between her breasts, another finger being added inside of her. Slowly, I travel downwards. My wet fingers come out so I can use both hands to spread her legs further apart. I glance up at her and her glazed over eyes. Smirking first, I lightly trail my tongue over her skin, making a shiver run through her.

After doing that a few more times, my mouth waters for more. I lick and suck with as much expert-like experience that I’ve got because I want to drive her fucking insane. Twice as much as she did to me. When Kinley’s hand grasps my head to hold me in place, I know that I’ve almost succeeded. She tightens around my fingers that I’ve slipped back inside of her and bucks against me with her orgasm.

Reluctantly, I remove myself from her to reach for the condom that I placed on the nightstand earlier today.

Carson,” Kinley says under her breath with hooded eyes as I roll it on.

Sweetheart, I’m not done yet. Don’t worry.”

Her eyes open wider and she laughs. “I was going to tell you that I don’t need a chance to recover.” Her fingers reach out and dig into my ass, pulling me closer to her. “I’m ready right now,” she finishes, wrapping her legs around my waist.

Who the hell am I to deny Kinley Wright what she wants? Especially when what she wants is me.

My tip brushes against her and her breath catches. “Are you staying the night?” I question. Not really sure why I feel the need to ask this right now, but I am. It seems to catch her off guard for half a beat before she nods.

And then I thrust into her.

She kills me when she lifts her hips up off the bed, creating a bit of a different angle. I lose myself in the soft whispers of my name falling from her lips, the way she pushes her body towards me, and pulls mine closer to hers. We hit our climax quickly, spent and satisfied as we lay on my bed to recollect.

We should have started sleeping together the moment we met,” Kinley jokes before we get up to clean up and get ready for bed.

Her tone said she was joking, but it keeps replaying in my mind. I’m weirdly glad that I didn’t sleep with her immediately. For one, it would have been a one time thing. Not to mention that everything between us wouldn’t be like it is right now.

We’re on two different sides of the bed at first, but then, I do something I’ve never done before. I reach over to pull her against me, relishing in the fact that she relaxes against me the moment I do.

With a kiss to the top of her head, I whisper, “Tonight was great. Thanks for that.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine



I wake up feeling like I had the best night’s sleep ever. Actually, there wasn’t much sleeping going on. Carson woke me up in the middle of the night for more sex. I definitely didn’t complain about that.

I push my blonde hair out of my face only to see Carson walking out of his bathroom, wet and naked. God, he’s every girl’s wet dream. I stare in awe for a couple of seconds before he turns around and smirks at me.

Shower’s free.” He slips on his jeans. “I need to run out for a few, but I won’t be long.” He kisses me and takes off out the door.

I’m so glad I spent the night with him. I slowly crawl out of the bed. My body is sore, but it isn’t painful, almost blissful. The smile is still on my face when I turn on the hot water of the shower and step in.

I think I could have stayed in there for the rest of my life. Four different showerheads, pulsing all over my body, talk about heaven. I didn’t have any of my shower stuff, so I use his. Luckily, it’s not too overpowering.

I wrap myself up in the plush black towel and go back into the bedroom. His closet door is open, and I peek inside. It looks like a shopping mall. Everything is perfectly aligned, and there is a table in the middle of the room. On top of that are several cases. They’re filled with watches, necklaces, and rings. All flashy and all blinged out. I never saw him wear any of this. He must use them for special occasions, I guess.

Since I don’t have any clothes except what I wore last night, I take it upon myself to grab a t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. I use my fingers to detangle my hair and grab a rubber band from my purse, throwing it up in a messy bun on top of my head.

I pad through his mansion, looking at all his artwork, pictures, and whatnots. It’s all like him, flashy but classy. It makes me wonder more about him because the one thing I never see is family photos. Actually, I don’t see any photos at all. I’m surprised because even though he doesn’t get along with his family, I thought there would at least be some pictures.

I go into the kitchen, which is more computerized than my laptop, and make some coffee. Luckily, that machine and the stove were the easiest things to work. I’m still scared to touch the fridge because every time I do, the TV that’s built into it will turn on and scare the shit out of me.

I go out to his back deck and sit. Carson has the best view in all of Alabama, and it’s breathtaking. The only odd thing out of place is the huge ass ice rink in the middle of it all. I shake my head, only Carson Lee. He seems to take the motto ‘go big’ into a real account.

I’m glad it isn’t too hot as I stretch out my legs in the sun. I’ve been in the office too long, and I’m almost as white as a ghost. I lay my head back and soak up some more vitamin D, almost falling asleep. That is until I feel someone playing with my hair. I know that touch belongs to Carson. I squint one eye open.

I thought you were going to be gone for a while?”

I was gone long enough. Enjoying the outdoors?”

Yes, and I made myself at home, stealing an outfit from you since I was forced to stay here all night,” I tease him. He comes over to the chair next to mine and sits.

