Falling For Disaster (10 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Falling For Disaster
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“Should I taste you, Rose?” His voice was ragged and low. She moaned and bit her lip.

“Please, do anything you want to me.” She breathed.

Saint didn’t bother to smother the groan that burst in his throat as he settled his shoulders between her thighs. The smell of her had been smothering him, but by the time his tongue lapped up the length of her, he was prepared. She was sweet and softly musky, so purely and unmistakably feminine, Saint couldn’t escape it. If he had been the sort of man that could enjoy a woman’s body, she would have been perfect. He growled as he covered her with his mouth and began to lave and suckle with feigned enthusiasm. Rose grabbed the edge of the counter and shrieked as he pulled her thighs over his shoulder and tilted her so he could devour her, hoping he could overwhelm her and force her to come faster. His tongue pressed into every crease and sucked her folds as his fingers stroked within her. Once he cleaned her essence from her flesh, his tongue circled her slick entrance, coaxing more from her. Rose screamed his name as his tongue thrust into her. Saint pressed in as deep as he could and sucked at her core, desperate for her release. She tasted sweet, tart and soft from her juices. He silently begged for her to come so he could step back and breathe without drowning in her scent and his self loathing. He set his thumb to the delicate knot of flesh deep within her folds as his tongue stretched and curled into her. Rose’s legs shook harder and her hand fist in his hair as she panted his name.

“Saint! Ooohh, Saint!” Rose whimpered. His thumb circled her as his tongue pressed into her, trying to thrust deeper, mimicking the rhythm he’d use if he was fucking her. She screamed and pulled his face hard against her as she froze. “Ooooohhh…” She moaned as her body convulsed and her back arched. Saint pulled his tongue from her and sucked hard against her core as a rush of tart, slick heat bathed his tongue and lips. He hummed loudly as he lapped at her, pretending he couldn’t get enough. Rose hissed as she bucked and her legs pulled tight against her chest. “I can’t… you have to stop!” She gasped.

Saint sighed heavily as he lifted his head and looked up at her. He clenched his jaw and shackled the pain that tore through him as he watched her sway drunkenly. Her gratitude and trust always ate at him. He knew she’d be warm and pliant against him when he pulled her into his arms. She was content and relaxed, she’d lean into him and purr as she thanked him. He shook his head and cursed silently as he stood and pulled her off the counter. He let her body slide down his until her feet touched the ground. Rose was still dazed and hummed softly as he let his hands glide up her back until they slid into her hair. He tilted her head back and his lips covered hers. She moaned drowsily and her tongue brushed lazily against his as her hands clutched at his shirt. Saint slowed their kiss until it was soothing and gentle, until his heart stopped trying to force its way out of his chest and his body stopped screaming to break free. He raised his head and carefully set Rose away from him. His thumb caressed her cheek as her eyes fluttered open and met his.

“I almost forgot how good you are at that. Thank you.” Her voice was soft and warm and her lips curved as she teased him. Saint felt as if someone punched him in the stomach.

“It was my pleasure,” he murmured against her lips despite the terrible ache in his chest. Rose stretched as she pushed her hands up his chest and Saint steadied her and she swayed in his arms.

“Come to bed and let me show you how grateful I am,” she said silkily and Saint shook his head gently.

“Not tonight, babe,” he said as he turned her and pushed her toward the bedroom. “I’m so beat. I’ll be glad when all this shit in Cado is settled.” Saint grumbled and Rose frowned as she looked over her shoulder.

“What do you mean?” She asked and Saint twisted his face into an exaggerated cringe.

“I promised Jay I’d help him move into his new place this weekend. He should probably get a crib and a few things for the baby since it looks like he’s only got a few months left to get ready.” Saint ignored the way Rose’s eyes shimmered as he explained. “I thought I’d kick him in the ass and maybe help him pick out a crib and put it together while I was there. I’ll feel better if I know they’ve got someplace to keep a baby once it’s here,” he lied and Rose nodded as she made her way down the hall.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” She asked and Saint paused before he shook his head, letting her think he’d given it some thought.

“Nah. I know you can’t get anyone to look after the bar on short notice and Shannon has her mom and sisters to pick up her slack. I’ll talk to her parents and guilt them into getting involved,” he said as he followed her into the bedroom and pulled off his shirt.

