Falling For Disaster (4 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Falling For Disaster
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“That was great. We should do it again some time,” Finn mumbled as he slid down the wall then pulled in his lips and swallowed a cry as his ass hit the floor. “Next time with lube, you fucking barbarian,” Finn complained as he leaned on his side and reached for his shirt.

Chapter 8


“What’s up with the new teacher?” Wes asked as Saint leaned across the table. He pretended he needed an extra moment to line up the shot before he struck the cue ball. He sunk his ball and shrugged when he looked at Wes.

“What about him?” Saint asked and Wes raised a brow as he chalked his stick.

“You’re my eyes and ears in town, I thought you would have checked him out and said something by now,” he explained and Saint snorted.

“You mean I’m the only one that everyone likes because I don’t act like a fuckstick and I can talk to people without scaring them,” he corrected and Wes laughed.

“Yeah, you’re my man on the street,” he teased. “You’re supposed to tell me if there’s anything going on that I need to worry about,” Wes added and Saint chuckled as he went for his next shot.

“I promise, the new high school teacher is nothing for you to worry about,” Saint said as he calmly made his next shot then reached for his beer. He watched Wes take his shot and tried to gauge what he might know. It didn’t take long after he arrived in Blytheville for Saint to realize that the president of The Brotherhood was worthy of a lot of respect and to be handled with caution. Wes was smart and could read people easily. He kept the organization compartmentalized and only trusted a select few. Saint had only been in the club for a few years but dating Rose had been a gamble that paid off. Initially, Wes kept a close eye on Saint because he was dating his sister. Saint used the scrutiny to impress Wes and gain his trust. Saint waved to Rose, signaling for another round of beers. “I’ve run into him at the diner a few times and asked around. He seems nice enough and keeps to himself. He’s just an average guy,” Saint lied. Wes nodded and drained his beer.

“Kitty thinks he’s gay,” Wes said as he leaned against a stool and waited for Rose to come around the pool table and exchange their bottles. She rolled her eyes as she gathered their empties.

“What the hell does Kitty Gable know about men?” Rose asked loudly and Wes grinned.

“My niece is my eyes and ears at the school,” he said and Saint gave him a hard look.

“If she says he’s gay it’s probably because she flirted with him and he shot her down,” Saint said and Wes frowned.

“Fuck. Jake needs to do something about that girl,” he complained and Rose laughed.

“No kidding, she’s hell bent on getting knocked up,” Rose said and Wes’ expression got darker. Saint elbowed him.

“You better hope you only have sons,” Saint said as he strolled around the table. “If she said she thinks the new teacher’s gay, it means she probably scared the shit out of him and he’s afraid to even look at her. I think it means he’s not stupid or interested in becoming a sex offender,” Saint added and Wes nodded in agreement. Rose leaned against Saint and he wrapped an arm around her neck.

“I heard he’s gorgeous,” Rose announced and Saint glared at her. She winked as she slid her arm around his waist. “If I wasn’t stuck in here every waking moment, I would have checked him out myself,” she teased and Saint wrapped his arm tighter around her neck and kissed her hair.

“If I catch him looking at you, I’ll break his neck,” Saint said loudly and Wes snorted.

“Bullshit,” he argued as he reached for his stick. “You’d want to have a calm discussion and shake hands after he agreed to keep his eyes off your woman.” Wes sunk the eight ball and Saint crossed his arms over his chest and frowned.

“Just because I don’t go around kicking the shit out of people doesn’t mean I’m a pussy,” Saint pointed out. “The Brotherhood doesn’t need that kind of attention. Keeping clear of the sheriff makes it easier to fly under the radar,” he reminded Wes. “As a matter of fact, giving the new teacher a hard time isn’t going to sit well with anyone in town. The school’s had a hard time as it is keeping teachers. The sheriff’s pleased as fuck to have him here.” Saint went back to the table and Wes nodded again.

“Fine. As long as he minds his own business and doesn’t end up being a fag, I don’t have a problem with him,” Wes declared and Saint shook his head as he started racking the balls.

“I don’t know why you’re worried. If he’s gay, it’s not like he’d be interested in you,” Saint said and Rose howled with laughter.

“Fuck you, Saint,” Wes mumbled as he flicked a cigarette butt at Saint.

Saint dodged it and ignored the clenching of his stomach. Wes was smart and he ran a tight club but he was a sadist and a sociopath. If he knew that Finn was gay he wouldn’t hesitate to ride out to the school and beat Finn within an inch of his life. And he’d do it in front of as many people as he could to make an example out of Finn.

