Falling For Disaster (7 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Falling For Disaster
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Chapter 14


“Hey, Saint,” Sheriff Bradley nodded at Cheryl as he took the stool next to Saint’s. “We just took Buck Thayer and Jasper Wade in,” he said and Saint frowned as he set his fork down and wiped his mouth. Cheryl offered a refill on his coffee and he slid the mug toward her.

“What did they do?” He knew it was something stupid and hated that he’d have to apologize for them. Bradley took a sip of his coffee before his head cocked in the direction of the convenience store.

“Harry wouldn’t sell them beer so they gave him hell,” he said and Saint’s eyes flared and he squeezed his fist to keep from slamming his hand on the table.

“Did they hurt him?” He asked and Bradley shook his head quickly. Saint took a deep breath, trying to stifle his temper.

“No, but they threatened him plenty. They made a mess in the store though. I made them clean it up and then we took them in. I’m keeping them for a couple of days,” he explained and Saint nodded. For all he cared, Bradley could do whatever he wanted with them.

“I’ll have a talk with Wes and when they get out, I’ll talk to them. It won’t happen again,” he promised and Bradley nodded as he stood. He clapped Saint on the back then tossed a few dollars on the counter.

“I knew you’d help me out. Thanks, Saint.” Bradley tipped his hat to Cheryl then left.

Saint shook his head as he picked up his fork and scooped up a large bite of pie. He was going to have to have a talk with Wes. Which was always dicey. Saint had become a sort of public face for the club. He was the one people went to when they had a problem with a club member or to just bitch about the club in general. Saint never knew how Wes would respond. He could be reasonable and give whatever Saint had to say consideration. Or, he could see it as criticism and accuse Saint of overstepping. There had been more than a few occasions where Saint was sure he would have been in trouble if it weren’t for Rose. Wes didn’t give a fuck about a lot of people but he was devoted to his sister and brother. Rose’s bar was also where The Brotherhood lived, getting on her bad side wasn’t good for the club as a whole.

“Everything ok?” Cheryl asked as she set the ticket down. Saint shrugged as he chewed the last bite of pie then washed it down with a large sip of coffee.

“Just some baby brothers acting like dicks,” he said and she rolled her eyes as he dropped a $20 on the counter.

Saint recalled Finn’s tirade from a few days earlier and a smile spread across his face. They hadn’t spoken since they met in the alley but the few times they’d crossed paths had been icier than usual. Finn was definitely pissed and Saint didn’t know how to mend the breach. He kept telling himself he shouldn’t but it weighed on him and Saint was starting to feel desperate. He was becoming more irritable and anxious. Whenever he ran into Finn, the need to touch and smell him was so strong, it was physically painful. There was even sweating and itching involved. Saint had never been addicted to anything but he was starting to appreciate what addicts went through. He stepped out onto the sidewalk and tried not to think too hard about the fact that he’d only been with Finn twice. Or what would happen if they kept hooking up.

A plan was forming and against his better judgement, Saint knew it was what he needed to get Finn to stop looking at him like he’d pissed all over his grandmother. When Saint pushed open the door to the bar he waved at Rose as he made his way to the back corner where Wes handled the club’s business. He was reclining in his seat with his boots crossed on top of the table.

“You look like you’ve got a hair up your ass,” Wes said as he placed a cigarette between his lips. “What did we do this time, mom,” he mumbled around the butt before he lit a match and sucked. Saint gave him a hard look as he took the seat across from him.

“Buck and Jasper are going to be in the county jail for a few days,” he said and Wes shook his head and cursed under his breath.

“What did they do now?” He asked as he dropped his feet and rested his elbows on the table. Saint looked up as Rose set two bottles of beer on the table. He grabbed her hand as it slid along his shoulders and gave it a gentle squeeze before she went back to the bar. When she was out of earshot, he turned back to Wes.

“They started some shit with Harry and wrecked the store,” Saint said and Wes’ lips pulled tight.

“Is he hurt?” Wes asked and Saint shook his head. Wes nodded. “Good. I won’t have that. He’s like a child,” he said and Saint was surprised. Wes raised a brow. “What? I’m an asshole but even I know there’s a line. I won’t have members terrorizing women, children and old people. Or retards like Harry.” He took a sip of his beer and Saint decided that explaining that Harry was probably autistic and not retarded was a battle for another day.

