Electus (Regnum Series Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Electus (Regnum Series Book 1)
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Tia wakes up in the car. They arrive at Javan’s hotel, and sneak in the back. His room is a little messier than she would expect. He has books sprawled out on a coffee table, in front of the couch. One is titled,
Regnum’s Lost Treasures
. He sets her down on his bed.

“What did they do to you?” he inquires, prying the ties off of her limbs.

She sobs and places her now free hand on her side. He lifts up the shirt to find the wound; his face is fierce with anger. Without a word, he stands up and grabs the phone.

“Hello, get me Allison. We have a situation here. Code black.” He hangs up, then moves to the bathroom. Tia lies in his bed, attempting to calm herself. She can’t seem to stop crying. Each breath turns into a sob, and her entire body shakes. Javan returns with the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up. He brings towels and a bowl filled with warm water.

“We need to apply pressure to that wound, you are losing a lot of blood.” He grabs the large towel. “I’m going to lift you a little bit to get part of this under your back, okay?” Tia nods, tears cascading her soft cheeks. She winces, as he lifts her, her entire back is sore, as well. He wraps the towel around her waist, applying pressure, he decides to wedge a hand towel in between her side and the bath towel. He wants to add as much pressure as possible.

Next, he grabs a wash cloth and dips it into the bowl. “I need to clean these smaller cuts on your arms. Did they cut you anywhere else?”

“No,” is all she is able to voice.

“What about there?” He eyes her pants, where a small spot of blood is present.

“He was on top of me, when I woke up and...” she can’t even finish the sentence. “Who did you call?” Tia changes the subject.

“My assistant, he is getting ahold of my personal doctor.” He concentrates on her wound. Tia can see hatred burning in his eyes at the thought of what happened to her.

“You have your doctor with you in Urbi?”

“You can never be too careful, Tia. You have another one on the other arm too, right? I thought I saw that when I carried you in.” He leans over and lifts the other arm.

Tia nods, she just now notices the blood on his shirt. “I’m sorry I ruined your clothes,” she apologizes. He reaches her arm from the other side of the bed.

“I rather lose my whole wardrobe than...” he trails off. “This cut is much deeper. You might require stitches. Maybe Allison will have some Regnumian meds on her. Are you in pain anywhere else?”

“My back, legs, everywhere imaginable,” she exhales, with sharp pain in her lungs as she does.

“I’ll have Allison examine you all over.”

Javan peers at Tia’s face. His eyes meet hers. For the first time, Tia catches fear in them. The beautiful swirls of blue and grey stare at her for what seems an eternity.

A knock at the door startles both of them. Javan abandons his task to let Allison in.

She is an older woman, about Osborn’s age. Her blond hair is in a bun and she balances a pair of narrow bifocals on her crooked nose.

“They really did a number on you, girl. It will be okay, we will fix it,” she re-assures Tia. Allison finishes Javan’s work of cleaning out the cuts. Then, she applies antiseptic before stitching. Tia winces slightly, trying to keep still for Allison. Luckily, she is equipped with a variety of potions. Allison coats the stitches with a blue liquid labeled
In Stitches

“This will help heal your wounds at a much faster pace, as well as prevent scarring,” she informs Tia. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”

“Actually, doc, I think you should check her all over. Just to be safe; she was complaining about her back and legs as well as...” Javan interjects, peering down at her pants.

“Alright, I’ll need her to remove her clothing. She should change, anyway. Do you have something she can wear for the night?” Allison asks Javan, calmly.

“I have some sweats that might work,” he digs through his suitcase. Tia realizes she won’t be able to leave; she can barely move. All she can think about is how much of an inconvenience she will be to Javan.
He is already doing so much. Maybe I can ask the doctor to go to the hospital, so I am not in the way.

“That will have to do,” Allison comments, examining the black sweat pants and t-shirt. She turns her attention to Tia, once more. “I need you to undress now, sweetie.” Tia glances up at Javan.

“I will just wait outside the door until you ladies are done.” He excuses himself.

Allison assists Tia in lifting her shirt up, then removes her bra to examine her back. She has a rather large bruise across her spine.

“Looks like they knew what they were doing,” Allison sighs. “I should have some cream for that.” Tia, feeling exposed, wraps her arms across her breasts. Allison applies a strong healing cream to Tia’s back that dulls the pain.