Chapter 9


Finn reached for the diner door and froze when he spotted Saint sitting at the counter. He was flirting with Cheryl and idly poking at a piece of cherry pie. Finn stepped back and quickly dashed past the diner and ducked into the convenience store. He waved as the bell on the door announced his entrance and Harry nodded before turning back to the TV on the counter. Finn grinned as Alex Trebek interviewed a contestant.
Where do they find those people?
Finn wondered as he listened to a woman describe her doll collection. Finn cringed as he reached for a half gallon of milk then went after a box of Frosted Flakes.

It took about ten minutes for Finn to realize that what happened with Saint was a disaster. He didn't know very much about Saint but what he did know suggested that the less Finn knew about him and the less he was involved with him, the better. The Brotherhood might be relatively harmless to the people of Blytheville but they were still involved in gun running and drugs. Finn spotted SS patches on some of the other members’ vests and after swallowing a mouthful of bile, Finn swore he would have nothing to do with any of The Brotherhood, including Saint. So far, Finn had only seen Saint in jeans and t-shirts, all white or grey. But Finn wasn’t naive or stupid enough to believe that Saint didn’t know who his fellow club members were or that he might not have similar beliefs.

Never again,
Finn nodded as he grabbed a candy bar on his way to the register. Saint appeared to agree. They crossed paths three times at the diner in the two weeks since Saint showed up at Finn’s and fucked him senseless. They avoided making eye contact and by silent agreement, whoever was closest to being done dropped whatever he was eating and tossed cash on the table without waiting for the check.

“What is the Trojan Horse?” Finn answered as he set his items on the counter and dug his wallet out of his back pocket.

“What?” Harry asked as he punched the keys on the register. Finn jerked his head toward the TV.

“He said
“Odysseus’ cunning horse,”
” Finn repeated and Harry blinked. Finn pointed at the TV. “The answer is
“What is the Trojan Horse, Alex?”
Finn explained and Harry laughed.

“Right! I guess you ought to know that, huh?” Harry said and Finn winked as he took his receipt.

“I wouldn’t be worth much as a history teacher if I didn’t,” Finn agreed as Harry bagged his items. Harry shook his head and laughed.

“Nope.” He pushed the bag across the counter and rested his elbows on it. “I watch every day but I don’t think I’ve ever got a single answer right. You ought to go on it!” Harry said and Finn shook his head.

“I’d be fine until they asked anything about science or math,” he admitted and Harry laughed loudly and slapped the counter.

“I’d be fine as long as they didn’t ask me anything!” He announced and Finn waved dismissively.

“I wouldn't want to be on TV anyway. Have a good one, Harry,” Finn said as he grabbed his bag and backed out of the door. Harry waved and went back to the TV. Finn was glad fate led him to the convenience store. Harry was probably in his early fifties and autistic. While most of people in town humored him, Finn got the feeling that a lot of the time, Harry was ignored. That brief conversation was probably the highlight of Harry’s day. Finn sighed heavily as he pulled his keys from his pocket and decided to stop in during Jeopardy as often as he could.

A loud rumbling interrupted the nearly silent evening and Finn’s head snapped toward the diner and his eyes met Saint’s. Finn dropped his head and busied himself with unlocking the door and quickly tossed the bag on the passenger side as he hopped onto the bench seat then slammed the door shut. The bike roared as Saint sped by and Finn kept his eyes down until the sound of the motor faded.


Finn rinsed the soap off the bowl and spoon and quickly dried and put them away. He hummed softly as he crossed the living room and dropped onto the couch. He was reaching for a book when his eyes went to the wall beneath the staircase. Images from the last time Saint visited flashed before him and Finn shivered as his eyes clung to the stain he was sure only he could see. He’d come all over the wall as he hung onto the banister like his life depended on it. Finn cursed as his body tightened and he tossed the book on the table.

Friday night’s as good a time as any to start a project,
he decided as he went to the kitchen and grabbed the flashlight. Finn purchased everything he needed to strip all the wallpaper in the house and plenty of paint in tranquil shades of greens and blues weeks earlier. Apparently, he needed to reach a certain level of guilt and self loathing before he could stop procrastinating.
You can erase all proof of your shame but you’re still going to remember it,
he warned as he pushed the screen door open and jogged down the steps and across the yard to the garage. He frowned and hoped he was wrong as he pushed the door open and flicked on the flashlight.