I didn’t force you, sweetheart. I’m glad you made yourself at home. What do you think about my house? Like it?” He takes my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

In the bright sun, his tattoos seem to shine. I stare at the twisting design of all the dates and hockey memories inked on his arm. It fits him. I can’t imagine Carson not having that sleeve of artwork on his skin.

Well, besides your fridge trying to give me a heart attack, and my view being blocked by a hockey rink, I think I could enjoy staying here overnight again.” I wink at him, hoping he doesn’t think I’m pushing the idea on him, even though I wouldn’t mind more sex with him at this moment.

Hey, you leave my rink out of it. But you can stay overnight whenever you want.” He gently squeezes my hand.

Carson, I was wondering if you’ll answer me something?” This question has been sitting in the back of my mind for a while, but I‘ve never said it. Now, I need to know. “Have you ever been in a real relationship? I mean I’ve been married and had boyfriends, but have you always had party girls?”

Not unless the pigtailed girl from first grade counts. So, yes, always the random girls.”

I figured, but I was just wanting clarification.” I quickly add, “I don’t want you to think I’m asking for anything serious, I’m more curious on what to expect from you.” I pause looking at him. “So, am I to assume that this is just a friendly fuck?”

Honestly, I don’t know, Kinley.” I appreciate that he’s telling me the truth. “What are you expecting or wanting from me? What do you want?”

I have no idea, Carson Lee.” I shake my head at my answer, but I’m going to be honest with him too. “Surprisingly, I’ve been more open with you than any other guy, including Elliott. I truly don’t know, but…” I could feel my nerves getting the best of me. “I would like to see where this goes. I mean if that’s something you want too.”

Then let’s just go with the flow, I guess?” He stops, takes a deep breath, and for the first time, I see the
Carson staring at me. It’s written all over his face. “I’ll be completely honest here for a second. I don’t know if I could even come close to giving you want you want, but I don’t think I want to become the Hugh Hefner of hockey one day either.”

Carson, I’m not asking for marriage, kids, and minivans. I know who you are. I know your past, but if you want to take this at least one step further, I only ask that you don’t lie to me, don’t cheat on me, and trust me. Everything else can go with the flow. I’m not asking for titles either. If you want to call me a friend, I’m fine with that. I figure you don’t you use the term
. Although, I prefer that you don’t call me your ‘arm candy’ either. However, playboy bunny isn’t bad, Hugh.” I laugh, knowing that I’d never be a real ‘bunny’.

Carson chuckles at my lame joke and grows quiet again. “Okay. I can try to do that.”

No, Carson.” I need for him to tell me that he isn’t going to treat me like any other girl. “You have to promise me that you won’t lie to me or cheat on me. I mean it. If you want to break up with me first, that’s fine, but don’t do that to me.” I give him my most serious look. My heart won’t be used as a puck that he can just slap around.

I wasn’t talking about trying not to cheat.” He lightly sighs, regaining his thought. “As long as you can deal with the fact that there are some things I won’t talk about, then the lying shouldn’t be a problem either.”

Won’t talk about?
If we’re going to do this, then all doors should be open for discussion. I think about walking through the house and remember the one thing that I didn’t see. “You’re talking about your family, aren’t you?”

Carson’s jaw tenses, and his grip tightens around my hand. “Possibly, but what makes you think that?”

Well, unlike other girls that have been in your life, I have a brain.” I shake my head. “I noticed that you don’t have any pictures of them, and you never talk about them, so I assume that’s what you mean. I respect that, but I hope that you know I’m a good listener.” I lean in closer to him. “And no matter what I’ll always be your friend. You can even bet me on that.”

I’ll remember that then.”

Our conversation is interrupted by my phone ringing. Of course, Mama is calling me early on a Saturday.

Good morning, Mama.”

Kinley, please explain to me why am I standing outside your apartment door and you’re not home?”

Um.” As much as I don’t like lying to my mama, I’m not going to tell her the truth. “I had an early breakfast meeting this morning. That’s why I’m not home.”

I look over at Carson, and he has that evil grin on his face. “So, I’m a

I motion for him to be quiet as Mama’s voice grows louder in my ear. Before I can ever react, Carson grabs my cellphone from my hands.

Mrs. Wright, how are you this morning?” he asks in his overly pleasant voice.

What the hell?” I yell, trying to reach for my phone.

Oh, I’m doing swell actually, thank you for asking. I’m just here enjoying this meeting with Kinley.” He jumps from his chair as I leap towards him to get back my phone.

Damn, he’s quick, and it sucks that I’m not.

He races to the other side of the deck, still talking. “Oh, well, you know Kinley, always working so hard, never taking a break. That’s why I suggested she stay the night with me last night. To make sure she was well rested for the

I’m going to kill you,” I hiss at him, jumping up for my phone.

I know. I keep telling her to take a day off, but if she doesn’t listen to me, her own boyfriend and her mama, she just might be a lost cause.”

I stop moving. “You ass!” I scream at him. Carson Lee did the one thing I didn’t want to happen, and that was tell my mama anything about a relationship with him at this time.

Yep...yep...I’m surprised she hadn’t told you.” He winks at me, and I’m frozen in place.

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