Falling For Disaster (5 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Falling For Disaster
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Saint stood and let his jeans and briefs fall before his knees dropped onto the couch. He looked over his shoulder and frowned as Finn sat on the coffee table and leaned forward. Finn parted Saint and inhaled deeply as his face pressed into the cleft of Saint’s ass.

“Can’t you just fuck me?” Saint grumbled and Finn shook his head.

“This might be the only time we do this, I’m going to make it count.” Finn breathed the words against Saint’s puckered flesh and a dull ache spread in Saint’s chest at the thought despite the surge of lust that rose within him. “Do me a favor,” he said and Saint nodded shakily as Finn’s tongue flicked at Saint’s entrance. “Don’t come on my couch. It’s the one good thing I’ve got going for me right now,” he explained and Saint’s chest hurt a little more.

“That can’t be true,” he argued through clenched teeth as Finn’s tongue drilled and lapped.

“Mmmhmm,” Finn hummed and Saint didn’t get to respond. Finn sucked and the warm tingling in Saint’s ass flared.

Saint was about to complain when he heard the click of a plastic lid. Finn’s teeth dug into the hard flesh of Saint’s cheek as slick fingertips slid over the tight bud of Saint’s ass. He gripped the back of the couch then bit his knuckle when one of Finn’s fingers pressed and slowly slid into his clenching passage. It only took a moment for Saint to relax and Finn was able to work a second finger in alongside the first. Saint often fingered his ass when he jerked off but it had been years since anyone else had touched him there. And Finn was so good. His fingers twisted and stretched as he stroked smoothly in and out of Saint’s hole. He felt Finn turn his hand and reach deep. Finn’s fingers slid over Saint’s prostate and pressed and Saint’s head snapped back as a low groan poured from him.

“Christ!” Saint gasped and Finn hummed softly as he curled his fingers around the gland and rubbed firmly. Saint’s legs began to shake as heavy, slow waves of pleasure and pressure rippled through his body. Saint’s cock was so hard, it felt like it was made out of lead and would explode if he didn’t stroke it. If it hadn’t been for Finn’s “favor”, Saint would have sprayed the fucking thing already. “Fiiiinnnn…” Saint whimpered. “Come on!” He urged and Finn laughed softly.

“Alright,” he said with an exaggerated sigh.

Saint would have kicked him in the balls if he didn’t feel like he’d shatter into a million pieces if he moved. His body had never felt so taut, his nerves so tightly wound. There was the sound of paper ripping and Saint felt Finn rising over him. He shut his eyes and filled his lungs with slow steady breaths until he felt the head of Finn’s cock pushing against his entrance. Finn wasn’t as long and thick as Saint but he was still pretty well endowed and it had been such a long time since he’d been fucked, Saint held his breath and prayed he wouldn’t have to tap out. Finn’s hands slid up Saint’s back and wrapped around Saint’s shoulders. They began to knead as the head slid past the tight ring and Saint bit his lip as bright, searing pain spread from where his muscles squeezed Finn’s cock. Finn made a soft, soothing shushing sound as his hands worked on Saint’s shoulders. The tension that tried to claim Saint’s body receded and he relaxed and softened around Finn. He heard a soft moan and wasn’t sure who made it as Finn slowly slid forward until he was fully seated. Finn’s hands swept over Saint’s back, warm and gentle as he waited for Saint to signal that he was ready. Saint tested the muscles of his passage and Finn hissed. There was no pain, just hard heat filling Saint. He let his head hang as he pushed back against Finn’s groin and squeezed again. A warm current of electric pleasure skipped along Saint’s spine and limbs and he gasped as he ground his ass against Finn.

“Are you ready?” Finn asked.

“I’m ready,” Saint rasped and Finn’s hands locked around his hips.

“Good. Because I’m done being gentle,” he warned and Saint’s nerves fizzed as his eyes flared. “Don’t forget to let me know when you’re about to come,” Finn reminded and Saint could barely nod as Finn pulled his hips back.

When Finn slammed forward, Saint nearly swallowed his tongue. Finn was so deep and hard and his balls pressed against Saint’s before he slid back. He drove hard and smooth a few times then paused.

