Falling For Disaster (9 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Falling For Disaster
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“Harder, Finn,” Saint urged as his fingers dug into Finn’s ass. Finn nodded drunkenly as he pushed off the bed and rose over Saint. Finn’s hips slammed into Saint relentlessly as he hovered over Saint. Finn’s heart stopped as he watched Saint’s head lolling on the pillows as he moaned and writhed on the bed, taking Finn’s brutal thrusts. He was the most beautiful thing Finn had ever seen and there was an ache in Finn’s chest as he hated the world for making him need Saint.

“Oh, God,” Finn whispered frantically as his body started to shake and the steady rhythm of his strokes became jerky and desperate. “Why does this have to be so good? Why do you have to be so fucking good?” He complained as pressure slammed into his sack and rushed up his shaft. Finn drove as hard and deep as he could before the coiling of his nerves snapped and exploded, flooding him with bright light. For a moment, Finn was blind and his body was gone before heat and pleasure crashed into him and he began to convulse and chant Saint’s name.

“Fuck! Yes!” Saint gasped and Finn forced his eyes open and the pleasure became hotter and brighter as he watched Saint tugging his cock frantically beneath him. Saint arched and his eyes were wide and wild as his mouth ripped open on a silent scream. The muscles around Finn’s length tightened as Saint bucked and thrashed and come pumped from the end of his cock in milky ropes across his chest. Saint twisted and his head tossed from side to side until the last drops of come fell from the head and his hand slowed. As soon as the last tremor passed through Finn, he pulled out of Saint and dropped his shoulders. His lips and tongue glided over Saint’s stomach, cleaning the streaks of come as he made his way up Saint’s body. Saint hissed and his fingers slid through Finn’s hair before they twisted and pulled Finn’s lips to his. “And you called me an animal,” he murmured before his tongue slipped betweens Finn’s lips to twirl and probe as he chased every trace of his come in Finn’s mouth. Finn laughed softly as he raised his head and looked down at Saint.

“What can I say? You’re a bad influence,” Finn murmured before he dropped his head into the corner of Saint’s shoulder. His tongue slid up Saint’s neck and Finn sighed in delight. Saint hummed happily as his arms closed around Finn.

“Later, I’ll be worried that this is going to make things more complicated,” Saint slurred. “But right now, I just want to hold you and take a nap,” he admitted and Finn’s lips curved against Saint’s skin.

“Sounds perfect. We’ll worry later,” he sighed as his eyes became heavy.

Chapter 18


It was several hours before Saint thought about anything, let alone worried. This time, when he woke up, the dream he was having about Finn sucking his cock shifted into a drowsy reality that was better than Saint’s dreams. The late afternoon sun was a golden glow around Finn as he worshiped Saint’s straining erection with his lips, tongue and hands. Finn was achingly beautiful as he straddled Saint’s legs and stretched a condom over Saint’s length. When Finn rose and took Saint into his body, Saint was spellbound as his hands swept over Finn’s chest and stomach. Then, Saint was lost, praying that time would stand still and Finn would never stop the slow, steady, drugging rocking of his body as he rode Saint. When Saint knew Finn was close, he lifted Finn off of him and guided him up his body until Finn’s erection was in Saint’s face. Saint moaned in ecstasy and stroked his cock as Finn fucked his mouth. They came at the same time, Finn deep in Saint’s throat as Saint’s come shot in hot ribbons all over his chest and stomach as he greedily swallowed every drop of Finn’s release.

They remained silent, holding each other and listening to the crickets chirp as the sky grew dark. Eventually, Finn was able to drag Saint from the bed and into the shower. They kissed and laughed as they spread soap all over each other until the hot water ran out. Neither wanted to speak and break the spell that had been cast over them as they slowly dressed and stumbled into the kitchen. It was Saint that broke it.

“This is it?” He said as he stared at the box of cereal, milk and two apples that Finn set on the table. Finn nodded as he slid into the seat next to Saint.

“This is it,” he confirmed as he filled his bowl with Frosted Flakes and Saint shook his head in disbelief.

“You can’t live on cereal, Finn,” he said and Finn nodded in agreement.

“I know, that’s why I eat at the diner a few times a week” he said and Saint’s lips pulled tight.

“You can’t live on cereal and cheeseburgers,” Saint amended and Finn shrugged.

“Sure I can. I’d probably kill myself if I tried to actually cook something,” he explained and Saint rolled his eyes.

“How can someone so smart be this helpless?” He asked under his breath and Finn ignored it as he chewed. Finn’s eyes stretched across the room, unseeing as he pondered something and Saint bit into his apple as he waited. Finn blinked a few times before he looked at Saint.

“I want you to find some way to stay for a few days,” Finn stated and Saint choked on a gasp as he tried to swallow half chewed apple. He used the time he spent coughing and clearing his windpipe to try and make sense of Finn’s request. He failed.

“Why?” He asked and Finn threw his hands up.