“If you’re sure,” she mumbled as she crawled onto the bed and pulled the covers over her. Saint nodded as he sat next to her and pulled off his boots. Her hand slid up his back and rubbed soothingly. Saint made an encouraging sound and sat still for a moment as her hand reached for his shoulder and kneaded. “I’ll miss you. I feel like you’re never around,” Rose complained and Saint kept his body relaxed despite the gnawing guilt that swelled within him. She was such a good kid and Saint knew he was going to hurt her soon. He was going to hurt so many people and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

“It’ll be over soon,” he said softly as he leaned close and kissed her hair. “Let me get out of these clothes,” Saint said as he got up and unzipped his jeans. Rose yawned and nodded.

“Ok,” she slurred as she rubbed her cheek against the pillow. “I’ll be right here, waiting,” she sighed as her eyelids fell and Saint clenched his fist as the need to punch something rolled through him. He didn’t want to crawl into bed with Rose and cause another wound that would sting and bleed later. His expression darkened when he realized that he wouldn’t think twice about falling asleep with Finn in his arms knowing he was going to break his heart too if he didn’t step back. But Saint knew he wouldn’t. He’d take everything he could from Finn. He’d take whatever he could from everyone because he was a monster.

Chapter 19


Finn waved at Harry as he passed the counter on his way to the refrigerators. He had a mountain of essays to grade and he wanted to get them done before the long weekend, so it was straight home for cereal and a long night of work. He pulled the door open and was reaching for the milk when his shoulder jerked as a warm body brushed past his.

“My bad,” a deep voice rumbled and Finn’s body tightened and was flooded with warmth as the smell of Saint wreathed around him. Finn nodded weakly as he watched Saint reach into the fridge for a bottle of water. “You better buy some real food, I’ll be there early Friday morning,” Saint said under his breath and Finn coughed and looked down at his feet before someone could see him blushing and smiling like an idiot.

“Got it,” Finn mumbled as he went for the milk.

Saint offered a stiff nod then turned away. When Finn looked up, Saint was at the register paying for his water. Saint said something and Harry laughed as he gave Saint his change. Finn waited until Saint was gone to pay for his items.

“You going to miss Jeopardy tonight?” Harry asked and Finn grimaced as he nodded.

“Yeah, I can’t stick around until dinner time. I’ve got a lot of work to do so I’m eating at home,” he explained and Harry looked mildly disappointed but understanding.

“That’s ok, Finn,” he said as he rang up Finn’s milk and paper towels. “If there are any good history questions, I’ll tell you next time,” Harry said and Finn nodded as he handed over his bank card.

“Sounds good,” Finn agreed. “How about next week, I’ll bring us dinner from the diner and we can eat while we watch it?” He asked and Harry looked like he was going to explode.

“The cheeseburger is my favorite!” Harry exclaimed and Finn grinned as he put his card back in his wallet.

“Mine too. We’ll eat cheeseburgers and watch Jeopardy. Deal?” He asked and Harry nodded excitedly.

“Deal, Finn!” He said and Finn waved as he grabbed his bag and turned for the door.

Chapter 20


Finn hummed happily as he hugged the pillow, fighting to stay asleep. He was with Saint and they were rolling around on a beach, kissing and stripping off wet clothes as waves washed over their legs. He wasn’t ready to leave. The rumble of a motorcycle had him smiling. Even in his dreams, he was hearing motorcycles. His cock twitched lazily in response. Finn rolled and covered his face with a pillow to keep the morning at bay as he tried to feel the sun baked sand beneath him and Saint’s wet body sliding around his. The dream was gone but Finn’s consciousness slipped away and everything was light and grey as sleep pulled him back under.

Everything became very warm, especially Finn’s groin and a soft laugh spilled from his throat as dream hands and something soft and bristly caressed his thighs. Finn’s head lolled on the bed and he moaned faintly as hot, velvety wet clung to his soft, still drowsy cock and he arched as firm, sucking pressure tugged and his length began to pulse and swell. Finn reached down and his eyes fluttered open as his fingers pushed into silky, cool strands.

“I thought the dream I was having was good, but this is so much better,” Finn murmured and a deep rumbling chuckle rose from Saint. Finn bit his lips and his eyes rolled as his erection hardened and filled Saint’s mouth as he sucked. “Jesus Christ,” he gasped as Saint’s lips slid up his shaft. Finn twisted and reached for the bedside table. “Now,” he commanded as he tossed a condom at Saint.