“Not quite it,” Finn murmured and Saint felt him shift before he thrust deep. Saint grunted softly and warmth bloomed in his groin and seeped into his veins. “Nope,” Finn breathed and Saint wanted to ask what Finn was doing when the hands holding Saint pushed, spreading Saint’s knees wider before Finn rolled his hips. The length of Finn’s erection crushed and rode Saint’s prostate and a loud, unintelligible sound burst from Saint as his eyes crossed. “There it is,” Finn announced.

All Saint could do was hang onto the back of the couch. He let his head fall and tried not to drool as Finn rode him with hard, deep, steady strokes. Pleasure pulsed, slow and heavy from Saint’s prostate, making his limbs and brain useless as his nerves pulsed and twisted. Finn was relentless, tirelessly riding Saint like his hips were made of springs. Pressure swelled in Saint’s sack and the little gland inside his ass drew tight and Saint gasped as the pressure pushed into the base of his erection.

“Finn,” he slurred. “I’m really close.” It was shredded and weak but Finn must have heard. Before Saint could pull in another shuddering breath, Finn pulled out and spun Saint, quickly dropping to his knees as he forced Saint’s ass onto the seat. Saint yelped as Finn’s lips wrapped around his cock and sucked hard. “Oh, fuck!” Saint yelled as his hands closed around Finn’s head. Lighting slid through his veins as the pressure rushed up his shaft and his nerves exploded as come burst from the head, deep in Finn’s throat. Saint twisted and bucked on the couch but Finn held on tight, sucking and moaning in delight as he swallowed. Saint’s feet cramped as they tried to curl in his boots and his body trembled as pleasure streaked through him.

Just as the pleasure became too intense, Finn released Saint and jumped to his feet. Saint’s eyes were heavy as he watched Finn slide the condom off and he obediently let his jaw drop as Finn guided the head of his cock toward Saint’s lips. Finn groaned ecstatically as he thrust into Saint’s mouth. Saint sucked, oddly excited by the taste of the condom mixed with the soft, soapy saltiness of Finn’s skin. His hands locked around Finn’s ass as he tried to swallow as much of Finn’s length as he could.

“Yes!” Finn hissed and his hands tangled in Saint’s hair, pulling and causing Saint’s eyes to water. “Ooohhh…” It was thin and light as Finn’s body arched and stiffened. “Saint!” Finn whispered urgently before his body began to convulse.

Saint held on and grunted when a hot burst of come flooded the back of his throat. He swallowed quickly as Finn writhed and swayed above him. There was so much and it was so sweet and tart, Saint didn’t want it to end. One of his hands squeezed Finn’s sack as the other tugged at his shaft, trying to milk every drop from Finn until he shivered and twisted and Saint felt Finn’s hands pushing against his shoulders.

“Jesus! Enough!” Finn protested and Saint growled softly as he slowly pulled his lips up Finn’s cock and released him. Finn stumbled back and dropped onto the coffee table. His eyes were dazed and slow as they swept over Saint. “Holy shit,” he panted and Saint nodded in agreement as he fell back onto the couch. His mind was utterly blank as he stared at the ceiling and waited for his breathing to slow. He heard Finn groan and Saint raised his head as Finn leaned back and rested on his elbows. “Good thing we didn’t do this in the bed. We’d probably be comfortable right now,” he said sarcastically and Saint’s lips pulled tight as his eyes fell to the middle of Finn’s chest. His shirt was damp and sticking to his skin and Saint wanted to know what it would feel like if he rubbed his face into that spot as he held Finn’s naked body in his arms. There was another bust of pain in his chest and Saint was on his feet.

“I have to go,” he mumbled as his eyes went to the front door. It was open and there was only pitch black on the other side of the screen.
God, I hope we weren’t loud,
Saint prayed. There was no reason anyone would come within miles of Finn’s house. But if they did… And Saint’s bike was sitting out front. “Fuck,” he whispered loudly as he turned and hunted for the elastic band that slipped from his hair. He glanced at Finn out of the corner of his eye and more pain slammed into his gut as if he’d been punched. Finn was leaning forward, his elbows on his knees as he scrubbed his hands over his face. A low, rolling groan spilled from Finn and Saint clenched his jaw. Regret.