“Those two need to learn that men don’t do shit like that. It gives the club a bad name and we’re going to have Bradley up our asses if they don’t knock it off,” Saint said and waited while Wes drained half of his beer. Wes sighed heavily as he set it down.

“We’ll have a talk with them. They just need to be educated. They’re kids, Saint,” he argued and Saint leaned back in his seat and pretended he was just considering the issue.

“You’re right. Maybe that’s the problem,” he said as he narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. “When have these kids ever worked out?” He asked and Wes’ brows pulled together.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, whenever we get one of these nineteen or twenty year olds, they’re more trouble than they’re worth. They walk around town like they’ve got huge swinging dicks and push everyone around like they deserve respect until they get locked up. They’re gone for 5-10 and most of them won’t come back. Look at your key members. They all came from other clubs or after they got out. They know how to handle their shit and they don’t make stupid mistakes,” Saint explained and Wes nodded again.

“You’ve got a good point. Maybe we need to stop taking kids,” he said more to himself. Saint raised his beer in salute before taking a drink.

“You know I try to avoid telling you how to handle your club but if it were me, I wouldn’t look at a guy if he was under thirty,” Saint said and Wes stared for several moments before his lips tilted into a wide grin.

“Yeah? And maybe I should set a cap at forty-five? That way I don’t end up with old fuckers telling me what to do and ruining all of our fun.” Wes teased and Saint shrugged.

“Hey. It’s your club,” he winked before he leaned back and crossed his legs. “Anything going on tonight?” Saint asked and Wes took a drag off of his cigarette and nodded faintly.

“We’ve got a run tonight so we’ll be out until early in the morning,” he said and Saint acted mildly interested. Wes kept the different areas of the club’s operations separate. That way, if someone got busted or pissed off at the club, they couldn’t take everything down with them. Saint didn’t go on runs. He was more public relations and an occasional advisor.

“Well, if you’re all going to be gone, I’ll probably head to Cado and check on my brother.” He pretended to be irritated and Wes laughed.

“Did that girlfriend of his end up being pregnant?” Wes asked and Saint rolled his eyes and threw up his hands.

“Fuck if I know. She says she is and he’s scared to death. They were supposed to get a place but every time I call, the phone’s disconnected. I’m going to have to go pay to get it turned back on and make sure neither of them have been arrested for some domestic bullshit,” Saint said and Wes grinned.

“You’ll make a great uncle. Maybe the club will buy you one of those things you wear so you can carry the baby on your chest when you ride,” he teased and Saint pulled a face as he got up.

“Go fuck yourself, Wes,” he announced as he turned for the bar and Wes laughed. Saint leaned on the bar and waited for Rose to finish restocking the fridge. She made sure the bottles were lined up straight then turned and smiled at Saint. “Looks like it’s going to be a slow night. I’m going to ride up to Cado. Don’t wait up,” Saint said and Rose pouted.

“I was hoping you’d keep me company,” she said as she started washing glasses.

“I haven’t been able to get a hold of Jay for almost a week,” he said and her lips twisted and her shoulders sagged.

“That’s not good,” she said and he nodded in agreement. “Well, I guess I’ll see you in the morning.” Rose stepped close and leaned over the bar. Saint wrapped a hand around her neck and pulled her close.

“Stay out of trouble,” he murmured before his lips brushed against hers. Rose sighed as her lips opened and Saint offered a soft growl as his tongue teased hers.

“Knock that shit off!” Wes yelled and Saint laughed softly as he released Rose. She glared at Wes as she stood up.

“I don’t have to let you in here, you know?” She said and Saint winked as he stepped back.

“I’ll see you later,” he said before he strode for the door. Once outside, Saint suppressed the urge to jump up and down and cheer and walked calmly to his bike. He suddenly had the whole night free and didn’t have to be back until early morning.

Chapter 15


His cereal was at the point where the flakes were perfect. They were just soggy enough but not mushy. Finn hummed happily as he scooped the wilted flakes from the bowl. He had to hurry before they dissolved or he’d have flake paste in his milk. The sound of a bike had his eyes sliding left in their sockets as he chewed. His brows pulled together as the bike got closer and closer and Finn listened to it drive along the side of the house and stop in the back yard. It cut off and he listened as heavy steps moved across the back porch before a knock on the kitchen door made him jump. Finn dropped his spoon in the bowl and slowly rose to his feet. He was relatively sure it was Saint but it didn’t make sense that he’d park in the back and knock on the kitchen door. He rushed to the window and peeked out the window and relaxed slightly when he recognized Saint’s bike. Then, he remembered the way Saint grabbed him in the alley. Finn wasn’t a small or weak man but Saint handled him like a rag doll. And the unexpected threat had been a shock. He was willing to admit that he might have been out of line but learning that Saint could casually kick his ass and not care was severely disappointing. Finn straightened his spine and hung on to his irritation and anger as he went to the door and swung it open. Saint was leaning against the frame and Finn tried not to breathe too deeply or notice how warm his skin looked as Saint’s lips curved invitingly. Finn scowled before he turned and went back to the table.