“You’re in a pushy mood,” Saint mumbled as he ripped the wrapper and Finn sat up and clicked open the lube. Saint hissed when Finn stroked the lube onto his hard length before he grabbed Saint by his shirt and fell back on the bed, pulling Saint on top of him. Finn wrapped his legs around Saint’s waist and clawed at his shirt as he pulled it up Saint’s back. “Are we in a hurry?” He asked and Finn growled in frustration.

“It was a really good dream and I get really horny in the morning. You blowing me made things critical. I need you to fuck me and I need to get off,” Finn explained and Saint’s lips curved as his head lowered.

“I like it when you’re demanding,” he murmured as his lips rubbed along Finn’s neck. Finn let his head fall to the side, giving Saint more access and a long moan poured from him as the head of Saint’s erection pushed into his tight hole.

“Oh, God. Yessssss…” Finn wrapped his arms around Saint’s neck and held on tight as Saint’s hips flexed and filled him with swift, hard strokes.

Finn was very demanding. He begged and swore as he writhed and panted beneath Saint as he used arms, legs, hands and feet to pull Saint into his body. No matter how hard Saint drove into Finn, he pleaded for more until they were slick with sweat and hoarse. Then, Saint dropped his head and took one of Finn’s nipples between his teeth and bit hard before he sucked and Finn screamed as his body flew apart. Finn clenched tight around Saint as come burst from his cock, pulling Saint into his release with him. Their hands gripped and slid as their bodies convulsed until they became limp and light, twisted and tangled limbs as they struggled to catch their breath.

“I forgot how good morning sex could be,” Finn said as he threw an arm over his eyes.

“Forgot? You haven’t been single for that long,” Saint argued and Finn shook his head.

“That was never really Taylor’s thing. He didn’t go for spontaneous sex or a lot of touching,” Finn explained.

“But that kind of happens when you’re in bed. One person ends up on the other person’s side, hands wander, there’s poking…” Saint said and Finn sighed.

“We didn’t spend a lot of time in bed together. He liked working at night so I usually went to bed alone and he’d eventually fall asleep on the couch. If he did come to bed, he’d get all “No touching!” if I got on his side and tried to spoon with him,” Finn said and he felt the bed move as Saint shifted.

“So, you never had sex?” Saint asked and Finn laughed.

“We had sex. It was just on Taylor’s terms, when he was in the mood and the conditions were right. Not as much toward the end. I thought we were just busy and needed to make more time for each other. Turns out he found someone more exciting and was ready to move on,” he mumbled.

“You can’t be serious,” Saint said in disbelief and Finn’s arm fell back on the bed and he raised his head. Saint was sitting up with his knees pulled against his chest and his arms crossed over them. Finn wished he was naked and stretched along side him.

“Yeah. It all happened really fast. One day we were a little distant but fine and the next, I had an STD and he wanted my stuff gone in a week,” Finn said and Saint’s eyes flared as his jaw fell.

“Ummm…” He gave Finn a pointed look and waved between them. Finn grinned as he sat up.

“I’m clean now. I had to take some antibiotics and get retested. I didn’t even know I had it, it was so early,” he explained and Saint looked relieved.

“I guess it could have been worse but that’s probably the cruelest way I’ve ever heard of anyone getting dumped,” he mumbled and Finn nodded as he leaned close and rubbed his lips against Saint’s bare shoulder. His skin was warm and smooth and felt like it was stretched over stone.

“It was devastating. I didn’t want to run into him at the university or around town, so I packed up my books and clothes and ran away. I don’t miss him anymore though. It’s come to my attention that he really wasn’t my type,” Finn whispered as his lips glided up Saint’s neck.

“Is he a teacher like you?” Saint’s voice was husky and deep and Finn shook his head as he licked, letting his tongue slide back and forth over Saint’s skin.

“He’s a physicist, mostly research,” Finn stated and Saint snorted.

“This is definitely a change,” he said as he turned his head and cradled Finn’s face. His lips captured Finns and clung as he growled softly. “Did you buy some decent food?” Saint asked and Finn nodded. “Anything for breakfast?” Saint asked and Finn’s lips curved against his.

“Lots of breakfast food,” he said and Saint pecked at his lips.

“Good. We should eat, we have to keep up our strength,” Saint announced and Finn nodded, letting his lips brush against Saint’s.

“Sounds perfect. Then a shower and back in bed,” he said and Saint planted a firm kiss on Finn’s lips before he raised his head and slid from the bed.