“I hope you don’t mind if I go ahead and start getting black-out drunk now,” he announced as he rose and yanked up his sweatpants as he trudged into the kitchen. Saint swallowed past the tightness in his throat then turned and snatched his t-shirt off the far end of the couch. He pulled it over his head and quickly tucked it in then zipped and buttoned as he made his way around the table. Saint hastily brushed his hands through his hair and pulled it back in a tight ponytail. He glanced down his body and was satisfied that everything looked normal.

“I’ll see you around,” he said as he pushed the screen door open.

“I wish you wouldn’t,” Finn said just loud enough for Saint to hear as he quietly shut the door behind him.


“Where were you?” Rose asked as she kicked off her heels then hopped as she pushed her jeans over her hips and down her legs before stepping out of them. “Wes and the guys wouldn’t stop asking about you,” she said as she crawled onto the bed. Saint shrugged as he turned down the volume on the movie and raised an arm so Rose could settle against his side.

“I got the worst fucking headache after dinner and stopped in to take something. I laid down for a minute and the next thing I knew, it was after 10:00 so I just took a shower and got back in bed,” Saint said as he twirled a lock of Rose’s hair around his finger.

“Poor baby!” She exclaimed as her hand slid under his shirt and pushed up his chest. He kept his face still and pretended to be focused on the TV. “Maybe there’s something I can do to make you feel better,” Rose whispered as her nails dragged down his stomach. Saint wrinkled his nose and shook his head.

“You reek of smoke. Go take a shower,” he ordered and slapped her ass. She gasped then pushed her lip out. “Will you still be awake when I get out?” She asked and Saint shrugged again.

“Probably not, babe,” he mumbled as he turned the volume back up. “I don’t know why, but I’m really tired tonight,” Saint lied. “I was nodding off when you walked in.” He ignored Rose’s disappointed sigh as she rolled away.

“This is what I get for shacking up with such an old guy,” she said as she tossed her shirt on the floor and unclasped her bra. She dropped it on the bathroom counter and Saint ground his teeth as he looked back at the TV.
Why does she have to be such a fucking slob?
He complained. If he wasn’t stuck pretending he was about to fall asleep, he’d be picking up after her.

Saint waited until he heard the sound of water and Rose singing softly in the shower before he slipped from the bed and dashed into the hall and across the living room. He grabbed her purse and quickly searched through the numerous pill bottles. Rose was a walking pharmacy. She didn’t do a lot of hard drugs but she ran on pills. He sifted past uppers and downers until he found what he needed. His eyes flicked in the direction of the bathroom and confirmed that the water was still running before he pulled out a bottle of sleeping pills and quickly popped the lid and fished one out. He dropped the bottle back in the bag and gave it a quick shake before dropping it on the table. Saint swallowed the pill dry and rushed back to the bedroom and settled into his spot.

There was no way he was getting through the night without help. Saint rolled onto his side and stared out the window. No matter what he tried, Saint’s mind kept going back to Finn. Despite a long, hot shower, he could still feel Finn’s hands all over his skin. His mind kept replaying everything Finn said, like it was stuck on a loop and he swore he could still taste cinnamon and beer on his lips. And Finn’s come. Saint groaned as heat swirled in his groin and his cock started to throb.
Don’t to that!
He warned.
If Rose catches you with a hard-on, she won’t leave you alone,
he thought and silently prayed she was taking her time.

It was no good. Saint couldn’t let go of the fact that a school teacher, of all people, had fucked him harder and deeper than he’d ever been fucked in his life. The best piece of ass he’d ever had was probably drinking himself sick on the other side of town while Saint was hoping a sleeping pill would knock him out before Rose caught him with a raging boner.

This is bullshit.