“Why do you think?” He asked loudly. “I enjoy listening to you complain about my diet,” Finn said sarcastically. “And I think it would be fun to find more dirty ways to wake you up,” he added and Saint clenched his jaw to keep his face straight. Aside from the humor and a faint tickle of arousal and anticipation the idea conjured, a sense of longing and warmth filled Saint. He pushed the latter away as he catalogued all the reasons he shouldn’t. Despite easily coming up with about twenty, Saint’s mind was already formulating a plan. His fake brother and his fake fucked up life would make it so easy…

“It’s a terrible idea,” he mumbled as he stared at the cereal box. “But I’ll think about it,” Saint said and Finn elbowed him.

“Come on, it’ll be great,” he insisted and Saint raised a brow. “We can go skinny dipping after it gets dark and I’ll serve you breakfast in bed,” Finn added and Saint sat back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest.

“And what would that be?” He asked and Finn grinned as he raised his spoon.

“Cereal,” he said before he shoved the spoon in his mouth and Saint shook his head.

“Nope,” he said firmly and Finn stopped chewing. Saint pushed the empty bowl away from him then got up. “If I do decide to do this, you’re going to get some decent groceries and I’ll do the cooking,” Saint announced and Finn’s head pulled back in surprise.

“You can cook?” He asked and Saint nodded as he leaned down and kissed Finn. His lips tasted like milk and sugar and Saint decided he could grow to love cereal.

“Most people with half a brain can,” he mumbled as he stood. “I’ll let you know if I can work something out,” Saint said as he crossed the kitchen.

“We should do it this weekend. I’m off Friday. That way we can have three days of being naked and fucking like angry badgers,” Finn announced and Saint froze as he reached for the door. There was more heat and longing as he realized he couldn’t imagine anything that would make him happier.

“I’ll let you know, Finn,” Saint said as he pulled the door open and escaped into the night before Finn could completely override his common sense.


The ride home should have been short but Saint circled around the outside of town. He didn’t want to run into any brothers but more than anything, he needed the time to clear his head. Saint was used to feeling like shit about what he was doing but with Finn he couldn’t comfort himself with the fact that it was for a good cause and couldn’t be avoided. Finn was the first purely selfish thing Saint had done in a long time. When Finn talked about regret and mistakes, he had no idea how much they were eating at Saint. He could block it all out when his body was locked with Finn’s but as soon as his brain switched back on, it was like being tossed back into hell.

And Saint was slipping. He would get too comfortable and relaxed around Finn, too enthralled and giddy, he’d say something revealing or pique Finn’s interest. Saint couldn’t afford mistakes like that. But the more time he spent around Finn, the softer his facade became. It didn’t help that Saint craved a deeper connection with Finn. Almost as much as he wanted him physically, Saint wished he was the kind of man that could let Finn in and be himself with. Saint hated that fate had sent someone so perfect, so irresistible when Saint needed him the least. Because no matter how Saint projected and planned, there was no way it was ever going to work with Finn.

Eventually, Saint pulled into the driveway in front of Rose’s tidy little two bedroom house and cut off his bike. Her car was in the car port and the lamp in the bedroom was still on. She probably tried to wait up for him. The closer Saint got to the front door, the stronger the feeling of being in the wrong place, of being the wrong person got. He unlocked the door quietly and pushed it open, praying he didn’t wake up Rose. He’d had enough of lying for one day, he decided as he went into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge. He grabbed a beer and twisted off the cap as he leaned against the counter and took a long drink. One of the perks of dating a woman that owned a bar was a dependable supply of alcohol. With any luck, Saint could pound a bottle and be drowsy enough to fall asleep quickly by the time he undressed and snuck into bed next to Rose.

Somehow, Saint didn’t swear out loud when Rose appeared in the hall. Her hair was wild and she smiled drowsily as she drifted toward Saint in one of his t-shirts. He opened his arms as she fell against his chest then wrapped them tight around her.

“How are things in Cado?” She asked and he sighed wearily.

“It looks like Shannon really is pregnant. Jay’s scared out of his mind but I think he’s going to be ok,” Saint said as his hands glided up and down her back. If he could keep her drowsy, she might go right back to sleep. “Hopefully they’ll grow up and give the drama a rest.” He took a long drink of his beer and Rose chuckled softly.

“Is he sure it’s his baby? From all I’ve heard about them, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was their next fight,” she said and Saint groaned loudly.

“Why would you even put that out there?” He asked as he leaned back and looked down at her. “As far as I can tell, that hasn’t crossed Jay’s mind. I guess the timing seems legit to him and with her being so far along, they’ve got more important things to focus on,” Saint said and she gave him a pointed look.

“When have they ever behaved sensibly? You go up there every few weekends to bail him out of some jam and clean up their mess,” she argued and Saint shrugged.

“I know, I’m tired of it too. Let’s just hope that this is his baby because I don’t need to deal with that level of disaster,” he said and Rose nodded.

“If Jay doesn’t have any suspicions, everything is probably fine. People usually know when something’s not right,” she said and Saint stayed loose and shrugged again.