Chapter 10


The sound of Harry laughing had Saint smiling as he pushed the door open and his heart stopped when his eyes locked on Finn’s tight, round ass as he leaned on the counter. Finn looked over his shoulder and his smile vanished when he saw Saint.

“Hey, Saint!” Harry waved from behind the counter before he pointed excitedly at the TV. “We’re watching Jeopardy! Finn’s the smartest person in town!” He declared and Saint offered a tight grin and nodded as he ducked his head and rushed down the closest aisle.

“I should get going,” Finn mumbled and Harry groaned.

“Come on, Finn! It’s Final Jeopardy. Just a few more minutes,” he begged and Saint heard a heavy sigh as he reached for a can of WD-40.

“Fine. Then I have to get out of here. I don’t want to have to wait until tomorrow to change the light bulb in the garage,” Finn explained. “I swear, you’re selling me faulty bulbs. They keep blowing out,” he complained and Saint bit his lip as he swallowed the urge to tell Finn he needed to get the wiring checked. That garage was about a hundred years old and the wiring was probably original. Saint was surprised the damn thing hadn’t burned down years ago.

He made his way back to the register and it was suddenly necessary for him to study the label on the can as he stepped up to the counter. It wasn’t enough to shield Saint from Finn’s scent as he set the can on the counter and pulled out his wallet. Saint ground his teeth and prayed for Harry to hurry as the blood rushed to his groin and his jeans started to feel tighter. Saint forced his eyes to the TV and focused on the screen as his skin prickled and his shirt stuck to his back.

“This school of philosophy was born in the aftermath of World War II and Albert Camus’ essay,
The Myth of Sisyphus
,” Alex Trebek stated and the infamous music began.

Harry’s hand hovered over the register as he watched Finn.

Finn was fascinated by the faded, peeling edge of a Pepsi sticker on the counter.

Saint thought his jaw was going to break if he clenched it any harder. He wanted to rip his skin off and run down the street screaming, the store felt like the second circle of hell.

“Absurdism,” Saint said a little too loudly and Finn’s head snapped up and swung toward Saint while Harry looked completely confused.

Saint cleared his throat and nodded at the register, silently begging Harry to hurry. Unfortunately, Harry wasn’t going to cooperate. The music stopped and Saint considered running out of the store.
Good job, asshole,
Saint scolded and wished he could punch himself in the face without looking like a lunatic. The internal screaming and physical discomfort grew as the contestants’ answers were revealed. Contestants one and two wrote “Existentialism” and Saint’s shoulders sagged as they were informed they were incorrect. Contestant three pulled out an upset with “Absurdism” and Harry and Finn stared at Saint. Harry’s jaw hung and he blinked rapidly. Finn’s eyes narrowed as he studied Saint. Saint wanted to hurl the TV across the room. Instead, he stretched his neck, trying to loosen the muscles and looked expectantly at Harry.

“Just the WD-40,” Saint said and Harry jumped and grinned.

“That was awesome, Saint!” He gushed. “How did you know that?” Harry asked and Finn’s head tilted as his gaze became even more focused. Saint shrugged as he handed Harry his bank card.

“A lucky guess,” Saint mumbled and Finn snorted. Saint kept his eyes on Harry and as soon as the receipt touched his fingertips, Saint snatched the can off the counter and rushed from the store.


Saint rode for hours, he let his mind wander as fields and lakes rushed past him as he took random turns and sped down empty roads. Somehow, just as the sun was fading, Finn’s mailbox came into view and Saint slowed his bike as it drew close. He had to turn. He hated himself as his bike left the paving and hit the dirt road but he knew he had no choice. When he cleared the trees and Finn’s house came into view, Saint's body tightened and his body hummed anxiously. He cut the bike off and stared at the house for several moments, trying to figure out why he was there and what he was going to say when Finn appeared, framed by the screen door. The light was soft behind him and he was a dark silhouette. Saint’s leg swung over the bike and he was stepping onto the porch before he realized his body had carried him there. The pull was so strong, Saint’s hands shook as he grabbed the door frame.

“What are you doing here?” Finn asked and Saint’s eyes drank Finn in despite the screen separating them. He inhaled slowly and lust unfurled and swelled within him as the smell of Finn’s body and breath flooded him.

“I don’t know,” he admitted and Finn crossed his arms over his chest and waited. Saint sighed and let his forehead rub against the screen as he tried to figure out what he was supposed to do. “I didn’t mean to come.” He tried to see Finn’s eyes but the light was behind him and the sun was just about gone.