“I do have a phone. I could have saved you the trouble if you would have called first,” Finn grumbled as he dropped onto his seat and picked up his spoon. Saint shook his head as he shut the door then went to the fridge. He pulled it open and Finn saw his head pull back before he shook it softly. Finn raised a brow as he watched Saint grab a beer then twist the top off and toss it in the trash. “I take it you’re planning to hang out long enough to drink a beer,” Finn said as he stirred his cereal and Saint raised a shoulder before he took the seat closest to Finn’s. Finn frowned into the bowl and hated his stomach for giving into the flutters that destroyed his appetite.

“I can’t have your number in my phone. That would look bad,” Saint explained and Finn shook his head in disbelief. Saint ignored it. “I don’t have to be anywhere for hours,” Saint said and Finn refused to acknowledge the flickering of his nerves or look at Saint. “Your fridge looks like it belongs in a frat house.” He took a drink and looked around the kitchen. Finn chewed his lip for a moment as he debated whether or not he wanted to encourage Saint to stay.

“I take it you’ve spent time in frat houses,” Finn said and Saint’s body became tense and he shifted in his seat. His head jerked toward Finn’s bowl.

“Is that your dinner?” Saint asked and Finn narrowed his eyes as he studied Saint. Finn knew that Saint was never going to be completely honest with him but there was something there, just beneath the surface that Finn kept catching a glimpse of and it was beyond confusing. Finn looked back down at his bowl and nodded. “Are you going to eat it?” Saint asked and Finn sighed and shook his head.

“I’m not hungry anymore,” he said then pushed his seat back. He took the bowl to the sink and rinsed it. “Why are you here?” Finn asked as he reached for the soap.

“I thought you’d want to know that I talked to Wes about keeping kids out of the club,” he announced and Finn didn’t know how to take it. He blinked rapidly as he scrubbed the bowl.

“Thank you,” he said quietly as he rinsed the bowl clean. “What did he say?” Finn asked and he heard Saint drinking and waited.

“He didn’t commit one way or the other but I think he’s going to consider it. I think I convinced him they’re more trouble than they’re worth,” Saint said and Finn pulled his lips in to stop the smile that threatened as his chest filled with warmth.

“Thank you for trying. I appreciate it,” Finn said and he heard Saint chuckle as he got up and Finn’s body became taut as he tried to track Saint’s movements behind him.

“I didn’t just do it for you,” he said and Finn sensed that he was getting closer. “They really are a pain in the ass and make too much trouble.” Finn felt Saint’s breath huff against the back of his neck and he couldn’t stop the shiver that slid down his back. “And I wanted to apologize.” It was a low rumble that was damp and hot against Finn’s skin and if he hadn’t been completely stunned he probably would have gone boneless and become a puddle on the kitchen floor.

“Oh?” Finn whispered then clenched his jaw as Saint’s lips pressed against his skin. He heard Saint inhale then groan softly.

“God, the way you smell…” Saint complained and Finn gasped when Saint’s teeth grazed his neck. “I’m sorry if I scared you or upset you the other day,” he murmured before his lips closed around Finn’s earlobe.
Oh, shit! You have to stop him!
Finn’s eyelids fell as Saint’s hands slid around his waist. One hand drifted down his stomach and found his hard-on through his jeans. “I don’t want to hurt you, Finn. Ever. But I’d do it if I had to, to protect you,” Saint breathed and Finn bit his lip as Saint stroked his length. “Please, don’t ever make me do that,” he begged and Finn’s body started to shake as he felt Saint’s erection grinding against the cleft of his ass. “Everything about your body turns me on and it would kill me to hurt you when all I want to do is taste your skin and make you come.” Saint’s tongue traced the swirl of Finn’s ear and his jaw fell as lust surged and crashed within him. Once again, Saint knew exactly what to say to break Finn.