“You’re probably right. If he feels like everything’s fine and he’s happy, I’m not going to worry about it.” He tilted the bottle back and drained it. Rose took it and set it on the counter then slid her hands up his chest as she pressed herself against him.

“You know what would make me happy?” She asked as her lips brushed against his before she nibbled on his lower lip. Everything within Saint recoiled and his stomach churned but he managed to growl softly as his hands slid down her back and curved around her ass.

“I think I can guess,” he murmured as his lips slid along her cheek and found her ear. He took the lobe between his teeth and nibbled softly.

Rose moaned and it was soft and light and so wrong, Saint squeezed his eyes shut as his chest ached. He tried to picture Finn and willed his body to react but it wasn’t working. Saint knew that just about every man in The Brotherhood and Blytheville that wasn’t afraid of him or Wes would give their left nut for a chance with Rose. Without her usual cat eye makeup, dark lipstick and big hair, she looked soft and delicate. She was a really good kid and the perfect girlfriend. She just wasn’t what Saint was into. Rose’s only fault was that she had a piece of shit for a brother and he was the only reason Saint pursued her. After more than two years, the only thing Saint felt for Rose was a deep respect and friendship. But none of that was her fault and she deserved more, so Saint did his best to play along and keep her happy. Also, it wouldn’t be good for Saint if Wes’ sister started to suspect that Saint wasn’t who he said he was, so Saint got really good at playing along.

“I’ve been neglecting you.” He let his voice go low and rumble as his hand slipped under the t-shirt and splayed against her back. Rose’s fingernails dug into his shoulder and her skin became warm. “There’s something in particular that I’ve been neglecting,” Saint said as his fingers slid beneath the waistband of her panties. His hand cupped the tight, soft swell of her ass before it glided around her hip and covered her mound. Rose gasped and her hand closed around his arm as she pushed it down, deep between her thighs. Saint laughed softly as he pushed her panties down, over her hips and thighs until they slid down her legs.







She was so smooth and hot, her skin felt too delicate and soft. He let his hand slide up gently and she moaned as she bucked against it and it slid back down, then up again. Her hand released his and closed tight around his shoulder. He continued to rub her, as usual, intrigued but unaffected by the petal smooth feel of her tender flesh. When he looked up, Rose’s eyes were closed and her head had fallen back. He steeled himself as his eyes went to the counter and he decided going down on her in the kitchen would feel spontaneous and be more of a turn-on for Rose. If he got her off fast and did a good enough job, she wouldn’t be too disappointed if he didn’t fuck her. Saint gripped her waist with his other hand and guided her back toward the counter, his hand continued cupping and gliding against her until the cabinets were at her back. He released her and closed his hands around her waist and lifted her, depositing her on the counter. He used his foot to pull a chair to him and dropped onto it in front of her. When he looked up, her eyes were heavy and glazed, her lips were parted and panting.

“Open for me, Rose,” Saint growled.

Rose trembled as she scooted to the edge and spread her thighs. She leaned back on her hands and licked her lips. For a moment, he had to hold himself locked and still. The urge to push away and apologize roared within him and the need to get as far away as he could, as quickly as he could, was almost frightening. Never in all of his life, had Saint felt so disgusted with himself, so toxic. When he could finally move, his hands shook as he caressed her thighs. They were taut and slick and she moaned as he slowly stroked toward her pussy.

He dipped his head so he could watch as two fingers carefully brushed down the length of her tender folds. They were like the petals of a flower, pink and fragile yet lush and dewy from her essence. Rose whimpered as his fingertip traced the outer curve of her and then pressed into the seam, tracing downward. Her flesh was swollen and pouting and glistened with moisture. A drop gathered and started to slide toward the crevice of her bottom. Saint stopped it with his finger and collected it, he applied it to one of the fragile petal folds. He traced and parted her, exploring her and coating her in the slick, hot nectar that dripped from her. He let the tip of his finger dip into her and she gasped. He looked up and found she was breathing frantically and flushed.

“More?” Saint whispered as his finger circled her lush heat. Rose nodded violently and spread her thighs wider. He wanted to groan in protest as his finger slowly pressed into her tight, slick core but reminded himself that he needed to make this good for her. Her head fell back and a long, weak sob drifted from her throat. He withdrew his finger and brushed her juices onto her folds, keeping them warm and wet before he returned to her molten center. He continued to probe and bathe her until her thighs trembled. Then, he slid a second finger into her. Rose hauled in a shuddering breath and grabbed his shoulder.

“Saint, please!” She begged. He nodded in sympathy, he was in pain too. It was as if his hands were on fire. He wanted to pull them from Rose, shake them until they were free of her juices and run them under water as if it would quell the guilt and nausea that was bubbling within him. Then, Saint saw Finn. He shut his eyes and Finn was above him, his face taut with desire as he drove into Saint. He nodded faintly. He had to keep Rose happy. It wasn’t just his safety on the line anymore. If he failed and someone figured out the truth, Finn would be in danger too.

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