“You didn’t bring any beer to thank me for last time?” Finn asked and Saint laughed softly and shook his head.

“I wouldn’t want you to think I thought you’d give it up for a six pack,” he teased and Finn snorted.

“Apparently, I would,” Finn said as he unlocked the screen door.

Finn turned and gestured over his shoulder for Saint to follow as he went back to the couch. Saint groaned softly as he pulled the door open, already regretting Finn’s decision to let him in. When Saint stepped into the house his brows pulled together as he looked around. Everything looked completely different. His eyes drifted around the room and he realized it was the walls. They were a soft leaf green and it made the room look larger and lighter. Everything else was just about the same but the wood seemed to glow and the beat up leather couch looked like something out of a Restoration Hardware catalog now that the faded blue and mauve wallpaper was gone.

“You’ve been busy,” Saint said as he leaned and craned his neck. The kitchen was a lighter shade of green and the upstairs hall was Tiffany blue. “I like it,” he stated and Finn dropped onto the couch and crossed his arms over his chest again.

“I’m relieved,” he murmured as he watched Saint. Saint gave Finn a pointed look as he crossed the room. Saint pushed a stack of books out of the way before he sat on the coffee table facing Finn. He sighed again as he rested his elbows on his knees and let his head fall.

“I can’t get involved with you,” Saint groaned and he heard a soft laugh escape Finn.

“I’m glad we agree,” he said and Saint nodded.

“You have no idea how dangerous this is for both of us,” he explained and Finn laughed again.

“I’m pretty sure I can guess. It’s not much of a secret, is it? White supremacists aren’t big fans of the homosexuals,” Finn said and Saint didn’t want to look at him. “Have you beat the shit out of any fags lately?” He asked and Saint’s head snapped up and he shook his head.

“No,” he said firmly. “Don’t ask me what I’ve done,” Saint warned. “I have nothing to offer you. I’m not good enough and I won’t do the right thing,” he promised and Finn’s eyes widened. “Imagine any fucked up thing you want and go with it. Whatever you do, don’t try to find something good in me or hope I’m going to change or redeem myself. I won’t lie to you if you don’t make me,” Saint said and Finn sat back and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Why are you here, Saint?” Finn complained and Saint’s eyes swept down Finn’s chest. His t-shirt was faded and tight. Saint wasn’t sure if it was something Finn had owned since high school or if it was just designed to look like it, but it stretched across Finn’s chest and abs and Saint wanted to rip it off of him more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life. When Saint’s eyes settled into the crotch of Finn’s grey sweatpants, he knew he was done fighting it.

“I wake up at night and I swear I can taste you, Finn,” Saint whispered and Finn’s hand dropped and his head tilted forward. His eyes were deep and dark when they met Saint’s, he wanted to fall into them. “Sometimes, I catch a whiff of you in the diner and I get so hard my dick hurts. Every time I shut my eyes, I see you naked and shaking while I fucked you against that wall.” His voice was low and gravelly as every cell in his body screamed for relief, raged to feel Finn’s body touching his. “Nothing’s ever felt that good and I haven’t stopped thinking about you and wanting you. I feel like I’m going to lose my mind if I don’t kiss you. I need to touch you,” he begged and Finn gasped as he slid forward and reached for Saint.

“Fuck, it was so good,” Finn groaned as his lips collided with Saint’s.

Finn tasted like cinnamon and beer and Saint was lost as his tongue swept through Finn’s mouth and he tried to swallow every breath and moan that came from Finn. Saint’s fingers sifted through Finn’s hair and he hummed in approval as Finn’s tongue fought back, thrusting and twisting, battling with Saint’s. He felt hands attacking his belt and Saint pulled his lips free and gasped as he tugged his shirt loose then over his shoulders and head. It hit the floor and he leaned back on his hands and scooted his hips to the edge of the table so Finn could unbutton and unzip his jeans. Finn’s hand reached under the waistband of Saint’s boxer briefs and he couldn’t help but groan in relief as Finn’s hand wrapped around his erection as the other tugged at the waist of Saint’s jeans and briefs. Saint’s cock sprang free and Finn sat back quickly. His eyes were wide and mouth hung open.

“Holy shit,” he whispered then swallowed loudly. “No wonder it felt like you were killing me,” Finn mumbled and Saint’s lips tilted into a cocky grin.