She hands her the black shirt, then assists her with placing her arms in the sleeves. Tia is beginning to feel comfortable with Allison. As a doctor with years of practice, she is gentle while she works.

“Okay, kid. Now for the pants. Let’s see what the damage is.” Allison helps Tia slide them off, revealing her legs. Her panties are soaked with blood and semen. Allison shakes her head. Her legs are completely bruised and it appears as though Tia has another cut on her right calf.

“Good thing I didn’t put everything away yet.” Allison gets to work cleaning her up. She sanitizes the cut, as well. Luckily it is minor enough to not require stitching. She applies medicine to her legs, then assists Tia in sliding the sweats on.

“You can come in now!” Allison yells to Javan, who is still in the hallway. He enters the room. “How is she?” the first question out of his mouth.

“I’m not going to lie, Mr. Leporem, she is pretty beat up. My suggestion is for her to rest. Have her stay the night here. Then, in the morning, I will come by to check on her condition and hopefully, if the meds work fast enough, remove the stitches.”

Tia glances at Javan. He just nods at Allison, “Of course, I have plenty of room. Not a problem.” Part of her is mad she doesn’t have a say, however, she is also comforted at the thought of staying in his room. After the night she had, she rather not be alone.

“Thank you, so much,” Tia voices to Allison.

“You are very welcome, my dear. I will see you in the morning,” Allison remarks, gathering her supplies.

“Thank you, again, Allison,” Javan adds, shaking her hand.

“My bill is in the mail,” she jokes, then exits.

Javan walks over to the bed and sits next to Tia. “Words cannot express how sorry I am for this.”

Tia is confused at his apology. “It’s not your fault, Javan.”

“I should have never asked you to dinner last night. It was careless.” He stares down at his hands.

“I don’t blame you for any of this. If it wasn’t for you, I would be dead, most likely. How did you know where to find me?” she pries.

“I got a call, with an anonymous tip,” Javan exhales. Tia realizes his shirt still has her blood stained all over it.

“Did you need something to eat? You are probably starving,” he offers, stroking her hair.

“I am hungry. You can change first, though, if you like. I can wait.”

Javan peers down at his shirt. “I suppose that would help. I’ll be back, then we can order room service.” He gathers some clothes for himself, then checks to see that she doesn’t need anything else before leaving for the shower.

Tia makes herself comfortable in Javan’s bed.
Javan’s bed, this is awkward.
She starts to feel uneasy.

Did he really kill someone?
Tia wonders, as she stares at the ceiling, recalling the conversation with the kidnappers. It seems so unlikely to her, considering how kind he is.
He could be deceiving everyone
. Another thought crosses Tia’s mind,
What is he doing with Mr. Tersus’s brother? Why would he be out right after a family tragedy? Then again, he is visiting his granddaughter, which may be a comfort to him in this sad time.

Javan enters the room in a white v-neck shirt and black pajama bottoms. He walks over to Tia and sits next to her on the bed. “So, what are you hungry for?”

“Um, anything, actually. I’m just happy I’m still able to eat at all.” Tia mumbles, nervously.

“Hmm. I think maybe some tomato soup would be good. I’ll order us soup and sandwiches.”

“Sounds great,” she answers, relieved it is food that is recognizable.

Javan calls in the order. Finally, Tia works up the nerve to ask, “Was that man you were eating with today, really Mr. Tersus’s brother?”

He turns to Tia, hanging up the phone. “Is that what they wanted to know?”

“They already knew who he was. They wanted to know what I knew about you and him.” Tia avoids his gaze, feeling uneasy about the question now.
Maybe this was a bad idea.

He sits down next to her, on the bed. “Look at me,” he commands softly. Tia’s eyes land on his.

“There is a collection of people who believe that I killed Mr. Tersus, to gain leadership of Elatus.” Javan comments.

“Did you kill him?” Tia asks, forgetting her manners.

Javan appears hurt by her accusation, and turns away. “Mr. Tersus was like family to me. I know that you won’t understand what I’m asking, but I really need your trust. Whatever those men were attempting to convince you...” He trails off, shaking his head, “I just need your complete faith, Tia.”