“You said you have hours. Does that mean we can go upstairs?” Finn asked hoarsely as he turned in Saint’s arms. He shook his head as his face tilted toward Finn’s.

“We stay downstairs,” he insisted as his lips brushed back and forth across Finn’s. Finn stifled the irritation that bubbled within him. “We can go back to the couch,” Saint said before he sucked on Finn’s lower lip as he backed them toward the living room. “Or we can fuck here on the kitchen floor,” he offered and Finn shook his head as his hands tugged at Saint’s shirt. Saint chuckled softly as he raised his arms and let Finn pull the shirt over his head. “I could bend you over the table.” He laughed again when Finn shook his head. Finn pulled his shirt off and Saint hummed in approval as his hands spread and pressed against Finn’s back. “I could sit at the table and you could ride my cock,” he said and Finn raised his head and gave Saint an impatient look.

“I’ll ride your cock but stop trying to find more uncomfortable ways for us to have sex so the couch seems more appealing,” he said and Saint stopped and his head fell back as he laughed.

“I love that I can’t get anything past you, Finn,” Saint said and heat flared in Finn’s chest.

Finn grabbed Saint’s face and kissed him forcefully as he guided him to the living room. He wasn’t going to give Saint a chance to say something that might ruin the moment. As dangerous as it was, Saint had just admitted to loving something about Finn and he intended to hang onto it for as long as he could.

Once they reached the couch, Finn kicked his pants off hastily while Saint unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Finn pushed against Saint’s chest and he fell back on the couch and laughed again. Finn was too focused on Saint’s massive hard-on to laugh. He dropped to his knees between Saint’s legs and immediately went to work. Finn moaned in delight as he rubbed his face all over Saint’s length and nuzzled his sack. He smelled like soap, fabric softener and warm, aroused flesh. Finn didn’t get very long to enjoy Saint’s cock. He’d lapped at the shaft and had just taken it deep in his throat when he felt Saint lean and heard him open the end table drawer.

“I can’t wait, Finn,” Saint said urgently as his fingers tangled in Finn’s hair and pushed his head back. “I haven’t been able to think about anything else for days,” he murmured. His eyes were heavy and his chest rose and fell rapidly as he stared down at Finn. He was so potent and beautiful, Finn was helpless. He nodded as he took the lube and condoms from Saint. Finn ripped open the wrapper and stretched the condom over the head of Saint’s erection. His eyes held Saint’s as he stroked a thick layer of lube over his heavy length and Saint bit his lip as he groaned. “Please… I need you,” he rasped and Finn was on his feet. He steadied himself with his hands on Saint’s shoulders and shivered as Saint’s hands swept reverently up his back as he dropped onto Saint’s lap.

Saint slid a hand into Finn’s hair and pulled his lips down and his tongue surged into Finn’s mouth as Saint positioned the head at Finn’s entrance. Finn tilted his head and took the kiss deeper as he sat and pushed against Saint’s cock as it pressed into his passage. There was a brief stinging burn but it was quickly drowned out by tingling fullness as he stretched around Saint.

Finn’s ass hit Saint’s thighs and Saint shuddered as a low, rumbling groan poured from his lips. That was all Finn needed. He gripped Saint’s hips with his knees, grabbed the back of the couch with one hand and got a hold of Saint’s hair with the other and started riding him. He slid, rocked, ground and clenched until Saint was delirious and Finn was nearly to muscle failure. Finn’s world exploded when Saint’s hands locked around his waist and he pulled down as he thrust hard into Finn’s tight passage. Saint screamed Finn’s name as his body thrashed and bucked on the couch beneath him. Finn convulsed and swayed and would have fallen back on the coffee table if Saint hadn’t grabbed his arm and pulled Finn against his chest. Finn hissed into the corner of Saint’s neck as a hot, wet slick spread between them, coating their chests as Finn melted over Saint. When Finn could talk he raised his head and looked at the clock. It had taken less than thirty minutes and Saint said he had hours. Finn chewed his lip as he considered then looked back at Saint.

“So…now what?” He asked and Saint shrugged.

“I don’t know. What were you planning to do before I got here?” Saint asked and Finn waved at the pile of books on the table.

“The usual. Read, drink a few beers and listen to some music,” Finn said and there was a slight twitching at the corners of Saint’s lips.

“Do that, then,” he said and slapped Finn on the ass and gestured for him to get up. Finn winced as he rose, turned and then fell onto the couch next to Saint.