“Yeah, but you took all of it and you survived,” he said and Finn snorted.

“I didn’t think I’d ever be able to sit again,” he admitted and Saint’s grin softened as his hand curved around Finn’s jaw.

“I’m sorry. I swear, I meant to take it easy,” Saint murmured. His eyes refused to leave Finn’s lips. His erection was throbbing angrily and all Saint could think about was those lips and that tongue all over it. They curved into a wicked smile and Saint’s cock twitched and his balls ached.

“I wasn’t complaining,” Finn said and Saint bit back a moan as Finn’s hand wrapped around his shaft. Finn’s eyes were wide with wonder and he licked his lips as he watched his hand slowly slide up and down. Saint couldn’t take it anymore.

“Please, Finn. Suck it,” he begged hoarsely and Finn nodded as his shoulders lowered.

“Try to stop me,” he said and Saint held his breath.

Finn’s tongue washed over the head and Saint gasped as a wave of heat rolled through his body. His head fell back and he shut his eyes as Finn’s tongue swirled around the head before it teased the slit. Saint tried to curse but his voice was gone. Finn’s lips closed around the tip and he sucked hard and Saint’s feet came off the floor as he arched on the table and his sack pulled tight. Finn released the head and his lips and tongue slid up and down Saint’s length slowly, bathing it in slippery warmth. Once it was thoroughly coated, Finn’s hand tightened around the shaft and stroked firmly. Saint gripped the edge of the table as the head of his cock was once again surrounded by soft, wet heat and Finn started to suck hungrily. His head rose and fell rapidly as the hand working Saint’s shaft twisted and slid up and down. Finn took Saint deep into his throat and sparks exploded behind Saint’s eyelids as his nerves sparked and pleasure rippled through his groin and into his legs. Without realizing, Saint’s fingers fisted in Finn’s hair and he pushed lightly, silently encouraging Finn to take him deeper into his throat. Finn moaned in delight and Saint hissed as he felt it vibrating around the sensitive head.

“Oh, God…” Saint panted. “That’s so fucking good, Finn. Swallow my cock,” he urged as he pressed on Finn’s head. He heard a soft gagging sound and heavy heat pooled in Saint’s groin as the muscles in his ass clenched and an empty ache filled his passage. Lust raged within him and he growled as he pushed Finn’s head back. “I need you to fuck me,” Saint demanded and Finn groaned as he looked up at Saint. His lips were swollen and red and tears streamed down his cheeks. Finn’s hand shot out and tangled in Saint’s hair as he pulled him close. Finn’s lips pressed against Saint’s and his kiss was hard and demanding as his other hand continued to stroke Saint’s erection.

“Let’s go upstairs,” Finn urged and Saint shook his head.

“Can’t,” he breathed.

The bed is off limits,
Saint insisted. Fast, hard fucks were bad enough and obviously they couldn’t be stopped but Saint had to draw the line. Having all of Finn, to touch and to taste, to feel all of his body writhing against Saint’s would be hell. Not right away. It would be heaven until it was over. After, Saint knew he’d sell his soul to keep from letting go and leaving. He’d burn every moment of the day, needing to find some way back. Finn squeezed his eyes shut and Saint got the feeling he was praying. Possibly for patience or for their sanity to return. He sighed then shook his head softly.

“Thirty seconds. Do not move,” Finn warned as he pointed at Saint. He waited until Saint nodded before he jumped to his feet and dodged the table then dashed across the room. Saint watched as Finn skidded to a halt in front of the stairs before he grabbed the bannister and took them two or three at a time. He disappeared from sight and Saint heard more sliding and then a dull bang. Finn swore loudly and Saint pulled his lips in to keep from laughing. A door slammed against a wall and there were loud footsteps overhead before Saint heard Finn running down the hall before he rushed down the stairs and bounced off the wall at the bottom. He jumped over the other end of the coffee table and held up a hand as his chest heaved. Saint’s brows rose as he stared at the bottle of lube and a condom.

“Did you have that lube the last time I was here?” Saint asked and Finn nodded.

“Of course. I’m a gentleman, I wouldn’t dream of fucking you without it,” he teased and Saint threw his hands up.

“Why didn’t you say something?” He asked and Finn shrugged.

“I didn’t want to ruin the mood and I was kind of into it,” he explained and Saint’s erection pulsed insistently. Finn saw it and he grinned and jerked his head toward the couch. “On your knees,” he commanded and Saint’s body tightened in response.

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