Tia nods. She is now totally confused, because she doesn’t really think that was an answer.
No wonder he is a politician.

Javan’s eyes fix on Tia’s arm, where the wound is. He appears twisted with guilt.

“Why am I the only one you brought to your hotel?” Tia blurts out, again, not filtering her thoughts.

Javan’s face turns white, as though someone just found out his password to a safe. “You make me do things I would not normally do,” is all he answers.

Tia leans in towards Javan, her eyes locked on his. Her heart is pounding, and she finds her hand, moving to his cheek. He closes his eyes, and places his hand on hers.

“Look at me,” she asserts, calmly.

“So demanding, Miss Trumble.” Javan cannot help but to smile. He opens his eyes and stares at her.

Her gaze follows his nose, down to his lips. She can’t feel anything but her blood pulsating through her body. He lifts his other hand to her hair and pushes it away from her face. His fingers linger behind her ear, then fall to the crease of her neck.

“I told you to call me Tia,” she breathes. There is a knock on the door. They both sigh at the sound.

“I guess that’s the food,” he states, moving his hand from her body. Tia releases his face, as well, as the door knocks a second time. He moves out into the hallway so that they don’t see Tia in the room. She figures he doesn’t want any more problems for her, than there already are.

They enjoy a hot meal together. The soup is filling and warms Tia’s body. She is calm once more. Javan offers his bed to her for the night and sets up the couch for himself. “Are you comfortable? Need anything else?”

“I’m good, thank you, again. For everything,” Tia responds.

“It’s the least I can do, considering why you are here,” he mumbles, his eyes locked on hers.

“Which isn’t your fault.” She flashes a friendly smile in his direction. He returns the grin, then walks over to turn out the lights.

“Goodnight, Tia.”

She is out before she has a chance to respond. Falling asleep to the scent of his cologne on the pillow.


Day 4: Brains


Chapter 10


A man in a mask grabs Tia. He drags her into darkness, she kicks and tries to scream. She is mute, even though there is no gag. He pries her clothes off and climbs on top of her, forcing himself inside her. She struggles against him, but he continues. Soon there are two more men, then four more men. They stare faceless at her, with knives in their hands. They circle around her. She cries out as they all go to strike at once.

Tia awakes with a scream. “What’s wrong?” Javan calls from the couch. “Tia, are you alright?” Without hesitation, he stands up and walks over to the bed. It’s still dark in the room. She remembers where she is at, and sweat covers her forehead.

“Bad dream,” she admits, slightly embarrassed and remorseful that she woke him up in the middle of the night.

“Do you want me to stay with you for a while?” he offers, rubbing his eyes and yawning. Tia is thrown off, she assumed that’s what he is doing already since they are in the same room.

“Maybe a little while?” she responds, hoping he isn’t thinking she is bizarre.

Javan crawls into the other side of the bed. They both lay there, staring at the ceiling for a while, unsure of what to do.
Maybe this was a bad idea
, she thinks, her heart beating faster. Then, she figures it wouldn’t be awkward if she just makes conversation.

“Javan,” she speaks, testing his alertness.

“Yeah?” he answers, immediately.

She turns to face him, wincing at the pain of her one arm. “Don’t let this affect your bidding.”

“What do you mean?” he asks, flashing her a puzzled glance. He turns to face her as well, his head propped up on hand, and his elbow on the pillow.

“I mean, don’t let it impair your judging, because you feel bad about what happened,” she sighs, hoping he will finally understand what she is saying.

“I wouldn’t do that, Tia. I’m very professional. If I bid on you, it’s because of your skills in the Electus, not because of how I feel about you,” he responds, softly.

“Feel about me?” she interjects. He is quiet for a moment. All Tia can hear is his steady breathing. He shuffles his head down to the pillow.

“I mean to say, the sympathy from what happened, among other things,” he breathes. Tia lays quiet for a moment. Not sure if she wants to dissect that bit of information right now.

“I was so frightened when I got that call,” he continues. “All I could think about was the fact that you could be dead because of me.”

Her heart goes out to Javan. Tia slides closer to him and wraps her arm around his torso, patting his back. He places his hand on her waist, making sure not to graze her wounds. Their faces are inches apart. Tia is uncertain of what she is doing. All she knows is that, more than anything, this is where she wants to be right now.

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