“Come on, lazy ass. I’m hungry,” Saint declared as he zipped his jeans and strode from the room.

“Me too,” Finn said under his breath as he stared at Saint’s ass.


“I can’t remember the last time I had a decent breakfast,” Finn announced as he poured two glasses of orange juice and Saint frowned as he looked over his shoulder.

“They do breakfast at the diner,” he said and Finn nodded as he put the juice in the fridge.

“I know. But I never have time before school and I like to sleep in on the weekends,” he explained and Saint shook his head as he slid two over easy eggs on each plate.

“Breakfast is the easiest thing to cook. There’s no reason you couldn’t figure this out,” he said as he carried their plates to the table. Finn shrugged as he sat.

“Maybe. But it wouldn’t feel as special when you do it,” he murmured as he buttered his toast and Saint raised a brow as he stared at Finn.

“This isn’t special and don’t get used to it,” he warned and Finn sighed as he poked at the yolk with his toast. Bright orange goo spread into a puddle and pooled around the bacon and he sighed happily.

“Whatever. Don’t ruin the moment,” he said as he dabbed at it with his toast. Saint shook his head again as he cut into his eggs.

“So, did you grow up in St. Louis?” He asked and Finn nodded. Saint paused to scoop a bite of eggs into his mouth and chew then washed it down with juice. “Any brothers or sisters?” He asked and Finn narrowed his eyes as he studied Saint and debated whether or not he should keep answering Saint’s questions. Not that he had anything to hide. He wasn’t the one that hid things.

“If I tell you about my family and childhood, is there going to be any quid pro quo, or are you going to tell me that’s all off limits?” Finn asked as he coated a piece of bacon in yolk and Saint’s eyes held his for a several moments before he nodded.

“It’s all off limits. You don’t have to tell me anything, I just thought it would be nice to have something to talk about while we ate,” he said before he took a bite of his toast. Finn rolled his eyes as he decided that being petty and withholding wasn’t worth the energy. And he was finding that he enjoyed talking to Saint when they were having a decent conversation.

“I don’t have any brothers or sisters. My dad died when I was seven and it was just me and mom,” he said and Saint’s eyes softened.

“That had to be hard on the both of you,” he said gently and Finn shrugged.

“It wasn’t as hard on me. I don’t know how she did it,” Finn said. “She put herself through law school and kept up with me, somehow. I can’t remember ever feeling like I wasn’t the center of her universe or like we were struggling. She’s always been my best friend,” he stated and Saint nodded.

“She sounds like an incredible woman,” he announced and Finn grinned as he reached for his juice.

“She’s the best,” he said before he took a long drink. “You’d love her, she’s a judge now.” He bit his lip as Saint choked on his coffee and watched as he cleared his throat and caught his breath.

“I’m sure she’d approve of this,” he mumbled as he wiped his mouth. Finn shook his head as he poked at his eggs.

“She’d kick my ass so bad, I’d be in traction,” Finn said and Saint laughed.

“I wish I could meet her,” he said and Finn looked down and waited for the tightening of his chest to loosen as he realized he wished she could meet Saint. For some reason, he knew his mother would like him.

“Me too. I think the two of you would get along really well,” he said softly and Saint’s head pulled back in surprise.

“Really?” He asked in disbelief and Finn nodded as he studied his toast.

“I don’t know, it’s just a feeling I get,” he said and Saint’s fingers pressed on the underside of Finn’s chin, tilting his face up toward Saint’s.

“Why do you seem so unhappy about it?” He asked as his eyes swept over Finn’s face. He shrugged and offered a weak smile.

“I’m not unhappy about it,” he lied and Saint looked dubious. Finn leaned close and pressed his lips to Saint’s before he reached for his coffee. “I just miss her, I guess,” he said before he raised his cup to his lips. Saint nodded slowly and Finn could tell he wasn’t buying it.

Finn wished he could introduce his mother to Saint. She wouldn’t be in love with the whole criminal motorcycle club thing and she’d hate that Finn knew nothing about him. But Finn knew that she’d see something in Saint, in the fine lines around his eyes and the way his lips always curved into a warm, easy grin and she’d love him. Finn mopped up the yolk on his plate with the last bite of toast and avoided Saint’s eyes as he reflected on how fucked up the universe was. She never liked Taylor and she’d begged Finn to guard his heart, especially after they got engaged. She’d love Saint and there was absolutely no future for him and Finn.

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