“What are you going to do while I’m reading?” Finn asked and Saint shrugged again as his eyes drifted around the room.

“I’ll find something to keep me entertained,” he mumbled before he got up. Finn watched as Saint walked into the kitchen. His jeans fell just below his ass and Finn sighed contentedly and licked his lips as he stared at the tight, round globes. Saint pulled the condom off with a loud snap and dropped it into the trash can before he leaned against the counter. He winked at Finn as his finger slid up his stomach, collecting Finn’s come before Saint raised it to his lips and sucked it clean. “You taste like grapefruit,” Saint said as he reached for the paper towels, tore off a sheet and wiped off his stomach. Once he was cleaned off, he grabbed two beers and returned to the couch. He set them on the table then kneeled on the couch and pushed Finn onto his back. Finn’s mouth fell open as Saint’s head dropped then gasped as the tickle of his beard merged with the hot, slippery sweep of his tongue across Finn’s skin as Saint licked him clean. “I love grapefruit,” he announced as he raised his head and found Finn staring down at him in shock.

“Ok,” Finn squeaked and Saint laughed as he stood and swiped his beer off the table. Finn was about to get up when Saint tossed his pants at him.

“Just those,” he said before he turned and inspected Finn’s books. Finn nodded slowly as he studied his rather unremarkable grey sweatpants.

“Ok,” Finn mumbled as he got up and pulled them on. A moment later, Saint returned to the couch with
The Odyssey
and Finn’s brows shot up. Saint raised a shoulder as he stretched his legs and crossed his ankles on the table.

“I was supposed to read this in high school and never did,” he murmured. “Maybe I missed out on something,” Saint said and Finn stared for several moments before he reached for a book. He was about to kick his feet onto the table when Saint looked up from his book. “Go ahead and lay back, you can put your feet in my lap,” he said and Finn wondered if he’d injured his head at some point in the evening. Saint gave him an impatient look and gestured for Finn to get on with it.

Finn reclined and carefully set his feet in Saint’s lap. The whole thing was a bit awkward, his body was stiff as he stared unseeing at his book. Then Saint’s large hand closed around Finn’s foot and began to knead. Finn’s eyes flared and he slowly lowered the book and peeked over the top of it at Saint. He appeared totally engrossed in the book and may not have been aware of what he was doing to Finn’s feet.

Whatever. Warmth was spreading up Finn’s leg and all the bones in his body were melting. He pulled his lips in to keep from moaning, not wanting to disturb Saint. When Saint flipped a page and switched to Finn’s other foot, he knew that Saint was aware of what he was doing. Which made Finn’s body warmer and heavier as his muscles turned to jelly. Finn didn’t know what was going on but he realized he was in the midst of one of the best nights of his life. He went ahead and hummed happily as his eyes became too heavy to keep open.

“Finn…” It was a deep, intoxicating rumble and Finn’s lips curved as his eyelids fluttered but failed to open.

Strong hands glided up his thighs and Finn groaned as his cock pulsed, hot and hard against the front of his sweatpants. There was a soft growl and heat seeped through the fabric and Finn hissed as firm pressure gripped the sides of his shaft. Finn’s eyes snapped open and he moaned at the sight of Saint’s teeth playfully gnawing at the bulge in his pants. He slid his fingers into Saint’s hair and whispered his name as he watched Saint’s lips cruise up and down his length.

Oh! He likes the sweatpants,
Finn realized. As far as epiphanies went, this was a wicked one. Finn hooked his thumbs under the waistband and pushed it down just below his hip bones and Saint’s eyes flashed. He raised his head but his eyes were locked on Finn’s hands. Finn pushed the pants lower, revealing the dark hair at the base of his shaft and Saint growled softly as his hands flexed around Finn’s thighs. Finn bit his lip as his erection throbbed in response and lifted the waist of his pants and shifted his hips. When he released it, the head of his cock was exposed and the next breath Saint released came out as a swear. Finn’s sack pulled tight and Saint’s eyes widened as a bead of pre-cum formed in the slit and glistened in the soft light. Finn reached down and collected it with his finger. He let it hover in the air between them and Saint’s lips fell open. Finn shook his head slightly before raising his finger to his lips as his tongue flicked out and licked the drop. A weak groan rattled in Saint’s throat and Finn reached for the waist of his pants again. He pushed them down until they rested beneath his sack and Saint’s hands tightened around Finn’s thighs. Finn gripped his cock and began to stroke slowly.

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