Chapter 11


This is bullshit,
Finn decided as he flung the fridge door wide. He held on as he swayed and waited for the bottles on the shelves to stop floating. He grabbed the first one that stopped and slammed the door shut. He fell back against the fridge and twisted the top off the bottle then tossed the cap in the sink. Finn raised the bottle to his lips and drank as he slid to the floor. He burped loudly and held the bottle in front of his face.
Is this number twelve or fifteen?
He wondered as he squinted.
Does it matter? You still hate yourself and your dick keeps twitching every time you think about him.
Finn swore and took another long drink.

He was Genghis Khan in a past life, Finn decided. It was the only thing that made sense. He’d been a good kid, growing up. His mother swore he was the perfect child and he always got good grades. He never cheated or stole anything. Finn made it through high school without trying drugs or alcohol. He partied a little in college but still managed to graduate with a 4.0. He’d busted his ass and had the career of his dreams before he was thirty without fucking anyone over. Finn did a lot of volunteer work and honestly believed he’d made a positive difference in more than a few people’s lives.

But for some reason, life was absolutely shitting on Finn. Things hadn’t been perfect with Taylor but there was no explanation for how brutally he’d blindsided Finn. And what did Finn have to show for three years as a really thoughtful and devoted boyfriend? Fucking gonorrhea. The only bright side Finn could see was that he hadn’t been aware that he had it and it only took a round of antibiotics for him to get a clean bill of health from his doctor.

And just when Finn was getting to where he could make it through the day without breaking down and sobbing in his car or the shower, Saint’s bike had to break down practically on Finn’s doorstep. And of course Finn couldn’t just drive by and leave Saint to fix it on his own. No, Finn had to invite Saint in and give him beer.

Therefore, Finn deserved to be fucked with the cosmic equivalent of a burning cactus. Finn didn’t even get a chance to get back on his feet and dust himself off after Taylor before fate kicked him in the stomach with a fucked up outlaw biker that saw Finn as nothing more than a sleazy secret booty call. Not that Finn didn’t get why their hook-ups had to be a secret. He wasn’t thrilled at the prospect of getting beaten senseless or killed by Saint’s “brothers”.

Really, he was all set. He didn’t need anyone to convince him that staying away from Saint was a solid plan. Finn would have been fine with never seeing or speaking to him again. Unfortunately, all Saint had to do was show up and tell Finn his dick hurt. Finn rolled his eyes as he drained his beer. It was a great speech but it didn’t mean Finn had to lose his fucking mind and drool all over Saint’s cock.

Finn groaned as he slid onto his side and rolled onto his back. Baby Jesus, that cock. It was huge and completely perfect. A giggle tickled Finn’s throat as he stared at the ceiling. Saint could be a dick model. For whatever it was they needed pictures of perfect dicks for. Or they could make a mold out of it. The giggle burst free and Finn was senseless. He rolled on the floor, laughing until he was in tears. When he could finally breathe, Finn decided his life would be infinitely better if he could have a dildo made to look, feel and taste just like Saint. Because honestly, all Saint was good for was fucking. If it weren’t for that beautiful cock, Saint would be of no use to Finn.
When did you become such a size queen?
He scolded.

Saint was pretty good at sucking cock too. Finn covered his face with his hands so that he couldn’t see the ceiling spin.
Fine, he’s really good at fucking and he gives a really good blow-job. That’s it.
Finn tried to nod in agreement but his stomach churned violently.
Don’t do that again. And while you’re at it, stop denying that you could listen to him read phone books or that you wouldn’t love to bury your face in his hair and take the best nap ever.
He sighed as he remembered Saint’s hurting dick speech. It would have worked if Saint had a voice like a rusty trombone. But Saint had one of those deep, sexy rumbles that reminded Finn of really smooth bourbon. It was smokey and deep with hints of oak and vanilla.
He frowned as he tried to clear his head.
Whatever. His voice is oaky and vanilla-ie. And you act like you’re drunk when he touches you. Stop letting him touch you.
Finn groaned again.
You won’t do a damn thing if he shows up on your door step and whips out his cock.
Finn flung his arms wide and welcomed the darkening of his vision and the way his body became so heavy, it felt like he was holding down the floor as it rose and tilted beneath him.
His cock is so good.
Finn exhaled slowly and then he was gone.

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